Fitness: Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
Work up to a medium heavy load, try and add a few pounds to last week.
Performance: 2 Clean Pulls + Mid Hang Clean + Jerk
Work up to a medium heavy load, try and add a few pounds to last week.
Post loads to comments.
Team Chipper
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
100 Box Jumps 24/20″
150 Kettlebell Swings 24/35#
200 Sit Ups
250 Double-Unders
Partition the work however desired.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Because we didn’t mention it on the blog yesterday, we’ll take today to celebrate what a momentous day June 26, 2015 was! We are so proud of the Supreme Court ruling and want to congratulate all the couples who can now fully express their love in our great country!
News and Notes
- Want to work out at 9am and bring your kids? Now you can, with CFSBK Kids Club, every Sunday at 9am.
- Active Recovery is on at 11am with Coach Fox.
- The Fifth Annual Subway Series is coming for us this August. If you’re interested, register ASAP, because spots will sell out very soon.
Supreme Court Ruling Makes Same-Sex Marriage a Right Nationwide The New York Times
Change the Tune, a remake of the 1971 “Hilltop” Coca-Cola ad
Noon class
Worked up to 110kg (242#) on the Clean and Jerk complex. Tried one at 116kg for a 1kg PR but pressed out the jerk a bit. Pulls and clean felt good.
Fun WOD with Migdail and Rickke 13:43
Happy Anniversary to my Mrs Fox, who I was lucky enough to marry 7 years ago today, and Happy Equality to everyone.
Great 12pm class with Melo and Katie.
Clean and Jerk Fitness: made 3 attempts at 83#. The cleans were pretty solid, but the jerks were unbalanced. I was trying to focus on a vertical dip; I don't think I was jumping my feet far enough apart.
Fun partnering with Sarah M and Shaye. Even with our masterfully quick transitions, the 750 single unders really slowed us down… 22:01. Maybe we should start a DU practice club- it's a torturous skill I'm completely unmotivated to work on alone. Who wants to join me? I'm serious!!
Aw happy anniversary, foxes. Probably the coolest couple ever.
Post classes workout
2 Clean Pulls + Squat Clean + Split Jerk
50kgs x2x2
85 (just CJ)
90 (just CJ)
For Time:
33 Box Jumps 24"
50 KB Swings OH 24kg
66 SIt-Ups
83 Double Unders
50? 55? minute easy run before open gym today. I really need to get a working heart rate monitor.
Quick OG session today. I haven't clean/jerk'd in a while so went easy. Up to 115#, my jerk hasn't gotten any better for all the rest I gave it.
Then did 1/2 the volume on today's WOD, with equal parts rest. Went way too conservative on this, should have broken up the work less.
50 24" box jumps in sets of 10 w/10sec rest. All step-downs, 40% step-up. Should have jumped up on all of these.
75 24kg KB swings in 3 sets of 25 2/30sec rest. Should have done these OH
100 sit ups in sets of 10 w/10sec rest. I suck at situps so these took forever.
125 DU as 32, 31, 31, 31. Last set unbroken, the rest a little broken but not too bad.
Tomorrow is my rest day!
Tested some fun 1, 2, 3 RMs this weekend
Snatch double @ #105 (too light, says Jake)
BSQT 3RM @ 175 (above BW)
Power Snatch 1RM @ 122 (failed twice, hit the third–lots of egging on from Ro and Jake)
OHS 1RM @ 100– could have definitely done more but knee cap got strangely tender on me.
Shoulders still bugging me, working with Dr. Sean and gonna start doing some tests to see what's up since mobility isn't the issue.
Earned my ample hills this evening 🙂
Back in the Muafuckin game today
Snatch, work up till it felt heavy enough to stop
CJ, same
330, 330
pause at knee NO HOOK Snatch dead lifts
I cannot get enough of all the rainbow flags out in Brooklyn today. In twenty years, I hope young people look at me with horror and confusion when I talk about how much of a fight it took to get to this weekend.
Fitness C&J: 1 rep @ 63, 83, 93, 98, 103, 108, 113, 118 (f). Was tired and didn't commit to the 118.
Team WOD with American swings @16kg and double unders. Definitely learned that we need to come up with a plan BEFORE we start the WOD and not during as our counting and transitions were WAY off. Still had fun though. Completed in 22:02. Double unders didn't go so well today.