Fitness: Front Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 3 x 5, Volume Day
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds For Time:
270m Run
20 Dumbbell Power Snatch
Rest 2 Minutes
Score times for each round. Post best and worst to comments.
Caption this photo of Coach Nick and Alex W.!
News and Notes
- Today is your last chance to sign up for our new weekly veg/fruit/egg CSA with Common Hands Farm? To see full details, visit the Farm’s sign-up page and fill out your contact info; after you select NYC as your pickup location, you’ll see the full offering with pricing. Remember, your pickup spot will be Brooklyn Boulders, just down the block.
- Did you sign up yet for your “Murph” heat? Do it now, and remember we need volunteers and food. Get more details here.
- The Spiking Tacos have their first volleyball game at Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier 6 tonight at 7pm. They’re playing a team called “To Be Drunk” so we’re confident it will be a good time. Come hang, cheer, and watch the sunset!
Join Olympic Rower Coach Nick For a Rowing Clinic on May 31st, at 2:15pm
Do you want to improve your effectiveness on the erg? Do you dread rowing workouts? Or maybe you love them and want to row more on the side? (If you answered that last question with a hearty “yes,” you are a crazy person. Just so you know.) This one-hour clinic will include the following:
- Review of the machine: foot height, drag factor, how to set up workouts, how to review scores after workouts, etc.
- In-depth breakdown of the rowing stroke (recovery, catch, drive)
- Drills to improve common technique errors
- Workout
Nick started rowing in junior high school. He competed at two World Rowing Championships (1998, 1999) and the Olympic Games (2000), as well as various other international meets.
There’s a 20 person cap on the number of participants, so sign up now!
You Can Also Row a Half-Marathon With Coach Nick on June 14th, at 2:15pm!
You know you’ve wondered, “Gee, what would it be like to row 21,097m?” Well, your chance to find out is coming up: SBK will host a 1/2 Marathon Row on June 14th at 2:15pm. And we’ll show movies during the event. Really, what better way to spend your Sunday afternoon? You can row the full distance or split it up with one other partner.
Coach Nick will send out a DIY program to everyone who signs up; the training will consist of at least two long erg sessions a week to get your calluses and butts in shape! Expect to devote 1–2+ hours twice a week to this. Sound fun, or what?! (What?)
Space will be limited. Registration details coming soon!
Questions about either event, or want the 1/2 marathon training plan asap? Email Nick [at]
Human-Powered Ferris Wheel
Baylor’s Defensive End Does 40″ Box Jump While Holding 70-Pound Weights
The 87-Year-Old Woman Who Proves That Age Is Just a Number
7:30 class last night doing today's workout
Hit 230 of the FS 5×2 then 4×2.
I feel like my FS isn't getting any stronger. I can continually add 5-10# on my BS and Press but my FS has been stuck around 225 for a while. Any suggestions other than more front squatting??
Used a 60# DB for the WOD
Finished the first round in 2:24, then the next rounds all around 2:45-3:00. The weight was heavy but I was able to do the first two round unbroken then broke up the second two rounds into sets of 10. There were some FAST runners in that group!
6am with McDowell and Arturo. Performance squats at 210x5x3. I felt like I was slow on the descent today and consequently a little less tight and snappy coming up, but the weight seemed to move just fine. This is 10lbs over where I left off last cycle's 3×5 linear progression, so I'm pretty happy with it.
I did the metcon with 40lb dumbbells, which is just under 45% of my body weight. I finished the rounds in 2:18, 2:08, 2:14, and 2:09, respectively. I like dumbbell snatches a lot – and I like workouts with 2 minute rest periods, so this was great for me.
If any of you who come into contact with my wife, Moira, today would apply some peer pressure to convince her to do Murph on Monday, that'd be great. After almost 15 years, she's pretty much immune to my hectoring, but hasn't developed the same (very useful) ability to ignore everyone else.
6am with Arturo and McD
Perf. Squats:
Today was a so-so day under the bar. Everything moved fine, but my legs were absolutely dead from running a 5k last night. 325 felt a lot more like a 5rm than it should have – even on the first set.
Metcon: 55# dumbbell – best time 2:05, worst time 2:24. The dumbbell snatches were fine – even at 55, which was a good bit more than the 1/4 BW McD suggested. I'd wanted to just bump up a little to a 50# bell, but there were none to be found. The running was a different story. Each 270 was probably 15-20 seconds slower than it could have been with properly functioning legs. Note to self – do not run a 5k this weekend before Murph.
I'm out of the brace! My wrist issues are not totally resolved yet, but I'm getting there. Still a little weirdness when I tried pushups, but chinups are now pain-free. YESSSSSS! You have no idea how much I've missed them.
Stuck with the safety bar, because I know I can't just jump back into everything as though nothing happened. 165x5x3.
WOD with 35# snatches, left arm only, which is why I managed to beat Mr. Swifty (aka Keith). Best round 1:56, worst 2:04. I didn't feel confident trying the right side in a WOD yet. Maybe under slower, more controlled circumstances.
Wasn't going to come in since I was hella sore, but glad I did.
Felt good.
WOD w/55#
Just enough rest each round.
Is anyone interested in seeing the Giants play the Mets on Tuesday, June 9 at 7:10pm?
I want to go and I would love to organize a group!
Email me if you're interested:
Front squat – 210x5x3 – heavy but manageable
Metcon with a 45# db. 1:45, 1:46, 1:50, 1:51
Went too light on this but all the 50s were across the street and the 55s were taken.
5:30 with Noah and McDowell.
Front squat – 185x5x3, not too bad. I guess I'll decide between 195 and 205 next week.
Metcon with a 40# db – 2:11, 2:11, 2:15, 2:15. All the snatches were unbroken and pretty swift, so probably went too light. Meanwhile the runs felt really slow. One thing I'm noticing while getting back into things is that some muscle groups are more atrophied than others. Where I really feel it is in my "lower abs," so while running today some parts felt fine and other parts felt like I was melting down. Weird, and I figure it'll get better as I keep working back into things.
Today was the third time since joining crossfit I really didn't feel like coming in. I made it anyway, and like always, so glad I did.
After two nights in a row of 4-4.5 hours of sleep, drinking and eating lots of sugar yesterday (it's teacher appreciation week at my school and my self-control has been abysmal) I squatted 3X5 @95# instead of the 105 I was supposed to squat. Have never gone down in a linear progression before. :*(
Runs were :56-1:00 every round and didn't really keep track of the db snatches (25#) because I cared more about technique than speed. Definitely felt better after the workout! Always come in even if you don't feel like it!!! You'll feel better for it.
Ran a relaxed mile with Kelly, and then another EMOM of 8 pushups/10 min. Nervous about Murph—especially the pullups. Did a couple sets of ring dips with red band and a few toes to bar.
It's so amazing how much sleep, diet, and alcohol factor in to one's workout on a daily basis. The paleo challenge proved it. Balancing pleasure vs health is so hard; live in the moment, drink the beer and eat the cake (you could die in an hour)…but then if you don't die, the next day is really difficult and you regret it. I need to figure out how to live in the moment AND make decisions I won't regret later.
LBBS @170# Only made a 5# jump this week because I missed last week and the 5 reps on Saturday weren't the best. Had a few bad reps in there, but overall felt I wasn't tipping over as much.
WOD with 30# DB 2:36 and 2:43. You can always count on me to be consistent!
Slow mile and 10 minute 8 pushup EMOM.
Started with snatches but left hamstring not having it
Did lots of mobility and had some work done on my psoas and hip flexors, which are tight always. Light snatches at 35kg, then 3 rounds of 400m run, 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and done
Today at 4:30 w N & M
Warm up
270m run
2 rounds:
5 chins
10 push ups
15 am kb swings 16kg
Moved fast, core stable but knees moving around
4 Rounds
270m run
20 DB power snatches (deck) 35#
2 min rest in bw rounds
2:40, 2:20, 2:17, 2:22