Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Heavier than Wednesday but light enough to not be a true 5RM until at least a few weeks into the cycle. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats. Add about 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
Add 3 Reps per round of:
Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Coach JB getting swole at open gym last night
Wondering Where to Go This Weekend?
We’re hosting the Starting Strength Seminar this weekend, but because of the new space, we don’t have to close down the gym as we have in years past (!!!). Here are all the details you’ll need today throughout the weekend to make sure you’re in the right place.
We will have an alternate check-in method over at 608, so check in there!
Saturday (4/18):
597: Starting Strength Seminar 8am-8pm
608: Normal Group Classes 8-2pm | Comp Class 2-4:30pm
Annex: 10am Yoga is on | 11am and noon Active Recovery are CANCELED
Sunday (4/19):
597: Starting Strength Seminar 8am-7pm
608: Normal Group Classes 8-2pm | Open Gym 6-8pm | Teaser | Gymnastics with Ken
Annex: 9am Kids Club is on | Strength Cycle | 11am Active Recovery is CANCELED
See Art Now: 50 New York Art Galleries to Visit This Weekend The New York Times
HBBS: 265×5
FSQ: 195×5
WOD: I had no legs for this one. Used 30# DBS, got 10 cleans in the 15 round.
DU practice. PRed with 38 consecutive DU's!!
15 KB swings @ 16Kg
20 reverse lunges
3 strict chin-ups
45 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 3
190 x 1
200 x 5
Front Squat
150 x 5
Will stick to these weights for the next four weeks. Felt good.
7 min AMRAP
DB hang cleans/ burpees
35# DB- round of 9
30# DB- round of 12
Felt weird holding back but I'll get used to it.
2 rounds/ 7 mins
Run 250M
30 hollow rocks
More DU practice…need to think more about bouncing than jumping.
What a beautiful day.
The sunlit new space is so nice!!
Front squat
Push-ups, pull-ups and hollow rocks to finish
Makeup from OG last night:
Bench: 45×5, 75×4, 92x12x3. Got tough at the end, failed my very final rep.
Joined JB and Steph for their comp team front squatting: 95×3, 95×10, 105×10, 115×10, 125×7 belted. I collapsed too much on the 7th rep and called it.
Then 3 Rounds for reps:
1 min: max effort HSPU (I scaled to kipping with an ab-mat)
4 min: 7 power clean/power jerks + 14 burpees over the bar (I scaled the 95# Rx to 73#)
My HSPU went away after the first round and I got through two sets of the clean and jerks on each set, plus 2-7 burpees. That was rough.
Also, I shouldn't have been working out or doing any of the above, since I got a new tattoo on my inner right elbow. :/ So I took it easy today…
11am with JB and Whit:
Perf LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 125×2, 155×5, then front squats 125×5 belted since my shoulders and core are tired.
Subbed four rounds of 20-30 DU + 10 KB swings for the WOD so I could keep my arms extended the whole time.
The only problem with the new space + the sunshine is that it makes me just want to hang out and not work hard. Loved everything about the gym today. 🙂
Oops. Forgot to change the author.
But for real, use your own wraps!
Enjoy the sun everyone.
Performance squat. LBBS 5 reps @155#, Front squat 5 reps @120#
WOD with 25# DBs. I'm not the most coordinated with the DB cleans. 12 rep round + 15 cleans + 4 burps.
Fitness Squats – 220x5x3 – moved nicely. Hoping to get to 250 without a belt this cycle.
WOD – got 10 HPC into the round of 21 with 45# dbs, which is right about 50% of body weight
Comp Class… relatively chill day today!
Did some inchworms, squats, and ankle/hip banded mobz to get it going. Foam roll t-spine and lats.
Warmed up with barbell, then about 15:00-17:00 on each lift to hit a 1RM for the day:
63 (High hang, hangx2, floor)
113F -pulled it plenty high, was staring at it; didn't commit to get down
113 – saved this one. it was damn ugly. a bit soft in the catch and a little off balance. matches my PR.
118F – I knew it would be a long shot to hit this since 113 was so wonky, but figured it was worthwhile to put more weight on the bar and just get used to the feeling of going heavier. Good pull, got plenty high, just scared to get under it. as usual.
2 opportunities with Snatch: smooth out pull from floor (better at HH), and fast/committed push under/drop.
85 (with 2 jerks)
125 (MeLo said get faster elbows and a sharp catch; this helped on the last 2 attempts)
145 – this matches my PR! The clean felt great. fast and snappy. I feel like I own this weight now. The jerk was fine, but I'm still SHORT from front to back with my feet. Gotta work this!
All in all, happy to hit my PRs. There's more in the C&J right now. Next time warm up: (85-115-135-145- +)
WOD: Jackie
For Time:
1000m row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pull-ups
Time: 10:06
Row: 4:25ish
Thrusters: 20-10-10-10. blech! I planned to do 20-15-15, but my legs did not agree.
Pull-ups: 3-3-4-5-5-3-3-2-2 (I think I got to the pull-up bar around the 8:00 mark)
I was gassed, so figured quick sets of 3 would be better than losing my shit on 5's. Regular kip, which felt pretty tight and put together.
Need more devoted practice time for butterfly.
Cool Down:
-lap around block
-couch stretch 2min each side
10am with Nick and JB
170×5 on the back squat. So slow. so heavy. so sad about that lol.
125×5 on the front squat- less awful.
got to 2 burpees on the round of 15 with 25# DB. Truth: I was super lazy on this and was just not motivated.
Cash out: prospect park picnic/sunburn!
HBBS 225x5x3
Pretty easy. First day on the LP for me.
All the HPCs + 3 burpees in the round of 18, using 40lb Dumbbells, which is exactly 45% of bodyweight. Haven't worked out in two weeks so I didn't push too hard here, but it still got real in the last two minutes.
Cash out: 400 m duck waddle, 25×3 hollow rocks