Fitness: 1 Snatch EMOM 10 Minutes
Use 90% of your heavy triple from last week
Performance: Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance
Work up to a medium load on the complex
Post loads to comments.
With one partner working at a time, complete 4 Rounds each for time of:
12 Kipping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
8 Overhead Squats, 135/95
400m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Scott Panchik and Noah Ohlsen do WOD 150128
Wondering Where to Go This Weekend?
We’re hosting the Starting Strength Seminar this weekend, but because of the new space, we don’t have to close down the gym as we have in years past (!!!). Here are all the details you’ll need today throughout the weekend to make sure you’re in the right place.
We will have an alternate check-in method over at 608, so check in there!
Sunday (4/19):
597: Starting Strength Seminar 8am-7pm
608: Normal Group Classes 8-2pm | Open Gym 6-8pm | Teaser | Gymnastics with Ken
Annex: 9am Kids Club | Strength Cycle | 11am Active Recovery is CANCELED
What It Takes to Get to the 2015 CrossFit Regionals
Sam Briggs Does 30 Muscle-Ups in 3:03 CrossFit
Mr. Div
8am w/ David and Whitney
Snatch performance: Worked up to 59kg on the complex. My catch was soft, causing me to lose the bar at the bottom.
Metcon: 25mins and change @ Rx
Pull ups were smooth, OHS unbroken first 3 rounds, then 5, 3 with the last 3 taking place in the middle of the 9am DROMs circle. 135 is heavy for me but it was the right weight.
8am with Whitney and David
Snatch: Fitness EMOTM – started at 63 and went to 73 after 4 rounds. Got some helpful cues from both coaches, and after applying said cues, the bar seemed to move much easier. Amazing how that works.
WOD: Partnered with Peter and we finished around 28 mins, although I started the last round early. I wasn't sure how much weight to do for the OHS since I haven't done them in a while. I went with 63, but I really should've done at least 73, if not 83. Pullups were kipping with the green band, but they're starting to get easier and I may start experimenting with the blue band. The run outside in the sunshine was pleasant.
It was great to see all the fitness going on this morning between starting strength, group classes and crossfit kids! So glad we have the new space!!
11am w/ Coaches DO & Melo
Snatch: Fitness
85×2, 90×2, 95×2, 95×2, 105×2
These felt great. Focusing on form and movement for e2.
Kipping PUs @95#
After the 10 previous snatches, keeping these 24 OHSs tight was deceptively tough.
Snatch – not very organized in my overhead work (mobility issues, stuff to work on for 2015) so ended up at 45#'s for the emom and it all felt fine.
WOD: partnered with Gerry (or Jerry) new to CFSBK – Welcome!! – and we finished around 26 mins. I front-squatted at 85#. Could have done more, but limited by the clean. And I rowed. Love the rowing out in the sun! I tried to sustain a nice sub-2k pace, with my last two pieces at about 10 sec's faster.
Last Item: has anyone ever dropped into a Fort Myers box? There are three, and I'll be there with time on Friday and Saturday.
Richard G.
Hope you are all are enjoying the sunshine while I am indoors auditing the Starting Strength Seminar :/
Did some snatch work yesterday so:
Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hip Snatch
Worked up to 70kg, felt good.
Before did:
Deadlift 315x3x5
Bench 230x3x2, 190x6x2
Comp Class yesterday
15min to work to a 1rm snatch:
185 (ties PR from before back injury!)
190 (f)
plenty of height on the attempt at 190 even though I didn't get full extension on the second pull. Got under it but missed it forward, which I'm positive is because I didn't finish the pull.
15min to work to a 1rm C&J:
240 (f)
Rushed the last attempt a little bit due to time – think it may have been different if I'd taken 2min or so. Clean at 240 felt heavy to stand up, and I was a little dazed for the jerk. Still got good height out of the dip drive, but footwork was a mess and just couldn't get under it. PR is 235, so pretty happy with 230.
WOD: Jackie
For Time:
1000m row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pull-ups
Time: 8:46
Finished the row under 4:00, I'm thinking it was around 3:45 or so, but I didn't look.
Thrusters were 25-10-15.
Pull-ups were 10 butterfly, 8 butterfly + 2 kipping without coming off the bar, and then 4,3,3 butterfly. I need to work on putting together longer sets.
11am today:
Edited the oly portion today to make up some comp class work. We were working in a mixture of kilo bumpers and lb change plates, so these numbers are approximate:
5×3 snatch with 3sec pause above knee:
115×2 (dumped the last one forward)
135×2 (dumped the last one forward)
5×3 clean with 3sec pause above knee:
205×2 (got lazy with slow elbows on the last rep)
Metcon with Todd C. I didn't look at the clock but he said we finished in 16 something. Pullups were 12 butterfly, 12 butterfly, 6 butterfly + 6 kipping. All OH squats unbroken – but they were a struggle. 135 is friggin' heavy. 270m runs… well, they happened.
Stuck around afterwards to make up yesterdays squats and do some strict HSPU work.
Fun to see Kevin Rooney in the new space this morning. 6am blast from the past.
Skipped snatches.
Rehab pressing: 70x4x10
WOD @115lb front squats and 6 strict-pullups with Michael B. Good fun. Quite enjoyed this, thought I forgot to note our time.
11am class with DO, MeLo and KHarpz.
Snatch (fitness)
EMOTM 10 mins
Power snatch- 63 x 2, 68 x 8
Partner WOD
12 pull-ups
8 OH squats
270M run
Scaled to ring rows, 68# and rowed instead of running because I prefer not to (can't) OH squat without my lifting shoes. Partnered withTalia. Did not check the time.
You 8 AM people were clearly the guinea pigs, because by 10 AM the volume had been cut to 3 rounds and 270m run!
EMOM snatch at 58#, caught everything very high but at least I'm working on being patient with the pull. I realized very quickly that stabilizing the bar overhead through a deep squat was making my wrist unhappy, so no full squat snatches for me today 🙁
WOD in 13:20, I sadly can't remember my partner's name. I did ring rows and high bar back squats from a rack instead of OHS. I wish I'd scaled up on either the weight or the volume for the squats.
Snatch EMOM @68#. Failed one rep bc I caught the bar too far in front of me. The rest went fairly well.
WOD with kipping pull-ups and 63# OHS. We did 3 rounds each with a 270m run. Partnered with Carissa and finished in 18:18.
Pull-ups went well! I did the first set of 12 unbroken!! I stayed on the bar the entire time for the second two sets, but lost momentum and had to pause twice. I've only ever kipped 10 in a row and that only happened once. The strict pull-up work is paying off!
OHS need some work. A bit shaky, but improved with each round.
Jog was slow.
Warm up x 3
500m row
15 push ups
PVC Mobs
Lax on neck, shoulders, traps — I think I slept really wrong
Bbell drills, Neck hurting so couldnt snatch
25×5, 35×5, 45×5, 50×5, 55×5, 60×5 (~90%)
15×10, 25×5, 30×3 (~85%)
PVC holds and slo-mo, Tried to go back to lifts
35, 45, 50
45x1x3 – really uncomfortable neck sitiation
25, 30, 35, 40
Group Class (!) at 11 today with DO and Melo
Snatch Pull > Hang Snatch > Drop Snatch
40 50 60 65 70 75xM,1 80xM,1 85xM
Fun complex, I think this was where my misses were, forgot to record this morning.
Then the metcon with Brad which was way harder than I expected! Last round of OHS was much better than the first and second, I guess I had forgotten how to do them. Narrower grip helped as well.
5-mile run in and around Prospect Park today, averaged about a 9:00 pace, running negative splits. This weekend was perfect.
10am class
Snatch perf. work 95, 135, 165, 175. Felt really good. Failed one at 165 b/c of soft shoulders, did it again and it flew up pretty easy.
Did the perf. WOD with Ryan in 18:50 with the fourth round.
I need to start running/rowing more now, I'm so slow on the run portion of these types of WODs.
CFSBK is takin over the block! WooHoo!!