Pause Front Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a heavy single. Pause for 3 seconds at your absolute ROCK BOTTOM position before aggressively driving your legs to stand back up. The ideal bottom position is your hamstrings resting on your calves while maintaining an extended spine.
Post loads to comments.
Not For Time:
50 Double Unders
25 Push Ups
40 Double Unders
20 Push Ups
30 Double Unders
15 Push Ups
20 Double Unders
10 Push Ups
10 Double Unders
5 Push Ups
Post about your experience to comments. And your time too, if you struggle with the concept of Back-Off Week.
Congrats to Allie B. on getting her first pull-ups on Thursday! Here she is crushing her front squats.
News and Notes
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP FOR CLASS: Go to the CFSBK Online Store, log in, click “Calendar” from the left-hand column, select the class you plan on attending, press the blue “Reserve” button on the right-hand side of the screen, and voila! It’s that easy. Learn more on the RSVP to CFSBK page (located in the left-hand column under General Information).
- Don’t miss the last Meditation Workshop tomorrow at 3:30pm. Learn more here and don’t miss your chance to get super Zen. Please RSVP on the event page!
Travel Gym Recommendations
Last year, we added a tab to fix the often weekly request for recommendations re: other gyms while people are traveling. The tab is Travel Gym Recommendations (it’s in the left-hand column under Member Resources). This forum has almost 100 posts and has become a great place to keep everyone’s notes about their experiences at other affiliates, both good and bad. Most recently, we heard about…
- Allie B.‘s experiences at CrossFit Novi and CrossFit Hines Park, both in Detroit.
- Chris H.‘s experience at Commonwealth CrossFit in Somerville, MA (his post is funny, too), and at Kahala CrossFit in Hawaii and CrossFit Amped in Bellevue, WA (significantly less funny).
- Jay-Star‘s experience at CrossFit Asheville in NC.
- Elliott‘s experience at CrossFit Dilworth and CrossFit South Tryon, both in Charlotte, NC.
Friendship, for a Healthy Heart The Atlantic
@Chris H, Ha! I gave the coach at CrossFit Amped that SBK shirt! (I drop into that box regularly)
3 Rounds NFT
10 FSQ @40kg
10 Push press @40kg — then 20kg for next 2 rounds
20 triceps band pulls
20 biceps band pulls
5 box jumps 30"
5 strict burpees
5 T2B kipping
Pause Bench Press – 80%x3
45×4, 65×5, 75×3, 80×3, 85×2, 90×3
Strict Press – Find 1 RM
45×5, 65×3, 70×2, 75×1, 77×1, 78 f,f
MU Practice – interspersed throughout lifting
3 x 10 hip pop to pull up bar
Thanks for your tips JB!
Correction — NFT was 4 rounds. I did this to stay warm and it was actually pretty fun.
Allie ๐ ๐
Make-up post:
Did the special (oooh) 3:30 pm class yesterday.
Handstand kick ups, just need to get my kickin' leg up a little higher but I am less scared of attempting to do this than before (want to share my glowing endorsement for Ken H's handstand class for this!)
5×3 Bench Press at 75# which went fine, just needed to get my left/less dominant arm to catch up to my right arm when I press.
1×5 155# which went fine
10 min WOD
12# wall balls
That one was exhausting!!
Big 9am class. WOW being sick took a lot out of me, but being back sure is nice.
Pause FSQ 225×1, 235×1, 245×1, 255xF. I wasn't aggressive coming out of the bottom at 255, I'm pretty confident I can get that weight up but there it was, on the ground.
WOD extremely NFT. I can still consistently do 10+ double unders which is nice, haven't done these in forever. Pushups. Man, those pushups.
Yoga was full today! I haven't done this class in a while and didn't get in off the wait list. I'm happy for Whit that the class was full today though, maybe I'll try another yoga studio later ๐ Any recommendations? I go to Yogasana on 3rd sometimes…
Also, I'm disappearing for a 3-month "sabbatical" in a few weeks. It's not clear that I'll be near a gym for long periods of time. Along with exercise clothes I'm thinking I'll take along a jump rope and a lacrosse ball – any other fitness-related gear that is small and light I should consider bringing?
@dave p Align on 5th? Our very own CFSBK FD'er Jaclyn teaches classes there (not sure if she is teaching today though!)
Hi cfsbk! Been a while. Missed u. 11am class with McDowell, Whit, & JB. Pause front squats at 135-145-150-155-160. Last one was pretty slow but felt clean.
Then the crash-b workout that nick has named "hell": 8 rounds 500m w/ 1 minute rest.
1:51.4 @27spm
1:52.1 @27spm
1:51.7 @26spm
1:52.1 @26spm
1:53.9 @26spm
1:54.0 @26spm
1:54.9 @28spm
1:54.9 @26spm
Race starts and power 10s on all of them. Hard.
Paused FSQ: 195, 205, 215, 225, 235(F).
Maybe I could have done the 235 if I'd jumped to it from the 215. No worries; I'll get it some other time.
@LauraMc: Wow, those are awesome times.
10 AM class, started out with the double unders (1/2 attempts) and pushups (15-12-9-6-3). My new jump rope was not cooperating with me — I need to secure the end of it better so the handle doesn't keep coming off. Then I couldn't find a rope that was the right length. Frustrating! Thanks McDowell for your patient assistance, because oh my god I was ready to throw my rope across the room.
FSQ maxed out at 160, failed 165. The third second of that pause is brutal!
For those who were not at my apartment last night playing board games and drinking sparkling water, YOU MISSED OUT. Sam P is a f'ing RIOT playing Celebrity. Plus, I'm a good cook and so is Sarah P, who brought some awesomesauce Brussels sprouts. So there was some excellent LFPB-friendly eating going on.
I might try to do one more of these before the challenge is over, probably on February 6. Email me if interested. Stellavision, gmail.
Nice work Allie!!
Stella, I agree! Sam P would be even better at charades. And Sarah and Stella, please cook more of that chicken and brussels! Thanks so much, Stella, for hosting TWO game nights at your house. So much fun–an awesome paleo, sober event! ๐
Also, thanks for the blog love! ๐
OG last night: 115 DL 3X5, 70 BP 3X5, 95 HBBS 3X5. Deadlifts were definitely a PR. I will probably be in last place at Iron Maidens…but that's okay! I'm having a lot of fun "training" for it.
Front Squat 1X75, 1X80, 1X85, 1X90, 1X95, all with 3 sec pauses. Came forward a bit/lost form on the last one. All 5 of those are PRs. MUST work on double unders.
50% x3x5 (105)
Working on finding an upright torso for the 2nd pull and not bouncing the bar with my hips.
Snatch Pulls
95% x3x3 (195)
Same as above
Comp Team
3 Rounds
5 Chins bw, +25, bw
5 Strict HSPU
15 Squats
Flex In The City team tryouts
20 Minutes to find a 3RM *Thruster
*Flex In The City rules allow push jerks. Maybe had 225.
Squat Clean 155
Over the Bar Burpee
Afwul! Game day involves work/rest though so a very different workout.
Rest 10 Minutes
50 Doube Unders
25 Pull Ups
50 DU
25 Hand Release Push Ups
50 Double Unders
25 Sit Ups
50 Double Unders
25 Goblet Squats 72#
Awful! Broke up everything except sit ups and my doubles were abysmal.
Had zero gas today, been a rough training week. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
Snatch high pull w/ pause below knee+Snatch
Clean+Front squat+Jerk
Snatch Pulls
did 1/2 volume for the DUs and it didn't completely suck which was a nice change. Finally consistently stringing 5-7 together.
15-12-9-6-3. Dropped to my knews for part of the 9…I was being a baby about it. Wah.
FS with pause at 115# and I stopped. Probably had another 20 lbs (?) I could add but I back-squatted at OG yesterday and I'm doing it again tomorrow. Cheers for lots of squats!
Been trying to do a few sets 3 reps of pull-ups and chin-ups both either before or after each workout, including strength. I really want to focus on a couple key exercises I don't have which will help me to move closer to Rx — e.g., pull-ups (and then kipping pull-ups), double unders, and T2B.
Got up to 195lbs on the front squat with probably another 5-10 in the tank.
Eric and I did the "old dudes in the corner" club for the NFT DUs and push-ups. I finished last. Need to work on my DUs!
Finally, thank you to the many many members of the CFSBK community who have reached out to me about the passing of my day last Friday. The kind words of the community have been a big source of support. Thank you.
Flex in the City (Scaled Team) practice today.
3RM thruster.
45, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 120.
I feel if I could organize a push jerk here I may be able to go heavier than this. Cleaning the 45# bar was weird. I definitely need to practice this a bit more but I am happy with this number for today.
My teammates Joe and Steph and I split the following work since that is what we'll be doing on the day and they had both worked out already. Plus I don't have killing pull-ups (yet!)
50 single unders
50 pull-ups
50 single unders
50 HR push-ups
50 single unders
50 sit-ups
50 single unders
50 goblet squats
Think it took about 7 mins but we will also have Chris P on the day so it will be faster. It was good to come in and come up with a plan for who is going to do which movements.
Deadlifts 115#
Over the Bar burpees
First time doing burpees this way and they sucked but there were not many of them. Need to get more efficient at these. I got to watch the cool kids doing the Rx version after I was done. A COMPLETELY different workout with cleans!!!
Looking forward to competing! It's going to be fun!
Thanks Comp Team and coaches for having us today.
Great 1pm class
Warm up x 2 + OH squats
10 OH Squats pause 33#
10 ring rows pause
:20 hollow hold – unsure about umbilical issue so opting for static ab work
DUs/push ups
50/25 – unbroken DUs!
30/15 – unbroken DUs
10/5 – unbroken DUs
All push ups were broken up — really sore shoulders and triceps etc from last night
FSQ – 3 sec pause w Marie
45×3, 95×3, 115×2
125, 135, 140, 145 – this was my best FSQ wo pause last cycle
150 f
Deep stretching and orb on hamstrings and quads. Fun to watch the comp team work
Comp class…prep for Flex in the City:
WOD 1: Thruster 3RM
75×3, 95×3, 115×3, 125×3, 135×3, 145×2, failed on the third one.
-I expect to hit 145 game day and hopefully go for 150/155. Since jerking is allowed, I need to practice this more. Not a natural movement for me with the thruster.
WOD 2:
50 Doube Unders
25 Pull Ups
50 DU
25 Hand Release Push Ups
50 Double Unders
25 Sit Ups
50 Double Unders
25 Goblet Squats 53#
Time = 8:14
-totally a shoulder fryer! pretty sure pullups to me the longest. only thing done unbroken were the first round of du's, situps and the goblet squats at the end.
WOD 3:
Squat Clean 115
Over the Bar Burpee
Time = DNF
-finished the round of 9 then called it because my low back was heated! Game day I'll be fine but didn't want this to wreck my powerlifting training this upcoming week. It will also be nice to have a bit of rest during the actual wod.
4 min Assault Bike