Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Heavier than Wednesday but still light enough to not be a true 5RM. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats. Add about 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
10 Burpees
8 Ring Rows
21-5-9, For Time:
Kipping Pull-Ups Fitness
Post time and Rx to comments.
LF Doom crushing 225x5x3 at the crack of dawn last Monday
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: Active Recovery is CANCELED tomorrow at 11am, as Coach Fox is out of town.
“Get Fit or Be Hacking” Is TODAY at 2pm Here at CFSBK!
There’s still time to get involved. You can…
- Participate! There is an option for everyone! There are two 15 minute partner WODs between which is a 45 minute coding competition.
- You can “Rx” and do both WODs and the coding competition.
- Alternately, if you don’t code, you can do the “Scaled” version, which is just the two WODs (no coding!).
- If you’d like to participate and have not registered already, please be at the gym by 1:30pm to do a game-day registration
- Donate! Support a team or individual and donate to CSNYC at
- Cheer! Come by the gym between 2-5 to cheer folks on!
- Drink! Come to the after-party and awards ceremony at Three’s Brewing from 5pm to7pm! Everyone is welcome!
We’d like to extend a HUGE thank you to our sponsors – Three’s Brewing, Fleisher’s Pasture-Raised Meats, Ample Hills Creamery, Brooklyn Boulders, EXO Protein Bars, Gorilla Coffee, and Simple Programmer.
Finally, a note about the cause: We’re raising money for the NYC Foundation for Computer Science (“CSNYC”). The mission of CSNYC is to ensure that all children in each of the 1,700 NYC public schools have access to a computer science education that will put them on a pathway to academic success and a 21st century career. CSNYC supports programs that operate in schools in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods and promote interest in software engineering among traditionally underrepresented communities.
Hail to the King at CrossFit Queens Is Today!
Crossfit Queens is hosting an all-male competition today! The following CFSBKers are registered. Come cheer on our knights and kings as they discard their fears and put their daily beastly training to the test!
Jay R.
Matt K.
Alex B.
Pierre D.
Zach H.
Michael C.
Karl-Henry C.
The schedule is here. Check out our event page for the workouts.
Chewbacca Prank Leads To Actual Wookiee Roar Contest Chicagoist
I Banned Bigots From My CrossFit Gym, and Learned a Lesson in Privilege The Guardian
Some pretty great awards at #GetFitorBeHacking today, including Nets tickets, $200 Butchery class at Fleisher's, Ample Hills cookbook, Gorilla Coffee beans, and Brooklyn Boulders gift certificate! Hope to see everyone there today!
8am with DO and MeLo. I really liked the crazy leg-swingy warm up things David had us doing today. They really got the grindiness out of my hips-and looked weird as hell, which is fun.
I worked up to 205×5 on the performance back squats. This is a 5 rep PR for me and I don't see any reason why I can add more weight next week. 185×5 for the front squats. This is also a 5 rep PR and matched my previous 1RM. So yay for all that.
I did the performance metcon and finished in 9:44 (I think). I broke up the pull-ups 7-7-7; 6-5-4; 9. That unbroken set of 9 is a PR for me as well. 'Twas a good morning at the gym.
Also, at first glance, I thought the tittle of the linked article was "I Banned Bigfoots From My Crossfit Gym…," which I thought was a pretty sensible policy given how they probably smell and their notorious lack of sociability.
Hit a heavy 5RM at 255#. This moved surprisingly well. Ready for 260# next week.
Front Squat
Hit a heavy 5 at 205#. This was slow and grindy.
Performance WOD in 4:48.
Pull ups were split up 11/10, 8/7, and last nine unbroken.
I think if a Bigfoot showed up we should give him the benefit of the doubt and let him work out. But if he gets unruly he has to go. Sorry Bigfoot, you had your chance and you blew it.
Hit 175×5 for the performance back squat- this is a new 5RM. Hoping to hit 185×5 at the end of this which is fairly close to my current 1RM of 195.
130×5 for the front squat. Also a new 5RM. I have to remember to mobilize and stretch my wrists and shoulders before this on Saturdays. My elbows were seriously ugly and this wasn't pretty. but still.. new PR!
4:59 for the burpee/ring row WOD. Not sure why I thought it was 10 ring rows but let's be real, the burpees are what slowed me down 😉
Performance LBBS @165# Need to keep tension at the bottom.
Front squat 5 reps @125# Moved and felt better than last week even though I went up 5#, but still tipping forward.
WOD Rx in 6:17
Note to self: Do not wear a high pony when doing burpees. My hair whipped in my face every rep.
Good luck to everyone competing today!
And may the odds be ever in Pac Man's favor!
Got some good lifting in after work this afternoon
Pause at knee snatch pull+Snatch, Max for the day
CJ, Max for the day
No hook Muscle snatches
Love lifting in the new space with garage door open on a sunny day.
Congrats to McD for hitting a big 8lb snatch PR too!
Brief opportunity to train this morning…
Mobility & DROMs
3 Rounds NFT unbroken
1 mile run
3 pull ups (:05 hang & :05 negative on last rep)
12 hollow rocks
10 push ups
Clean Complex from Thursday.
Bbell warm ups
Worked up to 100# and had to go, Really needed another 30 min to get a few more jumps in and a burner to finish, but it wasn't in the cards.
Lots of biking and running to and fro today. Just an incredible day!