Fitness: 3-3-3-3-3
Work up to a medium heavy and perfect triple
Performance: 80% x 2 x 5
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds, Each Round For Time:
500m Row
20 Thrusters 65/45
Rest 2 minutes
Score time for each round. Goal is to do each set of thrusters unbroken.
Post times and Rx to comments.
Andrew M. getting up | Photo by Thomas H.
News and Notes
- Want to work out at 9am and bring your kids? Now you can, with CFSBK Kids Club, every Sunday at 9am.
- Active Recovery is on at 11am with Coach Fox.
- You know you’ve always wondered, “Gee, what would it be like to row 21,097m?” Well, a bunch of CFSBKers are going to find out today at 2:15pm. They’re showing movies during the event! Stop by and cheer everyone on, or just gape in awe/disbelief/fear.
- We’re still experiencing some plumbing issues and unfortunately cannot offer shower or bathroom services at 608 today. We’ll keep you all updated on their status as the issue gets resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Denali Patagonia/Felt Soul Media
9am. Clean & jerk (kilos): 60×2, 80×2, 92x2x4. 92 kilos is right at 80% for me. Bar felt heavy today. Had trouble squatting the weight and wasn't getting down fast on the jerk. Metcon Rx: 2:36, 2:40, 2:47. Thrusters all unbroken. This one was in my wheel house, but it still hurt something fierce. Thought my legs were going to fall off at the end. Transition week != back-off week.
12pm class
Worked up 2 doubles at 205, that was all I had (made?) time for.
2:55, 3:00, 3:04 on the WOD at 65#. Thrusters unbroken but I'd admit I didn't push the rows much. Shweaty.
8am w/ Fox. 95×2, 125×1, 145×1, 155×1, 165x2x4, 135×2. Dropped down to 135 to play with a wider grip per Fox's suggestion. Awkward at first, but will adjust. 2:47, 2:53, 3:23 — First two rounds unbroken and then 10/10 — grip was still a bit fatigued from yesterday. Row split time got worst for each row.
C&j: 47,52,57,62,67×3. Felt pretty good! Need to remember to jump that front leg out further.
Was so scared about the WOD… But t wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Each round was about 3:30. Ended at 15:00 on the dot. All thrusters unbroken at 32#.
In awe of the rowers today! Good luck!!
Fitness C&J. 3 reps each @63, 73, 83, 88, 93, 98
WOD completed in 14:28 with 45# thrusters. Rounds were : 3:30, 3:29, 3:29
9am with Fox. I did the clean&jerks at 65, 75, 95, 105. This was fairly light for me but felt good – and the triples really take it out of you.
I finished the rounds on the WOD in 3:11, 3:16, and 3:21 (Rx'd). I probably could have done the rows faster, but all the thrusters were unbroken. Fox's advice to rest at the top was spot on. The 400m goblet carry cashout was harder than I expected, but fun to do with Moira, Miette, and Eleanor (the latter two of which traded off with the plastic kettlebell).