Coach MeLo’s clean catch position | Photo by Thomas H.
- PILATES LOVERS: Coach KH has come down with something and can’t teach her class tonight. We’re sorry for the late notice! Check out Active Recovery with Coach Fox at 6:30pm instead.
- Lots of CFSBKers were born on this day! HBD to Erik B., Isaac G., Jack L., Mary S., and Mel L.!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the fifth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year!
Event Schedule
Sunday, August 2nd, 9am: CrossFit Queens
Sunday, August 9th, 12pm: CrossFit Virtuosity
Sunday, August 16th, 12pm: CrossFit Long Island City
Sunday, August 23th, 12pm: CrossFit South Brooklyn
Scoring will work “Open-style”: top 3 male and top 3 female athletes from each affiliate will score based on their place finish in each event. Athletes may score in any event regardless of attendance at other events.
The ultimate series winner will be the affiliate with the least points after all 4 events have been completed. In the event of a tie, a 5th tie-breaking event will be held.
As last year, an Rx division and Scaled division trophy will be awarded.
All athletes MUST register for each individual event in advance via EventBrite in order to participate. Each event will be capped at 100 total participants, so we strongly advise you to register ASAP. These events sell out quickly.
Other Upcoming Competitions
Crow Hill USAW-Sanctioned Olympic Lifting Meet on July 12, 2015
When: Sunday, July 12 from 9 AM to 4 PM
Cost: Registration fee is $49. There are only a few spots left, so register here.
Requirements: You need to be a USAW athlete to compete, which you can figure out here.
The Potown Throwdown at Poughkeepsie CrossFit on July 18, 2015
Steph M., Andrew, Alex N., and Brendan N. are all registered to compete in The Potown Throwdown.
When: Saturday, July 18, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Where: Poughkeepsie CrossFit, in Arlington, NY
Cost: $75
WODs and Registration Info: Here!
CrossFit 718’s Summer Games on July 25, 2015
Coaches Fox and Jess, and Coach K HarpZ and Jay M. are registered for this 1 male, 1 female team competition being held at CrossFit 718.
When: Saturday, July 25th
Cost: Only $40 per team!
Registration Info: Here!
If you have questions about competitions, email Coach MeLo at Melissa [at]
The Hidden Benefits of Sweat FIX
Reebok Announces Release of Special CrossFit Nano 5.0 Trainers Sport360
Corey Jenkins on Photographing CrossFit Athletes The Phoblographer
Wednesday's Programming
Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week. Take five minutes to warm up to work weight. Should be 3-4 jumps to get there.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds for Reps, AMRAP in 3 Minutes:
3 Deadlifts 225/155
6 Push-Ups
9 each Alternating Reverse Lunges
Rest 1 minute. Start over on the barbell each round.
4 Rounds for Reps, AMRAP in 3 Minutes:
3 Power Cleans 205/135
6 Ring Dips
9 Pistols
Rest 1 minute.
Post reps per round and Rx to comments.
Quick little hotel workout with bliss
3 rounds
20 sit-ups
15 squats
10 Push-ups
Single arm db press
18kg x8ex4
3 rounds FT
Run 400m on treadmill
16 burpees
8 thrusters 16kg dbs
Didn't have a stop watch
Looking forward to being back with yall!
Settling into a routine in my new location. Yay!
Back squat 3×5 @155! This is a PR for me. I'd like to thank Margie, whose voice I was imagining as I squatted today. ?
Bench Press
3×5 @100. Felt fine. Last couple reps were slow, maybe I was rushing the sets
Barbell rows for my sad lats
3×10 @45
Felt much more comfortable today. But I miss sbk and all my noon SCers. Xo
Also, congrats Cam on your awesome numbers yesterday!!
PILATES LOVERS: Coach KH has come down with something and can't teach her class tonight. We're sorry for the late notice!
Check out Active Recovery with Coach Fox at 6:30pm instead!
6am with Jess and McD
LBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×2, 190x5x3 (belted)
Still moving well and will add 5lbs next week.
Fitness WOD, with an rx weight of 185.
3 rounds + 2dl
2 rounds + 4 pu
2 rounds
2 rounds + 1 dl
Sweat city! My push-ups fell apart after the first round, which was the limiting factor. Quads were burning on the lunges, after yesterday's wall balls and kb swings.
@Lindstar Thanks!! CONGRATS TOO! I miss you a bunch!
Yeah Linds!
6 AM tourism again, because I woke up at 3, 4, and 5 AM. At 5 AM I just decided to roll with it. I have to say, 6 AM is nice because I have plenty of time to do mobility work after the WOD is done (and no excuse not to cash out). I doubt this is going to be a regular thing, though. Right now I'm super alert from the jet lag still, but eventually I'm going to go back to reptile brain at that hour!
Last session with the safety bar, 160x5x3. I say last because Fox asked me whether I had considered going back to the regular barbell. It's still uncomfortable to do low bar position but as it turns out, high bar is just fine, so that's what I'll be doing for the rest of the cycle. Bye bye oxen-yoke bar!
WOD: 211 reps with 155# deadlifts (should have done this Rx, dammit), situps instead of pushups. I tried doing a pushup today and it wasn't too bad — it's not something I want to try in a for-time situation yet, but I will definitely be incorporating them back into warmups. Yay for slow but forward progress!
Last night at 7:30pm
Did performance press – warmed up at 45×10 and 95×5, then went to 105×5 for 75%, 120×3 for 85% and ended up hitting 130 for my 95% for three reps. The 105 and 120 were each slightly higher than what was called for (100 and 115, respectively), and the 130 moved really well. Press is super hit or miss with me, so I was glad to see a good week. Assuming we restart the 5/3/1 next week, I think I can safely increase my training max.
For the performance metcon, I ended up finishing in 11:29. Had to break up the wall balls more than I wanted, probably rested a bit too much here. Definitely thought I could get this closer to 10 minutes, but it was not to be.
I should have hit the beach after all those bicep curls in the cash out.
Make up post for yesterday's morning workout:
3 Position Snatch: 5×1 @ 70%
(drills, 63, 73)
83x1x5. feelin sharp, getting down. hang position and hang-to-power transition feeling clear.
45×5, 95×4, 125×3, 145×1
10# jump from last week, working LP. 5-10# jump next week, see how warm ups feel.
4xsub-max sets (butterfly – c2b)
6-4, 5-4, 5-4, 5-4
definitely improvement on C2B.
did a version of Sat's WOD:
10min AMRAP:
2 muscle ups
10 DB thruster (30#)
30 DU's
3 rounds + 2 MU + 6 DB thruster
missed my first MU, and probably could've reset the clock, lost about :40. got 2 in a row on that round, everything else was singles. missed a couple more during this, just not committed on getting thru and keeping rings close.
thrusters sucked. two sets each round.
doubles unbroken.
PS…wait a minute! When did the deadlift Rx change to 185? I thought I was going crazy this morning when I thought it was 155, but now I see on the blog it is. I think I could have done 185 (and Linda was doing it like a boss, of course) but I will feel weirdly and admittedly COMPLETELY arbitrarily better if I actually did Rx the weight 😛
6am. BSQ 225x5x3. Everything moved well. I'm controlling the bounce much better. Perf metcon @ 175 (85%): 2 rounds + 6 dips (45), 2 rounds + 1 clean (37), 2 rounds (36), 2 rounds + 1 clean (37). Cleans broken all into singles, dips were 6 for the first 2 rounds and then broken into 3-3 to avoid losing them completely. Pistols moved well, no failures, but did slow down towards the end.
I never get a bday shoutout on this thing. I must be ageless in the eyes of the CFSBK gods.
12noon w/ Coach Jeremy
88 degrees & humidity
Yesterday's Press: Performance:
75×5, 85×3, 95×3
My shoulder has been a real dick lately.
WOD: Fitness:
20Kg KB & 20# ball
I needed one of our newly CPR-certified coaches to help me out at the end of this one, but it was not to be.
My summer cold
Is getting old
It won't f%#!ing go away
I am depress'd
That I've not press'd
On this sweatiest of days.
Warm up x2
3 pause pull ups
20 hollow rocks
10 push ups
HBBS w Carlos tried out his Velcro belt
170 x3 and racked it. Is there such thing as too much bracing? My ears were popping
165 x5x2
Performance work-out modified
4 rounds: 3min AMRAP, 1min Rest
3 power cleans
6 dips (red band)
9 pistols
1) 1 round + 2 PC and 5 pulls :/ at 113#
2) 1 round + 2 PC and another 6 pulls :/ at 113#
3) 2 rounds 103#
4) 2 rounds + 1 PC 103#
Everything is a slow slog and energy dissipates rapidly in this heat
Double cash out (mon & wed)
3 rounds
15 hollow rocks
15 bicep curls (10#)
Then 2 laps around block
It seems to me recently that the performance Rx'd weights for barbell movements have been heavier. Is that my imagination?