Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Heavier than Wednesday but still light enough to not be a true 5RM. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats. Add about 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
15 Dumbbell Push Press
21 Kettlebell Swings
400m Run
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
608 and some cool kicks at the OUTWOD a couple weekends ago
News and Notes
- Good luck to Margie L. who is lifting tomorrow between 9am and 2pm at the SBWC Raw Open Powerlifting Spring Classic 2015, right around the corner on 300 Douglass Street. Rob Is and Laurent G. are lifting on Sunday during the same time frame. Some CFSBKers will be there to cheer them on, so meet up with them if you can!
- We’re all excited about CrossFit Kids, but don’t forget that Kids Club is still happening on Sundays at 9am. Drop off your kiddos (age 3 to 8) and we’ll keep them occupied with a variety of childhood-enhancing activities! More info here.
- Augment your training today with all sorts of different good stuff: Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am, and two Active Recovery options at 11am and noon with Coach David.
- Happy birthday, Kristen G.!
There’s Still Space in the Catalyst Athletics Olympic Lifting Seminar on May 9 and 10!
Instructed by Kara Doherty and Catalyst Athletics coaching staff, the Level 1 Olympic Weightlifting Seminar is two full days of practicing and training the snatch, clean and jerk, learning progression and correction drills for the snatch, clean and jerk, and foundational exercises for Olympic weightlifting.
This is our Level 1 weightlifting seminar AND the seminar required for the Level 1 Catalyst Athletics Certified Weightlifting Coach certification. You can attend this seminar without the certification process.
Attending the seminar only (no certification). Please select this option when registering. There are no pre-requisites for attendance of the seminar.
Kara Doherty is a 4-time Canadian National Champion and nearly 20-year veteran of Olympic weightlifting. She will be assisted by Catalyst Athletics coaches who are also members of the Catalyst Athletics national weightlifting team.
102-Year-Old Dancer Sees Herself On Film For the First Time
Air Sex: Just Like Air Guitar, But… Well, You Get the Idea GQ
How to Stop Checking Your Phone Like An Addict Max Ogles
8am with David and MeLo. Performance squattage with the hbbs at 195×5. This is only 5lbs from my 5rm and was moving well, so I'm pretty happy with where I am at this point in the cycle. Dropped to 175×5 for the fsq. This is only 10lbs from my last-tested 1rm and it moved well other than a somewhat soft final rep (caused by, as David observed, my hands being too tight on the bar), so I'm also very happy with where this is.
Fitness metcon with 30lb dumbbells and a 20kg kb. The push presses and kb swings were fine-all unbroken, though certainly not light. The runs, however, felt like a slog today. Not sure why, but it probably has something to do with my legs just generally feeling beat up after this week's squats and those infernal front rack reverse lunges on Thursday.
One round of the cashout with a 15lb dumbbell, three rounds with a 20. These were tough. I'll be feeling them later, no doubt.
11am with Noah and Whitney
172×5 for the back squat. Decided to just go up 2 pounds because last saturday was so slow. Today was much smoother.
125×5 for the front squat. Did this last week too but going up to 130 next week.
Used 20# DBs for push press and 21kg KB. finished in 11:58. Everything was unbroken but the run was slow and heavy.
Why do I always write it as 21kg?? No one knows lol.
Comp Team funtimes
1RM Snatch
63×2, 73, 83, 93 (fwd + power)
103 (power)
113F (out in front, didn't reach)
113 (felt sharp!)
118F – got under it this time!!! was fast down, but it was a bit in front. don't think I fully finished my pull and got to the hips before I pushed under it. NEXT TIME!
1RM Clean & Jerk… just got down to it quickly with these
83 (c+push jerk+split jerk)
150 PR CLEAN! Failed the jerk
150 hit the clean again, failed jerk
I have been gunning of this weight for quite a while, so it felt great to hit it not just once but twice within a few minutes. The first jerk got up maybe to just above my head, but it was a bit fwd and I didn't push under. Second one was bad — I was psyched out about my shoulders already and just launched it fwd out of position and it sent a sting thru my joints. No bueno.
WOD: for time
20 muscle ups (scaled to 10 reps)
30 thrusters (135/95 … scaled to 85#)
40 hang power clean (kept my bar at 85#)
800m run
Time: 26:16
Singles on the muscle ups, which took 9:14. No misses! Felt really dialed in. KHarpz and I traded off on the rings so we'd each get a turn and then have built in rest to shake it out. Worked great.
Thrusters: sets of 3. First few were horrendous. Scaling to 85 was appropriate today, esp. b/c of how my shoulders felt from that jerk. heaviest thrusters i've done in a wod.
HPC: sets of 5. kept hook grip in throughout and these were very "high hang"-esque.
Had to re-tie my shoes twice on the run, which was stupid.
So happy to do this with other people; I probably would've punked out on it somewhere on my own.
Comp Team at 2pm
15min to work to a 1RM Snatch
190 (f)
190 (PR)
Everything after 165 was a little sloppy, but I'll take the PR.
15min to work to a 1RM Clean & Jerk
225 (press out)
235 (failed jerk)
Really need to work on split jerk. Probably my least technically sound movement.
Metcon: 18:55
20 muscle ups (4:42)
30 thrusters @ 135
40 hang power clean @ 135
800m run
Muscle ups felt really good today. Had planned to go with sets of five as an EMOM, but had to break up the last 5 as 3-2. Would like to do 30 MU for time again soon as my PR on that is 10:40 from January of last year.
Thrusters were just soul crushing. Did them in sets of 5 all the way through, with plenty of rest and pacing behind the bar between sets. 95lb thrusters will be a welcome sight the next time they show up.
Cleans were done in 4 sets of 10. Cycled as fast as possible and kept the hook grip in the whole time.
The run was a rollercoaster. It was great at first to be done with the barbell, then punishing in the middle when all that work caught up to me, and then great again for the last 130m when the end was finally in sight. Glad KHarpz was on my heels the whole way, or I might have phoned it in.
Beautiful day!
1RM Snatch:
63, 73, 83, 93, 103 (F), 103, 113#
Felt very discombobulated today,
1RM C&J:
83, 113, 138 clean (realized weight was uneven- no jerk), 153, 163# (PR-ish)
a bit of a press out in the jerk, so not going to count this one. But good to know I can get this weight overhead. This would have been a 3 lb PR
10 MU
30 thrusters (95#)
40 hang power cleans (95#)
800 M run
Thrusters and power cleans completed in sets of 10.The heavy thrusters were challenging, but i'm glad i pushed through it. In retrospect I should've done full volume on the muscle ups.