Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3
Add about 5% to last week’s exposure. Should be at about 90%.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
10 Wall Walks with a :02 Hold
25 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
50 Box Jumps
100 Kettlebell Swings
200 Single-Unders or 50 Double-Unders
For Time:
60 Double-Unders
50 Kettlebell Swings 72/53
40 Box Jumps 24/20″
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Memorial Day “Murph” WOD and BBQ
For Time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
What We Need From You:
- Sign up for your heat HERE. They fill up fast, so jump on it.
- We need four volunteers to help out on the grill from 11am to 3pm (two from 11am-1pm, two from 1-3pm). Please email cfsbkfrontdesk [at] with your availability and we’ll love you forever.
- Through Herondale Farm, we are providing burgers and hot dogs for us and CFSBK will provide beer but we still need condiments, sides, salads, non-alcoholic beverages, and veggie options. Please tell us in the comments below what you can contribute!
- If you are bringing any guests, let us know in the comments so we can plan accordingly for meat and beer.
Common Substitutions and Modifications
- “Murph” Rx-ed Plus is with a 20lb weighted vest.
- You can also scale the voliume to 3/4 or 1/2.
- Ring rows can be subbed for pull-ups.
- Running can be subbed for rowing.
What is “Murph“?
- To learn more about Lieutenant Michael Murphy, check out his page on the Navy Seals website and his biography on Wikipedia.
- To learn more about “Murph Day,” read, “At CrossFit, a Military Regimen With Geek Appeal” from The New York Times. This article was based on their visit to CFSBK and CrossFit NYC in 2012.
This workout is dedicated to everyone who has sacrificed their lives in the US Armed Forces. Take a moment during the day to thank someone who has served and reflect on those we’ve lost.
A Note to Visitors
Visitors and non-CFSBK members are welcome to participate, but you must have prior CrossFit experience and you must contact us ahead of time to get the okay to participate. Please email Jess at info [at] if you are interested.
- Happy birthday, Maria K. and Olivia K.!
Tell-Tale Hearts Featuring Oliver Sacks Radiolab
A 2-Minute Walk May Counter the Harms of Sitting The New York Times
I'm #sorrynotsorry to be missing Murph, if you know what I mean.
Makeup from last night:
Safety bar squat 160x5x3. Heavy but not horrible. I think I'll add another 5# on Wednesday.
Left arm DB press 35x5x3. I wish there were 37.5# DBs to use next week!
Deadlift 235×5. Holy hell, I worked for the last two. I was a little dismayed by how heavy this felt until I went back and looked at my notes from last year and realized the heaviest I've ever done for 5 reps is 240. So I guess my long layoff hasn't hurt me as much as I thought. I hope, anyway! I continue to be surprised and delighted that deadlifting doesn't bother my wrist at all, even though every other pulling exercise does.
Followed that up with some weighted situps and PVC…shoulder raises? Whatever it was that DO taught us to do with the PVC during AR on Saturday.
I'm seeing the doctor again tomorrow and hoping very much that he tells me the path to recovery isn't too onerously long.
I shall bring a side of delicious something (maybe a veg, maybe fried chicken) to the murph. you're welcome, america.
Came in for the 6am with an out of town guest who really liked our gym. Glad we are so welcoming!
Peformance press 125x3x3. Moved well, definitely think I have 10+ more lbs at this rep scheme.
Fitness wod in 16:08 with kipping pullups, 24" box, 24 kg kb, and 200 single unders. This was good continuous work. kb swings definitely the hardest.
I really liked the wall walk ups as scale/replacement for hspu – its more analogous than db press.
6am. Press: 180x3x3. Third rep felt tough on each set, yet it moved. Perf metcon: 11:43. DUs felt great today. One small trip at rep 35, but finished the 60 in 0:50. KB swings felt heavy and slow. Box jumps were all stepped down. Pull-ups broken up as: 7-5-5-5-4-4. HSPUs: 5-5-5-3-2.
I signed up for the spartan race on 5/30/15 with CFSBK but can no longer participate (#hellabummed). Anyone interested in taking my spot? I signed up fairly early so I think that the cost of the ticket would be cheaper than if you were to buy now (not sure if tickets are available).
Hit me up at if interested.
6am with McDowell & Mr. Nick
145# x 3 x 3. Press felt good today, that was a 10# jump from last week.
Perf metcon at 10:44. DU's also felt good today, got 40 before tripping up once. KB swings were super hard, my arms were (and still are) smoked from the MU workout on Sunday. All step downs on the box jumps, then sets of 5 on the pullups and HSPUs.
Great to see Dan L. joining the 6am crew.
@ChrisH – I also had to withdraw from Spartan :,( but was grateful to be able to transfer my registration to Allie B! Just a heads up, Spartan charged me a $37 transfer fee and gave me a coupon for $90 (I paid $118) – they don't credit full amount. Better to be out $65 than $118 but still it was very Xerxes of them.
On a better note…
6am with Nick and McDowell
I'm still terrible at press 2×5 40# Timed out before third round.
I got to work with Jill on today's super fun chipper WOD! What a great one! I did my best wall walks, and walked my hands for the first time! DU's were a PR – I did 2×15 single, single double. Everything just came together! Before 7am no less!
10am class
Slowing down just a bit on the 5th reps of each set but still smooth.
Perf WOD Rx'd
This was a shit show for me. Tripped up 4 times on doubles, KB felt hella heavy (15-10-10-8-7), BJ were slow and stepped down, by this time my hips were pretty shot. C2B in sets of 5, HSPU 5-4-3-2-2-2-2.
Looking forward to Murph. Just a little PSA, it's cooler and less muggy during the early heats…
6am with Dr. Myers and Mr. Peterson
Press: 127.5×4, 127.5×5, 127.5×4
Same weight, some total number of reps. Glad to be hitting my upper bounds at this point in the cycle, but would like to push thru this barrier next week.
Perf metcon: 11:50 Rx DU's: 3 breaks, Swings: 3×10, 4×5, Box jumps: Steady pace, rebounding — a little break at 10 and 30, C2B: 5×6, HSPU: 3×6, 2 The swings were the most grueling. I had the capacity to do bigger sets on C2B and HSPU, but was concerned about muscle fatigue w/ the shoulders.
Further to Fox's Murph PSA, I am signed up for the 9am heat and am considering taking my shirt off this year so . . . pick your poison I guess.
Noon class. Was fun to workout with people I don't usually see in the evening.
Press: 65x5x3. No fails, had to fight for the last rep for each one , but it came together.
Fitness wod in 11:51? Maybe? Ring rows, 20" box, 20kg, DUs.
I think I strung together 16 DU which ties my PR. Otherwise it was pretty horrible.
I blame all the struggles today on the fact that I just landed from a weekend in Vegas. Excuses excuses haha
Decided to make-up some outlaw work from last week. Will do today's de-load programming tmw.
1) 5X3 Paused Snatch (3 count pause @ knee) – work to a max triple for the day
63, 73, 83, 93, 98 (98=83%)
+15# from when I did this a few wks ago
2) 5X3 Paused Clean (3 count pause @ knee) – work to a max triple for the day
83, 113, 123, 128 (128=80%)
-had enough, so kept it at 4 sets.
+15# from a few wks ago
1a) 5X3 Power/Push Jerk + 2 Jerk Grip OHS – heaviest possible
83, 98, 108, 113
-again… 4 sets was enough, time getting tight.
+5# from a few wks ago. SO FUN. every jerk grip OHS is it's own unique adventure!!!!!
1b) 5X2:00 Hollow/Arch Hold (rotate every :30, this should be UB)
-sh*t, I only did 3 sets of this. I will do the last 2 before the day is over :-/
4 rounds of:
1:00 ME Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
1:00 ME T&G Clean & Jerks (anyhow) 155/105#
1:00 ME HS Walk
1:00 Rest
Did this with McD, which was great to keep my pace up!
BBJO: 12-13-12-12
C&J: 5-5-5-5 (dropped each one. T&G is a joke, right?)
HS Walk: walked 5 long panels in 608 degraw each time. I think that's 30 feet.
Inaugural 6am class:
Worked up to 145x3x3 – got a little sticky, but my upper body (really my whole body) is fried from the last few days. Still have some room for next week I think.
Metcon in 11:01 Rx'd – HSPU were the time suck here. Got to them in under 8:00 and then spent a lot of time staring at the wall. Kind of expected that though so not a big surprise.
12pm class:
(45×5, 55×3, 65×3)
-have missed several exposures to the press so kinda picking up the performance where I left off at 75%. Next week 80% for 5's.
Performance WOD:
12:39 rx'd except for kipping hspu's.
-tripped on rep 1 of du's and then went unbroken. kbs in 20-10-10-10. this was definitely the worst part. all box jumps bounding. c2b mostly in sets of 3. hspu's in 5-5-4-2-2-2.
-walked outside and then hit the 550m run coming back in at 15:49.
-Murph is going to be rough…but fun as always!
Strength Cycle F Cycle-
Training for a USAPL meet in on August 1st.
Margie has done some completely different programming for me and I think it is going to be really good for me as I will hopefully learn to be more in tune with what I am actually capable of on any given day, using RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) which works on a scale of 1-10 with 0 being absolute max, 9 = 1 rep left in the tank, 8 = 2 reps left, 7 = 3 reps left etc…
45 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 5 (7RPE)
205 x 5 (8RPE)
195 x 5
Bench Press (with pause)
45 x 5
75 x 5
95 x 5 (7RPE)
105 x 5 (8RPE)
95 x 5
Banded Deadlift ( blue band)
135 x 6
165 x 6
175 x 6 (8RPE ??)
Hard to tell.. Used hook grip. Will try switch grip next week as I am pretty sure I could have gone heavier than that. First time ever doing this with a band. Felt weird but good.
This is all very exciting and scary at the same time. Learning to actually know how to judge how hard a lift is and how many more reps I am able to do is going to be a process, but I feel it is going to be really helpful if I can wrap my head around it.
***if anyone sees a grey specialized mountain bike with black lettering and disc brakes riding around… It's mine. Someone done stole it between 5:30 to 6:30. DBags!***
5:30 with Noah n Ro
Got a lot of criticism for my… Technique on the press. Apparently you're not supposed to get any bounce out of the elbows off the first rep. I never knew that but had some confirmation from the official judges aka DO, Ro, and No…ah.
Anyway… Perf 150 3×3 without any bounce on the last set so it felt good. I think I'm going to go for 160 next week.
Did the WOD in 11:20 performance with the 32# kb.
Everything felt pretty good except the last 10 hspu's. I had to do singles.
Not looking forward to the second run on Murph bc the cash out was sloooooow.
5:30pm w/ Coach Noah & Ro
Press: Performance:
#95, #95, #100
Moving well.
WOD: Fitness:
In my defense, this was the first day back in over a week due to injuries and illness. And last night, while watching the finale of Mad Men, I consumed a half liter of Bulleit Rye. But regarding my new middle name, I have no defense.
New middle name (given by Coach Noah):
Made it to 4:30 — everything I do seems to be impromptu these days
Thanks to Charlie for snagging me off a stoop and bringing me to class instead of leaving me with my computer.
Warm up x2
10 push ups
5 chin ups
15 kb swings 16 kg
Press w some friendly visitors from CA – Vanessa and Nicola
65 x3 x 1 felt light (5% increase from last week)
66 x3 x 1 also light (90% of 1rm)
68 x3 x 1 still moving fast
Work-out in 12:20
60 DUs – lots of trip ups
50 KB swings 24kg American (even more American in the last couple sets thanks to Noah's coaching) – sets of 10
40 box jumps 20" unbroken but slow
30 pull ups – mostly sets of 3s and 2s, c2b for about a 3rd
20 HSPUs kipping – 6,5,4,3,2
Fun class
Press 55# felt good! Love easing into the week with something like strict press where technique can only get you so far…
WOD: 15:10. Ugh, wanted to be faster, but pullups and single unders really slowed me down.
KPUs: 5, 5, 3/2, 3/2, 3/2. Box Jumps: 20 in, step downs (gotta start jumping down to go faster!!). KBs: 16kg, 50/25/25. 100, 50, 50 single unders.
This workout made me realize I *need* to practice DUs as much as I hate them. Jump rope is frustrating. .
Cashout: 550m run, 10 min EMOM of 6 pushups with KLove for Murph, 3X5 ring dips with red band, a few front/back levers on the rings, 30 arch rocks, 50 hollow rocks.
OGJB: Speedy recovery! Hope you get well soon!!!!
Colleen: Good luck tomorrow! You're gunna do great.
Can't wait for Murph!!! I will bring tomatoes, romaine, onions, and pepperjack because my burger demands those items. Somebody better bring ketchup.
Performance press @68#
Fitness WOD in 18:34
Wall walks fatigued my shoulders (I know that is the point). I went almost completely up against the wall each time but they were not a graceful as Noah's.
Pull ups in sets of 5.
Box jumps- slow
KB swings @16kg in sets of 10. I felt really nauseas at this point. I should have been able to string more together but I was sick to my stomach.
DUs in about 4 sets
I didn't do the 550m cash out bc I was so nauseas but Allie and I did a 10 minute 6 push up EMOM.
I'll make grilled corn avocado salad for Murph.
Random question: anyone know a good massage therapist? After Murph and Crush Week, I'll need a professional to dig out these annoying knots and other whatnots
Excited/nervous for my first half-Murph.
Bringing broccoli slaw and burger upgrades.