Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 70% of 1RM (capped at 20)
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
10 Double Unders
2 Deadlifts 275/185
20 Double Unders
4 Deadlifts
30 Double Unders
6 Deadlifts
40 Double Unders
8 Deadlifts
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts
60 Double Unders
12 Deadlifts
70 Double Unders
…add 2 deadlfts and 10 double unders until time is called
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Just like ground-based mobilizations we use to exaggerate ranges of motion for the hips, we can use the PVC as a blocking implement to help move the shoulders through a full range of motion before training. Here, supple leopard Rachel mobilizes during the QOD.
- Interested in learning more about the 2015 Look, Feel, and Perform Better Challenge? Come to the free info session THIS SUNDAY at 4pm!
December Holiday Schedule Reminders
On: 6, 7, 8, 10, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p
Canceled: 730p, 830p
THUR 12/25 (Christmas)
On: 8, 9*, 10
Canceled: Everything else (including Yoga for Athletes)
FRI 12/26
On: 9*, 10, 11*, 12pm, Open Gym
Canceled: 6/7/8am
SAT 12/27
Canceled: Yoga for Athletes
WED 12/31 (New Year’s Eve)
On: 6, 7,8, 10, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p
Canceled: 730p, 830p
THUR 1/1 (New Year’s Day)
On: 10a, 11a*, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p, 730p, 830p
Canceled: 6/7/8am
The New Bionics That Let Us Run, Climb, and Dance TED
4 New Movements You Will See In The 2015 Crossfit Open The WOD Life
The New Nutrition Secret The Huffington Post
fish CSA members!
you should have received an email last night with the surprise news that Village Fishmonger is putting their CSA program on indefinite hiatus. this announcement came totally out of the blue; i was completely blindsided.
the email included directions on how to get a refund on any outstanding balance in your account. i will be going through the steps to do so today, and i urge you to do so as well so that if you hit any snags, i can help you work it out.
email me if you need help: mignyc at gmail dot com.
i'll be looking at new vendors immediately.
Happy Holidays from Southern VA! Thought you guys would enjoy this Twitter "story" from Russel Crowe's workout "buddy," it really cracked me up:
6am with Ro & JB
FSQ: 145lbs x 3 x 3
I'm still sore from the total and was just looking to get moving again. It was fun to be partnered up with Lauren again!
As Ro said, I'm half back to group classes.
Crash-b's: 2 x 18'/ 5' @ 16spm. I know it's supposed to be 2×20', but I haven't actually rowed since the technique clinic (yikes!). I went to row last Thursday, but it didn't feel great on my back and wanted to make sure I was 100% for the total. I really wanted to quit halfway through the first 18, but stuck it out and it wasn't too bad.
10am Group Class with Jeremy
2 Rounds
20 Swings
10e Lunges
5 T2B
Front Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1)
10 Double Unders
2 Deadlifts (275)
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts
50 Double Unders
This got hard after the 4:00 mark. But enjoyable workout. Ready for last minute Chrimbus shopping. Thanks, Cinco!
Front desk & staff:
After bringing home my lifters yesterday, I of course left them this morning after 10 am class. They are black and white Rogues with my initials. Please don't toss them – I'll get them Friday. Sorry!
Lesley O.
Did Mondays WOD yesterday at my MD gym:
Bench: 65×5, 75×5, 85×5
Ran out of time -__- however, I'm happy to announce I'm completely pain free here, eggsellent.
Deadlift: 135×5,185×4, 215×3, 235×2, 255#x5
This slowed down quite a bit from last week. Meant to do 250# but did some poor bar math. May consider staying at this weight or only going up 5 lbs depending on how I feel.
Merry Christmas Eve!
11am lifts
Today's WOD with 165 power cleans since I did 5×10 Deads yesterday. Got to 49 doubles in the 50 round. Doubles were for shit.
Merry Christmas!
10am drop-in at CrossFit Dilworth – Charlotte, NC
12 Days of Christmas (rep scheme like the song: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, etc)
1 snatch 115#
2 strict pull-ups
3 power cleans 115#
4 T2B
5 KBS 24kg
6 burpees
7 goblet squats 24kg
8 box jumps 24"
9 deadlift 115#
10 front rack lunges 115#
11 thrusters 115#
12 120 DU
37:07 @ 95#
Thought about Rx but the full snatch and maybe the thrusters would have gotten me. Tough workout.
Happy holidays all!
Makeup post from 4:30 yesterday.
Subbed LBBS for the front squats, 45×5, 65×5, 95x3x5. My hip flexor been a bit painful since then so I think that was too aggressive of a jump from my 53# on Saturday. Sigh.
WOD with 165# on the deadlift. Got to 55 doubles in the 60 round. I had to rest so much and my deadlift form wasn't awesome at the end, but 155# would have been too easy, I think. Tough one. My grip was fried.
Merry Christmas!
1 hour Oly work
Barbell drills and stretches
Visualize, lift (wo thinking), visualize
35x1x3 "back angle first pull"
39x1x3 "keep it close"
41x1x3 "bar straight up"
43x1x3 these all felt good
Last one felt the best — this is almost 100%
45 – didn't get under 3 times
44xf dropped it forward
Felt like I ran out of steam at the end. Can't decide if it's a nutrition or mental thing. I sometimes just check out
Otherwise body is feeling great — no hip flexor, hamstring or anything pain!
Did some intensive barbell mashing and had deep tissue leg massage last night
Clean & Jerk
50x clean, didn't get under jerk
Last one felt great — this is roughly 70%
Low energy but all were crisp except for one missed jerk
"Twelve Days of Festivus" WOD at Crossfit Asheville
1 burpee pull-up
2 toes to bar
3 push-ups
4 goblet squats w/ 24kg KB
500M row
6 box jumps 20"
7 KB swings
8 renegade rows
9 wall ball shots
10 tuck jumps
11 walking lunges
12 Turkish get ups
Performed like the song … So 4000M of rowing in all
Fun workout … Finished in 46 something minutes (only did 6 TGUs tho, sorry)
Great gym and coach. Drop by if you are in Western NC.
Almost forgot … I now have a very attractive post-WOD blister on the middle finger of my right hand. Photos to come Kate!
Press- 70 x 5 x 3
10am with Jeremy.
LBBS 195 x 5 x 3.
WOD- pretty disastrous. I had forgotten my rope and the one I selected was too short and I switched halfway through but to no avail- at that point I was too frustrated. Could not get my shit together so just tried to keep up with Kayleigh with a mix of singles and doubles and attempts and a lot of swearing. Finished the 8 DLs and did about 15 attempts and gave up with 30 seconds to go. Not my finest 7 minutes.
On the plus side, my knee gave me no trouble.
Jay-Star, you're the best.
An extremely enjoyable marathon gym session today. Thanks to Noah and Ro for hosting.
Trying to work technique and make those feet move.
Same thing, keeping it light but trying to move the feet.
Front Squat, Worked up to a Heavy single
391 (PR)
401 (PR)
These were surprise PRs! I give most of the credit to Matt Katz who was next to me squatting the world. His squat energy rubbed off.
Pendlay Rows
I just ordered Chinese food…