Fitness: 2 Position Clean (High Hang + Hang) + Front Squat
Performance: 3 Position Clean (High Hang + Hang + Deck) + Jerk
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Fitness and Performance: 1 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure. Dead starts, no touch and go. Use a hook grip if you can.
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For Time:
400m Run
5 Rounds For Time:
15 Box Jumps
30 Sit-Ups
400m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK’s competition team tackled 15.3 yesterday afternoon, and Kate made a video of the first heat. There are also photos of the 1pm class hitting the workout up in our Flickr account!
News and Notes
- Coach Frankie Murray’s Olympic Lifting Program has their Mock Oly Meet today at 2:30pm. Come check it out, and cheer on participants as they 1RM their snatch and clean and jerk!
- Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshops are today! The regular workshop is at 2pm and Random Kipping Skillz is at 3pm. There are still a few spaces in both. REGISTER HERE (scroll to the bottom).
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Want to work out today at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- Don’t forget to submit your Open scores for 15.3 by 8pm tomorrow night.
Get Hella Strong with Coach Margie: Schedule Change for Strength Cycle F
We are moving the M/Th, 12pm Strength Cycle to different days/times. The cycle will begin the week of March 23rd and run for seven weeks in order to participate in the Total with the other cycles. The cost will be two payments of $175, or $350 total. Class size is capped at six.
If you are interested, please email Margie before Monday, March 16: Margie (at), and include the following:
+ Two preferred choices of 2x/week
+ Best time of day for each choice, specifying: early morning; mid-morning; noon; mid-afternoon; or evening.
1) Tues/Thurs; noon or mid-afternoon
2) Mon/Wed; evening
If you don’t know Margie, learn more about her awesomeness by reading Coach Noah’s Underneath the Hoodie article about her.
CFSBK Movie Night Is Back: FIGHT CLUB
What: Movie Night, featuring cult favorite Fight Club
When: Friday, March 20th, after Open Gym at 8pm
Bring your snacks, drinks, lounge chairs, whatever, and come hang! Just remember… The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club…
Gratitude Louie Schwartzberg
9am with the Foxes. I worked up to 135 on the fitness clean complex. These felt pretty good today. Fox noted that my front rack was a little narrow. I'll have to work on mobilization of my triceps and elbows to fix that. 280x1x5 on the deadlifts. I used a switch grip for the first three reps, then reversed that for the next attempt, but grabbed the bar unevenly, so I had to put it down, reset, and finish the last two reps with a better grip. The lesson is not to rush these – and to use chalk for deadlifts, according to Fox. I'm excited to try out a 1RM next Sunday – like, kinda foolishly so. I think I've got three wheels in me, but we'll see.
I completed the WOD in 14:47. Running felt great today, if a little chilly. Doing box jumps and sit-ups next to Linda kept me moving, even after she lapped me. Cool down was gathering my kids and their manic energy and (eventually) getting them out of the gym.
Good luck to all participating in the oly meet today!
9am with the Foxes
It was great to partner with Strong Laura for the clean complex and deadlifts. Worked up to 113 on the cleans/fsq, and it moved better than last week. I still need to focus on hitting the high hang though and not letting the bar get out in front of me. Deadlifts moved well, 215x5x1
WOD: This was exactly what I needed this morning after a little too much wine last night. Finished in 12:45. I was happy to have the gate open and to be running outside again!
Good luck to the Oly lifters today!
10am with Fox and DO:
Worked up to 145# on the fitness clean complex with Carlos. Was getting hard-ish to hit the high hang but felt I had a little more in the tank.
Deadlift: 345# x 5. Definitely getting toward the end range of my sets of 5. The last one was very slow. Got some good tips from DO on what I can do to lengthen my insanely tight hamstrings.
WOD in 13:32. Should have gone harder on the first run.
11AM group class with Melo and DO
Penny the pup hid under the bed this morning when I was trying to put her in her crate to leave, so… I was 5 minutes late to class instead of the 10-15 minutes early that I wanted to be. Felt like I was playing catch-up all through the lifting segment just to get my shoulders warm, which are feeling a bit achey after yesterday.
HHC + HC + Clean + Jerk
63, 83, 103, 113, 118 (no jerk)
-as per the above, not my best lifts. overall good pulls and power, but just a bit soft on the catches and tired coming up out of the bottom. shoulders/elbows really aching by the time I hit 113, so decided not to jerk 118.
WOD: scaled up to 24" box and did 15 v-ups per round instead of 30 sit-ups
Time: 13:46
I was the last person in on the initial run, I tend to be slow on first runs b/c I don't want to jack up my heart rate, but should probably experiment with a faster pace one of these days. Happy with my choice to do 24" instead of 20, since it was only 15 reps per round.
-Jump up, step down on first 2 rounds, then did mostly bounding in the last 3 rounds. Had one solid miss where I banged my right shin on the box. Haven't done that in a LONG time… big bruise forming. That really hurts!
Cash out: pancakes.
Thanks for the video Kate! It was like being there.
11am. 135 on the fitness cleans. High hang felt heavy. Need to use my legs more and get lower faster. DL 2 sets of 5 @ 320.
WOD subbed 15 v-ups for sit ups. Not sure on time. Felt good to get outside on the runs.
Coaches: I missed out on the past couple of days due to a burn on my hand. I think it's healed enough to take on 15.3. Any chance I can get that done tomorrow during a class (6AM)?
WOW Kate R! Extraordinary pics! Your really captured the action and intensity of the muscle ups yesterday! I love the Benson pics too! Especially the b&w, that is an award winner!
11:00 with Melo and David
Clean 83#
Deadlift 1×5 140# yay
WOD – last to finish but box jumps and running felt great! Situps really slowed me down.
Also meant to say WTG Comp team! What a video! I wish I had stayed and watched, didn't realize it was an option (read blog after I got home, ug!). Would love to see you in action again although I doubt there will be any WOD as exciting as 15.3. Muscle ups! Wow.
Olympic Total at 3pm today. No PRs were on tap since it was really my first day back and I couldn't comfortably squat yet, so, power versions for me.
80 M
83 M
The 83 was close would have been a power snatch PR.
Clean and Jerk
110 M
Pulled 110 way early and wasn't in a position to catch and stand.
I hit my minimums so I should be happy, but I always want more…next time.
Then did 15.3…oof
200 reps (8:01 tie break)
This got a bit harder than I expected to. It was the doubles that gassed me mostly. Quads also seized up pretty good on my very first double, glad to give a few folks a laugh 🙂
Colleen: DANG! Great work on those lifts 🙂 You inspire me with those cleans!
Great job to the Oly lifters!
Another really good day at the gym: today's WOD was my three favorite exercises combined. It was great to have a confidence boost after being very inspired watching the Comp Team kill 15.3 yesterday!
Kipping skills workshop was also totally worth the $20! Ended up getting a few kipping HSPUs, so that was awesome! Ring dips are definitely going to take some practice, but the point is that I now know how to practice! Give me hope that one day…maybe a muscle up!
I wish I would have cashed out with pancakes.
Recap from yesterday's 15.3:
Got 284 reps Rxed, with a 5:15 tiebreak, which basically means I did one round decently fast and then just exploded in a shower of sparks, motor oil, and transmission fluid.
Andrew Migdail, my gracious judge, told me I finished the 2nd round of muscleups in about 7 minutes, and I got to the 2nd rd of DUs with 90 seconds left…so I spent 5 1/2 minutes, or about 40% of the workout, on the second set of wallballs.
They were fucking terrible. Totally my fault, I went in without a plan, and took liberal rest with the unrealistic goal of "catching my breath" or "feeling better" which just wasn't an option at that point. If I had some concrete rest intervals in mind I think I could have pushed through in closer to 4 minutes, which would have got me clear of the DUs and back to a 3rd rd of MUs. Alas, not to be. I WILL NOT BE ATTEMPTING THIS WORKOUT AGAIN. By the end of my DUs, I was careening wildly across the gym like a lilting drunkard, all I could do was focus on clearing the rope. Wicked.
Very fun teaching pullup and other kipping skillzes over the last two days. Everyone who signed up did an awesome job. Especially big thanks to the world's largest guinea pig, Mike Crumsho, who was my only person in the Skills class Saturday and let me work out a lot of the kinks from a new concept.
My back is slowly rounding back into shape, excited to get back to some more consistent training.
Went to Noah's kipping PU workshop today at 2 and I'm really glad I did. Breaking down the kip definitely helped and I think with some more strict strength (or less bodyweight lol) I'll get there.. goals for this spring/summer. I definitely felt myself getting a little frustrated, but I'm always my own worst critic.
I came back for OG and it was packed! So awesome to see Karl get his 1st…2nd…3rd…4th muscle ups. He probably got more after I left too!
I did some power cleans and overhead squats. PRd my 1 rep OHS at 83# which is up 9lbs. I'll take it!
Started to do some negative PUs but then remembered how sore I'll probably already be. . Saving that for later in the week as per noah's rec.
The olympic lifting meet was awesome. I was feeling a bit frazzled from a hectic family day yesterday so my expectations for my lifts were low. The sight of the taped off platform started the adrenaline pumping. Must note that it was quite nerve racking to walk up to the bar and perform with everyone watching. Not at all like lifting during classes. I took Frank's advice to banish cues from my head and just lift.
Snatch (kilos):
88 M
Clean & jerk:
116 PR
Five for six. Not bad. The snatch miss at 88 would have been a PR. Pulled plenty high, just a bit soft in the catch. With the nervous energy of the meet, the cleans were all of the power variety. Oh well, it is the jerk where I'm limited. The jerk at 116 felt snappy and light.
Nice to see the grit of the other lifters: a number of misses on first attempts were followed by makes.
Colleen, thanks!! I almost left my camera at home yesterday and today, and I'm glad I didn't. Got some shots of the snatching portion of today's mock Oly meet (and some more cute dogs). Congrats to everyone who competed.
Makeup from 1pm yesterday:
15.3 scaled: 939 reps. All single-unders unbroken and wall balls broken up in sets of two, with only a couple breaths rest and leaning against the ball without dropping it, a fun trick Lauren B. taught me. These are two of my strongest movements but this workout irritated me.
1pm again today:
My shoulder hurts pretty bad, so I'm taking two weeks off from most upper body stuff and will see what happens. Skipped the lifts and made up my front squats: 45×5 with pause, 95×4, 125×3, 145x3x3. Spent some time looking back in my journal at the weights I've hit front squatting over the last year. 145 is my 1RM from just four months ago. Pretty cool.
WOD: 14 something? I can cruise through box jumps but man, fcccckk sit-ups.
Fun weekend at the gym.
9am with the coaches fox. Worked up to 133# on the fitness clean complex for one set, then failed there on my next attempt. Apparently I am buckling my knees in when I pull so that's a new thing to try to get my dumb body to stop doing. (Btw Linda, you definitely got up to 123# on the complex today, not 113!)
Deadlifts at 215×5. Fine. Then the WOD in 12:48. Felt like I was doing sit ups in jello.
So in awe of all the muscle up madness! Great job to everyone who gave it a go. I get vertigo just looking up at those rings.
Yay welcome back Strong Laura!
Love the video. Will have a nose at the pics.
Oly Meet Recap.
I went in today really not wanting to do this at all. The thought of trying to execute these lifts in front of people scared the shit out of me. I tend to get really nervous even if a coach is watching me, let alone a judge and an audience and only three attempts!! I was a nervous wreck going in and almost pulled out twice.
I decided to open with a weight that I have been doing for reps in class. Lo and behold I pressed it out and missed my first lift, which I had actually just hit in my warm-up because I wanted to be sure I had it. The second attempt felt easy and I pressed out the third somehow too, which would have matched my PR.
Clean and Jerk
55 (PR)
Obviously this went a LOT better! I have been skipping cleans a lot lately because of something weird going on in my shoulder and this started hurting again when I was warming up and I almost tried to use it as an excuse to not finish the meet but I got over it and I am gad I did because PtotheR!!! Strangely I defaulted to power cleans for some reason and actually I think I am capable of doing a lot more with this lift.
The whole experience was extremely nerve-wracking; way more so than Iron Maidens because I am never really 100% sure if what I am about to do is going to actually look like an Olympic lift. Nevertheless I am so happy I did this because it completely pushed me out of my comfort zone and that is never a bad thing.
Awesome to watch my platform buddies and the evening crew PR and hit some big numbers. Will miss Oly Cycle the next fews weeks. I have learned so much.
Thanks for a great day Frank and David!
Came back for OG because I NEVER have Sundays off.
Pause Squat
45 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 3
205 x 3 x 3
Bench Press
45 x 5
70 x 4
90 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 5 x 6
Everything felt great.
ALSO! Awesome video Kate!!
OG was bananas this evening. Lady Fox did an excellent job handling the madness.
Felt destroyed from the squats/WOD that I did yesterday so I was really not committed to my work this evening. Something I need to work on: personal motivation and focus. Thankfully, I had Rob to help me show up despite feeling fairly low energy.
Hit some Power Cleans but kept them lighter than I would've liked. Didn't feel focused with all the muscle up madness around me. Also felt zapped.
Finished with #118
DL #163x5x1 felt a lot lighter than last week. Ready to bump these up.
WOD with JB 🙂 decided to run because my sore quads needed something different than the erg. Haven't run since my injury over a year ago. Felt good, until I had to run against the win. Ugh. Slow mo.
I think my time was 13:45ish? Last two rounds of sit ups sucked and kept the box jumps to step ups because my quads felt fried from yesterday
Cashout: Bareburger date with Shaye and Nick.
Here's to the next two weeks off and enjoying spring break! Hope to hit up some good ol' noon classes.
The picture of Lady Fox and Tucker on Flickr is amazing – those smiles!! Needed that on a Monday.