Fitness: EMOM 10 Minutes Clean and Jerk
Use 90% of last weeks triple.
Performance: Clean Pull + Hang Clean + 2 Jerks
Work up to a heavy load on the complex.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
12 Box Jump-Overs 20″
12 Ring Rows
3 Rounds For Time:
50 Double Unders
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
- Active Recovery is CANCELED this weekend, on both Saturday and Sunday due to the Starting Strength Seminar. All other classes will run as normal, more details coming tomorrow!
All the Planches: How Gymnastics Can Make You a Better CrossFitter, and Getting to Know Ken H.
By Kate Reece
If you’ve taken one gymnastics or rings class with Ken H., chances are you’ve taken two. He’s that good, and his class participants often become loyal devotees of the rings. Ken is a gifted athlete, and was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, he coached for eight years in Northern Virginia. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel.
Ken found CFSBK in August of 2010, the year David opened 597 Degraw (Mare, Noor, and Radika were in his Foundations class), as part of his search for an activity to replace gymnastics. That search had already led him to rock climbing and yoga, and if you can’t find him at CFSBK, he’s probably down the block at Brooklyn Boulders. He now regularly teaches weekend gymnastics strength classes, and he’s enabled many of us to become far more comfortable hovering in space, whether swinging on the rings or balancing on our hands. Planches, back levers, and skinning cats are just a few of the moves Ken has helped many of us add to our bucket of ninja tricks.
Ken is a constant but quieter presence at CFSBK, and we had a sneaky feeling that he had a lot of fascinating stuff to share about his time competing and coaching. We love when we’re right. Read on, and learn more about our resident gymnastics coach!
CFSBK: Tell us about your athletic background, and time as a nationally competitive gymnast.
KH: One of the earliest pictures of me is on skis, at age 5, I think. So, I started young. We would spend winter vacation up in Vermont skiing. During the summers, the family rented houses on lakes in New Hampshire, and Maine. We swam, canoed, and hiked. Pretty awesome life. Eventually I spent my summers at gymnastics camp training all day.
At some point, I followed my stepbrother into hockey, and when I was about 10, my mom enrolled me at a small after-school gymnastics program, and from there I ended up at a real gymnastics gym, eventually training three to four days a week starting in junior high. My first coach was Steve Nuno. He ended up coaching girls, and taking Shannon Miller to the Olympics. My other coaches weren’t quite as successful. Neither was I.
I competed a few times at the Junior Olympic Nationals, but didn’t fare well. I’m not a very good competitor, actually. I got hurt my senior year in high school. It was a defining moment for me. I could have quit and walked away but I decided to get back on the horse. Because of the injury, I was not heavily recruited, so I opted to go to the best academic school I could get into, which was Michigan. I didn’t know what I was getting into—the legacy and tradition of Michigan Athletics. My team didn’t live up to our past or the future of Michigan Gymnastics. I call it the Dark Ages of Michigan Gymnastics. But I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything—except maybe a better education. Being on teams really helped me get through school, both high school and college. Without it, I would have been lost.
When I look back on it, I really like practicing and learning new tricks. I prefer to train than compete.
CFSBK: Can you tell us more about your injury in high school?
KH: I was training a double flip dismount off the high bar. I had been doing it in practice without any problems. I was dying to put it at the end of a routine but I had not practiced it that way yet. I was training at a private gymnastics club and competing for my high school. I got to the end of my routine at a high school meet, and did the dismount anyway. I was tired and didn’t fully commit. I went up, rotated most of the way around but not enough, and landed on the back of my shoulders/neck with my feet over my head. I was okay, I didn’t feel hurt or injured, but I ended up at the hospital and was told that I fractured C6, one of the lower vertebrae in my neck. I was in a neck brace for a few months.
Eventually, I went to a Sports Med Orthopedist who reviewed my x-rays and said it looked like any wrestler’s neck with worn-down bones from rolling around on the neck. So, I’m not actually convinced I was really injured. But it did put a scare in me. There is also some context to being scared. Around the same time, a teammate of mine landed on his head while training. He has been a quadriplegic ever since. So with that in my mind, I lost a bit of naiveté, and my sense of immortality. It took a while to get over all of this and certainly affected my abilities in the future.
CFSBK: Say more about not considering yourself a good competitor—what about competing didn’t appeal to you?
KH: I always got nervous when I competed. I practiced and trained hard. I could hit routines and tricks in the gym but when it came time to performing in front of judges, I choked most of the time. I would mess up here and there. Miss landings. Looking back, maybe it was because of my high school accident? But I also remember having a hard time at meets before that. I just got nervous. I was never relaxed or confident. I got through my routines but it was hit or miss. I really admired the Russian gymnasts at the time. They were so well-trained. Hit everything all the time no matter what. I really wanted to be like that. In some ways I’m a perfectionist who always falls short.
CFSBK: How did being on the gymnastics team help you get through college—what do you mean by that?
KH: As most of us can attest, being a teenager sucks. High school sucks, other teenagers suck. I was not the best student, and didn’t really belong to any group, but I had a few friends I hung out with. Doing gymnastics gave me a reason to study, a reason not to drink, not to get into drugs, and kept me busy on weekends. It gave me a sense of purpose. I knew that if I continued doing gymnastics, I could probably get a scholarship at a university. My coaches had been gymnasts at UMass. I went up there with them a few times and thought it was so cool. I wanted to be a collegiate gymnast.
In college, I would have been lost again. If I wasn’t doing gymnastics, I probably would have taken a year off, as I would have had no reason to go to college. Gymnastics gave me that reason. At a big school like University of Michigan, it is real easy to get lost. It’s very important to figure out how to make such a big place smaller. The gymnastics team gave me that. My world was going to class in the mornings, get to the gym by 3pm, train until 6 or 7. Do homework. Rinse and Repeat.
Competition season was from January to April. Every weekend we had a meet. We drove ourselves. That was a riot. We had vans. We drove in snowstorms all over the Midwest. When the season was over, we were all told to take a break. After about a week of not going to the gym, we all were bored and ended up back in the gym training.
CFSBK: What was coaching gymnastics like?
KH: After college, with nothing pressing to do and needing to make some money, I ended up coaching kids in Northern Virginia. It was lots of fun. But hard. And long. The kids were great. They did really well. I had some pretty bad coaching when I was young, so I learned how not to coach and really worked at being better than the coaches I had. The best part was when I stopped coaching and lived in San Francisco for a few years. Once a year or so, there would be a college meet in the area and I would go, and watch the kids I used to coach. It was really cool, they were pretty good.
CFSBK: What brought you to New York?
KH: School, in August 2001. I came up to NYC to attend NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. Basically, I studied interactive media. Learned how to code a bit, learned some video editing. I was exposed to a lot of technology long before it became mainstream.
CFSBK: How did you find CrossFit? And CFSBK?
KH: When Brooklyn Boulders opened up, I was looking for a place to augment my climbing. Bouldering is very hard on the body. Your fingers, shoulders, and arms get trashed. There is only so much climbing on plastic I can do. I needed a place to keep fit and get stronger. Fortunately, CFSBK opened up soon after right next door. I didn’t have to go far to find what I needed. I found that and more at CFSBK. I had tried CrossFit while I lived in San Francisco, but I didn’t really like the guy running the program. So, I was not very motivated. But CFSBK is a special place with great coaches and a wonderful community. I’ve learned so much here.
CFSBK: Can gymnastics training make someone better at CrossFit?
KH: That’s an interesting question. It certainly can help. Learning and doing basic gymnastics skills can help you throughout your life as well. Learning how to roll, being comfortable upside down, being strong enough to push and pull your own weight around will get you out of any situation you might find yourself in. But specifically for CrossFit—many bodyweight gymnastics skills are considered advanced CrossFit movements. So, if you want to be competitive or be able to do the WODs to their fullest, you really need to work on bodyweight movements regularly. Strength-to-weight ratio is the key to bodyweight movements. These are skills with dynamic movements, and lots of need for body awareness. They take time to learn. You have to practice them all the time. Start small, and make incremental advances.
CFSBK: Tell us a bit about the classes you teach here.
KH: The rings class. It would be fun to have a few other gymnastics equipment around to use and play on, but if you’re going to have one, rings are the best for general all-purpose use. With limited space, they are great to have around. The concept for the class came to me when I remembered that in college, we would do little strength routines on the low rings. A partner would spot and the other would go through various movements, and strength holds going from below the ring to above, pressing to handstand, holding crosses, levers, and planches. It was a great way to get strong. But for the gym, we have to start real basic. Learning how to get upside down, getting the strength to hold an L seat. Learning when a back lever is level.
The class is broken up into four main parts. After a movement based warm-up, we get into developing skill and strength on the low rings, front and back levers, muscle-ups and supports. Sometimes we even get inverted, doing shoulder stands. Then we move to the high rings, where we work a very basic routine. Over time the routine can get more advanced. We then do a strength workout and usually end with a bit of mobility and flexibility. The part that holds most adults back is not the getting strong part—it’s being mobile and flexible enough to do harder movements.
CFSBK: What are you up to when you’re not somewhere on Degraw Street?
KH: Ha. I live on Degraw Street. No, really—figuratively and literally. Well, where I am they call it Lincoln. But seriously. When I’m not at CFSBK, I’m at Brooklyn Boulders or at home. I work in Union Square, at an ad agency. The more I sit in front of a computer, the more I have to move around when I’m not at work. I usually do yoga at least once a week, climb two to three times and CrossFit at least one. That doesn’t leave much time for other things. Though for the past year, I have been working on a web site to track and record indoor climbing data for climbers and gyms, Every once in a while, I get to MoMA or take advantage of things NYC has to offer. And BAM is down the street.
Ken’s rings strength class is in the middle of its latest cycle, and will wrap up on May 3. Stay tuned for the next one!
The Right Dose of Exercise For a Longer Life The New York Times
Women Exercising in the 1940s
What Cirque du Soliel-ers Would Look Like If They Were on the Floor
Awe-inspiring: Watching Ken go up on the rings. You get to see those arms-to-die-for in action.
6am w/ David and Jess
C&J Perf: worked up to 175# w/ a high hang squat clean. There was room to grow, just ran out of time. Jerk felt better today. My dip is more vertical, but the drive is pushing the bar forward.
Metcon: Perf @ 8:35. DUs were in sync for me today. Broke up the C2B into 5's, the last ten were singles to keep on moving and avoiding long breaks. Need to take better care of my hands, there was a scare I would tear but thankfully it didn't happen.
Really fun interview to read, as usual. When Ken and I occasionally cross paths in a weekend group class, I usually pick up a great movement tip that totally simplifies something I'm struggling with – like the other week when he explained why turning your hands out for handstand walks makes them easier, or probably about a year ago when I couldn't wrap my head around getting into the false grip without a stool to stand on. I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was two or three sentences and then everything just made sense. I've been jumping to the rings ever since. But most of the time I'm just in awe of how easy he makes everything look.
6am with David and Jess Fox.
Perf C&J: Not the best day. Everything felt really heavy. Worked up to 195# and made both jerks, but they were sloppy. Went for a second attempt at that weight to clean things up and the first jerk felt better, but cracked my chin with the bar on the second one. The jerk is one of those movements that just doesn't feel natural to me. I think I'll have to fool with my work schedule a bit to be able to make the next cycle of Frank's class.
Metcon: 9:40. Double unders were pretty consistent today thanks to anew rope that's 4" longer than the old one. I think each of the three rounds was done in 2 big sets. Started out with butterfly chest to bar pullups in sets of 5. That worked well for the first round. In the second round the buttefly fell apart due to fatigue and I had to revert to a regular kip. By the third round I was doing quick doubles & singles. Those pullups add up fast.
Definitely set a shower PR at 608 – seeing as how it was the first time I'd used it. That's a total game changer for me. Got to work 45 minutes early today and I'm generally 10-20 minutes late. The 7-8am oly class might not be out of the question next time it comes around.
p.s. great interview. i might just have to quit my job to make time for all of these cool classes – ken's ring class & frank's oly class.
6am. Clean&jerk perf complex: 135, 155, 175, 195, 205. Cleans felt light and snappy. Jerks felt ok up until 205. The second rep at that weight was done under DOs watchful eyes and I was massively forward on the catch. Still stood it up, but not at all pretty. Perf metcon Rx: 12:28. Double-unders were a shit-show. Need to devote some time to these. I'm completely tense, I'm not breathing and I'm using my shoulders too much to swing the rope.
Great article on Ken. He is a wonderful person and coach. It's my third go round in Rings Class (I keep getting left back) and I can't praise it enough. It a fantastic complement to CF and weight training – and you get to play with new toys. To quote Cage, "Mad abs, yo!"
6am with Jess and David
Lots of laughs this morning.
Clean and Jerk Perf Complex at 185#. Michael A. and I did a good job of trading pointers and critiques.
Performance WOD in 10:20. Double Unders were pretty quick. I stumbled at around the 30 mark every round. Chest to Bar were tough today for some reason. Started with sets of 5 but ended up at doubles on the last round. I liked this WOD.
I loved Ken's Rings Class and I plan on signing up again soon. It's worth it to watch Ken demonstrate the movements WAY better than you ever could.
K2H2! All of the awesome.
Great interview! I haven't taken Ken's rings class, but I am constantly impressed by his tricks.
Make up from yesterday, 5:30pm with Noah and McDowell
3×5 at 180. I'm working on trying to get a bounce out of the bottom. Sometimes it felt on, other times I felt like I lost my balance a little bit.
WOD: 1:24, 1:23, 1:23, 1:25, 1:22. Rowing hurt. I kept my pace in the high 1100's low 1200's for most of it. HSPU were all unbroken and fast.
Love the interview!
6am with Jess and David
C&J: fitness programming – emotm started out at 83 and then went to 93. I'm still trying to reacquaint myself with the split jerk.
Fitness WOD: I was chasing Joy, but she was too fast on the box jumps. Finished in 5:09.
k2h2 is a force to be reckoned with!! great interview, great guy!!!!
6am w/ DO and Jess
C&J Perf: The work felt way better today than last week. Worked up to 195# and managed to hit it crisply. MattyChm was a great lifting partner and gave me some solid pointers on how to position my back foot that really helped.
Metcon: Perf @ 9:33. We did this over in the new space and it was fun adding that variability into the workout. My DU's were fine, a few trips as I got started and then just did big sets of 20s. My C2B's were super weird today; I think it was the new shiny and slippery bars but Peter pointed out that I was just complaining.
I got some feedback from BK that my style of double-unders – something I call my "Fitness Tornado" – was intimidating to him today. I've taken a mental note to increase the level of tornado the next time I do DUs near him. π
Also, what an amazing interview Kate! I really want to take Ken's rings class now.
Ken is the best! Not only is he great at gymnastics, but he's an excellent teacher, too. I definitely feel like I have gotten a lot more confident and comfortable with inversions and some basic ring movements as a result of his classes – no small feat, either, given that I am enormous and not really built to be a gymnast. I'm taking this cycle of rings off, but I will be back in the future for sure.
Last night at 7:30pm
High bar back squats at 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 250x5x3. Honestly, these did not feel as great as I would have liked. Probably mental, though – my back was a little sore and I think I was overcompensating for that. Ended up on my toes a few times.
Fitness WOD rx'd. First three rounds were solid – 1:06, 1:10, 1:14, with all push presses unbroken. Then, the presses went to shit and I ended with rounds of 1:41 and 1:44, since I needed to break them up.
Jason M–do you think we could do that acroyoga routine in the third link?
I'm really bummed about AR going away for the weekend. Any chance AR junkies could go upstairs for an hour of DIY at the usual time?
fiiiiiiish CSA!
Thanks for everyone who pinged me to register their interest in a fish CSA. The vendor is looking for around 15 folks to sign up; so far 8 people have raised their hands.
If you think you might be interested, please email me at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
Ken rules. I have done a few rings cycles and at one point (when I was lighter) I actually hit a few strict muscle-ups. Maybe its time for another go!
AM bro-sesh was super fun today:
snatch w/ 2sec pause below the knee and in the catch
40×3 50×2 60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 85xM,M,M
power clean > front squat > jerk > back squat > btn jerk
50 60 70 80 85 90
then after about 30 minutes of negotiations, we settled on a metcon:
assault bike calories
c2b pullups
We alternated and David was coming off the bike while I was still doing singles on the rounds of 15 and 9 c2b, but I pedaled the last 9cal in like 20 seconds so I only finished a little after him.
We're using upstairs for spill over space for PT and other stuff this weekend!
I did what Todd Did today (see above)
I did a few sets at 70kg on the snatches and 80kg on the CJ complex. Was feeling a little stiff and sore so was content to just move around.
Enjoyed the Assault Bike/CTB pull-up metcon
Spicy meatball!
Great interview with Ken!! I thought I knew him pretty well but I definitely learned a lot more!
FISH CSA! Guys⦠for real. Do it!
OUTLAW Training with badass KHarpz. Potential moniker for when we train together:
The Blonde Tornado.
1) EMOM for 10:00: 3 T&G Power Snatches β Begin at 60%, add weight each min. -5# if miss.
63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93 (Fail on 2, WAY out in front, no chance. sloppy), 88 (Fail on 3 – elbows just kinda gave out and I bailed behind. Just soft at the top), 83, 83.
2) EMOM for 10:00: 2 T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks β Begin at 60%, add weight each min. -5# if miss.
63, 73, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103, 108, 113, 103 (went down b/c I banged the living sh*t out of my left thigh on the way down from the top of the first rep into the second, on either 108 or 113). I was dreading this, but these felt better than the snatches!
No shoulder pain = winning.
1a) 4X10 Front Squats β work to a heavy but not maximal set of 10, rest 2:00
105, 115, 125, 130×7 (failed on 8. was trying to get more bounce b/c I was tired, and just lost a bit of tension and dumped it forward)
1b) 4X2 Strict MU + ME Kipping MU β rest 2:00
-didn't do.
Conditioning: We were running out of time, so decided to do the group class WOD instead of outlaw (with MOAR BURPEES)
3 RFT:
50 DU's
15 Pull-Ups (scaled from 20 C2B)
Time: 7:12
Double's: 50, 50, 30-20
Pull-Ups: Mostly in 3's. Last round was 4-4-4-3, realized I needed to just tighten up my kip a lot, as I was sapping tension in the arch swing. Butterfly was just not there today. Arms are TIRED from this increased training volume! Should make for good gains thoughβ¦
A bit of pec/chest stretch and mash to close out.
Awesome interview with Ken!
Noon class w/ David and J.Fox:
EMOTM Clean & Jerks: 73, went up to 78 for the last round. Cleans felt snappy but I'm having trouble coming to full extension after the dip part before the jerk. Will start drilling that with a single dip and extend before each jerk.
5 RFT of ring rows w/ 20" box jump over: 6:46
HEY NOONERS: did anyone accidentally pick up Allan's black "Catlike" bike helmet? He has yours!
Thanks for all the kind words.
And, I have to thank DO for allowing me the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful community.
Over these 5 years, I have learned so much. It has been a lot of fun, working with such strong and motivated people.
And Kate thanks for taking the time to talk with me, and all the other really interesting people in the community. Everyone in the gym has an interesting story, thanks for telling mine.
Enjoy the sunshine!
Nice article about Ken, I would love to take a ring class someday!
I signed up for the SPARTAN SPRINT and wanted to share a discount code: FINISH10.
The cost worked out like this:
$105.00 Race Fee
$14.00 Insurance Fee
($10.50) 10% Discount
$10.31 Processing fee
$118.81 TOTAL
I did the Spartan Sprint two years ago with a group from my office. Not only did I finish last in the group, but they actually left me on the mountain and one coworker had to drive back from Tarrytown to get me. I'm looking forward to giving it another try with an awesome group (CFSBK obvs) and with two years of Crossfit-ness under my belt! I want to do the monkey bars! π
C&J complex – worked up to 85kg. Got a little sloppy on the jerk there and dropped back to work at lighter weights
Loved the performance metcon. Right in my wheelhouse. I did the first round of c2b unbroken which was a bad idea in retrospect. Finished in 6:51
Colleen- you sold me! Signing up now! Can't wait to get dirty and do burpees:)
Great article, Ken & Kate! I love rings class!!! It is so challenging– and so worth it!
Awesome writeup about Ken! We've had many quality mat-chats….nice to get to know you a little bit better!
Thursday morning training with Team Blonde Tornado @ 8:30 am (@Whit H, for those who haven't scrolled up)
1) EMOM for 10:00: 3 T&G Power Snatches β Begin at 60%, add weight each min. -5# if miss.
53×3, 58×3, 63×3, 68×3, 73×3, 78×3, 83×3, 88×2 (didnt do the last rep, shoulder told me NO WAY), 83×3, 83×3
I started with something closer 45%, this ended up being a good judgment call. All I care about right now is moving well through these complexes, pain-free. After I dropped to 83 everything felt great.
2) EMOM for 10:00: 2 T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks β Begin at 60%, add weight each min. -5# if miss.
83×2, 88×2, 93×2, 98×2, 103×2, 108×2, 113×2, 118×2, 123×1 (couldnt organize the second rep as T&G), 123×2
Calculated my 60% at a guestimated power clean and push jerk max (about 140), so this was the perfect place to start. This was pretty gnarly, but it was good to practice how to go straight from a power clean straight into a pushjerk, which I didn't know how to do until today. Also, I learned the importance of being patient when controlling the OH back to the shoulders. My first set of 123 I sort of passively dropped it to the floor which is why I failed the first time. Glad I stuck with the weight. Second set of 123×2 felt pretty solid!
1a) 4X10 Front Squats β work to a heavy but not maximal set of 10, rest 2:00
105×10, 115×10, 125×10, 135×10
Mental note, I need to go heavier next week. But great place to start today. Also David said that my front squat "rock solid"…that made my morning : D
1b) 4X2 Strict MU + ME Kipping MU β rest 2:00
-didn't do. Not enough time
Conditioning: Group WOD
3 RFT:
50 DU's
20 Pull-Ups (scaled from 20 C2B)
Time: 6:49
Used this as an opportunity to work on butterfly. Only threw in a few kipping pullups in the first set to maintain my cardio-buzz. By the second and third sets i was starting to get the hang of it…did them all butterfly! Overall it was a really fun morning in the gym, I had a great time training with Whitney!
Ken is the best. I did a few cycles of rings class and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately I can't attend now it is on Sundays. Great interview.
DU practice.
Bench Press
45 x 5
65 x 4
75 x 3
95 x 2
110 x 4 x 6
Clean and jerk barbell drills- had to stop because I hurt my back again.
Rolled around a bit and jumped in for the WOD.
12 box jump overs 20"
12 ring rows
Obviously did not push too hard. Felt better when warm.
Had a long chat with David afterwards he has given me some sound advice to followfor the next month or so and that is to just show up and only give 80% effort, to forget about performance goals and times and just focus on perfect movement.
I felt like I was holding back a bit the last week since I got back but I guess my body doesn't agree.
Well, here is a new challenge for me.
Glad you guys are enjoying the interview! Ken is such a genuine, kind person, and those qualities came through in his answers.
5:30 with Whit and Ro tonight.
Perf. C&J complex: worked up to 113. My two goats of leaping forward like a frog and not opening up my hips… man, cleaning is tough for me. But I got such great cues tonight. Ellie gave me a great one to think about pushing my feet into the floor on the pull, which helped me extend. And Arturo reminded me not to sink my elbows on the dip before my jerk, which was perfect.
Perf WOD: Ah, I forgot to check the time. I scaled the pull-ups to 10 each round, but my kip was off in the beginning. A lot of these were no-reps, but I just kept going and practicing. DU weren't a problem except for how they fried my arms before the pull-ups. I switched the cash-out for more pull-ups and did about 20, in sets of threes and twos, and they seemed to come back fine. Just need to be patient and keep practicing. π
Real cash-out was staring at the gorgeous sky after class near 3rd street. So much beauty, even when you're next to the Gowanus Canal.
Noon class for probably the first time in two years. I always loved the laid back attitude to the noon class and today was no different. FUN group of folks.
The run around the block with the medicine ball, doing 5 wall ball shots at each corner against random buildings was a hoot! So much fun.
EMOTM C&J: Got up to 95. I have the strength (thanks Jeremy!) to do much more but not the balance, coordination, or mobility. I like doing the full exercise like this.
Did the WOD in 5:57. I've been avoiding box jumps and jump rope since I had a run in with Plantar Fasciitis a year or so ago for fear it would get in the way of my running (it never did). But today the box jumps felt really natural and good.
Don't forget to register for Get Fit or Be Hacking! If you can't make it, donate! We'd like to get a big check for CSNYC to support expanding computer science in NYC public schools.
Fitness: C&J or snatch EMOMs are MY FAVORITE!!!!! I missed last Thursday so wasn't sure about my 3 rep max so just worked up in weight. I did 93-93-93-98-98-98-103-103-103-108.
Cleans weren't perfect but they are improved! My jerk needs some work. As I added weight, I leaned forward on my dip and also landed too narrowly.
I did the performance WOD so I could work on pull-ups. I should have scaled the volume of double unders because they were horrible. I'm really inconsistent with double unders, but lately I've been consistently bad at them. Scaled the pull-ups to 15 because my shoulders were fried from the DUs and yesterday's push presses. Had a lot of trouble pushing away at the top of the pull-up so couldn't get good momentum today.
8:30 pm with Katie
Kept it lighter at 83# for the C&J EMOM. Felt good- have to drop down more- still getting used to this lift after a very very long break due to some shoulder pain.
fitness WOD.. 5:17 i think? And guys …that time included me tripping over a box and sitting on the ground in shame. Not sure what's more bruised… my thigh or my ego. π