Fitness: 5 x 3 Linear Progression
Start light. Bail each rep and reset within a few seconds.
Performance: Work up to a top set of 5 on a Touch and Go Power Snatch
Start light (around 50% for first work set) and work on resetting hook grip on the descent. You can pause at the hang but not at the floor. Must be touch and go.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
15 Toes to Bar
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to our CFSBKers who crushed CrossFit Hoboken: Winter Challenge 7.0 yesterday!
News and Notes
- Tim J. works for SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders), and wants to pas along this article from ABCNews: “LGBT Baby Boomers Face Tough Retirement Hurdles.” This issue is near and dear to him, and he’s always looking for volunteers! People contact Tim at the gym or at tjohnston [at]
- Happy birthday, Jared D. and Megan W.!
Run to Stay Young New York Times
8AM with Coach Foxes. Power clean 80# 3r 5s. Still working on getting tight at the bar. Still alot of work to do for this lift. WOD, scaled with 7 T2B, in 16:30. Windy, but a good morning for run.
Just a reminder for all of you at CFSBK who are in the technology industry and/or technology/coding enthusiasts. There are a number of schools in our area who are doing an "Hour of Code" this week and still looking for volunteers to come in and help for a couple hours. Helping requires minimal technical knowledge and mostly just working with kids to think through how to problem solve. It's fun and we had a bunch of CFSBK folks out last year. E-mail me at runderwood5(at)gmail if you'd like to me connected directly with a local school. See too
Rob U
10am class with Ro and Fox
Worked up to 135 across for 5 sets then a touch and go set of 5 to finish up.
Still trying to keep my ass down on the initial lift.
The WOD was tough, I need to run more and get my cardio up… I'll start that in May!
Finished rX in 16:29. The toes to bar really started breaking down on the 4th set. I got through 3 rounds unbroken then broke up the last two sets.
Ps, the best BBQ spot by Clinton hill is Beast of Bourbon. On Myrtle and just past Bedford ave. happy hour 7 days a week 12-8 2 for 1 drinks and about 45 beers on tap… Just sayin!
The handstand clinic yesterday was awesome! Thanks to lululemon and CFSBK for a great time! Learning the pirouette to come out of a handstand made handstands without a wall way less scary. The partner dumbell WOD was fun too. Was happy to get a little workout since I had to miss back squats for grad school.
Today was a beautiful day for running outside. Did the workout (with situps :/ ) in 14:10 and had some opportunity to work on toes to bar when I finished. I was told chin-ups and floor levers will build up strength to get those things!
Worked up to 60kg on the power snatch. This was higher than I was expecting to go today but it felt good – I think I could go up 10-15 lbs and still have a manageable set of 5 touch and go
WOD in 14:34. That was a lot of toes to bar.
Saturday – 1PM mondo class – Whit – Jeremy – DO
Pretty happy with this…right @ 90% of my 1RM…definitely need to keep my eyes forward on the heavier squats, aiming to not strain my neck.
Metcon – 4:41 – 2pood
was always pretty happy with this and I didn't hate this as much as I thought…in this sprint workout there was absolutely no time to think. Just keep moving and breathing!
I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've talked to Coach Jeremy, and I always seem to walk away with a great one-liner. Today's was great…"no human being in the history of the world has died while still breathing…just keep breathing"
Cashout: 2k row, kept it under 1:55 split
Sunday – 1pm – Irish Duo of Ro and Melo
Snatch – more of metcon working out with Mike C
actually really enjoyed getting a lot of volume during this session…good strategy by my partner. I have to say, I don't believe I've ever done touch and go snatches before…so a lot of my focus was on the reset…of course very different than the bail and go. What suffered today, which Melo pointed out, was my extension…was short changing it, and will have to watch next weekend.
Metcon – horrid – 19:40
I scaled the T2B to 12 per round…I wanted to really keep it moving, and still didn't succeed so happy that I scaled back the volume a little. I went sets of 6-6 the first 3 rounds and then the last 2 was sets of 3…said this before, but happy to see T2b in our programming and warmups, I need to work at it.
Congrats to Mike C on PR'ing his overall snatch in a touch n' go set of 3 @ 145 POWER snatches. Ha. That's gotta be some sort of record…he easily could've gotten 155 today.
Friday OG:
40×3 50×2 60×1 70×1 75xM,1 80×1 85xM,1 90xM,M
70×1 75×1 80×1 85×1 90xM
135×5 185×5 225×4 275×3 305x3x3,F
Supposed to be another triple and then 2 doubles but I was having trouble staying upright and I didn't want to risk injury.
3RFT (9:30ish)
10 Power Snatch @ 115#
15 Cal Assault Bike
Ryan did this at 20cal in like 2/3 my time, gotta step up my conditioning game. I did go pretty slow on the bike, but I hate that thing.
Today OG:
2 Pull > hang clean > front squat > 2 jerk
40 50 60 70 75 80 85 90 95 100xM,1
Snatch high pull > hang power > high hang snatch
40 50 60 65 70 75 80xM 77xM,H
These complexes were super fun, going to do a lot more of them.
Snatch pull
60×3 80×3 97x3x3
Push press
135×4 155×3 175x3x5
4 rounds NFT-ish (about 6 min)
10 ring dips
20 sit-ups
Jerks, Light, just move
Hang Snatch doubles, Light. Just move
HBBS, 1 second pause, 3RM
390×3 (might have been 392.5 as I may have put 5 instead of 2.5 on one side)
Clean pulls from blocks, Heavyx2x3
Hollow rocks: 60