Deadlift: 1-1-1-1-1
Up to 5 attempts at a new 1RM deadlift. Rest as needed between attempts. If you’re feeling good and maintaining position then go for it. If not, get something heavy in and call it quits.
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18 Minutes Not For Rounds:
5 Strict Toes to Bar or Supine Floor Levers
10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges, as heavy as possible
15 Calorie Row or 130m Jog
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Lululemon Brooklyn is looking for fun, like-minded locals to join their team! Whether you are looking for a career change or something to complement your routine, they have part-time and full-time positions available. Please fill out your application on-line here. There are several positions available, so fill out the application, come by the store, and introduce yourself. They hope to hear from you soon! If you have any questions, email Brendy, the store manager, at biglesias [at] _____________________ CFSBK Online Store, log in, click “Calendar” from the left-hand column, select the class you plan on attending, press the blue “Reserve” button on the right-hand side of the screen, and voila! It’s that easy. Learn more on the RSVP to CFSBK page (located in the left-hand column under General Information).
Lululemon Brooklyn is Hiring!
13 CrossFit Gym Etiquette Rules You Need To Know BoxLife
8am. Olympic lifting homework.
Back squats: 275×3, 275x2x6
Snatch (rock from power position to knee to power position + snatch): 95x3x5
Overhead squats (w/ 5 second pause): 95×3, 95x5x4
Snatch pulls: 175x3x3
The overhead squats were supposed to be 5×5, but I misremembered on the first set. Snatch work felt less awkward today. Need to remember to bring my wraps for the snatch pulls next week.
Make-up Posts!
Friday OG lifting with Sam P., Allie and Jenny M.
3×5 LBBS @ 185
These are feeling a bit better, but, as David pointed out, I am taking it way too slow on my descent. Tried speeding it up on one rep, and totally lost control.
3×5 BP @ 107–felt really off today! I was having trouble getting tight and I just felt uneven.
1×5 DL @ 240. These really really good. I think I'm finally figuring out how to get tight before my pull.
Saturday Comp Class
Missed the warm up because I had to get a snack and change.
3RM "Thruster" (in quotation marks because jerking under the bar was allowed)
Worked up to an ugly 120 that involved some combination of jerk-like movements and serious press outs.
WOD 1:
50 Double Unders
25 Pull Ups
50 DU
25 Hand Release Push Ups
50 Double Unders
25 Sit Ups
50 Double Unders
25 Goblet Squats 53#
5:12–everything unbroken, but the goblet squats were slow and painful. My kind of workout. Glad I had Rickke next to me to push me! 🙂
Rest 10 min
Squat Clean 115
Over the Bar Burpee
I was pleased with how this went, considering 115 is not a light weight for me. Did all cleans as touch and go sets of threes. It may have been more strategic to do singles with less rest, but I always find it so hard to pick the bar back up again after I've put it down, I figured that limiting that was my best bet. Used the burpees as a sick form of "recovery."
Rest 10 Minutes
8am with the Foxes. It's been a long time since I tried a 1RM deadlift. My previous PR was actually a few weeks ago when we tried for a heavy set of 5. I hit 245 then, so I thought I could exceed that by about 20 or so. Today, partnered up with Alan, I lifted 235, 255, 265, 275, 285. I'm super happy with this result. My position was good and the weight went up slowly, but steadily, so I don't think 300 is too far off.
I finished 4 rounds + 10 front rack lunges (at 75lbs) on the WOD. It felt good to crank out some toes-to-bars, which are still a work in progress, but coming along. Altogether a pretty damn great morning in the gym.
10 AM with Ro and Fox. I knew from how hard I was finding chinups in the warmup that today was not going to be a PR day on the deadlift. I did 265 and worked like hell for it. 275 was superglued to the floor. 280 is my PR so I'm a little disappointed, but like I said it was not my day.
Did 4 rounds + 5 floor levers (started out with T2B but could not keep the controlled negatives throughout) with 95#. OMG those lunges were awful.
Stuck around for an AR party with Christina afterward, which was a good thing because when she did the couch stretch, it reminded me that I needed to do couch stretch. Owww.
Also, thank you Jess for changing the settings on RSVPing. I know I've complained about the system a lot, and I appreciate what you've done to make it better. Just that one change of removing the 1-hour deadline to RSVP gets rid of most of my objections to the system, so thank you for that!
11am w/ Coaches Ro & Melo
Deadlift 1RM:
I felt "just okay". However, a couple things I noticed:
1) I couldn't go past 300# with a regular grip, and the switch-grip felt very awkward. I felt very off-balance. I'll have to practice this. Any suggestions?
2) I think my legs/butt are not as strong as I'd like them to be which I believe is causing my form to falter also past 300#. I will be attending Squat Day a lot more this cycle.
See you all this week!
DL at 150 today (went up 45 pounds!). Definite PR. Great coaching and encouragement from MeLo and Ro: it was a turning point to realize it would be hard and uncomfortable but not at the expense of proper technique.
Big shoutout to Kate who also PR'd at 155 like it was no problem! We had both done 115 on Monday… So we made big moves! I don't think I would have attempted such heavy weight had she not been so badass! Thanks!
Worked up to 385 on the DL. Heaviest I've gone since I hurt my back and it felt good. I actually had a false start at 385 and dropped it partway up because I thought I was rounding, but Arturo told me that was all in my head. The second attempt went up pretty smoothly.
NFT work was fun – worked up to 155 on the lunges, which were pretty tough.
OG tonight with Sam -Thanks for being my workout buddy again!
3×5 back squat at 157#. So surprised/happy this is still moving.
1×5 DL at 185#. Switched to a switch grip and it made a big difference.
Did some chin ups after..and these felt strong as well. Rock climbing after and now my grip is officially DEAD.
Oh and go Allie! 150# is a huge PR- you are way stronger than you think you are!
Happy I got to squeeze a WOD in on Saturday despite my cousin being in town with her family. It worked out perfectly bc we dropped the kids off at Brooklyn Boulders with their father and did our first WOD together!!
128# pause front squat. Failed at 133#. Whit Immediately noticed the weaknesses in my front squat form and gave me good tips. Front squats are a constant struggle.
I scaled the WOD. I did 40-30-20-10 DUs and 20-15-10-5 pushups. I hadn't planned on scaling, but t bought a new rope which is a lot heavier than my old one so it's going to take some practice to get used to the feel of it. My arms were so shot from the DUs that I had to break up my pushups from the start so I just ended up scaling the whole workout. My arms wouldn't tire as much if I could keep them in when I DU.
Did a 5k row in my basement tonight. My time was 23:29 min. This is only my 4th 5k row ever and I shaved over a minute off of my first time so I know there is still room for improvement. I have so many questions about my from. Is Crash b a competition team or supplemental program?
Congrats Allie on your first pull-ups and your deadlift PR!
1-25-15 Deadlift: 500lbsx1x1