Can you squat your dog? Here’s Front Desk superstar Jaclyn K. squatting London!
- MORE LOST AND FOUND! Grab your gear by 5/7 or we’re giving it away.
The Fish CSA is a GO!
In June, we will launch a weekly fish CSA program with Big City Fish Share. Pickups will be Saturdays before noon.
Details and registration info will be available on the blog next week, so check back! You can also email Michele at mignyc [at]
The 7am Cycle of CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray Begins Tuesday!
Both the Noon and PM cycles of the Olympic Lifting Program are running, and started last week. If you were on the fence, you can still sign up (details here)! But we’re also introducing a 7am Cycle, which starts on Tuesday, April 28th! Details below:
7am Cycle
What: A 6-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting three times a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 7-8am from 4/28/15 – 6/5/15
Price: $225 per 3 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automantically ot the card on-file one month later
All cycles will end with a mock Olympic meet on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 2:30pm.
How to Properly Spot the Back Squat? Brendan Meyers
You Can’t Outrun a Bad Diet Science of Us
Saturday's Programming
Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Heavier than Wednesday but still light enough to not be a true 5RM. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats. Add about 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
15 Dumbbell Push Press
21 Kettlebell Swings
400m Run
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
7 AM with NickDowell, featuring '80s tunes. Thanks Nick!
Squat: 180x5x2 (continuing to do a second set of 5 to avoid front rack position). These moved well. I feel like the fact that I had to take a few weeks off from squatting when my hip was injured was a good thing, because it seems to have broken my habit of getting scared to go all the way to the bottom when things start to feel heavy. Will continue to make 5# instead of 10# jumps from here.
I ran a mile for time instead of the prescribed WOD, since I've been told even KB swings are a bad idea until I can break the inflammation cycle on my wrist. ๐ 8:18, not especially fast.
Weighted sit-ups were fun! I did 20, 25, then two sets at 30.
Yesterday's comp class:
Olympic Lifting:
1) 5X3 Clean from blocks (just above knee) โ work to a max triple for the day, rest as needed
135-185-225-255-275 – Felt good, got low, moved fast. Whacked myself in the belt once. Love these.
2) 5X3 Jerk from blocks/rack โ work to a max triple for the day, rest as needed
135-185-225-255-275 – worked on turning my foot in. Managed to actually get low on the set of 275.
1a) 4X5 Tempo Ring Dips (3 counts in all parts) + ME Kipping Ring Dips (if you cannot do 5 UB tempo reps, then break and make the 5th tempo rep lead into the ME kipping) โ rest 90 sec.
5+8, 5+8, 5+5, 5+5 – managed to do better than last week by stopping at 8 instead of 10 on the first set. These are HARD.
1b) 4X5 Jerk Grip BTN Push Press โ work to a 5rm, rest 90 sec.
135-185-205-205F – failed on the last rep of the last set. Boo. Still working on these.
10:00 AMRAP of:
14 KB Thruster 24/16kg (2 KBs, one in each hand)
14 TTB
Got 4 rounds + 10 thrusters RX'd. Like MeLo, I went out too hard on this and spiked my heart rate. Couldn't get it back down, which sucked. Toes to bar were an issue, but weren't too bad. Should've broken up the first set of thrusters instead of going unbroken.
Fun times #melomademedoit
We've in the final stages for planning for "Get Fit or Be Hacking" next Saturday, May 2nd. If you haven't registered, please do! You can register (and donate) at
Also, great AVC post today that discusses TEALS, one of the programs CSNYC supports — see CSNYC is our beneficiary for "Get Fit or Be Hacking". It's a great cause and I hope if you can't participate you'll donate. CSNYCโs mission is to ensure that all children in each of the 1,700 NYC public schools have access to computer science. A big focus for CSNYC is supporting programs in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods and promoting interest in software engineering among traditionally underrepresented communities.
6am. Back squat: 275×5. Front squat: 235×5. Weight moved smoothly on the back squat. Front squat felt a little grindy on the last rap, but nothing horrible. I'll probably drop down to 5# jumps on both next week. Perf metcon Rx: 11:37. KB swings unbroken. HSPU: 12, 7-5, 6-3-2-1. Runs were slow. Windy out there today. BK took advantage and drafted off me for the last run.
6am w/ Nick and McDowell
BSQ: 225x5x3. Everything moved well today.
Metcon: Perf @ 11:24
Drafted off Peter on the last run. HSPU: 12, 6/6, 6, 3, 2, 1. All swings unbroken.
The problem with 80s music Fridays is that you start humming "material girl" on your morning commute and get a lot of weird looks.
Just donated to Get Fit or Be Hacking. Very happy to support CSNYC. Having the opportunity to spend some time with the organization, I see how they are working towards expanding access to such critical training — to source both our future software engineers and help all New York City kids build everyday logic, problem solving, and critical thinking skills.
And, of course want to see our home team (Hackers-in-Training: currently, Rob U, Jason H, and Kayleigh R) take the fundraising lead!
1pm lifts
Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean
8am class with McDowell and Noah.
Got there a little later than I wanted so no time to mobilize before class so for warm up I only did two rounds and some t-spine foam rolling and stretching. Not enough but some is better than none.
16 rev lunges
10 push ups
5 chin-ups
45 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 3
195 x 1
205 x 5
Felt good.
Front squat
155 x 1
150 x 5
155# felt too hard for what I am allowing myself to do right now- it would have been too close to max effort, if not max effort, if I had kept going and I had forgotten to put my belt on too so I tracked the bar, took a break and dropped 5#. This was still heavy but moved well.
15 DB push press @ 25#
21 KB swings @ 20KG
400M run
Scaled to Russian swings and did the runs with Maisie which kept me at an easy pace. Came back in around the 12 minute mark, after a pee stop lol! Everything else was fast and unbroken.
4 x 10 weighted sit-ups.
20#, 25#, 30#, 35#
I anchored my feet, which I guess was kind of cheating!
Warm Up: 3 rounds
5 push-ups
8 squat-to-fold, holding toes
15 hollow rocks
Last Sat's Outlaw programming:
1) 5X3 Paused Snatch (3 count pause @ knee) โ work to a max triple
53, 63, 73, 83, 83
May have gone up, but the first set at 83 wasn't picture perfect.
Did better at getting down today.
2) 5X3 Paused Clean (3 count pause @ knee) โ work to a max triple
63, 83, 103, 113
Could have repeated 113 or moved to 123, but decided to just move on. 113 felt sharp.
1a) 5X 3 Power/Push Jerk + 2 Jerk Grip OHS โ heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.
83, 93, 103
Ooo this was fun. Focused on extending fully and not just stomping down under in my jerks; getting a little better. The jerk grip OHS felt comfortable. Almost lost the second one @ 103 forward, but managed to come up with my weight in my toes. Think I could go a touch heavier, but needed to leave! Another day ๐
1b) 5X2:00 Hollow/Arch Hold (rotate every :30, this should be UB) โ rest 90 sec.
Will do later at home!!
Must budget time better next week so I get more of the conditioning in. The barbell is just so fun!
The new showers are legit!!
Did tomorrow's workout at OG. Backsquat 115# 5×3. Pretty hard, leaning forward a bit and knees coming in a little. Gunna stay here or try 117 next week. (Did 1 rep at 120 at Iron Maidens, so I feel happy regardless)
WOD: 25# db, yellow KB in 12:21. Moved really slow… I blame the allergies or cold I currently have. Or the regular alcohol… I need a paleo challenge redo.
Excellent afternoon of training w/ Ro
WU: 3 Rounds
5 inch worms
5 box jumps
10 ring rows
1) work to a heavy snatch single @45kg/99#
2) work to a heavy CJ single @55kg/121#
20 push ups (10-5-3-2)
30 wall balls 14/9' (5-5-5-3-7-5)
40 HPC #63 (5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5)
800m row (no plan on this one, long strong pulls)
Time: 11:51
WOD was really fun. Helps to have Notorious BIG pandora station providing appropriate ambience.