When spotting a fellow CrossFitter, always stand back to give them enough room to spot the ceiling. Don’t hover over them or keep your hands out over their face unless they’re about to fail and might need a spot. Either way, try to stay out of their direct line of sight. For more tips on good spotting, check out this post from a few weeks ago.
Community Potluck with Saturday
Thanks to everyone who RSVP-ed for the Potluck this Saturday at 7pm. If you haven’t done so, head over to the event page and post in the comments.
Also, in the name of a little friendly competition, we will be awarding prizes to the winners of the following three categories (to be voted on after everyone has been fed):
- Best Dish
- Best Side Dish
- Best Dessert
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds and Travel Gym Recommendations
- Mike J. and Colleen M. both posted in the Housing thread. Mike is looking for someone to take over his apartmetn on Smith St. and Dean St., and Colleen is looking to buy an apartment. Think you can help them out?
- Bob S. wrote about his recent experience at Reebok CrossFit Life Spark in Dubai, UAE.
Being Mortal Frontline
Bombas Socks
The Man Who Brought Us the Lithium-Ion Battery At the Age Of 57 Has an Idea For a New One At 92 Quartz
If you could go back and give one piece of advice or encouragement to your 16-year-old self, what would it be?
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: 97.5% x 1, 77.5% x 10
Post loads to comments.
CrossFit Open WOD 11.1 and 14.1
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55
Please do not bail from overhead unnecessarily, and help save the 10- and 15-pound bumpers!
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 3.1.2014, 10.3.2013, and 3.2.2013
Wanted to give a huge shout out to David and Janelle for running Crossfit Kids yesterday. My kids absolutely loved it. In the car on the way home my daughter asked for a nap wich has happened exactly zero times.
Highlight of the morning was when one of the 3 year olds told David that his picture of a frog looked like a vagina.
I second MattyChm's comments. Big thanks to Janelle and David even though my son decided that he didn't want to listen to any instructions. And when asked what color an object was (yellow), he said "peepee."
6am. BSQ: 135×5 / 185×3 / 225×1 / 265×1 / 290F / 180×10. Failed this one again after also doing so last week. I think I'll have to admit to myself that I have a lower 1RM now. I had taken off several weeks after an injury and it seems to have affected my weight here. That said, the rep out moved fine. I think I'll work off a 290 1RM going forward.
WOD: 215 reps (4 rounds + 5 snatches). I hit 131 reps during 14.1 so this was a big improvement, primarily due to improved DUs, I think.
After reading this mornings comments…I would tell my 16 yo self to replace all usages of the word "yellow" with "peepee"…these kids crossfit comments are amazing.
BSQ: 230×5, 230×4, 230×3
All sorts of tightness and fatigue this morning that contributed to missing my reps. Just one of those days of not feeling it.
Metcon: 180 reps (4 rounds)
No gas today. This is 1 whole round less than I performed one year ago. The weight or DUs were fine, just need to take a lot more rest to catch up my breath. I had the "fran" like cough all morning.
Cash out: For time sled (stroller) push to daycare in the snow.
Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
And, Elliott is quite obvious where you son gets his sense of humor based on your need for clarification on the question of the day.
I just nominated insidetheaffiliate.com as my top fitness blog. You should too:
@BK – I can't really argue that, although Jess really needs to watch what she says…
Morning lifts
Pause 1st rep of each set.
Light day. Felt good. Need to keep my eyes straight ahead though.
Snatch Pull
Getting these up pretty high. Although Frank suggested that your snatch should equal your power clean. More work to do.
Rare noon class today with Jeremy and McDowell.
Bench 160x5x3, felt fine and heavy-ish. No grind.
Took the WOD extremely NFT but hit the erg-for-calories pretty hard: 22, 23, 22, 20, 20. Lost my k2e in the 3rd round. I know better than to lose my back position during the catch, but I still feel like that's how I pull the hardest…
Looking forward to 97.5% hbbs tomorrow! I did 95%x1 & 75%x10 on my own last week and it was fine.
Joy, you rule! Thank you.
I would tell my 16-year-old self to slow down, take more deep breaths, and appreciate "weird" as a good thing. Then my 16-year-old self probably would have rolled her eyes.
Worked out the past two days at Crossfit Novi in Michigan. Happy to see that I did tomorrow's workout (30 DUs/15 power snatches) on Monday! I find I end up losing technique and just "muscle-ing" the snatch up when I'm doing snatches in a timed setting. I tried to focus on technique and not worry about the # of rounds to prevent this, but…it still happened as I got tired. Did 4 rounds at 35# and subbed these jumpy things instead of DUs per the coach's recommendation to keep heart rate up.
Today's workout involved working up to a heavy 1 on the power clean, front squats EMOM for 8 minutes, and 2 rounds of 10 Chest to bar, 10 OHS in 3 minutes. Then 2 rounds of 12 in 3 minutes if you made it in the first round, etc. Lots of workouts in one class–kind of felt weird and rushed.
8:30 Oly Class yesterday . . .
No big breakthroughs in terms of snatch weight but I feel like I am starting to iron out many of the the issues I have been working on in or around the second pull – achieving full extention, pulling bar into me, landing flat footed w/ knees out. Felt like I was moving relatively smoothly and was catching the bar in a good spot (most of the time). Very pleased. Big change from the end of last cycle when I was missing a ton of lifts and was starting to get very discouraged. Going all the way back to basics (again) and focusing on the positions and movement pattern has helped a ton. Then again, it could just be due to the fact that I took a 3-hour nap yesterday and arrived at class somewhat (ahem) bloated. Not sure.
Progress w/ Oly lifts is non-linear – but I am sure y'all have figured this out already.
I would tell my 16-year old self to move to California and invent Google.
I would tell my 16 y/o self to cut his hair. No one needed to see that shit. Looked like Davey Crockett without the hat. Also, that high school girlfriend?…don't sweat her so much.
10 AM – the glorious sign that schools are on vacation. And I have extra time to post!
What a difference a year can make! I looked up my score last year from the Open and had 221 reps, just shy of 5 rounds. This morning, 257 reps. I can attribute almost the full difference to my DUs. First round of double unders unbroken – definitely not something I could have imagined doing last year. The rest of the rounds were much more broken up as time continued, but still much more controlled than in the past.
LBBS: 180x3x5 – heaviest by far I have ever done for reps. Very helpful cues from McD about sitting back more and not letting my knees come too far forward. Trying to make that my focus as well as moving faster on my way down (credit the cue to Whit last week).
So excited for both Iron Maidens and the Open!
QOD: I was pretty stubborn at 16. Much better to lock up 16 y/o-self and live his life for him.
Thanks, Joy!!!
And thanks guys, the class was a lot of fun. A learning experience no doubt and Im excited to refine my skill set working with this age group. Also my frog looked EXACTLY like a frog thankyouverymuch.
I would have told my 16 year old self to learn how to use a barbell properly, eat less cereal and start questioning religion.
I would tell my 16-year-old self to keep touching her toes, so that there won't come a day when you can't do it any more. Also, dump your religious hangups; you'll enjoy young adulthood a lot more.
HBBS, 5RM, -5%, -10%x5
I would tell my 16YO self that when you're 22 you'll want to quit playing pro tennis and that my friend is a big mistake.
4:30 class tonight, Monday's work with Whit.
Crossover Symmetry warm-up.
Bench: 45×8, 85×4, 105×2, 120×1, 133×1, then 110×7 and 110×4. I failed on the 8th rep of my 10 rep set, which was so strange, since I know I have this weight. Maybe I did too many warm-up sets? Or handstands before class? Who knows.
Slowly worked through the NFT work, which I was weirdly nervous about today. Whitney helped me SO MUCH with working through my K2B problems and figuring out what I can practice. I need stronger lats! Dips on the matador and also some holds on the rings. Fun night. And Whitney is such a great coach.
Jeremy's demo of the yoga/push-up thing for warm-ups was also a highlight. Chimichanga!
Also, Fox, we ALL need to see that shit.
5:30pm w/ Coach Jeremy
Tomorrow's Squats
LBBS: 245x5x2, 250×5
Felt pretty secure. Will go 255 next week for e/5.
Those 2 letters are rarely in my comments. And for good reason. Good news: my DUs are coming along. Bad news: I only got to do them 3 times.
Set goals; both long term and daily ones. And high school is gigantic tub of spit. It sucks for everyone.
QOD- pointless endeavor as I would never have listened.
Oly class today- was still not feeling so healthy so kept it light at 63# for snatch complex, 83# for clean and jerks. Skipped my Iron Maidens stuff. Did some mobz and called it a day.