Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 8
Add about 5% to last week’s exposure. Should be at or near 75%.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
12 One-Arm Kettlebell Thrusters Left 53/35
12 One-Arm Kettlebell Thrusters Right
Post time and Rx to comments.
Margie L. (creator and organizer of our Iron Maidens Raw Open!) competed in the SBWC Raw Open Powerlifting Spring Classic 2015 this weekend. Her best lifts were 237# squat, 132.5# bench, and 286# on the deadlift. Kate R. posted a few photos of Margie’s last two deadlifts in our Flickr account if you want to see more! Nice job, Margie!!
Rob Is competed yesterday, and hit a 419# squat, 248# bench, and 446# deadlift. Laurent G. also competed, but we don’t have his numbers. Congrats to all of you!
Hail to the King at CrossFit Queens Is Next Weekend!
Crossfit Queens is hosting an all-male competition this Saturday, May 2nd. The following CFSBKers are registered. Come cheer on our knights and kings as they discard their fears and put their daily beastly training to the test!
Jay R.
Matt K.
Alex B.
Pierre D.
Zach H.
Michael C.
Karl-Henry C.
The schedule is here. Check out our event page for the workouts, which were announced last week!
The 7am Cycle of CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray Starts TOMORROW!
We’re introducing a 7am Cycle, which starts TOMORROW!
7am Cycle
What: A 6-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting three times a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 7-8am from 4/28/15 – 6/5/15
Price: $225 per 3 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automantically ot the card on-file one month later
This cycle (and the other two) will end with a mock Olympic meet on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 2:30pm.
Todrick Hall Remixed Disney Songs as 90s Jams The Huffington Post
Under the Influence: New York Hardcore Noisey
Girls Ride Horses, Too Bill Starr | CrossFit Journal
Congrats to Margie, Lauren, Laurent and Rob! Way to represent! Congrat also to my workplace proximity acquaintance Patrick who ran the London Marathon in 4:35 wearing a spacesuit of his own design for charity.
Had a spell of vertigo late last week due to a sinus infection so did not get to practice inversions with MeLo or put a ring on it with k2h2. Bummer, but I think I am good to go now. FYI: vertigo = bad. I feel for people who suffer from it on a frequent basis.
Nice work, competitors!
6am with NickDowell. 3x5x105 on the presses. These are still moving well, so I'll add another 5lbs next week.
I did the metcon with a 16kg kettlebell. The thrusters moved pretty well and I was able to do them unbroken. Once the bell is overhead, you really get a sense of how strong the little stabilizer muscles in your shoulders are. I finished in 11:38. That cashout wasn't fooling around either.
Thanks for posting the link to the "Under the Influence" doc. That was a fun thing to start the day with.
6am with Nick and McDowell.
Performance Press at 95#. Moving well still. Looking forward to sets of 5 next week.
WOD in 12:43. Scaled down to the 20kg KB because I was having trouble stabilizing the weight overhead on my left side. First two rounds unbroken. This was a shoulder crusher.
Nice little cashout with Peter taking the last 40 meters or so at a full sprint.
6am. Practiced inversions in warm-up. Got a nice 20sec freestanding hold next to the wall. Then walked 7-8 steps on my hands. That demolishes the 1 step I managed last week. The walk was only mildly uncontrolled. Have I mentioned that I'm digging this frequent exposure to inversion practice? Press: 140x8x3. Tough, but no epic struggles on any reps. Might have had 145. Looking forward to sets of 5 next week. Metcon @ 24KG: 11:40. Rows were in the 1:50-2:00 range. Thrusters were unbroken, though I took 5 or so breaths between arm. Really noticed the difference between my left and right sides. The right side felt solid and powerful. The left felt weak and unbalanced.
7am, Nic-D
Press 85x5x3, last set was my best, due to a 5 minute rest.
WOD in 13:02 very easy on the erg, and scaled to yellow KB and down to 8 reps/arm, still felt like I pushed to hard. This on ramp to recovery is effin slow and tedious. Looking forward to rest day.
Congrats lifters, and good luck hailers to the king.
6am w/ Nick & McDowell
125x5x2, 125×3
The first two sets were ok, got a bit sticky on the last reps. Only hit 3 reps on the last set, probably could have hit all 5 with a little more rest.
Metcon: 13.27 Rx
Row: 1:47, 2:00, 2:03
Thrusters: 12/12, 12/8,4, 8,4/12
I had to balance the bell on the descent with my other hand but otherwise felt stable on the thruster part. Started each round of thrusters on my non-dominant hand and probably didn't need to break up thrusters.
so amazing to catch margie lift this weekend! she is the best! congrats to laurent and rob is as well!!
so many feels about the nyhc clip up there. needs more vinnie stigma and john joseph though… def not enough! hoping more of them than like 30 seconds in the next installments!
Okay, WHO WANTS TO PLAY BEACH VOLLEYBALL? There's a league starting on Pier 6 with Big City Volleyball from May 13 to July 16. I've already got five people, but I need five more. Co-ed 6v6.
Matches take place Wednesday & Thursday evenings
Season begins Wednesday May 13th
Start times 7pm, 8pm & 9pm
Refereed Ranking Scrimmage + 8 match season including playoffs + T-Shirts
Entrance Fee $1,100
The main point is to have fun, but I would ideally love to get people who have played before and love it. Cost is $110. I want to register by the end of this week. Email me at katharinereece [at] if you're interested!!
@Jay-Star. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Now back to kicking MeLo in the chest while practicing those inversions!
Outlaw session with McD!
BBG: 7X3 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) – work to a max triple
83×3 (1 power, rode down)
108×1 (just to hit a single from blocks)
115.5×1 *PR! – obviously this is from blocks, not floor, but things were feeling crisp and I was FINALLY getting down fast, so McD pushed me to go for it.
Focus today: get back to VERTICAL and DOWN FAST. Much better than last week.
1a) Pull-ups / C2B. First set butterfly practice; second set C2B regular kip (4 reps).
3-3 / 1-1-1
5 / 2-1-1
5 / 2-2 (best sets here. warmed up to butterfly coordination)
4 / 2-2
5 / 1-2-1
1b) 4X10 Back Squats – work to a close to maximal set of 10 and note time for each set
145×10 (:37) – added belt at this point
155×10 (:45)
160×10 (didn't look at clock — felt solid, good speed through the reps)
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlifts 225/155#
Box jumps 24/20″
Handstand push-ups
Time: 15:36, RX'd
Did Diane (DL+HSPU) in January with 2 abmats in 10:06.
So, happy to have gotten thru all HSPU today without any abmats!
DL: 12-9, 9-6, 5-4
BJ: step up, hop down
HSPU: 7×3, 3×3 + 2-1(F1)-2-1, 2-2-2-1(F1)-1-(F1)-1
Got to the wall around 13:45 for the last 9 HSPU, so those took me almost 2:00. woof!
Practice kip without butt on wall in warm-ups when not fatigued. Was getting stuck half-way up with butt on wall and having to press out too much.
Great session!
Press 125*8*3
WOD 11:24 rx'd
Snatch Pause position pulls
Performance press 3×8 @53# Missed last week's 3×8 press but hopefully will make it up later this week.
WOD with 12kg KB in 11:45. Rows were slow. KB thrusters unbroken. Left side wonky, right side strong.
Congrats Margie and Rob!
7:30 with Ro and David
58x5x3 on the press.
Used 12kg KB for the thruster workout- finished in 12:19.
Forced myself to do the cash out.
5:30pm class with NoRo.
Came in extra early again to mobilize. Practiced my DUs for a bit and got 50 covsecutive DUs!!!! So happy! I just need to figure out how to do them so that they don't exhaust me now!
Press (performance)
33 x 5
50 x 4
60 x 2
65 x 8 x 3
So I FINALLY figured out how to breathe at the top. Ummmm this could be a pretty major game changer for me, I think! This felt much easier than last week's 60#. Though Asha told me my wrists were not straight so I need to watch that. I was focusing so much on breathing and staying braced that I forgot about my wrists…
500M row
12 x single arm KB thruster right
12 x single arm KB thruster left
Scaled to 30# DB as the KB did not feel very stable and I was afraid for my shoulder.
Think it took about 13:37, I think? Does that sound right? Weird doing one arm at a time. Kept it steady and smooth.
400M run
50 hollow rocks
400M run
Spent six mins on the assault bike. Not entirely sure what I was doing but did 3 x 10 cal, resting for the rest of the minute for the first 3 mins, and then 3 mins non-stop; 15 cal. Would like to use this more but I get pretty bored and tired, fast. Maybe Tabatas? What does everyone else do?