Chloe freestyling on the rings | Photo by Coach K Harpz
- The CrossFit Kids Trainer course is this weekend at CFSBK! All regular classes and open gym will run as planned in 597 and the Annex, as the course will be taking place in 608.
Give Us Feedback!
Your opinions and feedback are extremely important to us. We have an online feedback form where you can let us know about your experience at CFSBK. We want to know what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to see in the future. Information from these forms is discussed by staff so we can contineu to evolve and best serve our community. Please let us know what you think!
Have You Met Our Friends Over at The Modern Chemist Yet?
This funky/fun/friendly pharmacy is celebrating its first year on 4th Avenue (on the corner of Sackett). There will be a free massage therapist, balloons, raffles, skin consultations, free samples, live music, face painting, and more! Come celebrate with them TOMORROW from 10am-4pm, 191 4th Ave & Sackett.
All The Good Reps, and Only the Good Reps
By Chris Fox
Originally posted on 1.12.2015
We’ve almost all been there before. You’re tired, it’s your 50th pull-up, handstand push-up, power snatch, or whatever. You sort of, kind of, maybe executed full range-of-motion—but then again, maybe you didn’t. Then, you maybe even tried to squeeze in another (no) rep! Coaches see this, your fellow athletes see this, and you see this.
With a judge in front of you—whether it’s a regular group class, during the Open, or at a local throwdown—you’ll have a harder time getting away with garbage reps. I’d suggest that you shouldn’t let yourself off the hook in your daily training either. Your continued progress over the long haul is the ultimate goal. You want your movements to be truly quantifiable. If you count reps where sometimes your chin gets over the bar and sometimes it doesn’t, then you’re left comparing apples to durian fruit.
At CFSBK, we strive for virtuosity—the principle that you should aim to perform even the simplest movements exceedingly well. With effort and practice, your 300th squat in “Murph” can and in fact should be a mirror image of your first. Be honest about your reps and if you’re not 101% sure, then don’t count them. It sucks, yeah, but don’t be that person who moves really fast but really poorly. Don’t be the person who the next class coming in looks at and says “Uh uh… that’s not a rep.” Be the person with whom you’d be impressed, even if it slows you down a bit. Consider that you may need to scale WODs sometimes. The Rx isn’t for everybody, and even if you do some or most of our WODs Rx’d, there may be some that you should scale load and/or volume. Then, even when you really, really tried to do a good rep but didn’t, resist the urge to count your effort as execution. Only count the good ones.
How Athletes Become Like Their Coaches: Leadership & Gym Atmosphere Catalyst Athletics
Saturday's Programming
5 Rounds For Time:
25 Calorie Row
16 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups
5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
15 Deadlifts 155/105
10 True Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am. Saturday's perf wod Rx: 25:57. Broke up the pull-ups into 6-5-5 for the first 2 rounds, then sets of 4 and 2 after that. Pull-ups stayed strong throughout the workout. Could have pushed them a little harder in hindsight. HSPUs were done as 3-3-3, 3-3-3, 3-2-2-2, 3-2-2-2, 3-2-2-1-F-1. The failed rep was declared "questionable" by BK, so I did another. Deficit HSPUs are rough.
Yesterday oly cycle PR clean @ 200 lbs.. I definitely feel like I can keep going up in weight with that movement with more practice – though that particular rep was not my prettiest clean ever.
Today 7am with nickdowell – yesterday's "tommy Mac" at 95 lbs.. I didn't trust myself to keep remotely good form with multiple snatches @ 115. Even at 95 I found myself muscle snatching it more than I would have liked with the bar a foot in front of me. I find the middle ground of "power snatch" elusive sometimes – either I drop down to catch it or I just swing the bar up. Anyway – tommy. Exhausting. 28:00 flat. By the end I was barely able to complete the last set of OH squats. But (so far at least) happy that I did it. Came home and ate everything. Eggs sausages salami crackers oj potatoes carrots chocolate milk.
Couple of make-up posts for me:
Wednesday, at 8:30pm
Did Jerry in 23:40, which was very surprising to me given that my usual thought about running is "F this." The pointers beforehand were really helpful – definitely tried to lean forward a bit and let gravity help out when I was feeling fatigued. First run was 7:30, 2k was 7:28, last run was probably just over 8:00, which the balance given over to transitions. I really enjoyed this workout.
Thursday, at 7:30pm
Tommy Mac rx'd in 34:58. Woof. I was fairly intimidated by this workout before coming it, and it ended up being brutal for me. I overpaced in the beginning (started doing everything in sets of 4), which led to too much rest/staring off into space. The burpees ate my soul and crapped it out right in front of me. By the time I got into the second round I was probably resting more than I was working. Right now, I think my performance on longer workouts is not as good as I'd like it to be because I don't stay on task too well, and try to meter out my energy. Next time I do this I will aim to 1) try not to put the bar down during thrusters and push jerks 2) break up the things that need it in 6-6 or 8-4. The 4-4-4 led to just way too much wasted time. Still, I thought this was a great workout and would like to try it again in a few months. All of the barbell stuff actually felt decent enough.
6am fitness WOD w/ Nick: 5 rounds went fairly well. I scaled the deadlifts to 125 but probably could have gone a bit higher, I will know in a day or so if my hamstrings start screaming – right now they're fine. First three DL sets unbroken then 10 & 5 on the last two. The "true" pushups (who knew I was doing false ones all this time) were fine. I went too low on one of them and felt a shooting pain in my shoulder. Nick pointed out that I was leading with my chin/head too much and then I stopped that.
I rowed 400m instead of run which was interesting. For my first three I was pulling hard, but slow – around 20spm. My splits were higher than my 2k race. Then for the last two I jumped it to 28spm and hit, or beat, my race pace. That certainly would have changed the total time if I had done that for all five. Ended up at 19:14 (guns of august).
Richard G
"The burpees ate my soul and crapped it out right in front of me."
Well said.
Tomorrow's fitness WOD with 30# weighted situps instead of pushups. 18:23. I don't know why I looked at the blog this morning and thought, "This sounds like a 10-12 minute WOD, not so bad." I cannot do math, I am delusional about how fast I run, or both. I'm gonna go with both.
Jerry 23:24
Fun stuff
6:49 First Mile. I kept on having cars pull in front of me at the gas station.
8:48 for the 2k. I sped up slowly from a 2:15 split and ended with a 2:10. Nick pointers on form were a great help.
6:58 Second Mile. This run made me appreciate how much higher 4th avenue is that 3rd.
The first transition took me longer than I'd like to get the erg spun up. After the row I was out the door pretty quickly, and started the second mile at a pace my legs were not happy with, but sure enough they came back halfway through the first lap.
Tommy Mac @95# 29:29
Fun fun
I made the mistake of doing this without my shoes. I don't know what I was thinking. I blame it on Allan. My big toes got ripped up doing the burpees.
I broke everything up into 6 or 4. By the final round I did the push presses and OHS un broken.
I'll definitely have to do this one again.
I enjoy these longer workouts.
Saturday Performance Metcon: 26:29 Rx. Broke up C2B in 4's and handful of 2's in the first 4 rounds. In the 5th round, 8/6/2 Similar to Peter, I broke up the C2B way too much; I could have stayed on the bar for longer sets. Deficit HSPU are no joke, first set for all rounds felt the best and could crank out 4's and 5's followed by 1's and 2's.
Tommy Mac:
Fitness: 3 rounds: 75#:
My partner had many equipment issues, so I'm not sure what we really got. Probably ~26. I was moving fast with everything unbroken and was honestly way too fresh the last round. I should've went with 85# or even 95#.
I cannot imagine doing this solo. The difference between 6 and 12 burpees is exponential.
Yesterday- Margie's Strength Cycle
Competition Deadlift
135 x 4
185 x 4
205 x 4
225 x 4
235 x 4 (7RPE)
243 x 4 x 2 (8RPE)
230 x 4
Lighter than I had planned but 225 x 4 felt heavier than I expected it to be and my T-spine and lats were sore so this was where I was today. A bit disappointed but next week will hopefully be better.
Supplemental Bench (OH Press)
45 x 7
55 x 7
63 x 7
68 x 7 (7RPE)
70 x 7 (8.5RPE)
72 x 7 (9.5RPE)
65 x 7
Stuck to the plan here but again, it was heavier than I had hoped or expected it to feel. Just tired, I guess.
Supplemental Squat (Two second pause)
45 x 4
135 x 4
155 x 4
175 x 4 (7RPE)
180 x 4 (8RPE)
190 x 4 (9RPE)
180 x 4
At least this lift went well!! Love pause squats!! So hard not to bounce out of the bottom, but I'm getting there.
I am considering attempting some version of Tommy Mac tomorrow at OG… anyone want to join me?? Looks like 'fun'. By myself, not so much…
Chloe 🙂
It was fun and inspiring seeing so many people sweating it out in the gym tonight — and many of them doing crush week work-outs solo.
I took a yoga class which wasn't the best preparation for lifting weights… tho I was feeling quite centered!
Worked up to 45kg for 3 singles and back down to 35kg
60kg x 3 x 3
Back distraction
Foam roll back, lats, quads
Lax traps, hips and glutes
Bike ride
Fun at OG tonight
*mesed up and went off my 6 rep number :/
Should have been 10 but my grip gave out.
Sumo Deadlift
Been over a year since I pulled sumo. Felt great.