Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 80% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Post loads to comments.
Team WOD
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time:
AMRAP 21 Minutes:
14/10 Calorie Row
14/10 Push Ups
Post rounds to comments.
Carissa crushing double unders and Ariel pressing at Open Gym last night
It’s Almost Your Last Chance to Sign For CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program!
EACH CYCLE NEEDS A MINIMUM OF 8 PARTICIPANTS TO RUN! If you’ve been on the fence about signing up, now is the time to do it, or the cycles won’t get off the ground.
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to 2 Open Gym or group class per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 1/13/15-3/5/15 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 1/12/15-3/4/15. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
The cycle will wrap up with an Olympic Weightlifting Total on 3/8/15 at 2:30pm.
Each cycle needs a minimum of eight participants and is capped at 10 athletes.
AM Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 1/13/15-3/5/15
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 1/12/15-3/4/15
Hanging Hip Touches, Alternating Arms – Demo CrossFit
Black Holes Inch Ahead to Violent Cosmic Union New York Times says
Make up from OG yesterday. I can't believe I missed an entire conversation about karaoke!!! I am definitely on Team CFSBKaraoke.
Favorite events last year were FBG and the Art Show.
OG Last Night:
Worked up to a max effort DL w/ K.Harpz
..tried 285, but couldn't pull it.
275 is my current PR, so I was happy with this. It's been a while since I've tried to pull anything really heavy off of the floor. Still, I'd like to work on this and try to get a new PR Iron Maiden's.
ALSO—congrats to my lifting partner, KHarpz, who pulled 300!!! 🙂
I wanted to bench, but was limited on time and space, so just went straight into Thursday's metcon with Whit and Morgan—finished the second round of 20 C2B's right at the time cap. Had I gotten to the 95 pound snatches, it's not likely I would have been able to get one, but I would have liked to at least try! There are definitely ways in which I could have strategized this better to get there—I think I could have bitten of slightly bigger sets for the 75 snatches. Also, my C2B rhythm felt a bit off. These need some practice.
Also—though I was still splatting a lot, I had some snatches that felt really good, like I was actually getting underneath the bar. Very pleasing. I had some elbow pain on the C2B's so I'll avoid kipping pull ups and muscle ups for a couple of days.
BK says
BSQ: 95×5, 165×3, 205×1, 225x5x3
Squats felt good today. The reps on set 2 & 3 took a little diligence but moved well. This cycle was about dialing in form.
Metcon: 20 rounds + 1cal.
All my rounds were around ~42 seconds. All pushups all unbroken, 1800+ca/hr. The row was about 1 pull = 1 cal, not stroke rate (which is my usually approach).
Charlie says
Ha! I had a good giggle reading yesterday's comments when I got back from work last night. I, too, am definitely on Team CFSBKaraoke…obviously only if there is booze involved.
Favorite events- FGB and Murph, the Art Show and obviously the Waggytail Rescue event where I met the love of my life, Maisie!
Congrats Katie Harper! And JB! You never cease to amaze me! Looking forward to watching you and all of the strong ladies lift at Iron Maidens.
dave p says
Great morning, I'm enjoying mixing in occasional regular CFSBK programming with the CRASH-B workouts. AR after squatting is always good.
HBBS 285×1 then 255×15. I think (?) I had one or two left in me but 15 felt plenty hard.
This workout in all its variations is always fun, by which I mean totally demoralizing and amazing. It feels like a test of character to keep pushing on the erg rather than backing off. We finished 23 rounds. I underestimated how fast we would cycle through the rounds and went out at a true sprint the first two rows, which pace I can't sustain. Cut the pushups to 7 which was perfect for me – only had to break the last round into smaller pieces.
Samir Chopra says
HBBS: 260x5x3
WOD with Packer and Morgan: We finished 23 rounds. I did 14 and 10 pushups the first two rounds and then dropped to 7. Good scale. says
Enjoying the new "+2" option with strength cycle. I'm now in my 5th cycle, and I expect the 2+2 plan will be more less permanent for me. I have found what I like and works for me.
Given we do low bar in strength cycle, I've been using Saturdays to do high bar. I did performance with Roy and got to a 275 1 RM. Mel pointed out that I collapsed a bit, so I did it again with better form. After that I did my rep out at 225, and probably left 2 reps in the tank knowing the strength cycle awaited me in less than 48 hours.
Did the WOD with Scott and Roy. I was slow man for sure, having to break the later sets of push-ups into 3 and even 4 sets. We did 18 sets, so 6 each, with Scott finishing 3-4 kCal of our 19th. says
12pm class.
Did 3×5 at 140# on the squat- felt good considering I've been sick all week. Next cycle I'd like to end at 150# in the linear progression. Whit helped me figure out how I've been bracing wrong- this was a big help.
rowing and pushups…got 5 rounds + row +7 pushups. I definitely had to break up the pushups but I kept them strict, I need to get better at these.
Scared for crush week! Ahhh
Shawn says
8am with DO and MeLo. I did the 3×5 back squats at 185#, which is a PR. These felt like they were moving well today; I'm pretty sure I've got 200+ back squats in me. I've been spending a lot of time this week hanging out in a squat during my nightly mobility and a/r work as part of the LFPB Challenge, which seems to be paying dividends. Actually, all of the nightly foam rolling, stretching, and muscle mashing I'm doing seems to be paying off in terms of quick recovery and easy loosening up in the morning. So, huzzah for that.
WOD with Brad and Jay. 20 rounds total plus 1 cal. I got through 7 rounds, each of which took around 1:05 to 1:10. Until the 6th round, the push-ups were unbroken. This was a fun one and Brad definitely kept us moving.
The hangin hip touches were a little nuts, but also fun. I surprised myself with my ability to string several together.
Charlie says
12pm AR goodness followed by 1pm group class.
255 x 1, 190 x 11
OK so I wanted to just see how this felt. Clearly my math is off but last week 145 felt great even though my 1RM from July is 255. It felt good depth-wise which had always been my issue, but heavy, which is about right. I definitely pitched forward more than I should have, but I am happy I gave it a bash. I did the rep-out at 185 last week, so I added 5 # this week because it felt right. I missed a few of the exposures this cycle so I was a little off on the numbers anyway.
Team WOD- partnered with DH3 and Chris- 21 rounds, 14 cal in total, 7 rounds for me with all strict UNBROKEN push-ups which is a pretty big deal. All this bench pressing and WU1-ing has certainly helped with these.
Watched the Comp Team hitting some heavy snatches afterwards. Very inspiring. says
Post Saturday Rush Solo Sesh.
3:00 Assault Bike
Crossover Symmetry
3 Rounds
8 KB Push Press e
8 Rev OH Lunges
8 Strict Toes to Bars
(45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3, 205×1)
205x2x3 Paused for :02 at bottom
Was going to do the workout as a 7 Minute AMRAP but checked the phone and my GF said she was on her way over to my apt… SOOOO Maybe I'm off the hook 😛
Also. Bought some protein for post workout. So, gains, as they say.
Whit H says
Comp Class after coaching today. Shoulders felt a bit tight, but overall pretty good after Thu and Fri's work.
-2 assisted 25ft handstand walks. second one felt decent… lead with heels and stay super tight as i fall fwd.
-2 MU attempts (fail, not going thru) and a few transitions with blue band
-2 rounds of 50 DU's, neither unbroken
73×2, 80×2, 88×1, 95×1, 100×1, 105×1
-Happy with this! Was not getting down quickly until I hit about 95#, but then things dropped into place a bit better. Psyched I hit 105 with relative ease, since that's 3# off my PR and I have not been actively snatching in the past 2 months or so. Felt dialed in today!
103×2, 113×2, 120×1, 128×1, 135×1, 140F
135 is 93% and I could've stopped there, but I was feeling good, so thought I'd hit 140 easily. I think the pull and catch were good but i exhaled and lost tension on my way up so at about halfway got stuck and then dropped back down. Oh well!
Push Press (super set with clean):
strict @ 33
53×3, 63×3, 73×3, 78×3
This felt solid. 78 was a good push.
Shoulders and elbows feeling a bit achey after all this work, so modified the WOD:
AMRAP 7min:
3 clean (power @ 95#)
3 v-up
6 cleans
6 v-up… etc.
Got through the round of 15 cleans and 1 V-up when time was called.
Cool down 1000m row, easy pace, about 4:40.
100 hollow rocks. 5 sets of 20. last two sets were super painful.
Fox says
2pm lifts
So ends that cycle. It was challenging toward the end and my hook grip certainly got stronger. Overall it seemed like a nice maintenance cycle. I'm sure that if I took it another 9 weeks my lifts would go up but as of right now I feel like they're probably about the same, give or take. Looking forward to the Olympic Cycle.
WOD with Comp Team
AMRAP 7 Minutes
3 Clean and Jerk 135
3 Toes to Bar
6 C&J
6 T2B
…add 3 reps per round until 7min
Finished the 12s then cleaned the bar as time was called so no jerk. I think this is a bit better than when we did this in the 2013 Open. I am still awful at toes to bar. says
2pm Comp Class after Coaching–I've been going to 9am on Saturdays because it's easier to workout before coaching, but it was fun working out with the team! It meant I missed my last exposure to back squats, but I need the oly work anyways.
Oly lifts with KHarpz and Whit
1×98 (93-ish%-ugly, "jump and press", as Whit called it. This really had no business being called a snatch.)
2 x clean +1 jerk @83
2x c+j @105
2 x c+j @ 113
1 x c+j @ 120
1×135 (90%)
Elbows are coming down in my dip, sending the bar forward, then my weight ends up way forward with my back leg totally straight.
AMRAP 7 Minutes
3 Clean and Jerk 135
3 Toes to Bar
6 C&J
6 T2B
…add 3 reps per round until 7min
Got through 12 clean and jerks on the round of 15. I knew I couldn't stay with Melo, but being behind her helped to keep me going. Definitely noticed a difference when I focused on keeping my feet close in the clean so I could go right into the jerk. I could work on making these more efficient but jerks at this weight are feeling much better than they did a couple of weeks ago!
I think I got may 4 or 5 clean and jerks in the round of 12 when I did this in March of 2013, a year into CrossFit. My clean and jerk 1RM was probably something like 110 or 115. Yay for progress!
K Harpz says
Thanks guys! OG was a success yesterday. Wanted to get idea of what my Max effort lifts were for iron maiden. Since it was a bit busy I could only do DL.
Deadlift: 135×5, 185×4, 225×3, 255×1, 275×1, 285×1, 300#(PR!)
My old 1RM was 290, which is hardly relevant because it was about a year and a half ago. By the end of the cycle, I pulled 255×5 so I felt like 300 was in sights. So with a little persuasion from JB I went for it! It didn't feel too bad either, a little rounded in the thoracic area, but I feel like I could add a few lbs to this lift by Iron Maiden. Gotta keep at it!
MU transitions (about 6 total) blue band
A bit of assisted handstand walk (work in progress)
50-100 DUs
Snatch: 63×2 63×2, 83×1, 85×1, 90×1
No fails. Wouldn't move on until I felt confident pressing out overhead, still have the tendency to get soft in the shoulders. Also need to increase my bar speed, I like to go slow so I can feel where the bar is at throughout the pull, but I think it's just messing me up. 90 was a great place to stop.
c&j: I was kind of disorganized throughout all of this, refer to JBs numbers. Didn't jerk the last set because my shoulder didn't feel perfect
WOD: scaled to be safe
Clean+ push press @75
Got to round 15 at 5 clean +PPs
1000m row
100 hollow rocks