Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start a bit below last cycle.
Performance: 90% x 1, 70% x 10
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
Pull Ups or Ring Rows (*We swapped for KB Swings yesterday in anticipation of BLIZZARD sized classes)
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach Jeremy in Back Squat Beast Mode
News and Notes
- Ever wonder who does what at CFSBK to keep the wheels turning? Head over to Coach David’s blog, Inside the Affiliate, where he wrote an article about all the different roles at CFSBK. It’s called “How To Become a Grown-Up CrossFit Gym.”
- If you’re following Performance programming on any of your lifts this cycle, head over to our Current Programming Cycle tab to see what percentages you can expect each week.
- Happy birthday, Andrea D.!
All the Deadlift PRs
At the end of our last cycle, we saw a landslide of impressive personal records, especially as people went for a 1 Rep Max on their deadlifts. Congrats, everyone (listed in order of class taken)!
- Dolce 245#
- BK 325#
- Shawn 285#
- Elliott 345#
- Jonathan 310#
- Alan 285#
- John 335#
- Carl 285#
- Melody 185#
- Freddie 190#
- Vella 185#
- Brad 345#
- Kayleigh 295#
- Mary 220#
- Christina 220#
- Mario 165#
- Katy 205#
- Dan K. 315#
- Michael A. 420#
- Bethany 225#
- Matt K. 555#
- Michael C 415#
- KH 220#
- Jason M. 455#
- Brendan 425#
- Morgan 405#
- Janet 155#
- Nikki 145#
- Dave B. 235#
- Sarah 185#
- Kate L. 185#
- Callie 200#
- Kate R. 235#
- K HarpZ 295#
Distant Exoplanet Hosts Giant Ring System BBC
Our Weirdest Automatic Body Functions Explained Explore
Double, Double Toil and Trouble: Dissecting Double Unders CrossFit Journal
If you didn’t write your name and numbers on the board, or want to share PRs from other lifts this cycle, list them in the comments. Also, tell us: what did you think of this last cycle?
Hey guys, this is Kate. I know the blog is eating your comments, and there's nothing to release in the spam folder. I've reached out to Squarespace to see if they can help. Please just keep trying to post and we'll get the issue resolved soon!
HBBS: 205x5x3
I ended last cycle at 235 but this felt like a thousand pounds. Some possible reasons are: sickness and being out of the gym for two weeks; rowing and wallballs WOD done 12 hours ago; 2 mile jog to the gym this morning in 15-degree weather.
metcon: 119 reps rx'ed, or 7 burpees into the round of 16
Inspired by David’s recent ITA article, I thought that I would share an idea that I’ve been kicking around for a while that I think will substantially enhance our gym’s overall member experience. I’ve discuss this concept with certain members of the front desk staff (Janelle) and it was VERY well-received.
Introducing, the CFSBK VIP program.
I see this as a win-win for our athletes and the elite few who merit a higher level of service and privilege at no additional cost.
Who among us has not experienced a frisson of pleasure when blessed to be the company of the ingénue du jour, Mark Wahlberg or certain “seasoned”, debonair, gentlemen with a well-developed fashion sense and accessorizing ability (not Rob U. or Nino).
The great thing about this idea is that it can be implemented AS EARLY AS TODAY – perhaps before the 8:30 pm Olympic Lifting class – with no investment in additional resources required. Certain changes to the physical environs and procedures, however, will be necessary.
(1) The front desk staff will, of course, require some additional training: “Good evening, Mr. R*******. Let me take your coat and bag. Here are your Yoshi Yamamoto Inov-8s. You’ll need these for the warm-up. I’ll be over to help you put on your freshly polished Adidas by Alexander McQueen lifting shoes before your squats.” Most important rule: NO DIRECT EYE CONTACT. EVER.
(2) We’ll need a clipboard with the names of all of the VIPs – no “+1s” btw, unless your actual first name is “Plus”, and surname is “One”. Given that this is such a stupid name, however, you wouldn’t be a VIP anyway.
(3) One of the three platforms would become the VIP platform. One of the two bathrooms – the VIP bathroom. One of the two changing rooms – the VIP changing room. The Eleiko Olympic barbell, you guessed it, the VIP barbell.
(4) The quasi-meat locker hidden behind the ergs would be transformed into the VIP coat closet. No need to go into that that horrid, horrid, malodorous space near the refrigerator anymore.
(5) One of the couches and the coffee table would be velvet roped and manned by, perhaps, our specialty strength coach, former MMA fighter or anyone on the Crossfit total leader board regardless of gender or ranking.
(6) The entire second floor would be designed the VIP lounge with similar velvet-rope procedures in place.
In keeping with DO’s incremental approach, I say we start very small – perhaps restrict it to one member for the first year or two to see how this curatorial approach works out. I’m pretty bullish, however, that the JIP – sorry, VIP program (stupid spellcheck) – will be a great success.
3-2-special one-1 GO!
Slow Clap…
Jay – You can be my +1.
Jay, you are EN FUEGO.
Congrats on all the PRs!
Blog ate my post so here goes…
Yesterday- really enjoyed this article. Whitney, and today's comments. Also…who is that beautiful puppy in the picture? So pretty 🙂
Congrats Jenny on your PR and Colleen on your strict push-up! And Allie on your pull-ups! Yay!!
Make-up post from Monday.
45 x 6, 95 x 6, 135 x 6, 185 x 6, 205 x 6, 225 x 6, 205 x 6.
Had Margie and Noah watch my depth. I wasn't shallow but I was barely below parallel on three reps of my heavy set. Tomorrow I'm doing pause squats so that will help with that, hopefully!! Also need to initiate the squat with both hips and knees at the same time as it seems my knees are going first which has me a little off balance.
Pause Bench Press
45 x 5, 75 x 3, 95 x 2, 105 x 2, 115 x 2, 125 x 3.
105 x 7 ( no pause)
Will try this weight again next week as it felt a bit heavy.
Tuesday – 5.30 with Whitney.
20 x lunges 25# plate ( note to self; go lighter, this is the warm-up!)
10 push-ups
5 x chin-ups
45 x 5, 55 x 4, 65 x 3, 70 x 1, 80 x 3 x 3.
70 x 8.
Should have added weight as this as this was the same as last week but I read the wrong page of my journal. Oops! Felt good though!! That 8th rep on the drop set was really slow but I fought for it which is not something I have ever really been able to do with this lift because of past shoulder issues, so that was kind of cool.
30 cal row.
50 WB.
30 cal row.
8.03 Rx.
Couldn't not break up the wall balls and didn't push myself very hard on the rows.
Cash out
3 x
:40 hollow hold :20 rest
:40 arch hold :20 rest
3 x 5 lat active pull downs.
No space or time for the rest of my kipping stuff, but it's a start!
6am with McDowell and Arturo. I did the 3×5 back squats at 165, which is about 90% of where I ended last cycle. This felt heavier than I expected and my bar partner, Christian, helpfully pointed out that my knees were collapsing on some of my reps. I think this may just have been one of those days where it's tough to get warm and mobile. I'll see how I feel next week and consider sticking at 165 again if necessary. I completed the burpees in the round of 12 in the WOD. I was glad to have an opportunity to work on kipping pullups in a timed environment. My grip and the skin on my fingers was the limiter here, but these are coming along.
I was very happy with the last cycle – meathead Mondays in particular. In addition to a big deadlift PR, I hit PRs on my bench press (150 3×5 and 185 (!) on the 1RM paused bench); back squat (185); power snatch (120); and power clean (160). I also strung together 37 double unders (which about doubles my previous PR), finally executed some toes-to-bars, and got to where I can consistently string together 5 kipping pullups. So, yeah, the cycle went pretty damn well for me, now that I look back on it.
Make-up from yesterday
Felt quick.
Monday's WOD in 4:47 RX
Did all 50 wall balls unbroken. Wall balls were the easiest part of this – though it hurt my knees afterward. Glad all this squatting is helping in other areas.
Sorry for taking up so much blog space but now I need to log today's work!
Rack pulls
135 x 5, 185 x 4, 235 x 3, 265 x 2, 295 x 5. Felt heavy but solid.
10am class with Jeremy.
Pause Squats
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 165 x 2, 195 x 3 x 3.
Funny how I have no problem finding the bottom when I have to pause.
Burpees and strict banded chin-ups.
67 reps.
Kept the burpees 'strict' until the round of 10 because I knew I would get less reps than most people because of my slow chin-ups.
If I did this again I would probably opt for ring rows.You live, you learn.
Last night at 7:30 (I think the blog ate my comment yesterday):
Bench press
45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205, 215, 165×10
Everything moved really well.
WOD rx'd in 4:35. Rows about a minute each, wall balls broken up 30-20 with ten seconds of rest in there. Best WOD ever? Probably.
Came in to bench
First reps all paused. Felt good. Weight moves up on Friday.
Got talked into doing he WOD
96 reps (8 pull ups into 14)
Jay – not sure what you do for work but unless its comedy you seem to have missed your calling. I love it.
OMFG. I can't do math.
I did 112 reps on yesterday's WOD, not 64. I can't even say that I just forgot to multiply by 2. I can't add AND I forgot to multiply by 2.
Brainless Wonder, party of 1, your table is ready.
Warm up — 3 rounds
– 16 walking lunges 25# plate OH
– 10 box jumps 24"
– 5 ring push ups
Clean BBell Warm ups, then
– Muscle Clean, Front Squat, Jerk Dip hold — 35kg x 1 x5
– Pause Power Clean, Hang clean — 40kg x 1 x 5
– Push Press, Split Jerk (Rack) — 40kg x 1 x 5
– Clean Pulls 40×3, 45×3, 50×3, 55×3, 60×3 — these always feel awkward and hard
– 3 second Pause Squats on boxes w 24kg KB around waist x 5
– Squats on boxes w 24kg KB around wast holding 16kg KB x 5
I was up all night and crashed after the warm up.
This was enough just to make me feel completely weak and feeble.
Noon-ish lifting:
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 240×1)
-all warmups unbelted but all work sets belted. shockingly these are still moving fairly well. the problem now is that I'm starting to run out of breath and rush the final reps because I want to get the bar off of my back. This messes up my bar path with me cranking my chin up and leading with my chest. Will work on pausing more between those final reps.
-I can't believe this linear progression is still moving.
(45×5, 70×3, 80×2)
-felt hard today especially locking out my right arm. Need to keep my elbows underneath me more. Will probably still make a 2# jump next week though.
Group WOD:
101 reps, rx'd
-this was actually fun. I tried to keep a steady pace on the burpees. Pullups were unbroken through the round of 6, then broke up the 8-10-12 rounds in 2-3 small sets with short rest.
-loved the orb lat/tricep mashing and am doing to do more of this at home here in a bit. will also hit quads and hip flexors to round out my day.
Pre Class:
Rack Jerks with a :02 Paused Dip
Used Jerk Blocks, Wts in Kilos
4:30pm Group Class
2 Rounds NFT
10 OHS
5 Pull-Ups
12 Push-Ups
(45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 205×2)
Burpee/Pull-Up Ladder
Cleared the 14 rounds and got one burpee into the 16 round.
113 reps
All Kipping pull-ups unbroken
Finished with three sets of two:
Inverted Muscle-Up
:05 Ring support as wide as possible
Roll Through to hang
Great class and WOD today!
Also, Whit's article yesterday was great! Great advice on making sure our non-meat eaters are getting enough protein. Personally, the vegetarians/vegans I've known have always been the junk food, processed food, fake meat eating kind so it's nice to see a well-rounded, smart perspective.
Noah's articles the other day and last week were also great. I just wish we could get everyone to read them! I've already seen a couple folks who are starting out week 1 too heavy. Is this you? If so, take some time to re-evaluate your starting weights. And remember that this programming cycle is running for a total of 10 weeks…which means 8 weeks of an Linear progression for our Fitness folks. Adding 5#'s each week to your Bench or 10#'s each week to your Squat would result in a 40#/80# increase in each lift respectively. Does that sound doable?
Oh, and Jay is only a little funny.
Came into do some Comp prep with Ro and Mike today, february is gonna be STACKED! Excited that im finally able to compete for CFSBK!!
Clean EMOM:
5 min @ 80%: 133#
5 min @ 85%: 143#
5 min @ 90%: 153#
90% took me by surprise, missed my first one but pulled it together and got all 5 in time. Ro noticed my grip was too narrow and my shoulders were too far fwd in my setup, causing me to land a bit forward as well. Played around with this, hit some really solid reps afterwards, others not as much. WIll keep working on it!
Monday's row, WB, row WOD: 6:47 RX
Dude, my legs are fried. Wasn't even out of breath I just couldn't move my body any faster. Definitely need a rest day tomorrow
2 rds, 60s AMRAP @ "conversational pace" (we didnt have a conversation though, so not exactly RX-ed)
171 reps
-Step ups 20"
-Alt DB Snatch, 35#
-Russian KBS 35#
-Row for calories
followed by wholefood GAINZ. spent $24 at the hotbar, SMH
It pleases me greatly to attend a crossfit gym where all coaches encourage smart, calculated lifting (re: Noah's article and Lady Fox's comment above). I know the "gains" I'll make at this gym are safe, appropriate and logical. Thankfully they're not 'gains' made at the behest of coaches or teammates roaring to lift more for the appeal of lifting more (like much of the stigma associated with crossfit!)
While crossfit can definitely appeal to all types, I'm glad this gym leans on the nerd side of things, rather than, say, the meathead side? Thanks!
HBBS: 255x5x3
WOD with 1-2-3-…fat bar strict chin-ups:
Finished the 14 round of burpees. Got 5 of the 7 chin-ups and then time ran out. This was a fun one.
Did a variation of Monday's WOD at home.
Bench 10 reps with 30# DBs
15 Russian twists with 20# DB (should have gone heavier)
10 pike situps or just pikes- not sure what they are called
30 cal row
50 thrusters with a 33# bar
30 cal row
8:29 minus the time it took for me to ask my neighbor if I could have the erg back for the last 2 minutes of my workout 🙂
10 minute cool down on the treadmill. DOMS is kicking in from yesterday's squats!
Mobility in my apt with my cats thinking it's play time!
Going to show the vid about the body functions to my Bio students- we just finished the unit on homeostasis so it's perfect timing:)
HBBS: Performance track this cycle. Working off a 1 RM of 380 which is probably a little light because i haven't tested a 1 RM in about 4 months.
WOD: 105 reps. Was committed to only doing butterfly pull ups because i need to practice this new skill. Good thing i shaved my calluses today!
8:30 with Coaches MeLo and JB… today was definitely a "just show up and do some work" day, so glad I made it in.
Perf squats – 285×1, 225×10. There must be something to all that nooroomuscular conditioning stuff because 225 felt like death as a warmup but was fine for the rep out.
WOD w/steep ring rows subbed. I'm trying to keep all intensity "moderate" for at least the next week, so I did this at a very measured pace alternating step-out burpees with jumpy ones. Finished the 14 round of burpees (98 total reps), no rest just moved slow & steady throughout.
4:30 group class
Lbbs 255x5x1 then backed off to 235x5x2
I was reacquainting myself with the barbell and back squatting in particular, trying to figure out where my abilities are at now. thank you to coach Noah for giving me the helpful cues to improve my form.
Made it to round of 12's and squeezed in 6 burpees so if my math is correct that's 90 total reps. I think I put wrong number of reps on whiteboard…oops.
Thanks again to everyone at cfsbk! Stoked to be here!
Oly Class tonight
Stiff and a bit sore from too much these past few days.
80-85% x1x5
Worked at 70kg/154#. Mixed bag of banging with my hips and jumping forward on a few, and then actually jumping back and settling under a few.
Clean and Jerk
70% x2(1+1)x5
Worked at 80kg/176. Legs were toast and shoulders also pretty tired.
Even the mobility work was work tonight. Gonna take a rest day tomorrow.