Coach Jeremy overseeing Jude’s warm-ups during Strength Cycle on Friday
- Happy birthday, Evan M. and JBails!!!
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds and Travel Gym Recommendations
- Coach Nick and his family are spending July and August in Montana, and are looking for a subletter for their apartment. Get more details here, and share them with people who might be interested!
- Brendan is looking for a developer with proficiency in Backbone.js. Get more details here.
- Allie B. wrote about her recent experience at CrossFit Acadia in Ellsworth, Maine.
- Shawn T. wrote about CrossFit Palm Springs in (you guessed it!) Palm Springs, California.
Have a service you want to share with CFSBK’s community, or a need you think one of us could meet? Or stuff you want to give away/animals in need of adoption/tickets for sale/etc.? Post in CFSBK’s Classifieds! Our members have found apartments, pets, and jobs through our forum.
Visited a new affiliate while traveling recently, or forgot to write one up from past travels? Post a recommendation (or friendly warning) now!
CrossFit Kids Started Yesterday, and There’s Still Space to Sign Up!
CrossFit Kids combines the camaraderie and physical fitness of an adult class scaled down to an age appropriate and fun version for kids. During our launch, we will be offering two programs: CrossFit Preschool for children aged 3-5 and CrossFit Kids for children aged 6-8. A few notes about signing up:
- This is a set registration, meaning your kids must attend the day and time for which you sign them up.
- You are paying for four weeks of programming up front (think about it as similar to Strength Cycle). So if you purchase one day per week, your kid can come the day for which you’ve signed them up. Twice a week means they come to both days.
- So, you DO NOT need to RSVP for class. You just need to register in advance for the appropriate session/s.
Spaces are limited. Sign up now to guarantee your spot. 3-2-1-GO!
Preschool classes (3 – 5 years):
Wednesdays at 3:30pm
Sundays at 10am
Kids classes (6 – 8 years):
Mondays at 4:30pm
Wednesdays at 4:30pm
1x/week – $120
2x/week – $200
1x/week – $102
2x/week – $170
Questions? Email Janelle [at]
Innovative LSU Gymnast Leaves Unique Mark on Gymnastics CBS News
Wednesday/s Programming
Fitness: Front Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 3 x 5, Volume Day
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Total Time:
400m Run
20 Thrusters 95/65
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Rounds For Total Time:
400m Run
7 Burpee Muscle Ups
Rest 2 Minutes
Post times and Rx to comments.
6am with Jess and McDowell. I did Monday's press work at 100x3x5. These are still moving well, so I'll add another 5 next week.
The WOD was fun, but certainly no joke. I generally suck at pacing rowing, but I think I did a good job here because I was able to jump right into the burpees and get through them without much more than a couple of very short "shake my legs out and take a couple of breaths" breaks. I did the kb swings @ 20kg and broke them up 25-20-20-10. I was surprised at how much of a grip burner these were. Finished in 12:25.
Woof. Last night was a tough one.
7X3 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) – work to a max triple for the day, rest as needed
Did 95-135-155-185-185F-185-185 – this did not feel as good as last week, so I stayed relatively light to work on form. Was coming too forward on a lot of these, finally dialed it in towards the end.
1a) 5X6 Pullups + 4 C2B Pullups + 2 Bar Muscle-Ups – rest 90 sec.
Used this to work on butterfly, which came and went. Finally got another bar muscle-up towards the end, thanks to Pierre for the tips.
1b) 4X10 Back Squats (timed sets) – work to a heavy but not maximal set of 10 (based off last week’s sets) and note time for each set, rest 90 sec.
Went more conservative than last week. 315-335-355-365 – all took between 20 and 30 seconds.
*100 Burpees – For time.
EMOM (beginning @ 1:00) – 3 Power Clean & Push Jerks 185/125#
Finished in 16:58. Good lord, this was one of the hardest workouts I've ever done. The clean and jerks ate away at me and felt much harder than normal, leaving me with minimal time for the burpees. Towards the end, I skipped doing the burpees in favor of rest, then tried to get 8-10 on the next round. Very, very tough stuff.
Monday's work at 6am with McD and Jess:
Warmup: Worked on a little bit of the pull-up & bar MU complex from last nights comp class, then handstand walks – which feel better and better every time I practice them.
Performance Press: 108x8x3. All reps moved well. Think I'm back on track after a misfire the first week of the cycle.
Metcon: 13:39 w/ 24kg bell. Row was done in under 4:00, burpees could've been faster, and kb swings could have been a lot faster.
Stuck around for BBG from comp class programming – 7×3 snatch from blocks:
145 (f)
Stayed pretty light on this since I'm doing it at the tail end of a workout rather than upfront as it's written. Missed the second rep of 145 behind… good miss, and then made the third rep. Had planned to go to 155, but decided to just make sure I hit all 3 at 145 for the final set. Success. I really like snatching from the blocks. Forces you to concentrate on finishing the second pull, which I have a tendency to short.
Breakfast at 597, shower at 608, and still at work 20min early!
6am w/ McDowell and Jess
FSQ: 200x5x3
Everything moved well. Making 5# jumps for the rest of the cycle.
Metcon: Perf @ 21:24
Shoulders are beat up from the past two days. I quickly realized that a controlled descent off the rings was required. At the end, I needed to super focus on a tight kip and pushing my head thru at the top.
6am with Jess and McD
LBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 155×3, 185x5x3
I felt like I finally regained my squat strength. These moved well and will add more weight next time.
WOD in 13:34. Used 63# for the thrusters and broke them up into 10-5-5. I need to start reading the workout more closely since I thought it was 4 rounds today. I was pleasantly surprised when McDowell said "last round" during the 3rd round.
11am lifts
Clean Complex
Clean Pull + Clean + 4 FSQ + Jerk
155x (1+1+4+1) x3
Basically a more fun way to get in my 155x5x3 FSQ
12pm class with Jeremy and McDowell.
WU 3 rounds
16 reverse lunges 10#, 15#
10 push-ups
5 strict chin-ups
45 x 5
55 x 3
60 x 8 x 3
Felt solid.
1000M row
50 burpees
75 KB
11.03 (I think!)
Focused on pacing myself for the row. Burpees were slow, but I landed flat on my feet for every single one. This is REALLY hard for me. KB swings were Russian with 20kg. Not ready to go overhead yet.
Cash-out 3 x 10 partner Pallof press.
Feeling good today. Practiced DU's before and after class.
5:30 w/ Coach Whit
Yesterday's Press: Performance:
Kate showed me how to "cycle" these (resting at the top lockout position instead of at the bottom). TOP TIP!
WOD: 12:43
Row: I'm pretty sure I can swim faster
Burpees: only 3 short breaks
Kbs: 28kg, Russian 15, then 10s
Press: 75x8x3
WOD @24kg bell in 12:34
7:30 with Noah
155x5x3 HBBS. These moved faster than 150 so I'm happy!
WOD in 14:36 with 52# thrusters. Was less of a baby about the thrusters than usual ..small win?
5:30 with Whit and Jeremy
My allergies have been kicking my butt. Walked into 4:30 yesterday and walked out after mobilizing.
Perf Press with Chris: 45×6, 55×4, 67x8x3. These moved fine, almost felt too easy after the 12s. Whit gave me a good cue about moving my grip in a bit, and I think it helped with a tweaky feeling I was having in my left shoulder again.
Skipped the WOD because I'm still out of it and did a few tabatas on the Assault bike in the sun. Sorry to anyone whose entrance or exit I impeded because of where I put the bike. I was drunk on vitamin D!
Skipped my accessory work, too. Do other people struggle with bad allergies? Do you just push through?
10:15AM workout:
CLEAN from blocks (hang): 5×3
83, 103, 123, 128, 133 (F on 2nd, right hand slipped off the bar)
-be patient to hip, smooth and then aggressive, not ripping it right away. hips to bar.
JERK from blocks: 5×3
83, 103, 113, 118, 83
-113 felt better this week than last week. better footwork, getting down. 118 was fine, not great.
-trying to keep my dip controlled so I don't lose tension, but McD said it was a bit too slow. find the middle ground.
Moving the blocks all around took just about as much time and effort as the actual lifts did. Next week I think I may just work from the hang and from the rack :-/
Then… 7:30pm workout!
Ring Dips: tempo 3×3, kipping 2×3
TTB: strict up, :03 down: 2×3
Press: 33×5, 48×3, 58×2
Good speed, challenging. 68# next week.
Made up a little conditioning piece to work in some MU's.
1-3 muscle ups/attempts
270m run (fast)
1. 1 MU, 2 fails
2. 2 fails
3. 1 MU
4. 1 MU
Key points: BIG kip (esp. when arms are this tired!), rings CLOSE!
Biceps are mad sore now. Rest day tomorrow!!!
HBBS, 10RM, -5%, -10%x10
BTN Push Press
Pullups/chinups dips, GHDs
OMG Kate Reece my allergies were BUCKWILD this weekend! Yesterday and today got better because of the rain. I did Saturday's workout stuffed up and miserable with the burpees! I just pretty much pushed through. I did however switch to Zyrtec yesterday and am feeling much better too. I think I'm allergic to those white blooming trees all over park slope?
Cam, you're great. 🙂