Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Performance: 97.5% x 1, 77.5% x 10
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
3 Dumbbell Thrusters
3 Pull Ups
6 Dumbbell Thrusters
6 Pull Ups
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
9 Pull Ups
…Add 3 reps per round until time is called.
Rx dumbbell thrusters is 45% of bodyweight.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Have you checked out Active Recovery yet? This class is designed to give your muscles and mind a rest. For an hour you’ll be guided through a combination of soft tissue work, mobility techniques, and general restorative movement. This class is also great for non-CrossFitters who could use a little soft tissue love. Check it out at 11am and noon today, and 11am tomorrow! Learn more in an article we wrote here.
- Schedule Update: Yoga for Athletes is CANCELED today.
The Potluck Is Tonight!
Thanks to everyone who RSVP-ed for the Potluck tonight at 7pm. If you haven’t done so, head over to the event page and post in the comments.
Also, in the name of a little friendly competition, don’t forget that we will be awarding prizes to the winners of the following three categories (to be voted on after everyone has been fed):
- Best Dish
- Best Side Dish
- Best Dessert
The Reality of Quantum Weirdness The New York Times
8AM with David and Melissa "Princess of Darkness" Loranger. Front Squat: 155x3x4 (should have gone heavier). Pause Front Squat: 135x3x1.
WOD: Made it through thrusters in rounds of 15. Used 35 DB through round of 9 then dropped to 30 Amazingly each DB felt about 5#s lighter. I never knew what those numbers meant before.
The jump rope warm up was good prep for my bouncy castle work later tonight.
8am with David and MeLo. Starting off with a little jump rope warmup could have kicked off the morning with frustration, whip marks, and grinding of teeth. Luckily, I was a little better coordinated than usual today, so catastrophe averted. I even strung about 20 double unders together at one point.
On the front squat performance programming, my 97.5% was 180 and my 77.5% was 145. The 180 was damn heavy, but I managed the rep with good form (I think), if not a lot of speed. The 10 reps at 145 went reasonably well. The first four or so reps felt light, the remainder…no so much. 10 reps really takes the ol' breath away.
I did the WOD with kipping pullups and 40lb dumbbells (which is just under 45% of my bodyweight). I've never done thrusters with 40lb dumbbells, but I let Chris peer pressure me into it. Glad I did – these got heavy, but manageable as I broke them up in the later rounds. I got through the round of 15 thrusters plus four pullups (so 79 reps total, if my math is right). See y'all tonight.
9am with David and Melissa
Front Squats went well today. My 97.5% at 230# flew up much faster than I planned. So fast I thought we miscalculated the weight. Hit all 10 reps at 180#. The tenth rep was rough.
Used 40# DBs for the WOD. Hit 92 reps which is 2 thrusters into the set of 18. Thanks to BK for cheering and limiting my rest periods.
Front squats felt pretty god today, worked up to 235 3×3. Did the first set belted and the second 2 without. It's amazing the difference. My old 1RM was 245, can't wait to see what it's going to be at the end of this.
Did the WOD with 35#, I wrote 40 on the board but I was wrong. Got through 18 rounds which is 126 reps. I broke up everything starting at the round of 12.
9a with David and Melo
High Bar Back Squats instead of front squats
Worked up to a heavy set of 3 at 205. This felt surprisingly smooth, so I'll probably open at 210 next week. Took one rep at 220, just to test it out. It felt slow, but there was never any point where I thought I was going to fail. Last time I did 220 this was not the case!
WOD–got 10 thrusters in the round of 21, doing chest to bar pull-ups (thanks Brad K for joining me on this!). All thrusters unbroken until the set of 15 (9/6) and set of 18 (7, 6, 5). Started c2bs as butterflies, but those fell apart in the round of 12 (I think) so went to regular kipping, reduced to sets of three towards the end.
Front Squats – 205x3x3 – this is where I ended last cycle and it felt pretty manageable. Could have rested a bit more between sets but everything went up fine.
WOD – 136 reps (10 thrusters in the round of 21) 40# dumbbells which is right at 45% for me
1pm with Noah, McD, and JB
165 Front Squat; partners Carlos and Ray
15/15 w/ 25lbs db and jumping pull-ups. Partnered with Dan.
Still feeling sore and a bit beat-up from end of strength cycle (including last night) and 3 days of snowboarding.
Comp Class
Worked up to 185 with a few misses at 195. Didn't feel great today.
10 minutes
30 UB Double Unders
20 Power Snatch 95
30 UB Double Unders
15 Power Snatch 115
30 UB Double Unders
10 Power Snatch 135
30 UB Double Unders
AMRAP Power Snatch 155
Made it through the last round of doubles as time ran out.
A meager return to lifting after getting beat down by a serious cold/cough this past week. Definitely not at 100%.
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1,)
245×1 (shallow), 245×1 (with belt, good depth) then 225x3x3
-all of these felt pretty challenging today. Chris kept me lighter since I'm still not healthy. Hopefully, I'll be ready for a final heavy exposure on Monday.
(45×5, 75×5, 105×3, 120×2, 130×1)
-paused the first rep and felt good. intended to get 3 reps total here but failed the 3rd one. just didn't have it today.
(135×5, 185×4, 225×3)
-this felt the best out of anything today. sure I was supposed to pull 300 but just happy to get some work in. all hook gripped and dead stop.
Also still under the weather but attempted to get my lifts in today,
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 2
245 x 2
225 x 2
Was aiming for top set of two on LBBS but, alas, I wasn't feeling it. 245# did not move well at all today. Will try again on Monday.
Bench Press (pause)
45 x 5
65 x 4
85 x 3
105 x 3
115 x 3 x 3
Kept it lighter today and skipped deadlifts as I was too tired. Hopefully will be back to business on Monday!