Front Squat: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
20 Burpees
30 Dumbbell Thrusters
40 Kettlebell Swings
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Open Workout 15.3
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
7 Muscle-Ups
50 Wall Balls
100 Double-Unders
Post reps to comments.
Coach McDowell getting ready to jerk during 15.2
News and Notes
- Come watch CFSBK’s Competition Team crush 15.3! Our gym’s strongest will be tackling 15.3 this afternoon. They’ll start warming up around 2:15 and the first heat is at 2:45pm. Come cheer them on!
- Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshops begin today! The regular workshop is at 2pm on Saturday and Random Kipping Skillz is at 3pm. If you can’t make it today, there’s still space tomorrow. REGISTER HERE (scroll to the bottom)!
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Want to work out tomorrow at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
Attention: People Signed Up For the Open
The Games system will not let you enter a zero as your score for an Open workout. We know many of you don’t want to do the Scaled version of 15.3 and had planned to attempt a muscle-up for 14 minutes and take a zero if you didn’t get one. If you want to attempt to get a muscle-up and end up not being able to, you will also have to complete the Scaled workout and enter your score for that version.
Get Hella Strong with Coach Margie: Schedule Change for Strength Cycle F
We are moving the M/Th, 12pm Strength Cycle to different days/times. The cycle will begin the week of March 23rd and run for seven weeks in order to participate in the Total with the other cycles. The cost will be two payments of $175, or $350 total. Class size is capped at six.
If you are interested, please email Margie before Monday, March 16: Margie (at), and include the following:
+ Two preferred choices of 2x/week
+ Best time of day for each choice, specifying: early morning; mid-morning; noon; mid-afternoon; or evening.
1) Tues/Thurs; noon or mid-afternoon
2) Mon/Wed; evening
If you don’t know Margie, learn more about her awesomeness by reading Coach Noah’s Underneath the Hoodie article about her.
An Aerial Tour of the World’s Largest Cave
I respectfully withdraw certain comments I made on the blog yesterday after witnessing my partner's amazing feats of strength today. I don't want to steal the man'sthunder so let me just say Congrats on an amazing performance!
Insult to injury. Thanks Dave Castro :/
Closing thoughts in anticipation of Sundays Mock Oly Meet
How to Snatch (if you're Lauren) by Frank Murray
1. Smooth pull
2. You're being lifted up with a set back angle
3. Butt down and punch up at the SAME TIME
EMPTY HEAD throughout
See you Sunday!
8am with Melissa and David
Hit 227 reps rx which is 13 double unders in the 2nd round. Muscle ups were 3/3/2 1st round and 2/2/1/1/1 2nd round. Wall balls were a combo of 10s and 5s. Double unders were in planned sets of 25. Went easier than I should have on the wall balls, but I was concerned about the 2nd set of wall balls having never done them fatigued before.
On another note, over the past few days the crossfit games site, Twitter account, Instagram account have been riddled with complaints and an overall "poor me" attitude. So proud of what I saw this morning with so many people dedicating the full 14 minutes to attempting their 1st muscle up. Some of them actually crushing multiples! NOBODY walked in feeling sorry for themselves. Just another example of the CFSBK community at its best.
Am I the only one who is unable to sign into a class from my phone? It's no problem from a computer but it just won't work on my phone and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Friday night lights at CrossFIt Boynton Beach:
Was very hesitant about 15.3. Like I said, I purposely hadn't trained muscle ups because i wanted to give my shoulder time to get stronger. I promised myself I wouldn't do them until the open forced me to. SO thanks to 15.3 I had the opportunity to go for 7….I pretty much wandered into CFBB expecting to flop around on the rings for 14 min. When I got there, there was so much positive energy in the room that I felt a lot less nervous.
15.3: 199 reps
I've never been so happy in my little CrossFit life. I never dreamed of getting through the first round let alone 14 muscle ups. I ended up getting scheduled in a heat with two of their Regionals athletes, so even though I was getting lapped, it was extremely motivating to be competing next to some serious beasts of the southeast. SO many strong women at this gym, and they're all so friendly. Even on rep 300-whatever the heck he was on, one of the guys turned around to cheer me on.
Congrats to everyone who has been getting their first muscle ups back home! Wish I could be there today to cheer everyone on…but somehow I've gotten roped into dancing around on a float in the downtown delray St Patricks day parade today….this is gonna be good.
1. Ariel- you are not alone. Talk to one of us at the FD and we will try to help.
2. KATIE HARPER OH MY FUCKING GOD WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
3. Anyone want to go halvesies with me on my 10lb meat share? I just can't seem to get through it all these days. We could do one month on, one month off.
Oh sorry. Please excuse my language. I got a bit excited. I would love to have seen you do that KHarpz. You are amazing!
8am with MeLo and David. I chose the "muscle up(s) or fourteen minutes trying" option. Turns out it was the latter, but it was definitely worth the try. I think I've got a muscle up in me; I've just got to put in a little work. Watching everyone else in the gym this morning kicking giant piles of ass was awesome and inspiring. I almost want to try again. Almost. I'll swing by OG tomorrow evening to tear up the scaled version of 15.3.
11am for a little scaled 15.3
Ended up getting 777 reps. The wall balls started getting me in the second round. Single unders flew by with only a couple trips the whole workout.
Super sweaty workout! Much needed
Did some similar work up at Rob's box in New Rochelle CFPOP.
BSQT #135x5x3
WOD: 14min AMRAP
10 burpees
20 WB 14/9
30 KB Swings #16KG
Was hard to do alone and with low music as the coaches were teaching a teaser class simultaneously. Got through 3 Rounds + 10 Burpees + 3 WBs.
Could've pressed harder but felt gassed.
Left knee is still doing its shenanigans. Seeing Dr. Sean next week for further treatment. He doesn't want me using knee sleeves but I used them today. Old habits die hard.
@Ariel I've been having the same issue with my phone, though I've also had laptop problems signing in lately too.
interested in splitting a 10-lb CSA meat share with someone? reply here!
9am with a really excited and fun crew and MeLo and DO at the helm.
Thankfully I remembered to bring a second pair of sneakers since I got drenched on the run over. I actually think I left them by the garage door, if you see them just check them into the lost and found (thanks!).
I was excited about this WOD since it felt like a reversed version (sorta) of the workout they repeated two and three years ago (150 WB, 90 DU, 30 MUs or something), and I really liked that workout.
BK was my partner in crime and he graciously agreed to go first. Watching him kick ass was motivating and scary (the second round of wallballs looked tough). Nice work dude!
Workout time: Hit 319 reps doing the Rx version and I feel like I left it all on the floor. I did a basic "small sets" plan (sorta like Outlaw): 3/2/2 on the MU's, then a tabata on the Wall Balls (10 reps, rest 10 sec, repeat), and then 25s on the DU's. The wall balls were both the worst and the best, since it was a consistent pace and helped me focus on breathing. Tripped up a bit on the DU's but mostly held on to it, and am glad I did not to bigger sets.
I agree with MattyChm – the internets are awash in a lot of complaining about the games, the scaling, their performance, etc. CFSBK is like safe-zone from CF Games Hate. Rock on.
Speaking of rocking on, BIG shout-out to Melissa for throwing me on some Metallica while I hit the workout today (there was no one else in my heat). 🙂 Thanks!
Came in for a great active recovery class at noon. Was hoping to do Open WOD 15.3 and really push myself to focus on muscleups and get one for the first time in a couple years, but 1PM class was split into those registered for the open and those not. So instead I frontsquatted working up to 275×3 as I had not front squatted in awhile. I did not do fitness WOD, hoping there were an odd number of people on rings and I could give it a shot, but alas I will try in open gym.
If it is going to be the case for the next few weeks that you cannot attempt open wods at scheduled classes if you are not signed up for the open, can that be made more clear on the blog? I totally understand the logistical reasons for the need to divide things that way, but I just want to know.
76 reps RX'd on 15.3. singles on all the MUs. rushed back to the rings a couple of times and failed 3 times. Big thanks to the people cheering me on even though i wanted to scream at them when i failed a couple in a row. entertaining the idea of trying this again. at 13 minutes thought i had 2 minutes left and could have pushed the double unders. who knows.
15.3 RX: 157 reps.
First 3 muscle-ups last night. 7 more today. Now just have to figure out how to do them in a way that doesn't make anyone who sees them wince.
Great to be back in the gym after nearly two weeks away due to skiing (well, riding) in Telluride (hint: GO NOW. BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD OTHER THAN BROOKLYN AND MAINE AND KYOTO AND MOLOKAI). I did a very slow version of the non-15.3 getting through 1 round and 28 reps upstairs during the 1pm class.
Also, I was excited to hear how excited folks are for "Get Fit or Be Hacking". Lots of social media chatter about our event. Also see
If you'd like to set up a team (i.e., be a form of "team captain" FGB style) and need any help don't hesitate to e-mail me (runderwood5 [at] gmail) or Benny at Crowdrise (ben [at] Pumped to see comments from folks like Andy M and Ryan L about creating a team.
I'd especially love to see a some company teams get set up as that will allow us to tap into employer match funds.
Finally, while the event is for folks who know how to code, that doesn't mean you shouldn't participate if you don't know how to code today! You have time to learn! Folks will be competing in teams of 4 to balance coding and fitness skills. If you've wanted to learn a little code, or know a tad and want to learn a little more, this might the perfect chance to learn a bit more over the next 7 weeks. So if want to learn how to code, train your coding chops over the next 7 weeks and join us for Get Fit or Be Hacking!
Rob U
10am with MeLo, JB and McD
FSQ: 145lbsx3x3
WOD: 2 rounds plus 10 burpees. Used 17.5lb dumbbells and a 16kg kb The limiting factor for me was definitely the thrusters. It was fun to pause in between and watch the muscle up action going on around us. You could feel the full support of the gym encouraging everyone in their attempts!
Followed class with AR. I've been enjoying the focus on thoracic extension and hip mobility! Today's added bonus was learning a new way to release (aka torture) my hip flexors.
I know folks had some strong feelings about muscle ups being involved in 15.3, but it was truly inspiring to watch!
Random thoughts:
Katie H.: that's incredible! David's MUs are *beautiful*. Whitney hersef looks beautiful doing MUs! Watching the comp team kill it (and sometimes struggle) was awe-inspiring and a good reminder that there's always room for improvement. Seeing so many people cheering on the comp team was also fun– everyone should go watch next week!! Be prepared to be impressed.
As for the scaled version, I appreciated the single unders because it gave me a chance to zone out and admire/study all the muscle ups. Swinging from rings looks so fun. I definitely can't wait to sign up for rings class when it comes around again!
Anyone who is thinking about signing up for the kipping pull up workshop: do ittttt! It was so fun and was necessary to really learn the skill of the kip. In class you really don't get a chance to practice or learn exactly what to practice. Everyone in the workshop ended up stringing a couple together and getting over the bar in a non-strict fashion. It was super fun to see everyone get a new skill!!!
I'm really walking away from today understanding what the open is all about and very much inspired to become more advanced at crossfit! Lots to work on and that's an incredible and exciting feeling!
I'm normally a board lurker, but feeling compelled to comment today. Watching our awesome coaches go HAM on 15.3 to Ace Hood blasting in the background was one of the greatest things I've ever witnessed. We're a lucky bunch.
1pm group class with 44 other people!!! Major shout out to the coaches for running such a huge class safely and efficiently.
Pause Front Squat
45 x 5
95 x 4
135 x 3
150 x 3 x 3
No WOD for me today.
Kipping pull-up workshop went really well. I actually got a few! Feeling pretty good about this. Will practice three times per week minimum- I already started doing that last week but now I feel like I have more to work with.
Will need to get to 15.3 Monday some time as we have our Oly meet tomorrow. Though I am still not certain I will actually lift.
Lots of fun watching the Comp Team do 15.3. Congrats to all who have attempted it, Rxed or scaled.
15.3 scaled 727 reps
A bit disappointed with how this went. Was hoping to break 3 rounds, but my legs just burned out. Even needed breaks on the single unders. Usually I have a game plan for the Open workouts, but didn't for this one. Perhaps if I planned better, I would have completed three rounds. Colleen did great and was an awesome counter! Sorry I was bad at counting for you!!
It was inspiring watching the comp team today!! They killed it! And congratulations to everyone who got their first (and second and third…) muscle ups and for all those who made attempts- you were SO close!
Enjoyed AR classes today, Ive set a goal to teach something about the evolution of the human body every week for the next few weeks. Today's lesson was about why many primates became bipeds and what the anatomical adaptations facilitated this shift.
300 Reps
This workout was exactly what I was worried it would be (wall ball hell) but I think I did okay.
1st Round
Muscle-Ups: Unbroken
Wall Ball 5 sets of 10 with about 20 seconds rest between
Double Unders: 40-20-20-15-5 or something like that
2nd Round
Muscle-Ups: Unbroken
Wall balls: All sets of 5 reps. Here is where the walls started closing in on me. Every set of five made me feel like I was red-lining. Had to rest so much here. Wall Balls and me have a bad history during the Open and today wasn't terribly different. Too much resting, but I honestly didnt feel like I could pick the ball back up
Double-Unders: Got 86 reps deep, should have started sooner and broken the second round. Went the last :30 unbroken then had to roll around on the ground like a fish out of water for like 10 minutes.
great energy in the gym today!
Make up post from doing 15.3 in yesterday's 7 am class.
Did the scaled version since I've never attempted a legit muscle up before but, after reading all of the comments today and yesterday and realizing that I might have many of the basic per-requisites needed, I really wish I could give it a go again and spend 14 minutes going for a muscle up. Alas, I'm in Vermont until late Sunday, so don't know if it will happen before score submission ends on Monday evening.
Anyways, did the scaled version of 15.3 with 519 reps. Broke the wall balls into 2 sets of 10, then sets of 5 for the rest with relatively controlled breaks (the wall balls were by far the harder part of the couplet for me). Broke the single unders into 75-75-50 for the first set and 50-50-50-50 for the second set. Had 2 or 3 trip-ups doing single unders in the first set, otherwise those went fine.
It is definitely hard staying organized, focused and composed on those wall balls in the last round when you can barely control your breathing!
Came in to see how full lifts felt while my Comp Team Bros and Sisters got after it. Really fun to watch them give their all and also to read about a few first muscle ups happening during today's classes. It's a real bummer that we can't enter zeros as Rx'd scores…
PS – 1pm…we have 5 other classes you can attend on Saturdays…wake up a bit earlier?
Worked up to 80% snatch for a few singles and 80% clean and jerk for one. Wound up judging for comp class's 2nd heat so only got the one in on C&J. Looking forward to lifting at 3 tomorrow with others who trained hard with me for the last 8 weeks.
@ Management: is there any plan for those interested in doing 15.3 on Monday? I am considering whether I should try to repeat the workout and see if I can get a muscle up, but I certainly don't want to disrupt the programming for Monday to do so, particularly since I may spend the entire 14 minutes flailing on the rings!
@Neal – OG tomorrow night is your best bet. Our original plan as payed out at the start of the Open was there are 4 opportunities to perform the Open workouts:
Friday classes
Friday OG
Saturday classes
Sunday OG
@Joel – Expect the same. "Performance" programming will be the Open WODs, and "Fitness" programming will be alternate programming. It's the fairest way to allow all of the people who signed up to perform the workouts. FYI though, it's space/equipment dependent, and smaller classes allow for greater flexibility.
8am – 17 people
9am – 10 people
11am – 17 people
1pm – 45!
Gosh… I just love this community, my job, and the people I get to work with and for every day.
10am yoga was great this morning with 4 awesome dudes. Really love teaching this class. Hope more people will come up and give it a try sometime 🙂
What Fox said… you all 1PM'ers might really enjoy the space and freedom on those 9 and 10am classes! Also, looking fwd to our second space opening soon to bring some relief.
Lastly, today's Open workout ended with a humble number of reps, but a very big achievement for me. I've had a goal of doing Muscle Ups for so long, and really got serious about it in the fall this year. I'm so happy that I did some research, started doing drills, got stronger, and put things together over the last few months. I wasn't sure how this would go today, since I haven't really done kipping muscle ups much or at all in the past 6 weeks (focusing/prepping for Iron Maidens). I knew I was capable, but they aren't a "given" by any means for me at this point.
15.3: 6 reps, RX'ed.
Until today, the most muscle ups I've ever done in one day was 4 reps, spaced out over about 30 minutes of practice time. So, this is a huge success.
Got my first rep right away, no problem. Then the 2nd and 3rd rep, also smooth. Waited about a minute between each attempt. I failed on #4. Then failed again… and again. I gave myself a bit more time, and some consultation with Alex and McD. Great note from McD to get more tension in the arch swing and really press down on the rings, then be patient in the hollow swing on the way up. This was KEY for me, as when I get nervous about being tired/weak, I tend to pull too early before I've gotten the height fro my hips. Also… can't have any doubts. Just COMMIT.
Hit two more reps in a row (about a minute apart), and then had about 90 seconds or so to hit #7 and get to wall balls. Made another attempt at 13:00ish, but didn't quite get over, fought at the top to get position back on my left side, but just couldn't. Tried again in the last 20 seconds, same thing.
Overall, very happy with 6 muscle ups in about 12 minutes. I feel like I learned even more about my kip and technique, and know what I have to do. I MIIIIIIIGHT try again on Monday, depending on how I feel, but either way, I know I did my best today.
Homework: practice ring dips on low rings with smart kip. I only really practiced these strict, and need some controlled work on how to kip the dip when I get fatigued.
Congrats to everyone getting their first MU's, or attempting and getting close!
@K HarpZ – Way to get after 15.3! I could feel the excitement in your description and what a killer result. Congratulations! You are crazy strong!
@Whit H – Your MU video today made me smile and your write up was kinda what I was looking for on the blog just now when I really am supposed to be sleeping. Your hard work to achieve this goal is inspiring and your interest in helping me and I'm sure others try to get there along the way is very much appreciated. So awesome to have nailed 6 in 14 minutes. Congratulations! So awesome 🙂