Fitness and Performance: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a heavy single for the day. Aim for about 90% of your 1RM. If you’re feeling good then go for a new 1RM, if not, back off.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds, For Time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
12 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach David doing box jumps during 608’s open gym yesterday
Come Get Supple, and Remember That Coach Nick’s Rowing Clinic Is Today!
- Active Recovery is on at 11am with Coach Fox.
- If you signed up for Coach Nick’s Rowing Clinic, you’re meeting from 2:15-3:15pm.
- Want to work out at 9am and bring your kids? Don’t forget about Kids Club!
Top 10 Commencement Speeches TIME
Yesterday OG.
Front Squat
45 x 7
95 x 7
125 x 7
137 x 7 (7RPE)
142 x 7 (8RPE)
145 x 7 (9RPE)
137 x 7
Close Grip Bench Press
45 x 6
75 x 6
95 x 6
107 x 6 (7RPE)
110 x 6 (7.5 RPE)
115 x 6 (8RPE)
115 x 6 (9RPE)
107 x 6
Was supposed to be 7,8,9 but the first set at 115 x 6 felt like I could do more than two more reps so I did another set there as I knew that would be a 9 at that point. Not sure if that was the right thing to do…will need to check with Margie..
50 x DU's
WOD (performance)
box jump-overs
in a very slow 9:24 but…..I DID ALL OF THE T2B'S FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!! Still can't kip properly and can't string them together at all but I did it!! Should have broken up the first round into smaller sets as I got tired after doing 12 of them in a row. I also probably should have scaled the volume, and would have if it had been group class, but I had time so I went for it. Thanks KLove for doing this with me.
500m cool down row, followed by 50 x DU's.
9am with the foxes. Worked up to 120 on the snatch, which felt good and seemed to move reasonably crisply. I failed two attempts at 125, but they were close fails with a good pull, but too soft and too high a catch. Something I have to work on.
Helen Rx'd in 14:00. The first two rounds of kb swings were unbroken. On the last round, I had to pause after 15 to adjust my grip. The pull-ups were rough on this one. I broken them up 6-6, 4-4-4, and 3-5-4. I'm "looking forward" to crush week, which Fox assured us would be a tough one.
9am. Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80F, 80. Pull plenty high on the miss at high, but didn't get down into a stable position and lost the weight in front. The second rep at 80 was nice. Got down quickly with a good lockout. Not a PR, but heavier than I've snatch since the Oly cycle.
Helen Rx: 10:24. Well off from my PR. Felt like I was running through soup today.
133.2# / 60.4Kg PR
Thanks to Coach Melo and Rickke for some top tips.
11:55 (w/elevated Ring-rows)
My shoulder is still complete crap.
Oh, and thanks to Coach DO with the magical play list.
It was my first time ever working with the Kg weights, and Rickke (thankfully) didn't let me know exactly what the weight was, or I doubt I would've gotten past 125#!
Noon class
Snatched up to 70kg, missed 80 a few times, basically was snatching like an asshole.
DNF after 1 round
Bummer day at gym but good conversation at brunch.
Rehab pressing: 105x3x2, 95x6x3
Helen with 24kg Russian swings and 8 strict chin-ups: 10:19
1. Spartan race was awesome!! Loved rolling on rocks and getting all cut up then running on hills and dodging rocks; felt very in tune with nature. Do it if you've never done one before! Colleen, thought about you a lot. Hope your recovery is going well! Love you, girl. Also, Melo is an incredible leader. She was so patient and always kept the team together and always offered a helping hand. Led from behind and made sacrifices for the team–thanks!!
2. Snatches went poorly because my lats and arms were pretty fried… But! I did Helen for the first time ever. Was going to cut pull-ups in half, but after 6, Jess fox said: Allie you're doing this RXd! So I did! And it was amazing! I felt so proud. Ended at 13:00 on the dot. If I get better at pull-ups and am not decimated from a Spartan race, I'm pretty sure I could do this workout in 9:56 and get on that leaderboard. Thanks Jess!!!!!!!
Cheers! I love crossfit! (Esp cfsbk!)
Noon class
The heat makes everything harder it seems like.
I snatched in kgs so I wouldn't know EXACTLY what the weight was since I wanted to beat my old PR of 195.
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90F (3 times!), 90 (198.4#) new 3# PR!
This felt really good to finally accomplish even though I really want 200#, the encouragement by everyone especially Fox. It makes all the difference I the world.
First time doing Helen: 11:21
I tore my right hand a bit on the last snatch so it got a little worse on all the pull-ups so I couldn't do butterfly's for the last 2 rounds. I'd like sub 10 next time.
Solid brunch afterwards which made it even better
I felt like I was melting in class today, but I think I'm finally adjusting to the summer time heat.
I worked up to 135# on the snatch. Ugly as all get out. I failed at 145, and dropped back down to 125# for David's video montage.
Helen 9:39 Rx
That was fun. I was lucky to get a spot at the front. This is my first time doing Helen, and also my first time using the Rx'd weight for American swings. I normally go commie.
I broke up the swings in 12, 9, and the PU into 6,6, until the final round which went 6, 3, 2, 1f, 1f, 1. I had to no rep myself on 2 attempts at singles. Argh
Make up for yesterday.
HBBS worked up to 255×5 These felt good.
FSQ 215×5 I was able to maintain good form and speed for all reps.
Performance WOD 4:41. I love T2b. I broke them up 9,6 7,5 6,3 3,3 2,1
@Rickke, if you still have that video of me snatching (badly) with Bob walking by, could you send it to me at Cheers.
Lots of fun fitness the last few days.
OG Friday Fitness:
Squat 160x5x3
Bench 108x4x6
Modified Perf WOD:
50 DU
5 Rounds:
3 hang power cleans 83#
3 front squats
3 jerks
Then, 50 DU
Finished in 7 something. Was feeling like a wimp and didn't push.
3.5 Hours of Saturday Fitness:
Tabata Assault
2×6 chin-ups
Excellent noon AR class with DO
30 kipping pull-ups (6-3-3-5-5-5-3, the 5s and 6s are big for me!)
8 :20 handstand wall holds
For Time:
25 cal Assault bike
30 WB
50 DU
20 WB
50 DU
10 WB
25 cal Assault bike
Finished in 11:27
5 :30 plank holds
Sunday OG Fitness:
Bench 108x2x6
"Helen" with rowing (can that be Rx-plus??)
I first did this WOD only a couple months ago when I first got kipping pull-ups, and cut the volume in half. Took me forever tonight, 13:56 I think?, but especially with the rowing, I was psyched to be able to do full volume on the pull-ups.
Go team.
Allie! Awesome!
Came into OG to do some strength work. Ended up also getting peer pressured into conditioning. 😛
Squat (safety bar) 175x5x3. I think I have a little more room left to grow with 3×5, but I guess for the next cycle I'll reset anyway.
Left arm DB press, 35(?)x5x2, failed 4th rep of 3rd set. I'm putting the question mark there because mayyyybe the adjustable dumbbell weighs more than the 10# I thought it weighed? I tried what I thought was 37.5 on it and failed after only 2 reps. I had made 35x5x3 with a regular DB when I tried this a couple of weeks ago, so I'm surprised to have failed so early if that really was 37.5, and I'm also surprised to have failed the same weight I succeeded at two weeks ago.
Deadlift 235×5. Rep 5 was a mistake. I was getting tired, I let the bar get a bit in front of me and although I had more than enough strength to get it to the top, something about my form made my wrist go YOW. Fortunately when I aggravate the de Quervain's it seems to be a sharp pain that goes away almost immediately once I get my thumb out of the bad position, but darn. I guess I can still deadlift, but I have to be exquisitely careful about near-max efforts.
Then I let Asha talk me into modified Helen. I didn't want to do ring rows because of what I'd just done with the deadlift, so I did 2x situps instead (and kept the KB weight but did one-armed Russian swings). 11:42. Can't say I was pushing my hardest although I wasn't sandbagging either.
35, 40, 45, 47 gave up, 47 pr, 48 failed in the bottom position twice
45, 50, 55, 60 press out, 60 failed jerk two more times..
Kipping MU Practice — thanks for the help Arturo!
Kip swings x10x3
Box humps x10x3
Banded transitions x5x3
Banded ring dips x5x3
So far so good on the shoulders. Onward