Fitness: 2 Position Snatch (High Hang + Hang)
You can also Power Snatch. Catch as low as your mobility allows.
Performance: 3 Position Snatch (High Hang + Hang + Deck)
Post loads to comments.
18 Minutes, Not For Rounds:
270m Jog (because it’s nice outside!!!)
5 Hang Muscle Snatches
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
Post rounds and what you worked on to comments.
Steph M. (third on CFSBK’s Lady Leaderboard for the Open!) locks out her deadlift at Iron Maidens
Crush Your Pull-Ups With Coach Noah
There’s still space in Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshops. Sign up now, as these workshops always sell out! REGISTER HERE (scroll to the bottom)
What: For those who have yet to accomplish their first kipping pull-up or need significant work organizing the movement and linking them together
When: Saturday and Sunday at 2PM
Buy-in: 3 chin-ups or pull-ups (special cases can be considered, email Noah [at]
But wait, there’s more! Noah will also host his first Random Kipping Skillz Workshop.
What: Kipping Toes-to-Bar, Kipping Handstand Push-ups, Kipping Ring Dips, and possibly Butterfly Pull-Ups.
When: Saturday and Sunday at 3PM
Buy-in: You should have the ability to do at least five strict versions of each movement to enroll
Each class will cost $20 and run one hour. REGISTER HERE (scroll to the bottom)
2015 CrossFit Open Leaderboard: Team CFSBK
The results for 15.1, 15.1a, and 15.2 are in, and here are our team’s leaders! Congrats to everyone who has been pushing themselves the last couple weeks with two tough workouts. We can’t wait to see what’s on deck this Thursday…
1. Alex B.
2. Coach McDowell
2. Matt K.
4. Alex N.
5. Nick F.
6. Jason M.
7. Coach Noah
8. Coach David
8. Pierre D. (tied with Coach David)
10. Michael A.
1. Coach MeLo
2. Coach K HarpZ
3. Steph M.
4. Coach Lady Fox
5. Coach Whitney
6. Lauren B.
7. Ellie M. (who gave birth six months ago!)
8. Marie B.
9. Steph P.
9. Lauren S. (tied with Steph)
1. Bob S.
1. Pierre D. (tied with Bob)
3. Peter M.
4. Coach Fox
5. Chris P.
6. Michael R.
7. Carlos G.
7. Andy M. (tied with Carlos)
9. Bjorn B.
10. James K.
1. Joy M.
2. Asha B.
3. Mare L.
4. Colleen M.
5. Christina L.
6. Francine D.
7. Barbara K.
7. Micheline D. (tied with Barbara)
9. Shawn C.
10. Bree P.
Muscle Snatch Catalyst Athletics
Getting Lost: A Poem Meets a Surfing Video
Highlights From Apple’s Favorite Photos Shot With iPhones Colossal
Make-up from yesterday:
Failed on the 10th rep. This moved well until about 7 or 8, and then it was a heavy slog.
2000m row
100 box jumps – 24 inch box
100 wall balls – 20lbs/10'
Did this all by myself after McDowell voluntold me for it. Was fun(?) to do this at a conversational pace. Did the row at a steady pace of 1:45-1:50, then tried to keep moving on the box jumps (with step-downs). Ran out of gas at the wall balls and broke them up into 10s and 20s, probably with too much rest.
Make-up post from yesterday
5:30 class with NoWell
While doing some calf mashing Mike and I noticed Matt and he looked extra tired on the row so joking we said he's probably doing it by himself. Low and behold…. good job Matt!
Hit 260 on fitness. Still feels pretty good. Heavy but good. I'm hoping to jump to 270 or 275 for next week depending on how much energy I have. I haven't done linear progression in a few cycles, I'm glad I did this round.
Worked with Brandon on the WOD and finished in 14:34.
Broke up the row 500 each x2 then I did the first 22 box jumps and then rotated 20 each until the end. WBs were 10 a piece with a lot of encouragement.
I like partner WODS
Make-up from yesterday
355×2, 315×10(PR). That's my first squat PR in a long time. It was messy early on as I went too fast because I wanted to get the bar off my back, but then calmed down and hit some singles to get to 10. I think I might be able to do 325×10 next week, but we'll see.
Yesterday partnered w Laura aka Dubie for the first time — great match up!
95% 190#x2 — pretty sure that's a record for 2
75% 170#x6 — feeling strain in low back so stopped there
Workout in 16:10
Rows were the worst; wall balls were flying!
Woke up in the middle of the night thinking about my quads and couldnt get back to sleep
7am this morning with DO and Lady Fox:
3 position snatch complex
Everything felt really good until I got up to 78, then I started having trouble getting underneath the bar, and my form kept falling apart. It didn't feel heavy, just messy, so I kept it here.
Subbed 15 wall balls for kipping pull ups in the not for rounds because I need to work on them . After a couple of rounds, these started to feel much better. They will never be easy for me, but with practice I can at least make them manageable. Worked at 55 for the muscle snatches (even these felt slow, I don't think I am getting much power from my hips), and the runs were a bit cold but felt so nice!
Also—we have some very young looking masters athletes at our gym!
6am. Worked up to 60 kilos (132#) on the 3 position snatch complex. High hang felt snappy. Got through 3 rounds of the NFR work. Muscle snatches @ 75#. Took a lot of mental effort to not drop down a bit and do a power snatch.
Thanks Lil JB. I've had a lot of work – oops, I mean I've worked hard to preserve my adolescent physique.
6am with Jess and David
Worked up to 135# on the performance snatch complex. Made it through once no problem but then started failing forward. Just fatigue and getting soft at the bottom.
NFT Work
Used 75# for the muscle snatches. Like Peter, I had to constantly remind myself not to drop under. Played with butterfly pull ups and muscle ups. Both are starting to come along. I just need to put in the time. Great running outside for the first time in forever.
Jay OMG you've made me snort out loud again.
You Open beasts are awesome. I'm only half telling the truth when I say I wish I were doing it too, though!
My prediction for the Rx'd version of 15.3 is going to be Pistols, and double unders. A shorty like a 6 minute AMRAP. Or maybe a longer triplet with those two in it.
Snatch: Worked up to 115#. Everything was tight, so just focused on good reps at a moderate weight.
NFR: 3+ rounds. That is about 2 rounds better than most of my NFR work. 75# muscle snatches, I agree it was weird not dropping or bending my knees. Substituted MUs for pull-ups.
My prediction for 15.3 is 50 225lb push presses for time.
I predict 15.3 will be an ascending ladder starting at 10 calories on an erg, followed by 10 wall balls. then 20 and 20, and 30 and 30, and so on and so forth for 15 minutes. Each round will be separated by 20 double unders. Or at least, that is what I really hope it will be.
5 Rounds For Time
Chug 1 Bottle of Beer
250m Row Sprint
8 minute time cap
15.3A: 6 minutes to establish max volume vomit
6am with Jess and David. I did the fitness snatch complex at 65×2, 75×2, 85×2, 95×2, and 105×2. The high hang felt quick and my catches pretty solid. Things were a little less on-point from the hang. David pointed out that my hang position was a little soft, with my butt a little low, which is similar to feedback I got from Whit on Sunday re. my deadlift setup. On my last hang snatch, I didn't get under quickly enough and had to press it out.
I did the NFR work (slowly) with 75 lbs on the bar and also had a hard time not doing these as power snatches. The runs outside felt great – I felt like I was bounding down to 4th ave. The first couple rounds of kipping pullups felt horrible on my hands and shoulders – I'm not sure why, but both have been really tender for the last week. Lingering effects of 15.2, maybe.
Can't wait to see what they throw at us for 15.3.
Way to go Ellie! Pre During Post pregnancy, no matter the state, you still would have crushed it. Congrats to all the muscles!
Wow, way to come back and kick some ass Ellie! Also, I had no idea that any of the ladies in the Masters division were over 40. Crossfit must be the fountain of youth!
Yesterday noon: fun working out with my fellow "Master" Bob – did my fitness HBBS 265x3x5 Starting to get hard, but still room to go up…Fun because I've never done a linear progression of HBBS before so each week is a 1RM PR.. We'll see if I can catch up to my LBBS..
Afterwards Bob and I did the partner workout – "Team Old" I called us – I did the first 500 and last 500 on the row pretty fast and Bob did an awesome job with the wallballs doing 60 of them and finishing in 15:01 – a few seconds ahead of the young whippersnappers around us.
I hope they don't have pistols for 15.3. That would be a nonstarter for me. Or at least not until the very end of a long chipper.
My ideal 15.3; 2K row! 🙂
My prediction: a long slough… AMRAP
60cal ROW
50 DU
40 wall balls
30 front squats @135/95
20 muscle-ups…
6am with Jess and David
Snatch work: It was fun to be partnered with KH/cage (rare 6am appearance!) on the performance work. I struggled with the pull from the high hang and generally need to move faster and drop under the bar. Worked up to 68#.
I was just going to do 5 banded pull-ups and 5 kip swings, but David persuaded me to try the banded kipping pull-ups for the first time. They weren't pretty, but I'll keep working on these going forward. It was nice to be able to run outside again!
David O- does your prediction have anything to do with the instagram photo of two pistols on top of a jumprope? lol It would be so much better if they got us and neither move were in the workout. I don't think I can do a pistol so I'm hoping it either doesn't include them or I learn how to do them in 2 days.
Matt Katz- I just burst out laughing at work.
It's fun to see the leaderboard but I shouldn't be on it. I entered by 15.01 workout wrong. :,( I tried to correct it but it won't let me know. sorry for being a dufus. you know, old people and computers…
10am group class
foam roll lats, tspine, quads (SORE!)
Banded distraction: hip flexor, ankle
Performance Complex – HHS+HS+Snatch
63, 63, 73, 83, 93F soft at bottom of HHS, 93
-the hardest part of this was that my hands hurt
-i feel so much zippier and faster from the high hang than I do from that 3rd one on the floor.
Reeeeeally took my time with the workout…
270m jog
5 High Hang MS @ 53#
3 strict pull-ups (in 1 or 2 at a time)
5 butterfly pull-ups
3-4 more sets of butterfly practice afterward, with some video to see what i'm doing. this is coming along relatively well, just gotta smooth out the coordination with more practice.
committed to putting strict pull-ups back in my regular rotation, as I avoided them for quite a while and was only doing chins. so much harder.
Rest day tmw!! Shoulders are feeling worked. time for a break before 15.3!
Came in today to make up last night's squatting which I missed thanks to an MTA fail. Many thanks to David for letting me use the platforms while the noon class went on.
HBBS: 275x3x5 (I was scheduled to have squatted 275x5x3 but it would have been the heaviest I would have high-bar squatted for sets across, so, because I was squatting alone, I decided to squat triples for five sets instead).
Then, rowed a 5K for some conditioning.
12pm class with DO
Performance complex:
15kg, 25kg, 30kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 45kgxfx2, 35kg
-was able to get 45kg (99#) twice from the high hang but missed both hang (knee) snatches. Frank noticed that I wasn't hitting my power position so the bar was staying out in front. David also noticed I was rushing when pulling from the floor. Ugh, they've pegged me so well! Dropped down in weight for a final set to end on a positive note.
-my hands/thumbs did not like this complex
Did 3 rounds of the NFT work:
-270m run felt great.
-5 muscle snatches all at 25kg (see note above re: sore hands)
-butterfly pull-up practice. 8-10 per round in a few sets. Work in progress.
Thank you for all the kind words yesterday!! I've basically been sleeping/traveling since yesterday afternoon. I've got approximately 9 minutes until my computer dies so I just wanted to come on really quick to thank everyone and type a quick makeup post from yday:
LBBS: 220#x2, then 200#x10
Holllly moly…that was intense. but also extremely awesome. Very excited about hitting 200 for 10. Next week should be fun
WOD w/ Kate: 14:38
Everything split even, we had a solid pace, Kate is so quick with them bounding box jumps! I never really give those a try. Definitely something to work on….but not with my calves being as tight as they are. I'm still struggling, hopefully they'll ease up by tomorrow…
In Florida for the weekend, I will be hopefully heading to a friday night lights at CrossFit Boynton Beach for 15.3! They've got a bada$$ comp team there, so it'll be fun to watch them crush it!
New snatch workout, new snatch techniques problems.
Pulling early. Bad foot movement. Bad catch position. Too slow. FFFFFFFFF!
And yet I still find them kinda fun.
Thursday night with coaches WhitLo
Worked with Noah to do High Hang Clean/Mid Hang/Full Clean – Worked up to about 145ish and then did a partner version of the NFT work and got 4 rds in.
Fun times. Nice to run outside.
Hit 175 on the triplet, high hang, hang, deck. Triplets are exhausting when it comes to snatches.
My goal has been to hit a 200# snatch so I figured I'd go for it at the end of the snatching. I got under it fine just didn't lock out my left arm fully both times and failed both. I'm pretty sure I can hit 205 or 210 I just need to have a good lifting day. I'm visualizing the hell out of hitting it!
On another note… I need someone to teach me how to do muscle ups better! I only need to know how to do 7 at a time! Any takers?!
Came in for 6:30 class with Whit and Melo.
Worked up to 83# on the fitness snatch complex and just kind of hung out there. Every round felt squirrelly until the very last one, when I just stopped thinking about it so much.
Got three rounds on the NFT. Worked kipping pull ups, which feel slightly better than they did before crash-b training started way back in October, which is the last time I did any.
Also did yesterday's work at my work gym: LBBS at 195x5x3. Then did 1000m row, 50 box jumps, and 50 wall balls. Forgot to set a timer, but let's just say that I took plenty of rest.
Fitness snatch . Everything felt heavy today- the bar, 53#, 63#, 68#. I worked up to 68# on the high hang then dropped the bar on the bottom of the squat on my hang. Whit said my arms got soft. Dropped the weight down to 63# again and hit it multiple times. Form felt good at 63#, but so tired today!
WOD NFT Did four rounds- but stayed later to finish one last jog to complete the last round. I learned that my legs are bent at the top of my kipping pull-up and they shouldn't be. Think I corrected it on the last round. And I'm pulling really high- halfway between a pull-up and chest to bar so possibly expending more energy than needed if I was doing a WOD for time.