Pressing and bench pressing are the two primary barbell pressing movements we use to develop basic strength. Which do you prefer and why?
News and Notes
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: ACTIVE RECOVERY IS CANCELED TONIGHT! Check out Pilates with KH at 7:30pm instead.
- Want to play beach volleyball? We’re already registered and have 10 people, but we’d love for more to join us—and you’ll help us pull down the cost of participating ($110 per person). Get the details from the blog yesterday and email Kate at katharine [at] if you’re interested!
- Congrats to Leslie and Nate on their new addition: baby Arthur Nathaniel, at 10lb 5 oz!
- Happy belated birthday to JMD “The Hammer”!
Next Weekend, Don’t Miss: Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshop
Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshop is back with a vengeance and some added wrinkles! This is for folks who have yet to accomplish their first kipping pull-up or need significant work organizing the movement and linking them together. Buy in for the class is 3 chin-ups or pull-ups (special cases can be considered, email Noah [at] By the end of the hour class everyone will have gotten their chin over the bar, will likely have strung a few together, and will definitely have a plan for practice and perfection of their kip.
When: May 17, 2015, 3-4pm
Cost: $20
Capacity: 10 spots (only 4 spots remaining)
REGISTER HERE before it sells out!
There’s Still Space in the Catalyst Athletics Olympic Lifting Seminar This Weekend!
Instructed by Kara Doherty and Catalyst Athletics coaching staff, the Level 1 Olympic Weightlifting Seminar is two full days of practicing and training the snatch, clean and jerk, learning progression and correction drills for the snatch, clean and jerk, and foundational exercises for Olympic weightlifting.
This is our Level 1 weightlifting seminar AND the seminar required for the Level 1 Catalyst Athletics Certified Weightlifting Coach certification. You can attend this seminar without the certification process.
Attending the seminar only (no certification). Please select this option when registering. There are no pre-requisites for attendance of the seminar.
Kara Doherty is a 4-time Canadian National Champion and nearly 20-year veteran of Olympic weightlifting. She will be assisted by Catalyst Athletics coaches who are also members of the Catalyst Athletics national weightlifting team.
15 Words You Need to Eliminate From Your Vocabulary to Sound Smarter The Muse
Should Your Kids’ School Have Standing Desks? These CrossFitters Think So Co.EXIST
Okay, but like, honestly, do you prefer pressing or benching? We reaaaally want to know.
Wednesday's Programming
Fitness: Front Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 3 x 5, Volume Day
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
800m Run
7 Rounds:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
400m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am with David and McDowell. I worked up to 120x3x5 on the presses. This is 5lbs more than last week and while there were a couple of grindy reps in there, these are still moving pretty well. I was working on the dynamic start, which will likely be helpful, though it's still a little awkward right now.
I got most of the way through four rounds of the NFR work. The deadlifts were 135-185-185-205. I probably could have gone heavier here, but I'm ok with not getting crazy with this weight. My position felt good throughout and I hook-gripped the first couple of sets. DB bench presses were 45-55-55-55. I could maybe have gone a little heavier, but by the last few reps, these started to feel shaky. Strict T2B felt better than last week.
Between presses and bench presses, I think I prefer bench presses, if only because I can move more weight and they feel like the more stereotypically meatheadish of the two, which is not my typical conception of myself and makes it kind of extra fun. But that preference is by a pretty narrow margin and is probably based in significant part on my feeling like I'm better at benching – so between them, presses are probably better for me to do.
6am with McDowell and a guest appearance by DO
Did Wednesday's programming
Squat: Went up 10# from last week, doing 265 x 3 x 5. Felt crisp, I'll keep moving up next week. Slight issue with rolling forward on the last rep, I think from trying to go to fast to finish.
Murph'ish: fun WOD, wore a weight vest along with BK and Peter M. Finished in 15:04. The squats were the hardest with the vest and the pullups were not that bad.
I like bench press more than normal presses since it reminds me of my old meathead days too.
Just a note, pullup class is next weekend.
6am. Back squat: 260x5x3. Only a 5# jump from last week. Weight moved well. Metcon w/ 20# vest: 14:47. Michael A, BK and I scaled up on this with the weighted vests. Pull-ups felt good: butterflied all of them. Push-ups were unbroken for the first 5 rounds and then devolved into 5's, 4's and 3's. Squats were unbroken, but gassed the crap out of me. The final run was slow. Looking forward to the full Murph in a couple of weeks.
6am w/ McDowell & Osorio
FSQ: 210×5, 210×4, 210×3, it was suppose to be 210x5x3.
This is approx 90% of my 1RM, so significant improvements. My bounce out of the bottom wasn't there today, so this is very doable next week.
Metcon: 18:30 w/ 25# weighted vest
A little too much pacing in the beginning, resulting in never catching up to Michael & Peter. Pull ups felt great, the squats were ok. Push ups, however, were the limiting factor, had to start breaking up after round 3.
Make up posts:
Saturday afternoon: I came in intending to lift, but jumped into Get Fit or Be Hacking (the fitness portion) instead. It was lots of fun and I was glad I was able to participate!
Last night:
8 sets of 2×1 sweep from hang to power position (focusing on getting over the bar, weight in the middle of my foot)+1 squat snatch with a five second hold at the bottom. 63, 63, 63, 68, 68, 68, 73, 73.
8 sets of 1 clean + 3 jerks, 83, 83, 93, 93, 93 ,93, 93, 93. Helpful tips from Jake on keeping my elbows up (though this is very light, it gets harder at heavier weights, but I gotta start somewhere). Still landing with my back knee pretty straight.
Started on a set of 3×5 HBBS at 185, Something in my lower back/left glute started hurting half way through the second set and called it there. In all honesty this area was bothering me a little bit last week after front squats, but felt fine yesterday (until heavy squats). Taking today off and will stay off heavy squatting for the week. Hopefully this will be enough.
3 sets of: 6 pulls ups + 4 C2B + 2 bar muscle ups
Congrats Lesley and Nate! You must be over the moon. Delighted for you all.
Yesterday 5:30 pm with NoRo.
2 rounds
16 rev lunges 15# plate
10 push-ups
15 ring rows
Turns out I was kipping on the ring rows which I really hope I haven't been doing often. Noah sorted me out. Took it a little more slowly with a pause at the top which is why I only got two rounds in.
Press (performance)
45 x 5
55 x 4
65 x 3
72 x 5 x 3… I need to check but I believe this is the most I have ever done for 3 x 5.
5 rounds NFT
6 x DL
8 x DB bench press
6 x T2B
Deadlifts at 185# for the first two rounds, then 200# after. Felt good to deadlift again! It's been so long!!!
DBs for bench press; 30#, 35#, 40#, 40#, 45#.
I scaled to 3 x T2B and I got them all so I am reeeeeallly happy with that!! They are a work in progress for me. I did not get the tempo thing right but I'm pretty sure I did them strict since I can't kip.
I prefer bench press; however I like to do both.
Oh yeah: I prefer the press. Bench press scares me.
Press – functionality y'all. Plus I never go to beach or take my shirt off so I don't really need pecs. Many other parts of my anatomy that I am interested in enhancing. (Wait – that didn't come out right . . . )
Congratulations Nate and Lesley! Congratulations also to Luca and Elisa and their son Marco, also born yesterday!
I've been enjoying the days when we have a NFT that includes DB bench as we're getting both. I suck at Press but appreciate how it supports my bench:
I get a full body workout – hello sore glutes!
Its been working on my upper body strength
Its helped with my lockout strength and benching
My shoulders feel stronger
So I would be super stoked if we could do NFT that include benching on Press days – its like a sweet double whammy of awesome. Yesterday was programmed perfectly IMO. So.. more of that please!
Last night at 7:30
For the press, hit 45×10, 95×5, 110×3, and then 120x5x3. These felt HARD. Can't tell if this is just the weight, the fact that I missed last week, residual Hail to the King fatigue, or all of the above.
On the NFT work, I ended up doing three rounds of deadlifts at 295, one round of bench at 60, then two at 75, and stuck with the bend-at-the-knee toes to bar.
Psyched to play volleyball with everyone. Terrified that I will hit…all of the balls into the East River.
As far as the QOD, I want to work more on my overhead strength, so pressing is #1 for me right now.
I prefer bench pressing! I made increases every week!
Pressing is so hard. First two weeks of cycle: 42# 3×5 and failed on the last rep both weeks. :'( I will try again tonight, but a friend has been asking me work out with her so I'll be showing off my guns (and reattempting Press 42#) at a my company's gym at the Empire State Building tonight.
Miss CFSBK already!
Oh, and congrats to Leslie and Nate!
Congrats Nate and Lesley!!!!!!!
I honestly prefer pressing to bench, I seem to have a better time with pressing and staying tight vertically!
Did 60x5x3 last night and went up pretty well, thanks to DO for correcting my grip width too! NFT WOD with 135# DLs and 25# DB BP. I think I should've stuck with the 30s on this because 25s were a little too fast and not as heavy feeling!
These long ass arms hate bench press, however if this is to survey the next programming cycle, I would like to work on BP some more and do Meathead Monday again… beach season is coming…. I won't complain if we do pressing Mondays either though 🙂
Sweaty Monday night comp class:
Olympic Lifting
7X2 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) – work to a max double for the day, rest as needed
Stayed at 205 to work on getting low. Felt much better than usual.
1a) 5X3 Pullups + 3 C2B Pullups + 3 Bar Muscle-Ups (the goal is unbroken: if you cannot complete the complex UB, complete the reps in a way where you practice the transition between each movement) – rest 90 sec.
Bar muscle-ups did not work as well as last week – I think my hands got too sweaty to do multiple reps. Still managed to get some and link a few.
1b) 4X10 Back Squats (timed sets) – work to a close to a true maximal set of 10 (go to failure or near failure) and note time for each set, rest 90 sec.
Last set felt heavy. These are tough to do with all the other stuff.
20:00 AMRAP of:
50′ HS Walk
50 KB Snatches (25l/25r anyhow) 24/16kg
Got 3 rounds + 1 full walk. I'm still feeling the KB snatches from Hail to the King. Tried to work on doing a better job with the HS walk, which definitely got harder as the WOD went on..
6am w/ McDowell & David
FSQ: 180x3x5
These felt really heavy today and I actually failed my 5th rep of the 3rd set. Lost form and came forward too much and had to bail.
Murphish Metcon: Really enjoyed this one. Finished in 15:06. Broke push-ups into 2 sets for the final 2 rounds.
I enjoy bench more than press. For one, my arms do not straighten out all the way so my press never looks like a full rep. Secondly, and I guess this is more for ego, I can move a decent amount of weight on bench for being a smaller guy.
Anyone have issues with their Kettlebell Kitchen orders this week? My bag was filled with items I did not order…and of course missing the things I did order.
Congrats Lesley and Nate! It's about damn time that kid showed up!
Bench press, because I love being able to say I can bench my body weight. I miss both bench and regular press horribly right now!
Tomorrow's work: squats with the safety bar at 150, then the WOD with one-armed 20kg KB swings and 15 situps instead of 10 pushups per round. Holy moly, one-arming the 20kg bell is pretty rough! 15:32. I was not very fast running, not gonna lie.
Congrats Lesley and Nate!
Yay to Lesley and Nate!
10AM outlaw sesh:
5×3 Clean from blocks
Kilos today! 35, 45, 50, 55, 60kg
(so 77, 99, 110, 121, 132#)
-made my way up a bit heavier than last week; feeling good
-had a couple reps in the mid-weight range where i launched the bar into the skin of my throat. I'd like to never do that again. MEET THE BAR WITH SHOULDERS.
5×3 Jerk from blocks
35, 40, 45, 50, 54kg
(77, 88, 99, 110, 119#)
-again, worked a little heavier than last week. these are getting better, still not as dialed in as my other lifts
-focus: tight. fast feet. don't overthink it.
Skipped ring dips and more OH work due to time. May make this up later/tmw??
Conditioning: For time:
50 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/50# – scaled to 40#
50 GHD Situps
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
50′ DB OH Walking Lunges (25′ L/25′ R – one DB) 70/50# – scaled to 40#
Time: 17:17
DB snatch in 4:34
GHD in sets of 6, 8, or 10. saw some stars. felt nauseous.
BBJO are just a soul-crushing slog. Just kept moving at a slow pace. Finished those by 15:50.
Walking lunges easier than I thought (1 arm is a lot easier than both!)
Forgot to make a note that AR is canceled tonight!!!
QOD: I love pressing and benching equally. And after reading that article about which words make me sound less smart, I realized I'm like, totally screwed.
12noon w/ Coach Jeremy & McDowell
Yesterday's Press:
85, 90, 90, 90 (did an extra round but failed last rep)
235 DL, 45 DBs, Floor Levers
I totally bagged this WOD. Mostly bc I'll be in tomorrow for Squats and "Murph-ish", but also bc my shoulder is f'd from my hour of (failed) Muscle Up attempts on Friday. Something in there is not ok.
I prefer the Press. a) It seems to be more useful in CrossFit. And b) as an older Asian man, I associate Benching or chest workouts with Bolo Yeung, which is definitely a deterrent.
Congrats Nate and Leslie!
Hybrid Class today
Press work with Jeremy
3×5 @165
Moved pretty well. 5 is much easier than 8
Murph-ish with McDowell
15:25 rx'd – This just solidified why i dont want to do murph again. Running is not in my repertoire
Make up from last night
And I think I'd go with press just because it is so uncomfortable and my primitive brain associates discomfort with growth.
Performance Press; worked up to 3×5 at 130 which felt …ok. Still need to work on staying braced and keeping my rib cage set when it starts to get heavy.
The NFT was fun, it was good to work on slowing down the t2b and really focus on staying hollow with straight legs – hurt after a while. Plus it was good to dial in some relatively heavy deadlifts, 305#, I'm working on keeping my feet closer together which is putting more emphasis on my hams and lower back: David had some great advice on how to to keep my lower back from rounding.
Hit the cash out and then a date with 'Chelsea' – she's mean and I don't want to see her again.
5/10/15 pull ups, push ups, air squats EMOM 30 minutes.
I <3 Pressing. From the bottom of my heart
Had to skip my Tuesday class because I got pummeled by an exam. It made me physically weak. Will make up tomorrow morning at LIU gym. : (
Cant wait to meet Arthur Nathaniel! Congrats Lesley and Nate
Made up yesterday's work:
Press – 130x5x3 – Felt pretty solid. Should be able to go up at least 5# next week and maybe more
NFT was fun. Tempo T2B are pretty tough! Made it through 4 rounds – bench was 65, 75, 80, 80 and DL was 225, 255, 275, 275
Benching is more fun, but it's good to mix it up.
7:30 with Noah
160x5x3 HBBS. I've been doing the Wednesday volume at 85-90% of my Saturday which might be high? Making 2-3# jumps at this point … so I don't forsee failing in this cycle.
Mini murph with ring rows and strict pushups.
Finished in 17:35. Pushups were slow as molasses but I made myself do them all strict.
Oh and bench vs press? Neither. 😉
I vote press but only because I hate it and need to work on it more. I feel like getting stronger there will translate more into some of the other work we do in lifts/WODs.
7:30 (I know 6amers… Wtf) with Whit and Noah
Press: 125x5x3. Moved well after missing a week. Will continue to add 5%.
Nft work: got through four rounds. Approached the deadlifts with some humility thinking about my spine health. 225 moved just fine in the fourth round, so that's a confidence booster. Db bench with 75 and could have had 80 or maybe more. Worked kipping toes to bar.
Ran 1 uphill mile home with a 15lb backpack (hardcover books) as a cash out. Calf cramps imminent.
Excited for murphish tomorrow morning. Looks fun and hopefully will be a good gauge of how effective my diy push-up work has been.
Press. Anything overhead I hate and therefore love.
I can see how the press helps build strength for other overhead movements, but am curious to better understand the benefits of benching, beyond building pecs and some delts/lats? I benched all through college but still don't really know why!
Congratulations to Lesley and Nate! And to Elisa and Luca!
I did a lot of pressing over the last several weeks. I like it. And I noticed some improvement. I think it's helped my handstands, too, which I like.
I want to get better at bench pressing. I have a hard time with bar path.
No energy today. Someone stopped me on the street this morning (a client as it turned out) to say that the expression on my face looked like someone had just drop kicked my puppy. Be careful about your facial expressions folks.
The good news is, this prompted me to go home, eat 3 eggs, take a 2 hour nap and go to 1 great yoga class. I feel like I'll be ready for anything tomorrow
@Lauren just like this?
Oh my god Anchorman! I have not watched the clip yet, and I'm dying. Completely forgot about that scene! No way was she referencing that but of course I must find out for sure now…
Amazing. And yes, Jennie Haskamp, I am truly amazed at how funny this is.
Thank you for that @KHarpZ
Without a doubt…bench press!!