Fitness: Halting Clean + Hang Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Jerk
Work up to a challenging load on the complex.
Performance: Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Jerk
Work up to a heavy load on the complex. If you have time before class, review Catalyst Athletic’s demo of the Hang Clean Pull and the Halting Clean Deadlift.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
400m Run
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
40 Box Jumps 24/20
40 AbMat Sit-Ups
400m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am Warriors hamming it up (upon request!) before taking on a Row WOD. You’ve got to be a special kind of crazy to get up at the crack of dawn to do CrossFit, and with a smile no less! We love our early bird crew!
Hail to the King at CrossFit Queens Is This Weekend
Crossfit Queens is hosting an all-male competition this Saturday! The following CFSBKers are registered. Come cheer on our knights and kings as they discard their fears and put their daily beastly training to the test!
Jay R.
Matt K.
Alex B.
Pierre D.
Zach H.
Michael C.
Karl-Henry C.
The schedule is here. Check out our event page for the workouts, which were announced last week.
There’s Still Time to Sign Up For “Get Fit or Be Hacking”!
The event is also this Saturday! We’d love a huge CFSBK turnout of both participants and fundraising prowess! Let’s help kids learn to code!
“Get Fit or Be Hacking” is a hybrid fitness and coding competition on May 2nd to raise money for the New York City Foundation for Computer Science (“CSNYC”). CSNYC’s mission is to ensure that all children in each of the 1,700 NYC public schools have access to computer science. A big focus for CSNYC is supporting programs in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods and promoting interest in software engineering among traditionally underrepresented communities.
The heart of the fundraiser will be a competition happening on May 2nd at CrossFit South Brooklyn at 2pm. It will be composed of two workouts, each lasting 15 minutes. LEARN MORE HERE!
The Incredible Rarity of Changing Your Mind This American Life
Small Jurassic Dinosaur May Have Flown Without Feathers The New York Times
Yoga With a Soundtrack amNewYork
12:00pm Group Class
3 Rounds
15 Squats
5 Push-Ups
5 Pull-ups
Not sure how many rounds I got.. 4+5PC I think.. my goal was to do all the PCs touch and go which I did.
Pull-up/Squat AMRAP
I got 4 rounds + 8 pull-ups. Goal was to do all the pull-ups unbroken which I did.
6am with David and Jess
Clean Jerk Complex
Worked up to 185#. I wasn't really feeling it today so I didn't push myself. I wasn't getting my elbows around at the bottom of the clean and the jerk was coming forward a bit. I was able to hit 185# nice and crisp (crispy?) a few times though. I will chalk this up to a crappy nights sleep.
WOD in 9:21.
Stayed tight with BK for the first run and the KB swings (32kg). Apparently we were both hoping the other would rest on the swings to justify a break but alas it didn't happen so we went unbroken. The runs felt great.
6am. I worked up to 135 on the c&j complex. David's cue to open my hands and get my elbows around faster on the cleans helped these immensely. On the jerks, my shoulders felt weak and slow at first but by the end I think I'd warmed up enough that they were much snappier.
I did the WOD with a 28 kg bell and a 24" box. I broke the swings up 25-15, with four breaths between. On the box jumps, I paused briefly after rep 20 to shake out my legs. The sit-ups felt like rest and the second run felt good. It was especially nice to "sprint" the last bit from 3rd ave to the door. I finished in 9:27.
6am w/ David & Jess
Clean and jerk complex:
Many reps at 135# focusing on form, specifically my jerk. I wasn't feeling well this morning, crappy night sleep and felt dehydrated.
Metcon: 8:18 Rx
All movements unbroken, including the run. Matt was good motivation not to put the bell down.
6am. Clean&jerk complex: 135, 165, 185, 205, 225, 235. Bar felt heavy today, but I kept making the reps. The jerk at 235 was slightly wonky as my back foot was turned out. The jerk at 225 was solid. Metcon @ 36 KG (scaled up!): 8:44. Everything unbroken, BK just does box jumps faster.
Hope everyone signs up for Get Fit or Be Hacking — … Remember we have a fitness only option for non-coders. And I hope everyone stops by the after-party at Three's Brewing at 5pm Saturday!!
I posted this yesterday but I had the permissions wrong — my nearly 70 year old step-dad "Hank the Tank" crushing it on the punching bag …
Yesterday, 5:30 with Noah and McD:
Front squat:
5×165 (mistake! I forgot to take Christie's weights off).
PC+PUs: 7+3PC? All PC's touch and go. 95 is a good weight for me on these.
PUs + Squats: 7+5pus? Or maybe 6 + 5pus? All pull-ups unbroken, but lost my butterflies towards the last reps of the last sets; they felt unorganized yesterday.
Oly Cycle this morning, working clean and jerk progressions. Then some mobility drills to help my overhead position which were literally some of the hardest things I've done in a while. And wonderful.
11am lifts
Was supposed to be three sets but my back was fatigued and I didn't want to push it.
I'll be on a beach in Puerto Plata, D.R., by this time tomorrow, drink in hand. See y'all next week!
10AM outlaw blonde tornado sesh
A. EMOM 10 MIN: 3 T&G Power Snatch
53, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 88, 88
YES! no misses! did better at getting vertical, full extension, and getting under instead of pressing out.
(93 = 82%)
B. EMOM 10 MIN. 2 T&G Power Clean + Push Jerks
83, 88, 93, 98, 103, 108, 108, 113, 113, 103
much better today! again, no misses. cleaner transitions; took my time on 113 to reset at shoulder and then hinge hips back. focused on extension before getting under in jerks, with some improvement from last time.
(113 = 78%)
C. Front Squat 4×10, work close to a max set of 10
-had nothing in my legs today. intense rolfing/bodywork session yesterday in my quads seems to have just left me zapped! listened to this feedback and went light. it still sucked:
115x10x2, 95×10
D. I only had until about 11:30 to get through conditioning, so just went as far as I could until I had to leave. Ended up with…
For time:
50 DU
50' OH DB Walking Lunge (scale to 25# each)
225 TTB
100 DU
Time: 6:37
First du's unbroken and easy.
Lunges in two sets. ROUGH.
TTB: 3-4-4-3-3-3-3-2
Got back to jump rope by about 4:20… so it took me over two minutes to get through that set of 100 DU's. Just choppy and kept tripping up.
Front squats, 3RM
Press behind the neck, 5RM
4 rounds
15 dips
5chins/5 pullups
oh ya! and
Tabata Assault bike: 54 cals **1 Cal PR baby
12pm with DO and Lady Fox.
Clean Complex
Partnered with Bethany; always a pleasure. Worked up to 88#, focusing on perfect positions. Took a while to find those perfect positions but it seems I got there! Couldn't quite believe it when DO gave me an 'A'. First time feeling comfortable enough to attempt the jerk since I hurt myself a few weeks ago. Very happy with how it went.
8:58 Rx'd.
Loved this! I guess my slowest movement here was the run. Everything was unbroken. Took the box jumps slowly enough but made sure I jumped up, reached full extension and jumped back down. It's kind of fun just focusing mainly on perfect movement. I hope I am achieving something close to this.
Hella sore from shoving my knees out while squatting yesterday. Have I been doing it wrong all this time?!
Fitness Clean: 63×2, 73, 83, 93, 98, 103, 108, 113 Didn't attempt the jerk. Spent so much time adjusting my grip that I got tired and just dropped the bar. Took a break, then attempted 113 again and hit both movements. Every weight felt like a million pounds today, but glad I pushed through and added weight to the bar each rep. Only feedback from Whit was to look up. If that's all I needed to improve today, I'm happy!
WOD Rx in 9:37
KB swings unbroken. These were a lot easier than expected even though I haven't swung this weight in about a year. Box jumps were very s…l…o..w and not unbroken. Sit-ups up unbroken. Jog medium speed.
I'm trying to do more WODs Rx'd. I have trouble pushing myself to go faster (unless it's the last 30s of an AMRAP), so I figure, if I can't move faster, I might as well add more weight!
Thursdays are my favorite!!! Even though I was so sore from squats and pullups yesterday, I actually had a 10# PR on my clean and jerk today! Worked up to 82# and felt pretty solid! Loved the hand clean pull!!! Helped my clean a ton.
8:33 for the metcon. Used the white kettlebell because Russian swings are so much easier than American. I'd like to get to a point where I feel comfortable jumping off the box instead of stepping down. Throat burned post-workout…one of maybe two workouts this has happened? Could be the cold, or I've figured out how to push my comfort thresh hold… yessss! 🙂
Fighting Tacos!! Great to be on the field tonight — and the bike ride to the pier was also pretty special. Solid playing by all even though we ended up with a tied game. It was fun to get lots of playing time — and on our own team no less!
Also took a yoga class today which was greatly needed mentally and physically.
Interested in giving this complex a try. Maybe tomorrow..