Fitness and Performance: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a 1RM Power Clean.
Post loads to comments.
In 10 Minutes:
30 Power Snatches 75/45
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
20 Power Snatches 135/75
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Power Snatch 165/95
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
AMRAP Power Snatches 210/115
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Last night’s 5:30pm class prepping to go overhead
News and Notes
- On February 22, Todd C., Ryan J., and Jake L. are competing in the 2015 NYC Experimental Open in Garden City. Learn more here and email David [at] if you’re interested in participating.
- Happy birthday to September’s Athlete of the Month, Michael C.!
Have You Signed Up For CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program Yet?
EACH CYCLE NEEDS A MINIMUM OF 8 PARTICIPANTS TO RUN! If you’ve been on the fence about signing up, now is the time to do it, or the cycles won’t get off the ground.
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to 2 Open Gym or group class per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 1/13/15-3/5/15 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 1/12/15-3/4/15. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
The cycle will wrap up with an Olympic Weightlifting Total on 3/8/15 at 2:30pm.
Each cycle needs a minimum of eight participants and is capped at 10 athletes.
AM Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 1/13/15-3/5/15
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 1/12/15-3/4/15
The Internet’s Favorite Exercise Slate
10 Brooklyn Restaurants to Look Forward to in 2015 (Check out #1!) Brooklyn Based
Why Fish Oil Will Be Your New Secret Weapon PurePharma says
Power cleans: 135, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205f, 205f
Couldn't drop under it today to save my life. frustrating…
Metcon: 66 reps Rx
power snatches at 135 weren't pretty but I managed.
Not much Oly practice lately, and I notice the same old movement patterns limiting my snatch and clean. I need to make some kind of regular commitment to drilling Oly lifts, just not sure how to fit it into my schedule.
MattyChm says
6am with David and Jess
Worked up to a new PR on the Power Cleans at 205#. I have a bit more in me if I can convince myself to get down lower. I have no problem catching in a full squat and no problem catching high. Catching in the quarter squat is a challenge.
66 reps Rx-ed in the WOD.
75# snatches were broken up into 15/8/7.
C2B were in 5s for 5 sets and then 3/2 for the last.
135# were broken up into slow and methodical 6 reps. says
Almost done Smolov!
4 sets of 3 at 475
Thanks to Margie for helping me troubleshoot some depth issues I had on the first set.
3 sets of 210 x 3
Wanted to do 4×4, but the fourth rep on the first set was real wonky so I took down the volume a bit. These are getting heavy, but not awful.
Sad I couldn't do yesterday's heavy WOD. May try it out next week.
Stella says
Cleans were a hot f'ing mess today. Perhaps I need to play "Let It Go" from Frozen when I do them, so as to remind me what to do with the barbell. 😛 I got 113, but it was ugly. Then three fails at 118, a weight that I've done before. Sometimes it's just one of THOSE mornings 😛
68 reps on the WOD, with 20 kipping pullups instead of 30 C2B. I did the first round of snatches 10-10-10, probably should have just motored through them faster. I was thinking I needed to save my energy for pullups, but I don't think I could have kipped them any slower than I actually did! The 75# snatches were surprisingly not awful.
This is good stuff — I think it will help with strategy for the Open, since of course although this exact workout most likely won't show up, something like it almost certainly will, and then I'll know that gunning it at the beginning is fine.
Peter says
6am. Power clean: 135×5, 185×3, 205×2, 225×1, 235×1, 245×1, 255×1, 260×1. Think I might have had a little more there, just ran out of time. Old power clean 1RM was 244, so this was a nice PR day. Sadly, my clean PR at 269 is within spitting distance of my power clean. Metcon Rx: 74 reps. Thought I was going to be able to do some doubles and triples at 135, but when I got back to the bar from the pull-ups my arms were noodly and refused to properly pull.
@Fox Open workout 13.1 (burpees + snatch ladder) was a 17min AMRAP.
Jay-Star says
Ah, workout 13.1. I remember it well. 90 reps in total. 30 burpees, 30 75# snatches, 30 burpees. Then stood by helplessly for the remainder of the time while the 135# bar cruelly mocked my pathetic lack of strength and technique. On my honor, vengence will be mine someday!
8:30 pm last night: 155x3x3 on front squat. Waaay too light. Should have gone at least 20# heavier but I missed at lot of FSQ exposures and had a really bad day of lifting last week.
WOD in 9 something @ 115#. Was the last to finish. Had trouble organizing the shoulder to overheads which pissed me off given all of the split jerk practive I've had in Frank's class. S2O always a big challenge for me in WODs. Form falls apart once my heartrate gets jacked by the preceding movements. (But I guess that's sorta kinda the point . . . ) says
Make-up from yesterday:
Front Squats:
180 for the single
Then, 10×150 for the rep out. Definitely had a couple left in the tank here, but my wrists were hurting, elbows were lowering, and I wanted to save something for the workout.
Conditioning–scaled to 115 here (someday, perhaps, I'll be able to do this at 135)
I thought the S2O's would be the limiting factor (and they were), but everything felt super heavy (I'll blame it on the cold). Except for the first round, which I did unbroken, I did 3 touch and go cleans, 1 clean + 3 squat, 1 squat clean + 2 jerks, then another power clean to 2 jerks. Started off with push jerks, but moved quickly onto split jerks which was a wise choice. I think I took a little too much rest in between movements, and am a little frustrated with the difficulty I have getting organized overhead, but I was happy I did this at 115.
Happy Birthday, Michael!!!
Stella says
Dear old 13.1. I think I got 9 snatches at 75# back then, and I had to work for that shiz. So I guess I've come a long way, because I wasn't even close to failing any of the snatches this morning!
Shawn says
6am with David and Jess. I worked up to 165# on the power cleans, which is a 10lb PR for power cleans. I went for 175 (which is my clean PR) and failed that twice. From a strength standpoint, I can move that weight, but coordination-wise I need to be quicker on the transition from pulling up to getting down under the bar.
I scaled the WOD to stay at 75# on the snatches and do a 20-15-10 kipping pull-up scheme and hit 59 total reps. My plan was to do 5 snatches, rest for 5 breaths, repeat. That went well for the first 10, then went to hell as I began breaking them into 3-2-3-2 sets and taking more than 5 breaths. The last 10 or so of the first 30 snatches felt way heavy and felt like they took f-o-r-e-v-e-r. I'm still working on kipping pull-ups, but I got through 20 in a couple sets of 5, a couple sets of 3 and a couple sets of 2. I'm actually pretty stoked that I got through 20 of these at all, which would have been nigh-impossible even without the previous 30 power snatches only a couple of months ago. I didn't have a lot left in the tank for the next set of snatches, but I managed to bang out 9 in about 90 seconds. Overall, this one was tough, but snatches and pull-ups being a couple of particular goats for me, I'm glad to have managed as much as I did. says
6am. Power clean: 155 / 175 / 185 / 195. Matched a PR here which felt nice since I didn't fully get back into cleans until just a few weeks ago. I'll look to PR next cycle.
WOD: 60 reps Rx. 135 just wasn't happening after all of those C2B. I picked it up twice but just couldn't get it together. I only worked up to 125 this cycle so I think part of the problem was a lack of confidence. More work to be done as always.
Does anyone have any box recommendations for the Westside of LA? I'm going to check out DogTown next week in Culver City but am looking for another good one in that vicinity.
Cam says
Ooh animated gif!!
Just wanted to point out that nike is launching their crossfit shoes on Jan 31!!
nike metcon 1 says
I am going to buy those Nike Metcons sight unseen because stupid Reebok discontinued my size in the Nano. And I'm a Nike head (although I do not wear chains that excite the Feds).
Anyway, last night at 7:30pm. Kind of frustrating.
Front Squats
45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1, 215×5
Screwed up on the rep out here. Had such a hard time on the front rack tonight for some reason, so I just capped it after five because getting the bar in the right place was a struggle.
Did the WOD at 155 in about 7:30. Wanted to go heavier, but while warming up at 185, I realized that my split jerk is just insanely rusty right now, so I went with something "lighter" that I knew I could hit. Liked this one, annoyed at myself for not pushing it a little more tonight.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, JB!
Shawn says
Elliot, when I asked for LA box recommendations last month, Fox mentioned Brick and Sol City – both of which are west-ish (my knowledge of LA geography is too poor to know what officially qualifies as "Westside"). He described them as "serviceable" which isn't exactly a ringing endorsement, but they might be worth checking out (I didn't when I was there because I was staying too far away, so I don't have any impressions of my own to offer).
Scott says
6AM: Power Clean – worked up to 185#, which made me relatively happy since it's been 2 months since I've cleaned and 195# is my PR. From a technique perspective, though, I have a lot of work to do, to get under it, to release my grip at the end, etc. Eying the OLY class longingly…
WOD: On the other hand, this was a mess – my conditioning is poor, and 30 reps at 75# gassed me good. Struggled to do 20 kipping pull-ups poorly, then gimped through 19 more snatches at 85#. My snatch technique is a work in progress, to put it mildly. says
My 13.1 experience sounds eerily similar to Jay-Stars. As I stood looking at the 135 set and failed again and again, a coach suggested I try split snatching the weight. Great, you want to learn a split snatch in the middle of this thing? F you.
7:00 a.m. w/ DO and Mrs Fox.
First exercise in almost two weeks following the chest-cold-from-hell.
197 on the 1RM PC. My inability to get under the bar in a decent catch is keeping me from the 200+ mark.
66 reps on the wod. Lungs felt awful. No energy yet. says
12:00pm Group Class with Lady Fox
Power Cleans
235×1 (PR)
Ran out of time but I think I had 245 or at least 240 in me! This felt a lot lighter than I thought it was going to which is exciting!
WOD as RX'd
Only got 69 reps which is 9 power snatches at 135. I did a horrible job pacing this workout and did the first 60 reps slow and steady thinking I was "saving it" for the snatches. In retrospect, I should have jammed through the 75lb power snatches in much bigger sets. Alas!
Charlie says
Happy birthday Mr. Crumsho!
12pm with a little bit of DO and a lot of Lady Fox.
Power clean.
113 x 1, 118 x 1 ( PR) 123 x 1, 128 x 1, 133 x 1!!!!
Can't quite believe this! Yay for Oly Cycle! My squat clean PR from a few weeks ago is 118# so I am excited to see what happens next with this.
WOD- 77 reps with 45#, 10 x strict chins, 65#, 7 x strict chins.
Missed the 8th chin-up by about an inch!
The chin-ups were really hard. I probably should have scaled to JPU.
I also meant to do this at 75# but stupidly removed the 5# plates and did not realize until afterwards. Not sure how far I would have gotten if I had though. I am guessing I would not have completed the second 30 snatches. Oh well; next time!
Lauren says
Leg mashing, traps laxing
Quick Warm up x3
20 Russian plate twists #25
15 Air squats
Bench Press w 2 sec pause
45×8, 65×5, 85×3
(Hoped for 2 at 105 then 1 at 110 but no)
95×6, 125×5, 155×3, 185×2
190x1x3 feeling fatigued and creaky
(Wanted a single at 200 but decided to stay here)
Ring dips w red band
Kipping muscle up practice
– 4 Kip swings trying to maintain false grip x3
– Box humps x3
– Transitions from knees x3
Just toast. Been running around all week in the freezing cold w stuff on my back and it's wearing me down a bit
Bbelll drills warm up
Power cleans heavy single
35kg x2, 40×2, 45×2, 50×2, 55×1, 60f
57×1 – pretty sure that's a personal best
58×1 squat clean
10min AMRAP
30 power snatch @45#
30 c2b pull ups sets of 3
30 power snatch @75#
Real hard
Buddy massage/AR says
Power Clean @113# which is a PR! I made three attempts @118#, but failed all three. Every time I failed, I dropped down to 113# to get the feel of the lift again so I actually did 3 singles @113#. My squat clean PR is 118# so I was really happy about this!. Coach Whit pointed out that I'm arching my back and sort of muscling it up. Once she said that I could feel myself doing it so have to work on doing a full extension straight up and not back!
Modified the WOD. Did 30 power snatches @45#, 20 kipping pull-ups, 30 snatches @55#, then got two more pull-ups thanks to Asha who pushed me throughout the entire WOD. 82 reps
Asha says
Right back atcha, KLove! Watching you (and Ellie!) kip was inspiring. Like Charlie, I did 10 strict chins in singles (and then 10 more after time because why not) I hope the strength will pay off as my kip slowwwly comes together.
Dan L says
Worked up to 231 on the power clean for a 6# PR. First one since my back injury so pretty excited about that
99 reps on the WOD. C2B felt unexpectedly hard for some reason
Jason M says
My new years resolution was to start posting on the blog. I have failed miserably because this is my first post. Any way…
730 with NoRo
Cleans @ 135×1, 185×1, 225×1, 245×1, 265×1(tie PR) 275×1 (fail). Everything felt pretty good considering i hurt my knee yesterday and tapped out after the front squats
Metcon: Was terrible, 85 reps Rx'd. Need to work on my C2B