Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 65% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Post loads to comments.
In 15 Minutes:
1 Mile Run
20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpees
In 15 Minutes:
1 Mile Run
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
5/3 Muscle Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Sarah M., one of our favorites from lululemon Brooklyn, explores her hip capsule during DROMs. Ground based hip-openers are standard parts of our movement prep for good reason. Exaggerating and exploring ranges of motion in our warm-ups helps prep the joint capsules and soft tissue for what you’ll experience later in class. For more info on ground based squat prep, check out this M|WOD by the original Supple Leopard himself.
News and Notes
- SCHEDULE REMINDERS: 11am Active Recovery is canceled today, but 12pm is still on with Coach Fox! Check out our full list of changes for the rest of December here.
- New Lost and Found items, including a trove of abandoned jump ropes! Claim your stuff by January 2 or you know the drill: we’re giving it away.
Strength Total Tomorrow at 2pm
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their eight-week cycle tomorrow starting at 2:00pm. Each lifter will be testing their 1RM in the back squat, press, and deadlift. All are welcome to come by and hang out. Get ready for some massive PRs from the following folks:
Eric E., Rob U., Linda H., Rich A., Keith W., Natalie H., Robyn O., Charles M., Rebecca C., Nino D., Dan E., Andrew, Michelle D., Mike W., Jason H., Ilya O., Sam F., and Matt G.!
The Year of Outrage Slate
Birth of a Star New York Times
Good luck Strength Cyclers!
If you haven't donated a coat yet, or want to give more, old navy is having a crazy sale and you can get 50 dollar coats for 15 or less. New York cares says they need mostly children's and men's coats. atlantic center to the gym, easy peasy!
HBBS: 255x5x3
WOD with 2K row. Finished exactly two rounds of the fitness prescription.
Makeup from OG last night:
Accosted Jeremy to ask for deadlifting advice. I'm going back to 2x/week, once in class and then adding a lighter, higher volume day, focusing on fast reps and perfect execution and twice a week rows with DB. Started with 155x3x5 and 3×12 each arm rows with 20# DB.
Then did (probably a very small) part of today's comp team work.
For time:
550 m row
25 DU
350 row
50 DU
200 row
100 DU
Finished just under 10 min. My endurance isn't awesome right now and I broke the last set of DU mostly into sets of 10. Woof.
Then tabata plank holds, side and normal.
11am class today.
LBBS 53x4x5. Just felt good to squat without any feedback from my hip flexor. Will keep adding weight according to how it feels.
WOD: Subbed a 2K row for the run, 20kg KB American swings. 9 burpees shy of two full rounds. Woof.
Crossover Symmetry recovery work and some stretching.
205 back squat. 3 x 5. Felt good all three sets.
6:20 mile. 97 reps. Kbs + MUs
Wednesday: front squat 250x3x3, felt really heavy but should be able to go up a bit still. Then some rowing. Also rowed on Friday.
Today: perf hbbs – heavy single @ 280 has felt fine the last two weeks, if the programming is similar I think I'll go up 10# next week. Then repped-out 210×20 (66%), glad I made it through this but I think I had some room left to go up in weight.
I realized halfway through I was using the CRASH-B recovery workout as an excuse to not do today's WOD. Tut-tut, Packer.
OG and today:
TGU- 15 ea arm 16 kg
Press: 53×5, 63×5, 73 2×5, 68×5
Dropped the weight in the last set bcs i wanted to play it safe with the shoulder. Can't afford to be in a bad position overhead these days.
WOD as Kate said above! Cept I used the assault bike and did single unders.
LBBS: worked up to 205# then 140#x20
this felt WEIRD. Haven't done low bar in over a year. But iron maiden is in sights so I gotta get my act together! 205 went pretty smooth though. The rep out gave me an instant tension headache…felt very dizzy after. Did a quick lax ball mash to the suboccipz before the WOD and felt much better.
Fitness WOD: 2rds + 12 KBS, 24 kg American
This was hard as hell. But I wanted to move heavier weight today and was happy that I could squeeze in 52 of those suckers within the time cap.
Train home today! Will be back jan 1st. See you all in the new year and have a happy holiday!
LBBS: 295x5x3. This felt great and bouncy. Belted. Up another 10 next week.
Fitness WOD: did 20lb slam balls. got through 20 full slam balls on the third round. run in 8:11. I was just happy i could run a mile in less than 9 minutes. back feeling a little wonky by the end.
Missed all the classes today so attempted this solo at Prospect Heights
Foam roll quads etc. — sooooo tight
Warm up x3
5 hspu – abmat
15 box jumps – 20"
5 ring dips – red band
15kg x5, 35 x5, 45 x3
55 x3, 60 x3, 70 x2
73kg x1 (85%)
55kg x20 (65%)
Work out-ish:
1.5 mile run (to feed meter)
8 min AMRAP
20 KB swings 16kg OH
20 Burpees
3 rounds + 6 KB swings
All sets unbroken but ridiculously long breaks in bw involving water refills, nose blowing and some texts.. I can't condition alone! If Andy wasn't there I probably would have just stopped after 1 round :/
9am today
Performance Metcon:
1 mile run in a little under 7 min
4 rounds and 11 thrusters of the metcon,
Spent a lot of time figuring out what to sub for the kettlebell swings. Did one round, and my back was really tweaky and tight (started feeling this way during squat cleans yesterday). Didn't want to mess with it. 20kg was still problematic so I switched over to 20 17.5lb db thrusters—which were sneakily hard, and definitely made the muscle-ups interesting!