Open Workout 15.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlifts 115 / 75
5 Snatches 115 / 75
1RM Clean and Jerk
Starts immediately after 15.1 using the same barbell. 6-minute time cap (until the 15 min mark).
Scaled Open Workout 15.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 Hanging Knee Raises (sub sit ups for non Open folks)
10 Deadlifts 85 / 55
5 Snatches 85 / 55
1RM Clean and Jerk
Starts immediately after 15.1 using the same barbell. 6-minute time cap (until the 15 min mark).
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Floater WOD for anyone who did 15.1 on Friday
Fitness and Performance: 1 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure. Dead starts, no touch and go. Use a hook grip if you can.
Post loads to comments.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
15-12-9-6-3, For Time:
Kettleblell Swing 72/53
Post time and Rx to comments.
Sarah M. benching in front of a packed crowd at the Iron Maidens Raw Open yesterday. Huge congrats to all our lady lifters, who made it rain with PRs. And thank you to our judges, spotters, volunteers, spectators, Cruise Director Mare L., David, and (especially) Margie, who pulled off this incredible day. We’ll have more details (rankings, etc.) for you soon!
Notes For Sunday
- Didn’t get enough PRs yesterday? Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers wrap up their eight-week cycle with a Total today, starting at 2pm. Come cheer them on!
- This was the 17th and final week of the C.R.A.S.H.-B.’s program. The big day is TODAY! 15 CFSBKers are competing. Row hard, and let us know how it goes!
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Happy birthday, Mark C.!
To everyone who competed yesterday at Iron Maidens or today at the Total/C.R.A.S.H.-B.’s, how’d it go?
MattyChm says
9am with The Foxes and the 6am-ers
15.1 Partnered with Michael A. on the Rx'd version and followed a pretty strict game plan.
Plan was to hit 5/5/5 on toes to bar for as long as I could. Deadlifts unbroken and fast. Snatches as singles with no rest in between. Kept with the plan for the first two rounds and then T2B fell apart on me and I moved to 2s and 3s. Ended up with 126 reps. 6 T2B into the 5th round.
15.1a Also had a strict plan for this with 90sec of rest between attempts. Hit 165, 195, 205 and 210. Taking your rest is key for this.
Also, congrats to all of the Iron Maidens yesterday. I brought my 3 year old princess obsessed daughter so she can see that girls can be crazy strong and aren't always wearing dresses. I think she got the point. So so so impressed. I actually got chills a few times. says
@MattyChm that's awesome to do that for your daughter. Always great for girls to have a wide variety of role models!
Iron maidens was SO much FUN yesterday. Thanks to everyone who organized and volunteered. Congrats to everyone who lifted!
It was a weekend of PRs for me!
At Iron maidens I hit a 195 HBBS(+15# PR) but missed a cue because my foot but hey- it's still a PR even if it didn't count in the meet. There's a video of it happening on flickr- thank god you can't see me accidentally blurting out an expletive when I felt my foot move lol.
Got 190 for the official squat, 100 for bench (+3# PR) and 220 for DL (+10# PR). 510 total. So happy since my goal when I signed up at the end of December was 450 and my goal after several weeks of training was 500. 🙂
Did 15.1 today at 10am.
159 reps for the scaled workout (5 rds+9 knee raises) Grip was definitely a factor but not as bad as I thought it would be.
15.1a : Magically PRd my clean and jerk at 103# (+8# PR) too.
KH aka Cage says
I didn't sign up for the Open officially this year, but I plan on hitting all of the workouts and posting my results. I really loved 15.1! It was hard and fun and I just really enjoyed doing it. Finished my 3rd round of the rx'd division right at the buzzer, so 90 reps. Then I hit 95, 105, and 115 on the c&j. I cleaned 125 but failed on the jerk with less than 10 seconds on the clock, so it wasn't to be. Interestingly, 125 is a PR on a clean for me – although it was an ugly power clean and not a full squat clean. So I was overall happy with my performance.
Congratulations to all the beautiful, strong, intelligent, funny, witty, driven and successful women who lifted yesterday. You ladies are inspiring and I wish I didn't have a job so I could've come to watch you all (okay, I'm kinda glad I have a job, but still). Extra special shout out to Laura "Dubie" Constantiner who trained hard for this and PRed like whoa! ☆
K Harpz says
Who wants to do 15.1 with me at OG tonight?!? I'm looking for a swolemate! : )
Allie B. says
Iron Maidens was an incredible experience. I'm astonished by the power, strength and determination of the amazing ladies who lifted. The meet itself was run so well and I felt so prepared thanks to Margie and her clear communication of what to expect, rules, etc. I will definitely participate again next year and would highly recommend the experience to anyone. The number of pounds on the bar is not as important as you think– it was all about testing your personal limits in a highly supportive environment! Great job everyone!
15.1 was a really fun workout!! I did 157 reps and PR'd my clean and jerk at 72. Also, hanging knee raises were a really good sub for t2b in the scaled version! says
Friday OG
Worked on snatches at 75# to see if I could do them for 15.1. They were….meh.
Practiced the C&J bc I haven't jerked in a long time. Worked up to 113#, hit 118# on the clean, but failed the jerk.
Did Thursday's WOD.
10 overhead squats at 63#
15 kipping pullups subbed for chest to bar
20 power cleans at 63#
Finished in about 16 minutes. Felt fine so didn't want to stop at the 15 minute time cap. Overhead squats were shaky. Did the pull-ups in sets of 5 the first round, then broke them up into even smaller sets. I should have moved much faster on the cleans. I think if I did the WOD in a class or with a partner I would have finished in the time cap.
I had an awesome time at Iron Maidens. The event was really well organized and the ladies killed it! Congratulations to everyone who participated, PRed and placed!! I'm very inspired!
95 reps. I strung my first three T2B together which is a first! And I didn't even think about it- it just happened! Woohoo! The rest were singles in sets of three…got off the bar after each set of three, then got back on immediately. This strategy worked really well. I was really consistent the entire way through. Was still tough though. Snatches were another story. They were just ugly. A lot of press outs. Core was not tight. Definitely need lots of work on them. I see an Oly cycle in my future.
15.1a 95-105-115-120-125 (f)
Was happy with this since I failed my jerk at 118# on Friday. These were smoother than expected.
Asha I could hear you cheering for me from across the room- thank you!! It helped my confidence on the C&J!
Fun open WOD! Can't wait for next week!
Whit H says
Yesterday's Iron Maidens meet was an incredible event. I was so impressed and amazed at how many people came out to watch and support. Huge thanks to all the volunteers, judges, spectators, and lifters for creating a kickass day. And DEEP GRATITUDE AND LOVE FOR MARGIE WHO MADE THIS SH*T POSSIBLE and keeps it alive!
Congrats to every single woman who competed yesterday and had the strength to get up on that platform and see what was possible.
Shout outs to Fox, David, and Jess… who always seem to know those perfect little coaching cues and words of wisdom you need to hear at the last minute.
After coming home from vacation to some congestion/respiratory stuff and possibly a fever on Friday (jury is still out, honestly), I woke up feeling decent and got more and more energy throughout the morning as the event started. Was great to warm up and prep with such an awesome group of women. Logging the details:
warmup: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 175×1, 185×1
195 (make. this was a PR last week)
205 (make. also PR as of last wk)
215 (PR!!) felt smooth, and when this was done I actually felt like I had another big squat in me.
very happy to have put 25# on my squat since taking several weeks off from squatting any weight in the fall with an injured hip.
warm up: 45×5, 85×4, 105×2, 115×1, 120×1
125 (make)
130 (make. PR for competition/pause bench)
135 (fail) really thought I'd have 135, since I was doing 125x3x3 the week prior (albeit without a pause.) I'd be interested in testing without the pause to see where that's at, too.
I really wanted to hit a 600# total, so when I failed 135, I knew it was ON for the deadlift!
warm up: 135×5, 175×3, 205×1 (was careful not to overdo the warm-ups here. back was feeling a bit smoked from the day)
225: (make)
240: (make. 10# PR)
255: (make. extra 15# PR!)
240 felt smooth so I knew I should just go for 255 and try to get the total I wanted. With 255, the first few moments off the floor felt hard, but after that it actually came up quick and video shows i didn't lose very much position. super stoked about this, and like squat, feel like there's more in the tank!
600# total, which is +75# from my total a year ago!
Other fun facts:
-I missed the group photo of Pixies and Ladies because I immediately ran upstairs to shove a donut into my face.
-Cash out was a Toby's Pizza and some ice cream. Then I slept for 10 hours 🙂
Fox says
Loved being in the gym for Iron Maidens yesterday, and very much enjoyed the vibe of women from multiple gyms throwing weight around. I was (not surprisingly) impressed that the SBK ladies were overall the best movers and also were best dialed in for commands and such. Lots of great moments but I'll shout out to the Mrs who trained hard (as f*ck) leading up to yesterday, and it showed with personal records in all three lifts. Seeing her top weights for each lift was a highlight of the day for me. A close second was the moment when I was upstairs helping with warm ups on the bench and I realized…"Hey, I'm sitting in a chair, drinking a Modelo, amongst all these bad ass chicks who are BENCH PRESSING"…It was a happy moment.
Noon class
Didn't want to do this today. I had a pretty intense tattoo session on Thursday and my leg feels like it's on fire, but Jess called me out so…
95 reps
Pretty pitiful toes to bar workout for me
Power cleans until the 250, which also involved a very CrossFitty jerk. Put it in the books. says
Started the morning off right by getting a flat on my way in. Felt pretty warm after carrying my bike the rest of the way. Big thanks to Pavel for giving me a lift home.
15.1 Scaled for 115 total
This workout was a learning experience for my Olympic lifts, the theme being get under the bar.
Knee raises: Started these too quick and lifting far above my hips. I was almost doing toes to bars for the first round. Went unbroken the first round then broke them up into 8-7 or 8-5-2. Grip and swinging was an issue.
Deadlifts: 85 was light which made being present and aware during the lifts all that more important.
Snatches: These were flat out embarrassing. Poor form off the floor. The first two rounds I got them done as singles and the last two rounds were a real struggle.
Clean and jerk: Oh man this was tough. I'm not used to trying to get a heavy fatigued lift. Made it to 125 but barely.
This WOD pointed out a lot of weaknesses I have to work on.
Samir Chopra says
Subbed version of 15.1a with cleans at 115lbs and sit-ups.
Finished 6 rounds + 1 situp.
Then did squat cleans at 135, 145, 150, 155. says
Coach Nick just texted me his results from CRASH Bs. He got 6:15.4, almost 5 seconds faster than his goal time of 6:20. His last 500 was at a 1:29.8. He came in 5th for his age group (age 40-49).
He's pretty psyched. And I think he should be! 15 years ago when training full-time he got his all-time PR of 5:51.8. Considering age, other distractions in life (ahem, Linus, coaching, full-time job, wife who travels so much at least half of you don't even know who I am) I'm really proud of him.
Lauren says
@K Harpz — you're a BEAST in the best sense of the word. I, on the other hand, will not be moving today.
Congrats Coach Nick! And good luck to the total-ers and Crash-B-ers!!
Iron Maidens Raw Meet — There was zero doubt in my mind that this would be a world class event and it exceeded my expectations.
On every level I am so happy to have been a part of it. Some highlights for me:
– Seeing first-timers like Sam and Jenny train and crush their first meet with excitement and great attitudes.
– Warming up in the holding room with super strong veterans and friends like JB, Whit, Harper, Dubie and Dolce and watching them lift weights that I will too some day dammit! ..with lots of hard work and a little pixie dust
– Representing SBK and welcoming athletes from the greater CF community, including Lorin Blake from CFPH who I watched train hard, had never competed before and came in 2nd in her weight class
– Watching Margie run this thing from conception to completion with conviction, compassion and poise about an inspiring lady.
– Competing for the 3rd time and finally feeling like I came into it mentally strong! I achieved what I set my mind to achieve and felt a sense of satisfaction the whole day, that I gave it everything I could, along with a pleasant aftertaste of excitement for the next challenge ahead 🙂 A big thank you to David for helping me with perspective before and during the meet.
– Riding a 2nd wind to cheer on the afternoon group and stick it out to the end, and digging REAL deep to for a 3rd wind to celebrate like it was my last day on earth.. Ok, maybe that was a bad idea
ABOVE ALL… the thing that made the biggest impression on me was a tremendous sense of gratitude for and pride in CFSBK. To see members who have become very close friends as well as those whom I have recently met all working together to pull of a flawless event, using strength and skills that they've honed HERE, supporting each other with sincere interest and a spirit of competition, taking their abilities and hard work seriously, and dedicating a substantial chunk of their time and energy to making this event and community what it is — I'm looking at Kate R, among others, who wore many hats beautifully.
This was a LONG day — like 12+ high energy, physically taxing hours. THANK YOU to all who participated, attended and brought me so many bottles of coffee.
My best #s yesterday were: SQ 200, BP 110, DL 205 (pr) — all of these felt great! says
A huge high five to the ladies who competed at Iron Maidens yesterday. It was really exciting and fun to watch you give it your all in the competition. I'm so glad I stopped by to check it out! So bad ass, so inspiring!
I did my first Crossfit Open workout today. I remember last year Coach Melo said, "sign up, it's fun!" Well I signed up this year and yes, it was so much fun!
Having a great judge helped, thanks Stella!
15.01 scaled
93 reps
77# says
Lauren said it all! And shout out to her for putting out positive vibes all day. All the ladies definitely calmed my nerves and inspired me yesterday. says
Came back from a one week vacation this afternoon, but made it to OG to do my first Open workout!
15.1 (scaled): 150 reps. Snatches were the hardest for me, and I needed to reset after every rep.
15.1 a: 120#. Tried to tie my 130# PR in my last attempt, but failed before time ran out.
Erik B says
This is why I love CFSBK, we have bad ass ladies that show up and kick ass! Congrats to all to lifted and benched/pulled/deadlifted/squatted some impressive number yesterday (jealous of number posted, I dream of day when I squat those some of those number plus Camm's socks), YOU KILLED IT!!! Sorry I missed it, Erin M beat me in to many round in connect four at the Zombie Hut!
15.1 was fun, kinda bummed I had to do it scaled but regardless it was a great. Cannot wait to see next week, keep it real.
Morgan says
I figure the first open workout and my nearly 1-year CFSBK anniversary is as good a time as any to start posting here:
15.1: 94 reps
After being worked over by the good folks at Crossfit Santa Monica yesterday and then an airplane seat today directly before OG, my low back was pretty unhappy, so this was better than I expected.
15.1 A: 145, 165 (F), 165, 175.
If I hadn't failed the jerk at 165, I think I could have hit 185 and had a 5# PR. As it is, 5# off my PR is nice all things considered. Thanks to Brad for the judging and encouragement.
Cam says
Had theeee best time at Iron Maidens yesterday. So so inspiring to see TFBA women lift all of the weights!! Congrats to all the PRs (seems like everyone did??). It was such an emotional and uplifting day. Shed a tear for Serene and Becca hitting some sick PR squat numbers, COULDN'T HELP IT! I really want to thank MARGIE, DO, Mare, all the amazing spotters, all the awesome volunteers, and all the cheering fanbase! Such an adrenaline rush….
Thanks to the power of my potsocks:
Squat 150# (PR!) – Missed the first two cues for 140# due to so so much nervousness. I was glad third one STUCK and FOCUSED and that was the one that counts. Thanks for some standing ovations, especially by Michael C.
Bench 87.5# (PR!) – This has always been my WORST lift, and it looks like I could've gone… higher? First week of training, 90# could get off the bar only like 4 inches off my chest. I think this is a number I could've hit? Maybe went too conservative? Either way I will take the PR and RUN!!
DL 225# (Tied my PR from last Saturday!) Failed at 235#, got maybe 4-5 inches off the ground and got GASSED…but got some good cues and tips after from Den Father Fox, which I think I am gonna try!! I am realllly happy with this lift (my moneymaker) after having a terrible DL opening test session last Tuesday (when 205# felt like 2000#) due to nerves (AGAIN!). 225# felt smooth going up and faster than last Saturday and that is what makes me psyched!! 235# I'm gunning for you!!!
Overall, I truly loved this meet, embracing strength in women in a mostly male dominated field, and breaking conventional barriers/stereotypes of women lifting!! Excited to do this again!!! Love all the positivity!!!!!!!!