Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start a bit below last cycle.
Performance: 92.5% x 1, 72.5% x 10
Post loads to comments.
12-9-6-3, For Time:
Deadlifts 275/185
Burpees Over The Bar
Post time and Rx to comments.
All the cool kids are checking out CFSBK Kids Club
CFSBK Kids Club: Sundays at 9am
Want to come to a class on Sundays but can’t find a babysitter? Let CFSBK Kids Club help! This one hour drop-off program is designed for children ages 3 to 8, and will keep them engaged with hands-on activities. While you’re working out, your child(ren) will have the opportunity to explore arts & crafts, science experiments, games, and movement activities. You’ll get peace of mind and they get an hour jam packed with FUN!
When: Sundays at 9am
Cost: 1st child – $10/child (take 20% off for the older child when siblings are registered together)
5 Pack – $40/child (1 child), $55/siblings (2 children)
RSVP at the Front Desk
Please note that CFSBK Kids’ Club is a separate program from CrossFit Kids. CrossFit Kids is under development and will be announced in the coming weeks.
Questions? Email Janelle [at]
News and Notes
- Meat CSA-ers and Egg Lovers: Don’t forget to pick up your meat and/or buy eggs tonight, from 6-8:30pm. Eggs are $6/dozen, first come, first served! Please bring any green bags you have back to the gym, and remember to bring your own bag for your share. Questions? Hit up mignyc [at]
- Head over to the event page to tell us what you’re bringing to the Community Potluck on Saturday, February 21 at 7pm!
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAY-STAR (aka Stringer Kettlebell)!
The Turkish Get-up With Jeff Martone CrossFit
Creating Long-Term, Sustainable Behaviour Change With a Positive Feedback Loop Whole9
Tired, Hungry, and Sad? Relax, You’re Hibernating Daily Mail
Here’s A Shocking Truth If You Think You’ve Wasted Your Life Lifehack
Shawn says
6am with McDowell and Arturo. 3×5 linear back squat progression at 175 today. These felt fine – much better than last week, form-wise – but I think it'll be smaller jumps from here out. I think putting Noah's warmup advice from yesterday (45×5; 95×5; 135×3; 155×2) into practice seemed to help.
I finished the WOD in 5:43, with the weight scaled to 225. I had planned to do this at 185, but Brad talked me into 225 – I'm glad he did. I think sometimes as I select weight to use in conditioning workouts, my frame of reference doesn't keep up with the strength gains I achieve and exhibit in the various lifts. So I was thinking of 225 as my 5RM from a few months ago, not as the heavy-but-doable touch-and-go weight it is now. So while 225 was heavy (especially in the round of 6), it wasn't too bad. I broke the DLs up 8-4; 4-5; 3-3; 3. All of the burpees were unbroken.
MattyChm says
6am with McDowell and Ro
Performance Squats with a single at 265# and all 10 reps at 195#.
WOD Rx'd in 6:58. This was a heavy weight but I made the decision to sacrifice my total time in order to make sure I set each rep perfectly. Broke this up 8/4, 5/3/1, 3/1/1/1, 1/1/1. Got pretty heavy towards the end and singles made more sense. Burpees were fine.
Tabata hollow holds were mean and uncalled for.
Stella says
Squat: 220 for the single, 175×10. Got to squat with Pigeon which is always a treat. I hit depth on all but one of my reps. I think I'm going to set myself a challenge: If I can go the rest of this cycle without being called high, I will have earned myself this shirt.
WOD 4:43. Broke each deadlift segment into two sets except the last (6/6, 5/4, 3/3). Felt surprisingly not awful while it was happening, but immediately afterward I felt like I'd been kicked by a horse. So I guess I got it right! says
Did today's work last night at 7:30 with Jess and Noah
Worked up to 300 for a single on high bar back squats, then dialed back to 235 for the drop set. 300 is slightly higher than 92.5%, but it moved really well.
Did the WOD rx'd in 3:50. Stayed very low to the bar on the burpees, which helped. Back got a little rounded in later reps, so I need to work on that. For the DLs, first set was unbroken, second in 5-4, third was probably 3-3 (definitely do not remember, as I was really trying to push it at this point), and fourth was unbroken.
Pigeon says
Morning sesh with Ro and McD,
Squatted with Stella who was in beast mode, dayum. Back to Low Bar, @195x5x3, finding it difficult to move away from high bar mode, but it'll get there.
Make up from yesterday night, 3x tabata row at race pace, but went much-much faster than that. 10 seconds is a good recovery time.
Not looking forward to rowing tonight.
Its Jay-Stars birthday, surprised it didnt make it to the blog. says
@Pigeon, Jay-Star (aka Stringer Kettlebell) somehow hadn't made us aware of his birthday. Problem rectified. Happy birthday, Jay!
Joel W says
8 AM with Ro. Worked up to 345 on the single for LBBS. Flew up. May have underestimated a recent 1RM, which I guessed was about 375 based off of a recent 325x5x3. Tried to warm up with intention and I think it helped. Went unbelted for rep out at 275. Got a bit soft in my rack, I think from the start, and the bar started to roll down my back by rep 10.
Did the WOD at 225. Heavy high volume deadlifts are never good for me, so I took it a bit lighter and just tried to keep moving the whole time. Finished in 3:49 so I think I succeeded in that.
Stella says
HA, I love how Jay gets a bigger font than everyone else. Part of the JIP, er, VIP, program?
(Happy birthday to CFSBK's biggest comedian!) says
12:00 Group Class with McRo
12 Squats
8 Push-Ups
6 Chin-Ups
45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 205×2
4:59 as Rx'd
All DLs unbroken and somewhat slow burpees
Charlie says
10am with Jeremy.
Ummmm I partnered with Jay and he never said a word about it being his birthday!!!
20 x lunges 15#
10 x push-ups.
5 x strict chin-ups.
LBBS (pause)
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 185 x 1, 200 x 3 x 3. Love pause squats. Always feel like I can get in much better positions. Is that weird or totally normal?!
WOD: 3:59 Rx.
My favorite thing and my least favorite thing, together at last.
Deadlifts were unbroken, burpees were ugly and slow. Ugh.
My lungs hurt.
Cash out was painful and cruel and it was hard to breathe.
K HarpZ says
1RM C&J: 83, 113, 133, 143, 153 (F)
Ro also noticed the dip in my jerk was a bit off, after a few pointers from him I think I'm finally starting to figure out where I'm going wrong. That 153# was quite interesting….got under it, stood it up, but as I described it earlier I looked kind of like a "jello mold" overhead. I couldn't quite gain full control…danced around with it for a bit, and finally just decided to bail. Which is most definitely a NO REP. Will not be attempting this heavy on Sunday.
Front Squat: 5×3 @ 80%
Today's WOD: DL/burpee over bar, 3:20 RX
Jason M says
Warmup 3RNFT:
5 strict HSPU
5 weighted chin ups
5 pistols each leg
Performance back squat:
350×1- moved fairly well
2:45 rx'd. had to break up the round of 6 because i lost feeling in my legs. It is 3 hours later and i still cant breathe. says
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Sweet 16 years old today (emotionally). My quinceañera last year was off the chainz – sorry none of you made the list. In keeping with tradition, the City of New York has suspended alternate side of the street parking in my honor.
175x3x5 and WOD in 5:19 @225#. Fun working with the Firebrand from Ireland.
Players take note: ALL THE LADIES go to the 10 am class. Just me, Jeremy and a lotta wimmen. And you know they were ‘miring.
For all those coming in to do the WOD later on today, I gift you this pick-up line: “Hey girl (bro), once we finish all this bar-hoppin’, how about you and me hop to a bar?”
Let me know how this works for you. I’ll be back at 8:30 for Oly class (don’t worry, my wife takes no interest in my life’s work and doesn’t read the blog). says
Linear Progression LBBS @140# These felt stronger than last week (other than my sumo squat on the second lift- oops, feet too far a part 😉 ). Whit pointed out that I'm dropping down too slow. Picked up the speed on the last set and it felt easier than the first.
WOD in 3:28 @155# says
Went to group class for the first time in 13 months…
4:30 with Ro and McDowell
Back SQT: 125x5x3
WOD: #95, 3:53
Probably could've gone heavier but trying to find my numbers in group class and find a good place to start from. Went with #95 for the deads based off of a similar WODS I did with Ro a week or so ago.
Weird being back, but great as well. It's been a long year away… says
Sorry 4:30 with NOAH and McDowell 🙂 says
Big Time 5:30 class w/ Noah and McD.
3×5 BS at 205. 210 jump next week.
2:50 on the wod at 205 Deadlift. Unbroken.
Whit H says
5:30p group with McNo
WU: 2 rds
-3 false grip ring row, transition, dip x3
-10 ohs 15#
-10 push-up
foam roll lats/tspine
45×5, 95×4, 125×2
45×5, 75×4, 95×3, 110×1
client canceled so had some extra fitness funtime.
4 rds:
-5 T2B (1st strict, then kip)
-butterfly pull-up practice (sub max sets, about 5)
5 min DU practice (200 reps)
3 rds:
10 GHD sit up
1-3 handstand kick-ups each side
some calf mashing in between
JakeL says
Squats with Noah and McD at 530.
HBBS, 5RM, -5%, -10%x5
Press, 1RM, then heavyish x5
185x5x2 says
7:30 with Jess and Melo!
Did the squats at 167# 5,3,3 reps because I was having a really hard time bracing and we were definitely slow/short on time. Must work on this- Jess gave me some good tips (and Melo kept it real and told me Jess was squatting 265# earlier?? Motivation!)
WOD with 125# in 3:53. the fear of face planting was real. Definitely a burner.
Going back and trying the 167# squats friday with a belt as per Jess's suggestion. We are so lucky to have so many attentive and helpful coaches- Thanks all!
Ben lock says
Big ol 5:30 class.
230 5×3 felt really good.
6:00 flat on the WOD rx'ed…my back is sore!
lady fox says
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 245×1) all unbelted
265x3x2, 265x2x2 belted
-intended to do a set of 5, then 2 sets of 3 but I racked it after the 3rd rep of the first set because I wasn't confident I'd get another rep in…though both MeLo and Chris said my speed was fine. My hubby coach then switched up the remaining sets for me so that I could still get some volume in.
-everything from here on out is a new 1RM.
(45×5, 65×5, 80×3)
-used the belt for these and they felt much faster than last week. will make another 2# jump next week.
I had major WOD envy today! And I miss group classes. 🙁
dave p says
Nice 8:30 today. I thought I was the second person to register at 5:30…? Filled up quickly!
I'm definitely weaker from being sick & out of the gym so much, but managed hbbs 290×1, 230×10. The 290 was kind of sloppy but the 230×10 was fine, felt better than 225×10 last week.
Heavily modified the WOD with advice from coaches MeLo and Jess: 185# without touch-and-go, making sure to set my back each for each rep. Subbed pushups for burpees to keep the intensity way down, because I don't want to stress myself too much and get sick again. 185 was a good weight – it was starting to get heavy but I didn't have to "go to that dark place" in order to do this unbroken. I went to a slightly overcast place and finished pretty quickly, sub-3.
ps – thanks so much to @lauramc for some advice she gave me like six weeks ago – she said that when she gets sick and can't do intense workouts, yoga helps to keep moving & getting some time under tension &c. This advice has really helped keep me from going bonkers while unable to do more intense exercise, and maybe got me a little more limber to boot 🙂
Henry says
5:30 class
245# 3×5
DL/Burpee WOD 3:31 using 225# for dl
Feel like it would have taken me 15 mins rx'd
Fox says
Snatch – 2 Jumping Snatch Pulls + Snatch
Trying to find a rhythm and go vertical
Clean and Jerk
That, was a lot of reps.
Also has WOD envy. Today was right up my alley.