Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 5
Add about 5% to last week’s exposure. Should be at about 85%.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Power Cleans 155/105
Post time and Rx to comments.
10am group class on Saturday in full swing at 608
Introducing our NEW Vegetable/Fruit/Egg CSA: Common Hands Farm
We’re thrilled to announce that we are offering a new veg/fruit/egg CSA in partnership with Brooklyn Boulders. Their provider, Common Hands Farm, will accept members from CFSBK starting immediately. The CSA begins in June. A rep from the farm will be at CFSBK on Wednesday from 6-8:30pm to meet members, answer questions, and sign folks up on the spot.
Pickups will be Tuesdays 6-8pm at Brooklyn Boulders starting June 2.
Common Hands offers full and half shares, so you have lots of options:
Full vegetable shares (weekly June-November) are $615
Half vegetable shares (every other week) are $375
Full fruit and egg shares (weekly mid-June-November) are $280
Half fruit and egg shares (every other week) are $140
*Fruit shares consist of seasonal berries and tree fruit, some grown at CHF and some outsourced from other local Hudson Valley farms.
*Currently there are no “fruit only” or “egg only” options.
Common Hands allows you to pay in one installment (PayPal or check) or two installments (check only.)
To see the options and pricing on their website, visit this page and select “NYC” under “Choose share options below.” As with all our CSAs, registration, payment and fulfillment is handled by the farm, not the gym.
Visit their CSA sign-up page to register; the deadline for this season is May 15.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc [at]
New Fish CSA: Don’t Miss Out on the Discout for Early Birds!
We’ve got enough interest to move ahead with our new fish CSA with Big City Fish Share. Deliveries will be every Saturday morning starting June 13.
Big City Fish Share, now in its fourth season, delivers sustainably caught, super-fresh seafood from Montauk to New York City. You can sign up for a weekly share of either 1 pound or 2 pounds of filleted fish, littleneck clams, or oysters. Sign up by Sunday, June 7th, and lock in $15 per pound for the whole season. After June 7th, the price will go back to $17 per pound.
The delivery window will be Saturday mornings, 10am-noon. This is a weekly, not monthly, share.
Customers can sign up for 4 deliveries at a time, and can easily place their orders on hold through the website if they go out of town. Any funds left in your account at the end of the season will be returned to you by check. Expect a good variety of fish, including big-eye tuna, squid, founder, fluke, swordfish, black sea bass, bluefish, porgy, and monkfish.
Any questions? Email bigcityfishshare [at] For general CSA questions, email Michele at mignyc [at]
Cool Pictures of Cool Sea Creatures Colossal
The Other Side of Boredom The New York Times
6am with Nick and McD
3 x 5 at 105#. Still moving well and all according to the plan I set up at the beginning of the cycle.
6:43 Rx'd
Cleans were all bailed singles with minimal rest. Burpees felt really fast and they didn't break down as I thought they would. Probably because of the shorter rep scheme.
Good luck to my wife Cori who starts foundations today at 9am with Coach Fox. Give her hell Fox.
Press – up to 65 and felt ok. Of course, "ok" is relative – lack of shoulder mobility means i have to struggle with not overextending my back.
WOD – I enjoyed this. Although a rather slow time of 8:39, but used 100 lbs on the clean. And the reason i enjoyed the wod was because I remember very clearly about two years ago reaching that weight on a power clean as a 1RM. So now i'm up to 36 which feels great.
Press: 127.5×5, 127.5x4x2
2.5# jump proved to be a bigger jump than I anticipated. Missed the last rep on the last two sets. I knew after the 4th rep that the 5th rep was not there. Will attempt this next week. Regardless, I'm starting to realize the strength increase with the oly lifts.
Metcon: 5:55 Rx.
Classic CrossFit couplet. All cleans were singles, but quick. Probably paced the burpees a little more than I should, Matt almost caught me. Great way to start the week, power cleans in a metcon.
6am. Press: 165x5x3. Moved well. Might have managed 170. Maybe. On to the triples next week. Metcon Rx: 5:33. Cleans were: 12-3, 4-4-4, 3-3-3. Was thinking I might be able to manage the cleans unbroken. Not to be. Grip was the limiter. Probably could have gotten by with 2 sets if I'd paced the first round better.
10am class!
+5lbs from where I left off 2 weeks ago. All good.
WOD Rx'd
…Felt fat, slow, and sloppy. Good to be back.
Marathon OG last night
Snatch, work up heavyish
220, 242, 253
*weights felt light, but just want putting it in the slot. Lots of weird misses, oh well.
CJ, heavy
Snatch pulls
3 rounds
15 dips
10 pull-ups
10 an rollouts
Recap of Catalyst weekend:
Saturday: lots of drills and skills all day. Eventually…
83, 93, 103, 113F, 113, 123F (in front), 123** stood it up, but lost control at top so sort of a PR but not really…, 123F (in front), 123F (dropped it on back. worst fail ever.)
Sunday: started with Jerk drills/skills, then Clean, then put them together at the end of the day:
85, 105, 125, 135, 145, 155*PR (10#!), 160F, 160*PR clean! (Fail jerk)
-technically the weights were 153 and 158# actually
-Jerking with R foot forward now! Switched feet during the seminar, and it feels WAY more stable! very interested to see what this does for me going fwd.
-the heavy cleans were a bit sticky. Need to find more bounce and rebound out of the bottom. 155 was like a dead stop and willpower out of the hole; the make at 160 had a bit of bounce, but not much.
main notes for myself from the weekend:
-Legs!! Leg drive. More knee bend in MH position. not just hips, need knee extension too
-Starting position: arms vertical. Weight balanced. Elbows to side, arms long and loose.
-OH positions: squeeze tops of shoulder blades together, relax wrists.
last note is that it was really awesome to partner up on a bar with KHarpz all weekend. great to work on drills/progressions together, watch each other lift, and have fun. she is MAD STRONG and inspiring to train with!
2 rounds
20 DUs
10 t2b
:30 hand stand hold
Push Press
Heavy set of 5
33, 63, 73, 83, 88# x5
93# x4, failed on the 5th rep — rushed it
3 rounds for time: 14:18
400m run (jog)
15 hspu
15 pull ups
Echoing the words of Fox.. Felt fat, slow and sloppy!
Total sweatfest
Press 135x5x3. Felt good. No reps I really struggled on.
Metcon in 4:39 Rxd. My strategy was to get through the cleans as fast as I could and just keep moving slowly through the burpees
430 with NoRo:
135x5x3 this was actually more than 90% of my previous 1rm rather than the prescribed 85% but I've never done a true 1rm test and the last time we did a full cycle on strict press (a year ago?) I linearly progressed up to 135 and failed on the fifteenth rap. I was happy to get all fifteen reps today. I guess I'm getting stronger possibly?
Finished the wod in 7:19. Cleans at #135. Intended to cycle them but I felt like my form was bad when I did – just using my arms too much and felt a funny twinge in my back. So after that I just did slow and deliberate singles and it felt fine.
Fun class.
7:30 with Ro and David
62x5x3 strict press.
WOD 6:00 with 73# cleans.
3×10 hollow rocks cashout.
Catalyst Seminar Shtuff:
First off, the feelings are mutual @Whit H : ) I learned a lot from the Catalyst team, but it was even better being able to bounce ideas off of Whitney whenever I had questions. We've been sharing a bar a lot recently, and its been pretty friggin awesome watching her progress over the past couple of weeks. Going from a clean PR @ 150 (twice) last week to following that up with a 153# C&J this week….those are some serious gains! Very exciting to see all of that hard work showing in the numbers.
As for me:
83, 93, 103, 113, 123 (F), 123(F), 123# (PR!) 128 (F)
123 felt easy once I finally stopped thinking so much. 128 was high enough but I was too wiped out to drop under, long day.
Setup- gaze higher, active lats NOT TRICEPS (elbows loose), arms vertical
Pull- knees back/get tension in hamstrings, keep shoulders over bar for longer, Drive through the heels
Catch- COMMIT. just stop thinking so much and punch up. I'm always so surprised I get the weight overhead that I get soft in the shoulders. Need to be more confident.
103, 123, 143, 153, 163(PR), 173 (F), 173#(PR- unofficially)
The first lift at 173 I was so shocked that I actually jerked it overhead, my left elbow went soft and I lost it. My dip was a bit forward too. The second 173# was shaky at the top, but I managed to stabilize it and pull off the lift. BUT… was a bit of a press out, so not counting it! This would have been a 13 lb PR. I'm pretty sure I have this weight, just need to be fresh.
Clean: exactly the same as the snatch, be patient in the pull
Jerk: Bring elbows down farther and out wider to establish jerk grip, dip vertical, practice footwork, loose wrists at the top
Great way to end my finals week, FUN TIMES!
Hello is Julie B out there? My e-mail address is
5:30 with NoRo
Worked up to 140 on the press. 10# jump from last week because it felt good then and I know we are going to 3×3 next week and I want to see how high I can go.
WOD rx'ed in 6:14
Broke it up 6x5x4, 5×4, then quick 3's
4:30 NoRo show
WU: 3 rounds
5 butterfly pull-up
10 push-up
12 hollow rock
-2 light assist strict MU with Noah
Press: 33×5, 53×3, 63×2
-dynamic starts
-this was fine. this used to be my sticking point (65-68), but I def have more in the tank. haven't been strict pressing consistently, but lots of OH work. good to see this going up.
WOD: 6:20 RX'd
-felt real pukie afterward
-PC: 5-5-5, 3-3-3-3, 3-3-3
-burpees were a slow slog until the 9's. I knew Marie and I were neck n' neck the whole time, so I went as fast as I could on those last burpees. woof.
accessory work:
-3×5 butterfly pull-ups. feeling good.
-2×1 kipping muscle ups, just to practice while fatigued
Yesterday 10 am with Margie and Jeremy!
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Snatch
Worked up to 78#.
20 mins NFR
20 Minutes Not For Rounds of:
8 Each Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunges
6 Strict Chin-Ups
4 Wall Walks 5 sec hold
First round I used 12kg then 16kg after that. Chin-ups were in sets of three. I did wall walks for the first two rounds then switched to 8 x DB strict press with 30# then 25# after that. 5 rounds total.
Cash out
550m run
15 burpees
30 squats
Today 6:30 with Noah and Arturo.
400M run
15 x KB swings at 20kg
10 x push-ups
5 x T2B
45 x 5
60 x 4
70 x 1
75 x 5
75 x 4, F
75 x 4, F
I got to my sticking point and did not want to push past. Noah said I had that last one and the bar was moving and I just gave up. The press is like that for me. Nevertheless, last week's exposure 73 x 5 x 3 was a PR by 1/2lb!! Also today was a PR for 5. I have only done 3×3 at this weight before. So yay!
Power cleans/ burpees
Cash out
5 x10 hollow rocks