Fitness: Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
Performance: High Hang Clean + Front Squat
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Fitness and Performance: 1 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure. Dead starts, no touch and go. Use a hook grip if you can.
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15-12-9, For Time:
Calories Rowed
Push Press 135/95
All out effort. Go hard and fast. Barbell should be either unbroken, or no more than 2 sets.
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Alona K. adding some weight to her lunges during warm-ups (also, it’s her birthday!)
News and Notes
- DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGAN AT 2AM THIS MORNING. Remember to set your clocks forward an hour… if you still have the kinds of clocks that you set.
- Don’t forget to submit your Open scores for 15.2 by 8pm tomorrow.
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Want to work out today at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- Happy birthday, Alona K.!
This Is Water David Foster Wallace
<3 dfw
Hey – that's me! What a cool birthday surprise…
What a great coincidence. 🙂 Happy birthday, Alona!
9am with Whit. I worked up to 145 on the fitness hang clean complex. Matty Chm noticed that I was pulling with my arms and bending my elbows way too early, undermining all of the work my legs were doing. Keeping that in check made the next few reps feel much better.
I worked up to 275 on the DLs, but did 4 reps and failed the 5th. Whit's cue to keep my butt higher to load my hamstrings in the setup should help me more efficiently apply my strength to actually lifting the weight. I had enough time to do one more rep at 275 and it felt better.
5:27 on the WOD at 95 lbs. I could have maybe gone heavier, but 95 was just right to keep the push presses all unbroken. Skipped the cashout in favor of taking my little monkeys to get some pancakes. Now to go out and enjoy this little spring preview…
9am with Whit (D.O. was doing complex speadsheets in the dark office and was asked not to be disturbed.)
Performance Clean Complex at 205#. Felt heavy but moved well.
Deadlift heavy set of 5 at 320#. I slowed the jumps down to 5# the last few weeks. Looking forward to testing my 1RM here.
Can't rememer what my time was on the WOD (6 something) but happy I scaled down to 115# since shoulder are smoked from yesterday.
Great class today — a little loopy from not sleeping last night and still riding the sunny day high!
It was fun to partner w a couple people who were new to me.
High hand clean + FSQ w Mo
Up to 60kg x1x2
Deadlift w Rob
185 x5x1
15-12-9 w Mo
Cal row
Push press @93 holy cow
Took some time to complete this.. Maybe 10min??
CrossFit is the best invention after coffee
8am. Olympic lifting homework. Last week of Oly lifting before I rejoin general population. Back squat: 275x3x5. Legs have felt a bit deaden recently, but the weight moved well despite that. Snatch (1 pull + snatch): 88x2x5. Stimulated by a cue from Frank last Wednesday, I had an epiphany that I need to bring my hips to the bar instead of the bar to my hips. Had several reps that felt excellent. Snatch pulls: 187x3x3. These felt super heavy, though I was getting my hips to the bar still which I tend not to do when the weight gets heavy.
Hit the 1pm class with Melo and DO.
Clean/ FSQ Fitness complex
Worked up to #128 which I only realized when I was writing it in the book. Lately my counting skills havE been way off. A good 10lbs off this time. But that's good, glad to break through 118 which I've worked up to twice and getting stuck there.
DL #165x1x5
WOD 15-12-19
Cal rowed
Push press #63
Sprained my wrist a few weeks ago. Overall ache has subsided to very localized and acute pain high and on the outside of my wrist. Has gotten better since I decided to take the brace off and get more movement into the area. Time to get back into the doctor and see what he says.
SBK Will be seeing me more in group classes as Ro is getting surgery tomorrow. Wishing him luck and hoping he gets back on his feet ASAP.
Long FUN Sunday at the gym! After classes, decided to hit 1PM with Mel + DO.
High Hang Clean + FSQ:
63, 73, 83, 93, 103, 113, 118, 123, 128
This was a great complex. Nice and short; easy to recover and get lots of attempts in.128 was actually better than 123, which I didn't keep close and caught a bit forward. Really good practice at just trusting, staying tight, being explosive, and getting the heck DOWN!
Deadlift. Oh… so… tired…
135×5, 163×3
185×5. switch grip and wore a belt b/c I didn't think I had it in my otherwise. Just a bit fried overall. Will need to reset this lift in the next few wks since I was doing 3×3 before Iron Maidens.
WOD @ 75#. Time: 5:45
PP: 8-7, 6-6, 5-4
Knew I wanted to break these up to stay fresh and not get out of position overhead, as that is the movement that has hurt the most in the past. Everything felt solid, just heavier than I wanted it to. Looking fwd to continuing to increasing OH strength! Fun partnering with Kate L, who killed it!
Afterwards, some hollow holds, roll-ups/downs, and then strict MU practice. Did 3 with a very light assist. Also a few kipping attempts, but pretty tired. Got one up and over, but didn't keep the rings close so I blew out at the top. Lamesauce. Will get back to drills/skills on these!
11am rare Sunday class for me with DO and MeLo.
Clean Complex- performance.
Worked up to 103#. Felt a bit weird. Have been skipping cleans because of some weird nervy stuff going on in my right arm but it felt ok today.
Skipped the deadlifts as I am not ready to go there just yet- lower back is still not 100%.
Got some of my Oly homework done instead.
Snatch Complex
53, 63, 53 x 3.
Cals rowed, push press @ 93#.
Peer pressure made me Rx this (Lauren, I'm looking at you) I should probably have done 83#. First round was 8, 7, second round was 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 or something like that and not really sure what happened exactly on the last set as I definitely failed at least 3 tîmes in total so I really should have rested a little more. Or taken some weight off. At the same time, I am glad I did it.
Awesome partnering with Linda today. I believe that may even be one of the first group classes we've actually been in together.
75 hollow rocks- 25, 25, 10, 10, 5.
So great to be back in group class. I heart CrossFit. Feeling energized.
The sun certainly made up for the loss of an hour of sleep 🙂
11am WOD w David and Mel
High Hang Clean + FSQ: 83#
Still really working on form. Thank you David for all the cues!
Deadlift: 135#
Hoping to go a bit heavier next time, but this was pretty good for 5 reps. Had to use the switch grip though.
Metcon: 5:45 @ 65#
Rowing I just seem to never get better at … Any chance there's a row clinic on the horizon? Thanks Mel for some early pointers. The Push Presses were a bit messy. Should probably be practicing that movement more.
Brought my pup Kali today – Her first time back since the Puppy Training class. Glad she was pretty well-behaved, save for the folks she attacked with stinky puppy breath kisses. Thanks for letting us bring our furry friends!
Fitness: clean deadlift, hang clean + one front squat
Worked up to 103#, failed at 108#, dropped back down to 103# and failed that too. I wasn't dropping. At all. Not my day for cleans.
Deadlift 5 reps @ 203#
WOD: PP @ 83# Completed in 7:14
Broke up PP as: 5-5-5, 6-6, 5-3-1. Tried to rush and squeeze out a 4th rep on my last set of PP to finish the WOD in under 7 minutes, but failed. Had to drop the bar and start over on the last rep. Melo said I'm not keeping my elbows high which explained why I had to drop the bar each time I rested. Fun WOD. Was nice to sweat a bit because I feel like I've been slacking on the metcons.
1pm class today with David and MeLo
Crossover Symmetry
High Hang Clean + FSQ: 63, 73, 83, 93, 103, 113, 118×2, then two fails. So tired, kept getting soft at the bottom of my squat.
Deadlift: 135×5, 163×4, 185×3.
WOD in 6:25. I started Rx-ed but then dropped to 83# in the first set since I wasn't very organized.
Afterwards, chin-ups 6×3. My first four sets were unbroken, which has never happened. 🙂
I'm feeling a bit of my impingement back in my left deltoid/shoulder, I'm sure from all the recent swinging on the bar. My upper body is sore everywhere. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
Clean complex @165
Deadlift @ 315
WOD at 115 in 5:25
I think someone may have accidentally taken home my XL black cfsbk sweatpants yesterday around 11-12 and left their size L. They are in the lost and found. For identification purposes; it may help to know that my sweatpants smell like roses.
OG….was POPPIN tonite
HBBS, 3RM, -5%, -10%
81 reps
OG Friday for 15.2:
40 50 60 70 75 80 85 90xM,M,M
15.2 – 74 reps
Handstand work with some solid 5-10sec holds/walks
OG Marathon Lifting Session Today:
95×5 135×5 185×4 225×3 255×2 285×8,6 305×3
Supposed to be 4×8 again, too much wine last night. And today at lunch. Try again next week.
push press
132×3 152x8x4
OTM for 10min (5+5)
Snatch w 3sec pause @135
Power clean and jerk w 3 sec dip pause @175
DB tricep OH extension
Toes to bar
Ring dips w 10#
OG tonight.
Worked up to a fairly easy 98# on power cleans. Happy with how much easier this has gotten.
Did today's WOD with 65#, finished in 6:35. My overhead was really bad today. I was having a hard time getting fully extended. The row on the other hand was great. Averaged just under 1100 cal/hour each time and it felt pretty smooth and easy.
Worked on chin ups after. Did a few with a switch grip…now just to get one with a pronated grip!
11am with MeLo and DO
Performance high hang clean + fsq: worked up to 103 and felt pretty solid. Tried 113, but wasn't there. It all seems to come back to dropping under the bar. I'll get there eventually.
Deadlift: 200x5x1. I haven't deadlifted in a while, but these all moved well
WOD: It was great to be partnered up with Charlie! To her point, I'm surprised it's taken this long for us to finally be paired together! I was originally going to scale back to 73, but went with 83. The rows were the easy part and I had to break up the push presses considerably. Finished in 8:34, and now my traps are smoked. Looking forward to a rest day!