Julie Foucher has been one of the most consistent performers in women’s CrossFit, with Top 5 finishes in all four of her CrossFit Games appearances. Even more impressively, she’s done this while working toward a medical degree at Case Western Reserve University. Julie tore her Achille’s tendon during a box jump event last week, but she continued to compete in her walking boot, finishing 11th in the event featured above. Read more here.
News and Notes
- Edgar L., principal at Jordan L. Mott Middle School, is wondering if you have any fitness equipment you might like to donate to a good cause (kettlebells, dumbbells, medballs, jumpropes, plyoboxes etc.). His physical education faculty are trying to expand their horizons and want to outfit a fitness room in our building (though not CrossFit exactly, they are moving towards that continuum). Contact Edgar at Principal [at] mottjhs.org with questions. If you don’t have any extra equipment collecting dust in your apartment, consider donating toward their DonorsChoose page here.
- Happy birthday, Coach Whit and CrossFit Kiddo Malachi L.!
There’s Still Time to Start Training For the Half-Marathon Row at CFSBK on June 14 at 2:15pm with Olympic Rower Coach Nick!
You know you’ve always wondered, “Gee, what would it be like to row 21,097m?” Well, your chance to get your answer is coming up: SBK will host a 1/2 Marathon Row on June 14th at 2:15. And fear not: we’ll show movies during the event. Really, what better way to spend your Sunday afternoon? You can row the full distance or split it up however you want with one other partner.
Coach Nick will send out a DIY program to everyone who signs up and will analyze video of participants’ rowing form. The training will consist of at least two long erg sessions a week to get your butts—and calluses—in shape! Expect to devote 1–2+ hours twice a week to this. Sound fun, or what?! (What?)
There are still four ergs available. So that’s room for four to eight more people, depending on how many new folks sign up for the full 1/2 marathon or the partner version. If you’re interested, REGISTER HERE (scroll to the bottom). Or ask Nick about it, at Nick [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Julie Foucher Learning to CrossFit in 2009
Wednesday's Programming
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
Row 2000m
Run 1 Mile
Post time to comments.
Compare to 4.14.2012
I do have some extra equipment at home. Where do we dontate it? Is there a box at CFSBK?
6am. Monday programming with Jess.
Nasty Girls in 12:06 Rx. Second time doing this workout and got a PR by 26 seconds. Definitely could have done better on that today if I'd paced it a little differently and avoided the failed MUs, but pretty happy nonetheless. Motored through all the squats. Not particularly fast, but all unbroken save a few seconds to shake out the legs every once in a while. Muscle ups were 7, 4/3, 3/1+F/2/F/1. Those two fails probably cost me at least a minute. Cleans were 5/5, 5/5, and 4/3/3.
Yesterday's QOD: I think my tolerance for discomfort can be pretty high at times, but for me it's like there's an on/off switch. Day to day it's in the off position and I kind of cruise through the WOD, but when there's some other motivating factor (competition, chasing a PR on a benchmark, or maybe I just really feel like getting after it), the switch gets flipped and I can push myself a lot harder. I take more breaks on pullups relative to other movements, but I've been conscious of that for a while and it's definitely getting better.
I had a vivid dream last night that Wednesday's crush week programming was listed as 20 minutes of sword fighting followed by a Beckett play recitation and collage making. For Thursday, maybe?
Separately thank you Coach Ro for the great advice to "think bench press" on fixing my elbow alignment in push ups – that invoked an immediate muscle memory that was incredibly helpful.
Thanks for the post, CFSBK. Jordan L. Mott serves over 450 middle schoolers in the Morrisania section of the Bronx, one of the poorest congressional districts in the country. We're taking steps to improve academic outcomes by working to create conditions where kids realize that with work, they are powerful. Their brain is like a muscle and with training, they can and will get smarter. And what better way than through fitness – that first pullup or muscle-up or 300lb squat happened because of work, hard work. Even a dollar donation to the donors choose link will make a difference. Feel free to contact me at PrincipalATmottjhsDOTorg if you've got any questions or would like to know more about our school and what we do. Again, thanks CFSBK!
6am. Jerry: 21:53. Finished the first run in 6:31. Row took 7:44. And the second run was 7:08. The remaining time was in transitions.
Last time I did this workout was 4/13/2012, I mere 2 months into my CFSBK tenure. I was 30# lighter/skinnier/scrawnier then and running a lot. So I'm pretty stoked that my time today was only 0:45 slower then my time then (21:08).
Yesterday's fitness WOD, with one-armed Russian swings at 20 kg, double situps instead of pushups, and ring rows. 12:10. I was fast on the squats and really lost it on the KB swings — I almost wonder whether this would have been easier going with the 24kg bell with the narrow grip! The fat handle really makes a difference when you're using only one hand.
Did the plank cashout with Nithi: two 1:00 bits, two :45, and one :30 each.
So…I did situps instead of pushups, I did the plank, and tonight I'm coming back for Pilates? All the abs, yo.
6am. Jerry: 23:43. Completed the first mile in 7:15ish, the row in 8:01, exited the erg at 15:45, so the last run was sub 8min. Exiting the erg and asking my legs to run was not pleasant. I hit my generally targets, first run around 7mins and the row at 2:00 / 500m split.
Just posted the new Training Cycle Template (found in the left-hand column under Member Resources > Current Programming Cycle)! I'm sure y'all will let me know if I made any mistakes. ๐
I am wildly excited to see back squats back on Wednesdays!!!!
6am on a Seattle-like morning
Jerry in 23:39. Completed the first mile in 7:09, the row in 8:22, and the last run was sub 8min too. I generally hit my targets and drafted off BK during the second run. Thanks for the wind blocking man. ๐
First time doing this workout. I feel like my speed during long runs has gotten worse while endurance has gotten better. Like Peter I've put on some size since I started Crossfitting (~20#) and especially since joining CFSBK, so perhaps that has something to do with it.
9:30am solo outlaw sesh today
20 min of mobility: mash hamstrings, quads, lats, tspine
3 Position Clean (2 reps from each position โ power position, hang, floor) + Jerk (2 Jerks per set, 1 after each 3 position clean) โ 1ร1@50%, 1ร1@55%, 1ร1@60%, 2ร1@65%
78, 85, 93, 100, 100
-Jerks felt good today! Frankie reminded me that I really need to move my feet on my cleans. When I do this, I feel so much sharper. JUST DO IT.
-My heart was racing after each set. #fitness
1a) 4X8 Paused Strict Ring Dips (3 count pause in bottom, 3 count pause at lockout, add weight if 8 UB with pauses is too easy) โ rest 90 sec.
HAH! Did 2 sets of 3 paused strict. Shoulders still feel pretty sore/beat up from two days of MU work last week. Will try to hit some more dips later tonight.
1b) 4X3 Jerk Grip BTN Push Press + 2 Jerk Grip OHS โ heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.
63, 73, 83, 93. FUN! First rep at 93 was a bit wonky; didn't get enough drive. Everything felt smooth, otherwise.
Conditioning — highly modified due to time and motivation ๐
3 RFT:
12 TTB
18 Split Jumps (each jump counts 1 rep)
Time: 3:47
TTB: 6-4-2, 4-3-2-3, 3-3-2-2-2
Still don't have a lot of endurance on linking these together without much rest. Lats!
Split jumps were surprisingly fun.
Kate's CrossFit Kids pictures beautifully capture both how adorably sweet the kids are and how much fun they (and DO and Janelle!) are having.
And, Happy Birthday, Coach Whitney and Ben Aug!!
Happy birthday, Coach Whit!!!
Jerry in 27:54
After taking the rowing clinic on Sunday, I focused on my form during each stroke, specifically hinging at the hip on my return and bouncing out of the bottom (probably didn't state that properly). Nick was super informative and I enjoyed his New Agey/Mr. Miyagi analogies.
Jerry was exactly what I needed today. I've been a gluttonous eater of glutenous food for the last week. :/