Fitness: Back Squat 5 Rep Max
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Performance: Back Squat 5 Rep Max + Front Squat 5 Rep Max
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For Time, 7 Rounds:
7 Box Jumps
7 Hanging Knee Raises
For Time, 15-12-9-6-3:
Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Toes to Bar
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The Tacos won their soccer game Thursday night, and have advanced to the playoffs! Their first playoff game will be on Thursday, time TBD! Photo by Lauren B.
News and Notes
- GOOD LUCK, SPARTANS! Make us proud, and remember you’re leaving from the gym at 9:30am!
- Don’t forget to check the Lost and Found! The bin is to the left of the sink in 597, so go grab your stuff. We’re giving it away on 6/11 if you haven’t claimed it by then.
- Can’t make one of our morning classes today? We’re now offering open gym hours on Saturdays from 2-4pm at 608.
Bend, Stretch, and Mobilize This Morning
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney is at 10am.
- Active Recovery is at 11am and noon today with Coach David.
Nonacademic Skills Are Key to Success. But What Should We Call Them? NPR
How CrossFit Bonded Together an Elite Team of Female Soldiers Yahoo
Deep Corgi Thoughts
Feeling disappointed in myself after today's 1/2 workout. Still kind of beaten up from running hill repeats on Thursday, but 265×5 hbbs felt pretty good so I went for 275×5, which I finished. But I felt a twinge in my low back (left side) on the 3rd rep and should have stopped there. I'll be fine, it's just a temporary strain, but I should be mindful enough to call the set when something like that happens.
Skipped the WOD to lie on a ball for a while, then rowed an easy 2k, which reminded me: rowing is hard. I signed up to do the partner version of Nick's half-marathon painapalooza and should definitely get with the training program… tomorrow.
That photo is epic. If it were a video it would be in slo-mo.
8am with JFox and David
Hit 275# for all five reps nice and cleanly and with plenty of speed. Really happy with this final number.
Front Squat
Hit 220# for all five. Only hit 3 reps at this weight last week. These were slow and ugly but the weight moved.
Performance WOD in 5:34. I liked this one.
After class I stuck around to do my row homework for Nick's Half Marathon Row Day. Hit 13,252 meters at a 2:15 pace for 60 minutes. Rowing for a full hour is not as fun as it sounds.
11am class
Kept the linear moving, felt good.
Perf WOD 24"
Slow, broken, T2B.
Matty – so you mean worse than laying on a bed of hot nails with fire ants crawling on you?
2pm training fun with McD, Steph, and Andrew!
Snatch: 15 min (3 attempts) for a 1RM:
63x1x3, 83x1x2, 98×1 (power), 108×1 (also kind of power), 113, 120F, 120 PR!! (2#)
Was under the first attempt at 120, but just didn't push head through and commit up into it. Second one was pretty balanced and quick up out of the hole! Exciting!
C&J: same as above
83×1 (2 jerks), 113, 133, 145 F (on clean; wasn't patient in pull), 145, 155F
Was just tired and sort of over it by the time I got to 155. Racked it a bit soft and in front, and just couldn't get through the sticky part in the middle on the way up.
Partner WOD with A-Shay:
3RFT: 1 person working at a time, alternating rounds
3 muscle ups (guys did 7)
12 burpee box jumps @ 24" (guys did 28")
200m run
Time: 20:12
Did my MU in singles, with maybe :20-:45 rest in between. No misses. Was on a different set of rings today and they felt kind of unstable. Swings/kip felt good, but the dips were TOUGH today. Definitely a bit fried/fatigued still.
Thanks Nick! That's not even the best one of Noah
Squatted with Matt today
HBBS – 165 for 5. Pretty good
FSQ – 130 for 5. Started with 135 for 1 rep and didn't like it, but 130 was speedy and not hard
For Time:
Box jump overs (first time!)
T2B (had to redo 2 reps but otherwise these were on today)
2 lap jog
It was nice to be back in a group class today even though I can't lift:
3 Rounds not for time:
10 pause ohs with a dowel
5 chin ups (first two sets c2b, last set L chin ups)
5 strict HSPU
Perf conditioning: 3:19
Well, I'm definitely feeling well rested.
Lots of hip and thoracic mobility.
10am at crossfit 806 in Amarillo, TX
Cool box. Nice people. Today's WOD was a partner wod:
3 rounds
50cal row
40 wall ball
30 kb swings at 1.5 pood
20 c2b pull-ups
200m run (partners run together)
Did this in 21 something with one of the owners. He kept me pushing the pace, and really made me regret those rehearsal dinner whiskers last night.
Stuck around to do today's squats and worked up to 345 and 255. Haven't squatted in manis for a long time. Felt better than I'd have guessed.
I'm not sure what rehearsal dinner whiskers are, but it was the whiskey that I regretted.
Fun Coaching classes and AR Today!!
I love having OG on Saturdays, It's so much more motivating to workout after classes when OTHER PEOPLE are going to be there!! <3
3 Rounds
16 GHD Sit-Ups
12 DB Presses 25#
8 Strict Pull-Ups
4 Rounds FT
5 Hang Squat Cleans 135
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24"
40' Unbroken Handstand Walk
I forgot my time.. I was moving SLOW. It was hot and I was not feeling very Fit
afterwards I dicked around with some carries, squats and shoulder overs with the 80lb medicine ball. Then I took a glorious shower!
Great day!
Last night's OG:
Press: one rep max: 73#. Was feeling good so I made a jump from 73 to 83# and failed. Then tried 78# and failed. I should know better. Then I did 3×3 @68#.
Thursday's fitness WOD with Sarah: 40 cal row, 5 Rounds of 5 DB deadlifts, 5 DB Power Cleans, 5 DB push presses. Done with 25# DB in 9:18 I think.
Today's OG:
5RM LBBS- did 2 reps @190# then stopped. Didn't feel right and the bar slipped on the right side of me. Still a PR though.
5 RM Front Squat @135#. This was 5# less than last week, but moved slower and felt much harder than last week.
Today's Performance WOD with Charlie in 7:38. Toes to bars were done as singles in sets of 3 each round.
Everything moved well throughout the whole cycle, but my lifts the last two days did not reflect it. I think Murph took more of a toll on me than I realized, even after a 3 day rest (but no foam rolling). Was going to do a workout before the rowing clinic tomorrow, but I think my body is telling me not to.
10 am class: 200# for 1RM on HBBS. Mission accomplished.
Thanks for letting me go for this McDowell!