Want to create more compression with a lacrosse ball under your upper back? Grab a sandbag and bridge your hips to get at deeper tissue. Here is Lauren S. doing exactly that!
- We repurposed Coach Noah’s recent article for Inside the Affiliate! We added a new intro and changed some of the headers… so you should probably go read it again!! It’s called “How To Get the Most Out of CrossFit Group Classes“!
Want to Flex in the City?
There is a Flex in the City Team Event coming up at the 69th Regiment Armory (E 25th and Lexington) on Saturday, February 14th and we’d like to send some teams to compete and represent CFSBK!
Teams are comprised of two men and two women and there are three events:
1) Max Effort
2) Metcon Ladder
3) “The Rig”
Registration cost is $100 per person ($400 per team). There are scaled and RX divisions. Full event details can be found here.
If you are interested in participating, can commit to competing on January 31st, and would like to be placed on a CFSBK team, please fill out this form by Sunday, December 14: Flex in the City Team Event. If you have any questions, please email Coach MeLo: Melissa [at] CrossfitSouthBrooklyn.com.
A Short Film about a 90 Year Old Athlete Aeon
Crickets as the Perfect Protein, Nutrition Trend Men’s Health
2014: The Year in Photos, January – April The Atlantic
Wednesday's Programming
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 57.5% of 1RM (capped at 20)
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds Each of:
20/15 Calorie Row
20 Burpees to a plate
Aim for 80-90% effort on each round and consistent times for each.
Post time per round and Rx to comments.
Dear SBK, I miss you!
7 PM PST WOD (so I guess 15 hours late?) at Flagship CrossFit. My first WOD back since getting sick, although I have gone out for a run here in SF. Of course it's a damn 20-minute metcon. (They are not completely obsessed with long metcons at this box — I just happened to stumble on one. Bah humbug.)
20 min AMRAP:
7 ring rows (Rx pull-ups — I really should have scaled to maybe 4 pullups)
14 goblet squats 35# (Rx)
I got 17 rounds and 4 ring rows, the latter of which were too easy. At least I got a lot of false grip practice!
6am with McDowell and Jess. I did Monday's work (meathead Tuesday!). 125 x 3x 5 on the bench. These still feel like they're moving very well. I'll probably add 15 lbs next week. 225 x 1 x 5 on the deadlifts. 225 is historically where these start getting pretty rough for me, but I've still got plenty of room here, I think.
I got through 2 rounds plus 8 DLs and 1 hang power clean (at 95) on the WOD. Push jerks were clearly the limiter. This reminded me of how much I hated DT, but when something sucks, it's nice to only have four minutes of it.
Whit! I saw your post yesterday…would love to try out Bend & Bloom if you still have cards left.
6am, Wednesday's programming:
Front Squats: 185x3x3
This moved well and didn't feel particularly challenging at any point. Curious where I'll end up this cycle.
Metcon with Brad K in 22:45, IIRC. Fun partnering with Brad on this one and wishing his burpees were slower. This was pretty grueling by the last two rounds. Rows went from ~37seconds to ~1min (I didn't really keep track). Burpees were something like 1:04, 1:05, 1:20, 1:30, 1:20. So basically, I flamed out after my first two rounds. I can improve a lot at pacing, consistency, and control throughout, I think.
Tuesday 7pm make up Strength Cycle
Insomnia has sabotaged this cycle. I should have ended squats at 140 if I had kept consistent progression. And then…life happened ☹
Pause squats 100lbs 3 x 3
easy peasy
55lbs x 3 x 2, 40lbs x 17
I had Fight Gone bad delusions that I could do like 30 of these. But then I remembered they weren't push presses. Oh well.
180lbs x 3, F
Lost my form on the fourth attempt. This is as heavy as it's gotten and my biggest progress, I think ❤
PS: I've been trying to give away 10lbs of frozen papaya. Anyone interested? I have a new, closed bag occupying my fridge and I can't bring myself to making a smoothie in freezing weather.
6am w/ McDowell
FSQ: 135×5, 155×2, 185×1, 195×1, 205×1, 215xf, 115×20
I appreciate all of McDowell's observations which allowed me to be physiological aware of my body movements. Last week I hit 225, I simply let 215 crush me for no good reason. The bar started to roll of my shoulders during the descent. I low balled my rep out.
Metcon: I was expecting to put a shell in DeGraw River for the row component of today's metcon. Focused on keeping a good pace, 1 pull – 1 cal (hoping for the double click) and a steady pace on the burpees. All around, a fun wod.
Dr. Mike sent me that video late last week, and I'm so glad he did. It's awesome, very worth the 8 minutes.
Oly class.
73 x 2 x 5.
Felt difficult today, My knee was feeling better until I f'd up the weight on yesterday's metcon but it is feeling pretty sore now and this distracted me from my snatches.
Clean and jerk.
83 x 2 x 5
After this Frank decided I was ready to clean from the floor. He had to really break it down. Into baby steps for me as I am now so used to hang cleans,but I got it in the end. Yippee!!
Worked at a much lighter weight. 63 x 3 x 3.
Opted not to row today because of my knee. Rolled and voodoo flossed instead.
Chin-ups- 3 x 5.
Grind of a day this morning for Oly class:
40×3 50×2 60×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 82xM,M,1,M 80×1,M 70×2,2,2
Missed too many so dropped down for some crisp doubles.
Power clean and 2 jerk
40 50 60 70 75 80 85×1,1,1,1,1
Too tired to do any cashout work other than some handstands.
Many singles 35-42kg range
Drop all the way down fast
Clean and Jerk
Singles up to 61kg
Get down under the jerk
Feels like there's room but got hungry and distracted.
I need some fitness-conducive on the go snacks other than fruit, nuts and jerky. Suggestions?
@Lauren. Fuel for fire!!! those squeezie packet things i eat are great!
Out on Long Island for a couple days…
Snatch, 75%x1x3, then Max (1 miss allowed)
It seems that getting that 300 is proving a but elusive. Ill hit this during the meet!
Clean and jerk, 80%x1x3, then work up to Opener
HBBS, 90%x1
6am. FSQ: 185x3x3. Moved a bit slower than I would like so I'll probably stay here next week.
WOD with Ryan: Think we finished in 20:41. Kept up a stead pace on the rower. Did parallette burpees which got slower in the final rounds.
11am liftis
Hollow Rock
Power Clean and Jerk
Needed to do some power clean work and hadn't jerked in a while. Worked up to a heavy single.
Week 5 of 9. The volume work on this program is starting to get heavy.
Got a snatch PR of 78# in Oly Class today! Over the past week I've been learning how important it is to arch your back when you set up the snatch. Basically doing that has translated into a much more stable foot position for me at the bottom of the squat. When I started the cycle I found I was rocking back and forth on my feet quite a bit with the bar overhead and in the bottom of the squat (and frequently just bailing the bar forward or back). But just last week this cue started clicking for me and I am finding I am capable of landing much more solidly on my feet, and even when the bar isn't perfectly balanced overhead I'm starting for the first time to be able to fight up anyway, which feels very cool.
I have really enjoyed this cycle and the chance to really focus on and drill technique over and over. Now if only I could make some progress with the jerk ;-).
The video of the 90 year old is really great. Well worth the watch. There are several really well done mini docs on that website.
Client cancelled this morning so got a little Snatch work in:
25kgx3, 35kgx3, 40kgx1x3, 45kgx1x3, 50kgx1
-failed a couple at 50kg before finally hitting it. this is what I hit successfully at Hoboken on Saturday. Finally doing a better job of getting under the bar (a first!) but not finishing my pull enough and leaving the bar out in front consistently. Overall, I can't believe how much more confident/comfortable I feel with snatches. Still not nowhere near I'd like to be but better.
Went home, walked dogs in the miserable rain, had lunch then almost took a nap. Instead decided to take a 4pm yoga class. Who am I???
Fun 2 lift day. Bench – worked up to a single at 225, failed at 235, then did 1×20@135. Deadlift – worked up to 1×5@335. I was really pleased With that set because I kept the hook grip the whole time and still maintained good form. Before this cycle I would always switch to a mixed grip over 275 lbs so I'm surprising myself. On the other hand my thumbs hurt! The wod – well, better left unmentioned. Urgh.