Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 8
Add about 5% to last week’s exposure. Should be at or near 70%.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Burpees
75 Kettlebell Swings
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK (Jay, Francine, Morit, and Dan) representing at the Starting Strength Seminar this weekend!
- Happy birthday, Andrew U.! And happy belated birthday to Jayson S. and Kristen T.!
- There’s a new post over on Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate that is intended to help coaches cue athletes in fixing their push-ups. Check it out: “How to Fix the Push-Up“!
Introducing our NEW Vegetable/Fruit/Egg CSA: Common Hands Farm
We’re thrilled to announce that we are offering a new veg/fruit/egg CSA in partnership with Brooklyn Boulders. Their provider, Common Hands Farm, will accept members from CFSBK starting immediately. The CSA begins in June. A rep from the farm will be at CFSBK on Wednesday from 6-8:30pm to meet members, answer questions, and sign folks up on the spot.
Pickups will be Tuesdays 6-8pm at Brooklyn Boulders starting June 2.
Common Hands offers full and half shares, so you have lots of options:
Full vegetable shares (weekly June-November) are $615
Half vegetable shares (every other week) are $375
Full fruit and egg shares (weekly mid-June-November) are $280
Half fruit and egg shares (every other week) are $140
*Fruit shares consist of seasonal berries and tree fruit, some grown at CHF and some outsourced from other local Hudson Valley farms.
*Currently there are no “fruit only” or “egg only” options.
Common Hands allows you to pay in one installment (PayPal or check) or two installments (check only.)
To see the options and pricing on their website, visit this page and select “NYC” under “Choose share options below.” As with all our CSAs, registration, payment and fulfillment is handled by the farm, not the gym.
Visit their CSA sign-up page to register; the deadline for this season is May 15.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc [at]
CrossFit Kids Launches Today (and There’s Still Space to Sign Up)!
CrossFit Kids combines the camaraderie and physical fitness of an adult class scaled down to an age appropriate and fun version for kids. During our launch, we will be offering two programs: CrossFit Preschool for children aged 3-5 and CrossFit Kids for children aged 6-8. A few notes about signing up:
- This is a set registration, meaning your kids must attend the day and time for which you sign them up.
- You are paying for four weeks of programming up front (think about it as similar to Strength Cycle). So if you purchase one day per week, your kid can come the day for which you’ve signed them up. Twice a week means they come to both days.
- So, you DO NOT need to RSVP for class. You just need to register in advance for the appropriate session/s.
Spaces are limited. Sign up now to guarantee your spot. 3-2-1-GO!
Preschool classes (3 – 5 years):
Wednesdays at 3:30pm
Sundays at 10am
Kids classes (6 – 8 years):
Mondays at 4:30pm
Wednesdays at 4:30pm
1x/week – $120
2x/week – $200
1x/week – $102
2x/week – $170
Questions? Email Janelle [at]
How to Become a Better Person The School of Life
6am with Nick and McDowell
Press: 120# x 3 x 8. Hit all 8 of each set crisply today. I was going to go lower since I failed at 115# last week during the final set of 12, but McDowell suggested to try it and it moved well.
WOD: 13:02 w/32# KB. I did the row at 23 strokes/min and finished at 4:02. My arms were smoked during the burpees (I'm thinking some latent exhaustion from the pullups yesterday), so they were a slow and steady slog. The KB's were heavy and I failed a few because I didn't lockout. I did 15 reps, then 10, then 5s through the end.
Managed to bike home before the downpour started. Sweet.
Good times at 7 AM.
Press 62.5x8x3. I like 8s SO MUCH more than I like 12s!
WOD 11:14 with box jumps instead of burpees and a 20 kg bell. I need to get better at staying in the pain cave longer. KBs were 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15. I totally could have done slightly longer sets and/or rested less between sets.
I heartily approve of today's QOD and all QODs that involve choosing between two pleasant things instead of choosing between two unpleasant things (DO, I'm looking at you).
Good: Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Paris?
Bad: Would you rather be attacked by zombies or fire ants? (this one actually did get asked in class once)
6am w/ McDowell & Nick
Press: 122.5x5x3
All reps moved well. Moving along with the linear progression, 2.5 lb jumps each week from this point forward.
Metcon: 13:01 @ 28kg
I got of the erg around 3:53, kept a decent pace on the burpees, not blazing but consistent. I planned to hit the swings 3×25 but my shoulders are smoked from yesterday's 4 rounds of OHS and burpees. I settled on 6×10, 8, 7.
Hit the performance presses 3×8 at 90#. Still taking is slow on these because strict pressing was the cause of my long ago shoulder impingement. So far I really like this programming.
WOD in 14:17.
BK caught up to me (as expected) and I didn't want to slow him down so I took about 20 sec. getting a new Kettlebell with 15 reps to go. Pretty sure I could have been sub 14.
7am with NcDowell,
Back after another week off to recover from a cold. Everything scaled and lightweight.
Press at 82.5x5x3, moved well.
WOD, scaled at 1000m row, 35 plank burpees, and 45 american KB swings at 20kg. finished around 16mins. Had to take a solid 5 minute rest before i could stand up.
Its good to feel this healthy burn again.
What if I would like to be part of crossfit kids? I'm a huge fan of legos much more than I am of burpees!!
6am with NickDowell
Press: 45×5, 55×5, 62.5x5x3 This moved well again and will look to add 2.5lbs next week.
WOD in 13:21. Finished the row in 3:52.4, burpees were a slog, and then American KB swings at 16kg. That was my first time doing American swings in a workout. I was originally hoping to do 3 sets of 25, but that quickly changed to 20, 15, 15, 15, 10.
Hey cyclists of CFSBK! Someone came to the noon class last Thursday and picked up Allan's black Catlike helmet. He has yours and noticed because when he put it on it was too small. He'd love to get his back, so let me know if you picked one up that was too large. 🙂
@Ben Lock: I think CFSBK Kid's Club might be more to your liking. I enrolled Niko in Crossfit Kids because I want him to do many, many burpees to make the bedtime "process" more expedient.
FYI – I semi-believe that I did not bring down (more) shame on the House of Reingold this weekend during the seminar. For the record, I did lift my chest up before pulling the DL. As Mr Rippetoe noted, "He set up at first like he was gong to f*ck it up, but he corrected it later so I guess I can't make fun of him." That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me (sniff!).
6am Nick and McDowell class
Press: 100x5x3
Metcon w/ 24kg (american swings): 10:10
Finished the row around 3:45, tried to keep up a steady pace on the burpees, and did the swings 15 x 5 with 10-12 second breaks. Fun workout.
6am. Press: 130x8x3. These moved well and weren't nearly as tough as the sets of 12. Think I'll attempt 140 next week. Metcon @ 28KG: 12:40. Should have gone with 32KG in hindsight: I just chickened out at the thought of doing 75 swings at that weight.
Here's a sporadic post.
8 a.m.
Met con: 11:26 with 24 kg bell American (as I can make them) swings. Strategy was to not gas myself on the row (the easy part) and then do the rest as fast as I could with as little as possible rest at breaks (the hard part).
Monday Outlaw programming with McD. 2 hours of fitness. (not including warm-up time!)
Warm-Up: inchworms/push-ups, duck walks, handstand jumps, pvc shoulder DROMs.
SNATCH from Blocks (hang position). 7×3:
All triples:
53, 63, 73, 83, 88, 93, 98
-Once I get to 83, I lose my mind; start power snatching every other rep! Same as last week.
-93: first two were solid; only focused on DOWN, third was practically a muscle snatch.
-98 is 5# heavier than last wk's heaviest. Also 1 or 2 power snatches there. Cool that I can do this weight (87%) from hang for a triple, but not cool that I keep catching high.
SQUAT: 4×10, work up to a heavy non-max set of 10 reps. (alternate with pull-up sets below)
135×10 145×10, 150×10, 155×10
Wore a belt from 145# onward.
Positions felt good, relying on bounce from reps 6-10.
There's a great deal of DREAD and CARDIO involved in this.
PULL-UPS (written as 5 sets of 6 pull-up, 4 ctb, 2 bar MU. Took some liberties to work on butterfly technique and no attempts at bar MU today). All chin over bar PU were butterfly, all CTB were regular kip.
4,4,4 butterfly practice
4, 3, 3. Ctb 2-2
2, 4. Ctb 2-2
4ish, 2? Ctb 2-2
6? Ctb 2-2
*100 Burpees for Time (written as bar-facing, but we decided to scale to regular)
…with EMOM starting @ 1:00:
3 Power Clean & Push Jerk (125#… scaled to 85#)
Time 13:41
*Did 18 burpees in the first minute to try to take a good chunk out without spiking my heart rate. The first C&J felt like picking up a car.
*I think I averaged about 5-7 burpees each time after that, but I think there was a minute in the middle where I literally did 2.
*Scaled to 2 PC+PJ from the 7:00 onward, because I was finishing three of them at like the :40 or :45 mark as I fatigued. (So 6 sets of 3, 7 sets of 2)
This was pretty soul crushing. I can't imagine doing it as over-the-bar burpees, and if I had stuck with 3 PC+PJ each minute, I would have been doing such smaller sets of burpees. It would have taken a verrrrrrrrrry LONG time.
Cash Out: walking in the deliciously cooling rain.
fish csa!
we only 6 more people. email me if you are thinking about joining! mignyc at gmail dot com.
Mike Afronti – 120x8x3
Quantity x Reps x Sets
(QRS, just like the alphabet. Now you'll never forget!)
10am class
Class was small so Noah let me grab an additional rack and superset!
Up 5 lbs from last week. I have to see what my best 3×5 is on the press and plan the rest of the LP.
Back Squat
High bar. Felt good. After spending another great weekend auditing the Starting Strength Seminar though, I think I'll add a Low Bar day in as well.
WOD with a 53# bell in 12 minute flat. Grip was more of a factor on the swings than I expected, Opened with 15 then did sets of 10 to finish.
Just wanted to write quickly to say that it was awesome to be back at SBK this weekend. Not that you don't all know it, but you have something special at this gym–great coaches, great community, and great facilities (the new space is ah-mazing, btw). I got three workouts in and the coaching and energy were super at all three.
I think it says a lot that SBK was one of the first places I came when I moved to NY in August 2010, one of the last I visited before I moved back to CA in August 2013, and the only place other than church that is a must-visit on every return trip.
To sum it up: Thanks for still being awesome. Carry on.
Our first CrossFit Kids class was SO MUCH FUN! We did some agility work, gymnastics skill work, squats and burpees, an obstacle course, and target practice. Each kiddo got a chance to excel at something and learn new skills.
We still have spaces left in our weekday classes. Email me if you want to buy a drop-in to try the class before committing to the full 4 week session. Our Sunday preschool class is SOLD OUT!
Looking forward to more fun, more friends, and of course more burpees with these amazing kids.
My 8 year old son had a great time at his first crossfit kids class! Thanks janelle and everyone should sign up. He's a tough critic!
6:30pm with Ro and Noah
Press 55x5x3. Looking back at my notes I failed 55# for 5 reps in August. My overhead is relatively weak and my shoulder still isn't 100% but I'll take progress where I can get it! Hoping to get above 60# for the 3×5 by the end of this. I don't see that being a problem the way things are currently moving.
Wanted to just sneak away before this WOD because of my pathetic hangover.. but I did it and scaled the KB swings more than usual to 16kg russian swings. Finished in exactly 11:00.
Jenny: your press looked great– you'll def get to 60+ This cycle! Haha I felt good about my time (13:46) Until I saw you did it in 11 min, hungover! Damn!
Press 3×5 @ 50. WOD:I did the row at a comfortable pace in 4:41 which is really huge for me to be under 5:00 and not completely tired out. Next kettlebell WOD im opting for white instead of yellow!
I know I could have definitely gone faster on the burpees but didn't want to be destroyed for the KB swings. I always go too easy and then regret I didn't push harder. A workout like this one is thoroughly mental… ive got to be less precautious next time. :/
Fun workout! Was nice to partner with Megan who just moved here from Austin!
@Allie Thanks girl- so glad we got to be partners on the press today! The only reason I finished in 11:00 is because I did russian swings 😉 Don't ask me to re-do and do American swings please!
262×1, failed second
343X, failed jerk
Pause@knee snatch Pulls