Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Add 5-10 lbs to last week. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats 5-10 lbs heavier than last week. Should be at or close to 5RM territory.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, with one partner working at a time:
For Time:
100 Calories Rowed
100 Overhead Squats 115/75
100 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach David takes on the handstand walk at the East Regionals
News and Notes
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: Active Recovery is on at 11am today, but the noon class is CANCELED.
- A spot opened up in Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshop tomorrow from 3-4pm! Register here.
- Happy birthday, OGJB!!
Hiring Front Desk Staff
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff the Front Desk. Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talking to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym. On top of an hourly wage, FD staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who keep a consistent schedule and commit to six months of work with us (barring extenuating circumstances).
We will be interviewing this month and hiring a new staff member for immediate training. The shifts will start Tuesday, June 9th. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule.
Tuesdays, 5:45am – 9:30am
Fridays, 5:45am – 9:30am
Email Janelle [at] to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
Memorial Day “Murph” WOD and BBQ Is Monday!
For Time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
What We Need From You:
- Sign up for your heat HERE. They’re almost full, so jump on it.
- We still need volunteers to help out on the grill from 11am to 3pm (two from 11am-1pm, two from 1-3pm). Please email cfsbkfrontdesk [at] with your availability and we’ll love you forever.
- The gym is providing burgers, hot dogs, and beer but we still need condiments, sides, salads, non-alcoholic beverages, and veggie options. Plan to bring food and stuff!
Get more information here.
We Are Dead Stars The Atlantic
8am with Melissa and Fox
3×5 at 270#. Still moving really well. Fox noticed my wrists bending at the bottom of the movement which I have been told before. This is something I need to concentrate on I think.
Front Squat
3×3 at 220#. Struggled on the third rep so called it there. Next week I will stay at the same weight as try to hit all five.
First WOD after 5 days doing terrible things to my body in Las Vegas. This was rough.
Partnered with Rob U. And we split up the rows into 25s. The OHS at 115# were 10 for the first set and then 5s for the rest. This felt heavy. Burpees were 10s for the first and last sets and 5s in between.
8am with MeLo and Fox. I worked up to a heavy set of 5 HBBS at 220 lbs. These were definitely slower coming up than last week's 215. Makes sense since my 1rm at the end of the last cycle was 225. Dropped to 190 for the heavy set of 5 front squats. Got through 3 increasingly ugly reps (getting soft at the bottom, not shrugging up and leading with the bar on the way up), then bailed the 4th. The bar hit the rack and rolled back to nail me in the shins. Gonna have a cute bruise there. Lesson learned.
Partnered with Juan in the WOD with the barbell at 95 and finished in 18:10. We broke the rows up 25-50-25 (and I'm glad I wasn't the one doing the big 50 cal row), the ohs into 10s, and the burpees into 10s. Somewhere in the middle of the ohs I began to get one of those "hey stupid, why don't you try breathing" headaches. Not the most fun condition for doing burpees. Given the headache, my bashed shin, and general lack of sleep this week, I'm in rough shape, but I'm looking forward to a fun weekend with Noah's muscle up workshop tomorrow and Murph on Monday. Probably some beer in there somewhere as well.
8am w/ MeLo & Fox
Backsquat 160 – still feeling ok at this weight. I've added 5lbs a week and still feel that I should have started out a bit higher. Maybe i will move up next cycle.
We didn't plan out our warmups so well. We had three on a rack and varied weights which needs more planning to get all three sets into the 15 mins.
WOD: Partnered w/ Gerry. Row went (if I can remember this correctly) 25's; Front squats for both of us at 85 20, then 15's; and Burpees – same thing: 20, then 10's.
Looking forward to Murph on Monday. I don't run so much, and I've always contemplated rowing instead of running. But the thought of rowing 2K, then 100 pullups/ringrows or something makes my shoulders. Anyone else ever try a row instead of a run on Murph?
12:00 with Coaches Whitney and Arturo. I had to work to convince myself to come in when I saw the workout today… but glad I did.
HBBS 225x5x3. Heavy but didn't have to go into high gear or whatever to get these up. Adding 10# next week.
Partnered with Manu (sp?) for the WOD and finished in 18:25ish with 75#. Splitting the row as 25×4 was a bad idea because my partner got burned: he had just finished the row when I banged out 10 OHS in 15 seconds or whatever and suddenly he had to hit squats with barely a break. Sorry Manu!
75 was too light for me. Did everything unbroken and tore through the burpees. Going to start adding weight and intensity to my workouts now that I've had some time to test things out post-break and am confident I'm not going to give myself rhabdo or tear a limb off or whatever.
Everyone doing Murph on Monday, have fun!
Noon class after a fun morning of coaching
Front Squat
Continuing an LP. Moved very well.
WOD with Brian P @ 115
Haphazard planning turned out to look like:
Row: 25-25-15-15-20 (I finished the row)
OHS: 10s all through
Burpees: Brian opened with 10 and then we traded 5s.
Finished in 16:45? I was pretty WOD drunk. Fun class!
1pm with Arturo and Whitney
Perf. Squats:
245×5 (Front Squat)
Everything felt good. My estimated 5rm from December is 365, and 345 moved quick today, so I'll probably make a run at 365 next week. I think my strength is back since the injury, but conditioning has a long way to go still. Been running in the evenings now that the weather is nice, so hopefully that'll help to speed the process along a bit.
Metcon: 17:20 Rx. Ray and Keith worked together and I shadowed Ray for the row and the OH Squats. Once we got to the burpees I moved through quick sets and tried to keep 1:1 rest. Broke up the workout like this:
25cal – 25cal; 10ohs x5; 10-10-10-5-5-10 on the burpees.
Cashed out with 36kg russian x10, 32kg american x10, 36kg american x10x2. Hung around for a while and did some handstand walks and then stopped by 9th street espresso for a bit. Looking forward to Murph on Monday – those tees look great.
Just wanted to give a shoutout of Happy birthday OGJB/Julie B.!!!!!! Hope to see you at the gym soon!!!!!
Fun Blonde Tornado sesh with KHarpz during OG time today!
Snatch: 5×1 @ 80%
(drills, positions… 63×2, 73×2, 83)
-All fine. Focused on legs and driving through heels. Catching high. Did one more after filming my 5th and seeing how high I was catching. Got down better.
-commit to this! always, even when light. and more snatch balance
C&J: 5×1 @ 80%
(PP/PJ/SJ x 3-each with 45# bar, 83x1x2, 103, 113)
-Feeling solid. Cleans are smooth and easy. Jerk footwork was overall good today. Rep 4 was the best cuz I really got DOWNNNNNNN!
Then, Katie and I pieced together a little WOD based on some Outlaw WOD's and based on what we did not want to do (generally, and also because MURPH…)
4 RFT:
10 Power Snatch – 55#
50ft Walking Lunge – 55#
10 Burpees
Time: 9:30
-Steady paced. PS unbroken except for last round, 7-3. Did a jerk grip power snatch to go into the walking lunges.
-Tried not to really break/rest at all, and did better with that than I often do. Having a killer training buddy really helps 🙂 Last 10 burpees were a sprint and then I died.
Blonde-nado takes OG:
snatch: worked up to 98×5
Focusing on keeping the elbows loose and driving through the heels. These weren't feeling too shabby after remembering these cues, ankle is improving but still a bit painful.
C&j: 83, 113×2, 138 (maybe once), 113, 113F -I surrender
I was a hot mess today. cleans were terrible, kept hitting my throat, I was soft in the bottom a few times, yuck all around. I'm also overthinking my footwork in the jerk. I failed about 50% of my attempts, even at 113. Today was not my day. I'm gonna take a mulligan on this one.
WOD: 4 rds 11:47
10 power snatch 55#
Oh walking lunge 55# 50 ft
10 burpees
Very low energy today. I could barely get off the floor for the burpees! Muscles are taking the weekend off for MDW I suppose. Whitney went full BEASTMODE on this! I wish I had her energy. Solid work blonde-nado, solid work.
Friends, a spot opened in Noah's muscle-up workshop tomorrow! Register here:
Happy birthday, Julie!
Performance: LBBS @180#. Stayed at the same weight as last week because I was tipping over. Had one iffy rep, but overall didn't tip over as much.
Front squat @140#. Lost tension at the bottom, but was able to correct it on the way up. Need to figure out how to keep tension at the bottom. This happens at lighter weights for me, too.
Partner WOD with Carissa in 22:10.
Row broken up into 25 cal each.
OHS @65#, broke up into sets of 10s and I did a few sets that were longer than 10. All sets unbroken.
Burpees- first set for each of us was 15, then 10s. I actually had a semi-fast pace on these which is rare for me.