Coach McD being a good bar partner and spotting Coach Fox, who wrote a great article this summer called “How to Be a Good Bar Partner.” Check it out!
- Happy birthday, Elisabeth S.!
December Holiday Schedule Reminders
On: 6, 7, 8, 10, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p
Canceled: 730p, 830p
THUR 12/25 (Christmas)
On: 8, 9*, 10
Canceled: Everything else (including Yoga for Athletes)
FRI 12/26
On: 9*, 10, 11*, 12pm, Open Gym
Canceled: 6/7/8am
SAT 12/27
Canceled: Yoga for Athletes
WED 12/31 (New Year’s Eve)
On: 6, 7,8, 10, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p
Canceled: 730p, 830p
THUR 1/1 (New Year’s Day)
On: 10a, 11a*, 12p, 430p, 530p, 630p, 730p, 830p
Canceled: 6/7/8am
Johnny T on ‘Manspreading’ New York Times
Christopher Walken Dance Now
Holiday Health Hurdles and How to Handle Them Hello Healthy says
Wednesday's Programming
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 70% of 1RM (capped at 20)
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
10 Double Unders
2 Deadlifts 275/185
20 Double Unders
4 Deadlifts
30 Double Unders
6 Deadlifts
40 Double Unders
8 Deadlifts
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts
60 Double Unders
12 Deadlifts
70 Double Unders
…add 2 deadlfts and 10 double unders until time is called
Post rounds and Rx to comments. says
4+ minutes of Christopher Walken dancing is one helluva way to start my morning. Fantastic. says
Make-up from yesterday:
450 2×4
Woof. This was heavy and took a lot out of me. My head was swimming for about 15 minutes after doing all of these and I was super hungry all night.
198 3×5
Felt heavy, but good. Thanks to Jake for letting me share a platform with him.
Followed by some ABCs. says
6am drop-in at CrossFit Dilworth in Charlotte, NC.
I picked this box because it looked like they had a good focus on strength work. Today's workout, though, was somewhat light as they are planning a "12 Days of Christmas" workout tomorrow.
run 1 mile – 7:03
3 rounds
20 cal row
30 v-ups
40 air squats
13:23 Rx
The 12 Days workout tomorrow looks pretty intense. Looking forward to some hurt tomorrow.
KH aka Cage says
Does anyone remember DH3's "8 Nights of Hanukkah" WOD? It was pretty epic, if I remember correctly…
KH aka Cage says
Also, this will forever be my favorite Christopher Walken dancing extravaganza:
Jay-Star says
Yesterday's 7:30 class with DO and RO. Bench 155x3x5. Expertly spotted by Lauren B. I always like to get my swole on before the holidays so that I have a proper excuse to return the clothes that I am gifted. "I love this cable knit vest! Thanks so much! Feels a bit tight around my massive pecs though. Do you happen to have a gift receipt?"
DL: Great meeting/lifting with Greg. I was pretty tired from my weekend escapades so I only managed 275×3 before packing it in. Not my day. 295×5 will have to wait until 2015.
WOD in 7:56 with 20kg KB and 20" box. I am noticing a disturbing trend lately … I feel like I am just crushing the workout and then I look up and all of my fellow athletes are finished. All I want for Xmas is for everyone to go a little slower just once to boost my self esteem.
Going to Asheville, NC today. Happy holidays y'all. says
6am with Jess and McD
Front Squats: 200x3x3
5# jump from last week, and still moving, albeit a bit slowly. Elbows dipping a little on the way up now but no real struggles here today. Looking forward to 205.
Workout Rx'ed: got through 45 doubles on the round of 50, for a total of 20 Deadlifts and 145 Double Unders.
I tripped a lot. Gonna blame _some_ of that on the overlong/twisty rope I used. Couldn't find my nice rope at home this morning.
For the first time in my life I could actually see how touch-and-go deadlifts were easier than singles. Reps were 2, 4, 4/2, 4/1/3. I think I was capable of doing 2, 4, 6, 4/4, which would have possibly been easier and saved me a lot of time, but overall I'm happy that I could pull 20 reps at this weight in a wod. This sure felt heavy. I don't know what my back looked like but my feeling is that it was rounding out slightly toward the end there.
10 x 2 paloff presses each side,
then ran (pretty awkwardly) home: 1.5 miles + 135 ft. elevation gain.
BTW, if anyone's interested in doing this, I discovered google maps will show elevation change on bicycle directions. Pretty cool.
Also, just to log it: last night I did 5×3 Dumbbell presses with 55# dumbbells, instead of the HSPUs I had planned.
Peter says
Front squats: 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1, 275xF, 200×11. Hit 275 without problem last week. Just let the weight come forward a bit at the bottom and then it was over. Rep out was tough. Arms were shaking like twigs trying to hold the front rack. Metcon @ 275: 4 rounds + 36 DUs. Deadlifts felt smooth and strong. I need to practice DUs more frequently.
Shawn says
630 am drop-in at Crossfit 626 in South Pasadena, CA. Started out with some headstand tripod holds. I think I would have preferred doing handstand progression work that didn't involve the level of spinal compression you can get with headstands, but I can't say it wasn't fun. Then we moved on to 1 1/4 front squats, which are a kinda funky thing where you descend all the way down, come up 1/4 of the way, drop back down, then come all the way back up. I did 4x4x135 lbs on these. Keeping tight with all of that changing directions is challenging. Finished up with a WOD that was 3 rds of 10 thrusters, 10 burpee-over-bars, 200m sprint (more like "sprint") with a 3.5 min rest between each round. I did the thrusters at 75lbs, all unbroken, and completed each round in roughly 2:45 to 3:00. After not working out for about a week, with some cross country travel thrown in, this was a an ass-kicker, but pretty much just what I needed. I'll put a full review of Crossfit 626 in the travel gym section soon. says
Programming sounds overall good there at CF 626. Curious to read about how they implemented it and managed class. Thanks!
Here is a link to what 1 1/4 squats are
Fox says
11am lifts
Felt smooth and strong. This was nice since heavy squats have been feeling off since starting the program.
These are getting to be a bit of a struggle, both physically and mentally. Still all hook grip. On target to finish the repetition work here at 340…
Hollow Rock
Started a bit late and took long enough that I didn't have time for the TNG power cleans I'd been doing on my squat day. I ate a roast beef sandwich instead, which was the right choice.
Fox says
The Chris Walken dance compilation is at the top of my favorite things I've seen, ever. Amazing. I like any movie he's been in.
Johnny T sure is funny and offers one possible solution for non-response to a request to share a seat ("punch 'im in the face"), at least for your stereotypical male New Yorker. I just hope the MTA includes advertisements telling women who take a seat for their bags (from all the shopping they surely have done) to quit it as well. Smells like sexism to me 😉
Stella says
Last SBK class before heading to PA. 175 for the single on the front squat, although McD said I was high. 🙁 Then 140×14? I think? I forgot. I really wasn't the brightest this morning — first I forgot my rep count, then Austin asked me a very simple question and I made him repeat it like three times before I finally understood what he was asking me, and then I forgot to take off my damn lifters and put on my regular sneakers for the WOD!
I'm going to blame that, and the fact that I wasn't using my own jump rope, for the fact that I couldn't string more than three DUs in a row today, and mostly I was counting attempts and only attempts because I couldn't get DUs at all. :S 125 reps (5 reps past the round of 8 deadlifts)
On the plus side, this finally motivated me to cut my new jump rope, which I have had sitting at home for several weeks now. #lazy
Mrav says
Bench: 135×5, 185×4, 225×1, 235×1 (pr), 165×16
Deadlift: 135×5, 225×5, 275×3, 325×1, 355×5
Row: 2×20' pieces @16spm
I once did a set at 350, but this was a PR for reps on the deadlift. (Almost at my 1rm)
I've liked dead lifting ever since I joined cfsbk, but after 2 years I feel like I'm finally getting it, really using my legs so my back feels like it's doing very little. I don't know if this is a function of increased leg strength from the heavy squat cycles I've done, or from wearing my weightlifting shoes which I had never done before. Also I used to do the switch grip anywhere north of 275 but just by practicing the hook grip it is getting easier every week – I did all 5 reps with hook grip and it wasn't an issue. Amazing. Or maybe all the rowing from crash bs is helping my deadlift?
Charlie says
12pm with Jeremy and McDowell.
Bench press- 107.5 x 5 x 3. Surprisingly solid. This is a PR for 3 x 5. Yay!!
Deadlift- 265 x 4, F
I used a hook grip for the first rep but it felt like I was going to let go with my left hand, so I switched to switch grip for the rest. Failed the fifth rep! I got it past my knee and then gave up and dropped it!! This was the very first time I have ever failed a deadlift. I missed a 1RM attempt at 330 in July because I hitched it but I still finished the pull. It felt crappy and weird to not be able to stand up, but it was bound to happen eventually. Still, it was a 10lb jump from last week and a PR for 4 so I am ok with it. I shouldn't have been so greedy, right? Margie showed me how to do rack pulls afterwards so I am going to add them in once per week to strengthen my finish.
WOD with 20kg KB(USA), 20" box 7.07. This was fun. Burpee box jumps take forever but the box jump part is almost like a 'rest' between the burpees so it is somehow less terrible than doing the same number of regular burpees. says
4pm w/ Coaches JB & Jeremy
Meathead Monday!
Deadlift: Fitness:
Right hamstrings felt tight today, so I decided not to got to 260. Also, I ripped one of my calluses off during warm ups.
Bench: Fitness:
Felt great.
6:45 24kg Kettlebell, 24" box
I was visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past during this WOD. says
I meant the Ghost of Christmas Future. The one with the hoody and the boney hands.
JakeL says
Snatch+Hang Snatch, 70%x2x5
working on Moving the FEET
Squat, 80%x3x4
Im going off an assumed 1RM of 470?? Not sure…
Pause below the knee snatch pulls, 100%+
319x3x3 says
4:30 w JB and Jeremy for Meathead Monday
Hit 195 3×5 on the bench. Tough, maybe 200 next week.
Switch grip 290 at 3 s 5 deadlift. Jump to 295 or 300 next week.
5:15 on the wod.
Dan L says
Tomorrow's work:
FSQ – 190x3x3 – moved well. Still working my way back up
WOD – 1 DL into the round of 60/12. Felt pretty good. Back got a little tight after from all the DL, but I felt like I kept good positions even while fatigued.
Pigeon says
6:30pm fsq 200x3x3, very ugly. Will try this weight again next week
Crash B workout, a total of 3×20' today. Tired as hell.
Happy holidays CFSBK community!
Carlos says
Bench 145x5x3
Deadlift 275×5
This was my first exposure to these lifts this cycle due to work.
Wod in 7:21 with 20K bell and 20" box.
My fitness has slipped along with my attendance for some months. Excited for a couple of weeks of full attendance over the holidays.
Lauren says
45×5, 95×3, 125×2
145×1 – elbows dropped but fought for it.
70% – 100# x15
Work out – 7min AMRAP
10 DUs
2 DL @ 155
20 DUs
4 DL @ 155 – wasn't thinking and did dead stops
30 DUs
6 DL @ 144 – touch and go 4-2, thanks McDowell
40 DUs
8 DL @ 144 – 4,4
50 DUs
5 DL @ 144 – 4-1
This was rough for me. The double unders were the good part, and that's saying something.
Pallof press 5 ea side x 2, then transitioned directly Into holiday antics