For Time:
550m Run
21 Back Squats @ Bodyweight
400m Run
15 Back Squats @ Bodyweight
270m Run
9 Back Squats @ Bodyweight
Post time and Rx to comments.
Joe getting up during Death by Burpees on Monday night
News and Notes
- GET FIT OR BE HACKING UPDATE: We’ve added a “Scaled” (i.e., no coding!) option for non-coders (or those who won’t want to code competitively)! Check out the updated event page for more info and register today on CrowdRise. We hope to see you all on May 2nd!
- There are still a couple spaces left in Ken’s Gymnastics Skillz class, on Sundays from 2-3:30pm, March 29, 2015 through May 3, 2015. Register here before it sells out!
- Happy birthday, Jared K.!
2015 CrossFit Open Leaderboard: Team CFSBK
The results for 15.1, 15.1a, 15.2, 15.3, and 15.4 are in, and here are our team’s leaders! Congrats to everyone who has been pushing themselves the last couple weeks with these tough workouts. We can’t wait to see the final workout when it’s revealed on Thursday…
1. Coach MeLo
2. Coach K HarpZ
3. Coach Lady Fox
4. Coach Whitney
5. Lauren B.
6. Ellie M.
7. Steph M.
8. Coach JB
9. Lauren S.
9. Kate R. (tied with Lauren)
1. Alex B.
2. Coach McDowell
2. Alex N.
4. Matt K.
5. Coach David
6. Coach Noah
6. Pierre D. (tied with Noah)
8. Zach H.
9. Bob S.
10. Jason M.
1. Joy M.
2. Mare L.
3. Asha B.
4. Colleen M.
5. Christina L.
6. Micheline D.
6. Barbara K. (tied with Micheline)
8. Shawn C.
9. Francine D.
10. Bree P.
1. Pierre D.
2. Bob S.
3. Peter M.
4. Coach Fox
5. Michael R.
6. Andy M.
7. Chris P.
8. Carlos G.
9. James K.
10. Bjorn B.
The Physics of Droplets The New York Times
What It’s Really Like To Be a Male Ballet Dancer Shape
How To Voodoo Floss Your Own Shoulder
Shawn says
6am with McDowell and Arturo. I wasn't sure what weight to use for this workout. Ultimately, I partnered up with Scott and we went with 145lbs, which I think was a good choice. I was able to get the weight up and into my back and then keep the squats moving without too much rest and I didn't have to drop the bar mid-set at any point. Finished in 11:58 and I'm definitely going to be feeling it in my legs for the rest of the day and probably into tomorrow.
Dan L says
Makeup post from yesterday
Did the WOD at body weight (175) and finished in 11:00 exactly. Felt pretty good. Squats were slow, run was somewhat slow but was able to do it all unbroken and keep moving. says
Alright folks, I've got a confession to make: I've been fooling myself. I thought I was somewhere between 230-235lbs, but I weighed myself before doing the supersquatz workout yesterday and turns out I'm 245lbs. I guess it's time time lay off the thrice-a-day protein shakes.
So that's my way of saying I did the squat workout at 245lbs. This was tougher than I thought. Been a while since I've run, and I had the old grandpa legs after doing 21 squats with that weight. Running sucked from that point in (it was more of a quick zombie shuffle). This took a lot out of me and my legs are super sore now. Finished in 11:48.
Finally, dumbbell presses – 1×5 at 60lbs, 4×5 at 65lbs. Felt fast. says
7am this morning with Ro and McDowell
WOD in 8:55, Rx. Wore my Nike frees to run in, and these felt horrible on the squats (I always tell people these are bad shoes to squat in!) All squats unbroken, at a moderate pace (tried to do sets of three with an extra breath or two at the top between each set). Dug a little deeper in the set of nine and got through the last few pretty quickly. I tried to focus on getting a bounce out of the bottom, but was only mildly consistent with this. The runs were hard; my legs felt so heavy!
5×5 DB Presses (pre-workout) at 25. My shoulders were cracking all over the place and my left elbow and shoulder were feeling a bit off. I had McDowell wrap my elbow after class and it definitely feels better! says
Periodic check in.
Cool backstory on Arturo. He is the man.
Regarding Fox's article on virtuosity – discussing the wall ball standards for 15.3, the coach at my new box said something like "if your partner throws an air ball you can count it, but the second one is absolutely a no rep." So, sometimes virtuosity, I guess? #themomentiknewiwasgonnaquit
It's good to see fellow master Pierre D amongst the leaders gym wide. I'm predicting a top 5 finish for him, after he shakes off Noah and El Oso this week. says
6am with McRo, great to see Ro back.
Started the morning with Rytas(sp?) telling me that based on my comments I might have gotten my math wrong for my 15.4 submission and I spent the rest of the hour thinking if I got 54 reps or 74 reps. Still don't know, I've given up.
WOD: 10:53 @ #115
This went really well. I love this type of workout. I would have liked to gone heavier, but cleaning anything above 115 right now is a challenge, and it shouldn't be. The past two weeks have really pointed out to me that my cleans are weak.
Found the key for this workout was to have consistent pacing. I found that 80-85% threshold and kept it going for the entire workout. I think if I would have gone any faster on the run I would have jacked my heart rate up good.
K Harpz says
Came in early to do the workout bcs I have a very large exam tomorrow.
10:31 @135#
Kept the bar on a rack instead, didn't want to force any heavy overhead since my shoulder decided to be a jerk this week. figured this modification was still the same stimulus, I probably would've had another 45s or so added to this had I RXed. This was really hard. Haven't contemplated quitting a workout in a long time. High rep back squats give me a tension headache! Luckily I recognized it right away, fixed my gaze, and relaxed the tension in my face. Dodged a bullet there! That would've been a recipe for a pretty nasty training week.
Cash out: lax ball to the suboccipitals, couch stretch, then got to catch a ride with Ro in Noah's pimpmobile for a hearty wholefoods meal. Fried chicken YUM says
I'm unshakable, Ben!!
Honestly Im pretty happy with how I'm doing this Open! Doesnt look like I'll be able to crack top 4 so I'll have to hold on for dear life to my 5th spot for one more workout. There has been some friendly pushing and pulling between Pierre myself and Noah these last few weeks. One more to go boys!
4:30 with McNoah
2 Rounds
15 KB Swings: 20kg
10e Lunges
5 Pull-Ups
@ 155lbs (BW) managed to do them without putting the bar down.
Did 8/10ths, 6/10ths and 4/10ths of a mile on the Assault Bike instead of the run.
My right ankle didn't like the flight simulator we did a couple weeks ago then 15.3 had 183 double unders which compounded some discomfort. Been diligently doing my joint distractions and voodoo flossing every day which helped tremendously. At about 90-95% so I decided to play it safe and sub the run. I don't recommend doing this on the assault bike 😛
DB Press
Crossover symmetry says
5:30 with McNo.
9:40 RX – I think. 165# BS. I haven't been on a scale in a while. Within 5 lbs. Yay for running.
Whit H says
5:30 with McNo
11:15 at 105#, which is about 75-80% BW.
Had it been out of a rack, I would've sucked it up and gone Rx'ed, but I don't have the confidence or practice to lower that weight onto my shoulders, esp. not more than once and while fatigued.
All squats unbroken, taking chunks of 7, 5, 3 at a time. I am such a slow runner. Was happy with how I paced, and was moving on the squats, but I need to start adding a bit of running into my weekly routine once the weather gets nicer.
DB Press: 2×5 @ 20#, 3×5 @ 25#. Must keep doing these.
Accessory work…
3 rounds NFT:
5 slow MU transitions, blue band
:15 false grip hang on the bar (lax balls in hands)
:30 forearm plank with 25# weight
Then played around with the ab wheel with Jake. I was actually surprised that I could get most of the way down and back up again from my knees. Another good one to put in my regular rotation. says
7:30 with Noah and Melo
10:12 at 83#… which is about 60-65% of my bodyweight.
Getting overhead was definitely the limiter, but I gotta say… I didn't hate this one.
Allie B says
Wow, Joe. Those are some spectacular abs. Good job!
WOD in 9:34 at 63#. I would have gladly gone heavier, but my cleans are terrible (~72) and push press is even worse. I also feel I could have run faster but was weary of wearing myself out. Ugh hard to know what's right!
Anyway, next cycle, I really want to improve shoulder to overhead and cleans. If a similar workout comes up, I don't want my workout to be circumstantially on the easy side.
I was happy to have graduated to 20# strict DB presses today. Did 2 reps at 25! ha!
JakeL says
Snatch, Some waves up to 85%
242, 253, 264
242, 253, 264
CJ, 3 singles at 80%
Snatch pulls, Heavy
Behind the neck Press
185x4x3 says
WOD @93# in 12:42. High rep back squats are my worst nightmare. My old self probably would have skipped today but since I have parent teacher conferences tomorrow evening and I need to work on my back squat, I sucked it up and came in. Took the jog slow so that I didn't burn out too quickly on the squats. Thankfully I didn't have to drop the bar. Did the first two sets of squats in 3s and the last set as 5-4. The squats weren't as bad as expected and I probably could've pushed myself harder (just a little bit).
5 x 5 press with 20# DBs. I should have switched over to 25s part way through but I pressed and worked on strict pull-ups yesterday so thought these would be more difficult than they were.
Great piece on Arturo!
The CrossFit Games IG account just posted a hint on 15.5- 14 minutes of walking lunges and #thisisgoingtohurt. Perhaps overhead lunges? Def have not worked on those! We shall see!
Cam says
7:30 with NoApologies and Melo (with the awesome and fancy name)
11:15 at #70. maybe i should've gone heavier on these! the last two reps on set 9 looked SLOPPY. but somehow the first set of 21 felt… great?! good to get this workout in actually, just weird squatting without lifters and not on a rack!
finished with the cash out of 2×5 20# DBs then switch to 3×5 25# DBs too. hope to show people were Muscle Beach is in a few months!
Cam says
7:30 with NoApologies and Melo (with the awesome and fancy name)
11:15 at #70. maybe i should've gone heavier on these! the last two reps on set 9 looked SLOPPY. but somehow the first set of 21 felt… great?! good to get this workout in actually, just weird squatting without lifters and not on a rack!
finished with the cash out of 2×5 20# DBs then switch to 3×5 25# DBs too. hope to show people where Muscle Beach is in a few months!
Cam says
wow sorry for the double posting! :O
Lauren says
Lots of mobility
80% 52kgx1x10
Lots of warm ups, shoulders taxed from last 2 days
55% 25kgx3x5
Positions and explosiveness. Fun
55% 35kgx3x5
Same as snatches
85% 27kgx2x5
These felt really light. Might be off on my 1rm
Box jumps
24"x5, 30"x5, 32"x3