Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Start a bit off where you left off last cycle. Aim to add 5-10 lbs each week.
Performance: 90% x 1, 70% x 10
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of two with one partner working at a time, complete AMRAP in 12 Minutes of:
12 Dumbbell Thrusters
24 AbMat Sit Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach JB at the bottom of her front squat
CFSBK Events Update
- Do you have the Community Potluck on Saturday, February 21 at 7pm on your calendar? Head over to the event page to RSVP and tell us what delicious dish you’ll be bringing!
- Our Meditation Workshops the past two weekends were great events! Here’s a pic of last Sunday’s participants. A takeaway tip in case you weren’t able to attend: one misconception about meditation is that it requires one to stop thinking. On the contrary, meditation acknowledges that it is the nature of the mind to think and instead allows thoughts to be present with the goal of developing greater awareness of thinking patterns and then recalibrating as necessary.
Are Vitamin Drinks a Bad Idea? The New York Times
Oly Class Thurs
Lots of light snatches…
Doubles, 1st one w pause below knee and at high hang:
25, 29, 35 x a million
37, 40 x a bunch
Stopped there. Focusing on positions and smooth transitions
Oly Class Fri
A little fried in the shoulders and light-headed in general
25, 29, 35, 39
40×5 plus a couple misses
41×5 plus some misses, over thinking
Too tight in bottom position, not pulling under
Pressing out jerk
Legs too tight, not getting down/pulling under
Rise up into toes at top of dip to relax into it
49 felt gooood
52 – 80% nice
Drop Snatch
25×2, fell on my butt
Yesterday's lifting:
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 245×1)
255x5x2, 255×3
-finally failed, but at least it came at the 4th rep of the 3rd set. Have to figure out what to do next.
(135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 255×1)
-all hooked grip but bar started to slip out on last one. Used my belt because my back was feeling pretty fatigued.
(45×5, 85×5, 105×3, 120×1)
-pause on the first one. Felt good.
Friday Comp:
1-2 rope climb
12 broad jumps
24 ft assisted handstand walk
5rds, rest 2 min inbetween sets
3 C&J @ 75%, 118#
5 OHS @ 30%, 53#
5 strict C2B
-C&J have been kind of off lately. Was having a problem with locking out my left elbow, which has never been an issue before. My old shoulder stuff has been getting in my head for no reason in particular, so I've been a bit hesitant to commit to the overhead position. This is no bueno given C&J is coming up in next weekends comp…Need to brush it off and remember to keep active shoulders!
40 min AMRAP:
25 wall ball 14/9'
25 burpee box jumps
25 american KBS 16kg
25 calorie row
445 reps. Oh my god, looking at that number in full makes me sore all over again. Found a really good pace for this, stayed relatively consistent, and only had to break up the wall balls! MeLo was a good motivator for this one, was only about 15-20 reps or so behind, probably the closest ill ever get to beating her too! muaaa haa. At one point she looks at me mid-pull on the ERG and says "I love this workout so much"….so funny because I could tell she really meant it. (I secretly loved it too)
1 full hour of head to toe AR, every joint got at least 10 minutes of TLC. I feel AMAZING today. Mobility is a magical thing. Only sore in my adductors, which i must've accidentally neglected : (
Rest day today.
Love reading what all you strong badass ladies are up to. Thank you for posting!
1pm class today with 39 other people!
Was speaking to Fox during the week and he suggested I try 3 x 3 pause front squats this cycle, to get back in the front squat groove of things. as I have been avoiding this lift since October and it's time to get back to it now.
Pause front squat
45x 5, 95 x 4, 115 x 2, 130 x 3 x 3.
It went pretty well. Keeping my elbows up at the bottom was very challenging but by the third set it was much easier, which probably means I need to mobilize more before class. I usually make it to AR on Saturdays so that should solve that particular issue.
WOD with Josh.
12 DB thrusters @ 30#
24 abmat sit-ups.
4 rounds, 18 reps
Did some of my KPU stuff afterwards- probably best to do this before class, not after!
12 hrs of sleep later, came in feeling a bit better than last night!
Snatch+2 Hip snatches
Clean and jerk
352(might have been a press out in my left arm)
HBBS, 3RM, -5%, -10%x3
Pedlay rows
First post in a while- hat tip to the Chris Fox, for getting me back on the blog.
Linear progression -HBBSQ- 265 3 sets, 5reps.
Partnerwod with Andrew 5 rounds @35lbs single arm thrusters (could have gone heavier)
Katie: OMG, 40 minute AMRAP? There is a very short list of things I want to do AMRAP for 40 minutes.
1. Crossword puzzles
2. Thin Mints (actually, maybe not even Thin Mints. That might make me sick.)
3. Mario Kart
…yeah, can't think of anything else.
Warm up #2 x3
LBBS – 160x3x3 – 80% w Dan and Farzam
12 min AMRAP
30# DBs oooof!
Subbed :20 L-sit hang which devolved into knee tuck rather quickly
We lost track of rounds but Stephanie was cruising
MU work
5 rounds of:
5 hip pop transitions from floor
2 strict dips
4 false grip swings w hip pop on last
Then 3 rounds of:
3 standing transitions with rings super close
Fun to catch Crash-Bers testing their 2k and watch Coach Nick in action. I love checking out the diversity of activity that goes on at the gym and cheering on athletes who are so into what they do.
Noon class w/ seemingly every coach.
Aimed too high on the 3×5 FS. Need to stay at 180 next week or even come back to 175.
Unbroken and probably too light at 35lb Dumbells on the metcon. 5 rounds
2k erg test today. 7:28.4, which is an 18 second pr. I died; I am dead.