Fitness: 5 x 3 Linear Progression
Start light. Bail each rep and reset within a few seconds.
Performance: Work up to a top set of 5 on a Touch and Go Power Clean
Start light (around 50% for first work set) and work on resetting hook grip on the descent. You can pause at the hang but not at the floor. Must be touch and go.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Double Unders
40 Burpees
30 Calorie Row
20 Dumbbell Hang Clean Thrusters
Post time and Rx to comments.
Dr. Fidler saying hi from Morocco!
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Catching up with CFSBK Classifieds
- You know the new Assault bike? That came to us via CFSBK Classifieds, thanks to Mike R.‘s wife not wanting it!
- Kate R. posted glowing words about an accountant she recently hired, who is accepting new clients if you’re on the hunt for someone who rocks with numbers!
Happy Birthday, Matt K.!
Sugar Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Brooke Ence Does “Fran +” CrossFit
It’s All in Their Heads: The Mental Edge of Athletes Who Win Greatist
Three Great Discoveries of 2014 SciShow
Thought I would try one last time about the CSA pick up I missed yesterday. Derp! Crazy work week caused me to forget until I read the blog last night.
Any chance my meat is still available? 🙁 gutted
worked up to a set of 5 cleans at 165. It's gonna be fun working on linking these better.
Metcon: 7:06 with 40 lb Dumbbells
Couldn't make the cash out
6AM with DO and J Fox. Power clean 125#5s/3r. Good starting weight for this cycle. Still figuring how to move elbows faster. WOD with 30# DB thrusters in 10:15. I am still working on Double Unders.
Olympic lifting class yesterday. Overall, much better showing than Monday, which I attribute to taking a much, much needed rest day on Tuesday. Simply put, I went out too hard over the weekend and had nothing left in the tank for Monday. But that's what my fans demand of me and I can't disappoint them.
As I have discussed before, my latest chief issue in the snatch is landing at the bottom on my toes instead of solidly on my heels, so my ankles and legs collapse in and I have to dump the bar.
Frank felt that it probably has to due with tightness in my abductors or adductors (the ones on the inside on the upper leg that we all tried to stenghten by strapping into the stirrups machine at our local Jack LaLanne). He suggesting doing some mobility work (this fantastic stretch that involves pushing against a loaded barbell to get into a proper snatch catch position) during my snatch workout and it has really helped. Landing more squarely on my heels/midfoot now.
Tried for a 1-pound PR yesterday, had a great pull, landed in a fantastic position BUT COULD NOT STAND THE WEIGHT UP, disappointing all of the onlookers and Frankie. I'm going to incorporate more OHS into my routine to build up my strength. I am confident that will help. Despite the miss, I was really happy with the session because I made definite progress debugging this landing problem and that was my goal when I walked in the gym.
Great picture of Dr. Fidler!
hi nan –
regarding your CSA pickup, can you please email me (the CSA coordinator) at mignyc at gmail do com?
6am with DO and Jess. I did the power cleans (5×3) at 135#. These felt ugly and uncoordinated for the most part, but the weight moved fairly easily. David's cue to open up my hands more and faster before the catch makes sense and will probably help if I can just manage to actually put the advice into practice.
I finished the WOD in 10:42 with 25lb dumbells. I actually managed to complete 50 double unders rather than some mishmash of counting attempts and singles and/or hitting the time cap, which I believe is a first. At one point I actually strung 10 or so together, for which I'm unreasonably proud of myself. The rest of the workout…happened. I was a little skittish about the dumbbell hang clean thrusters after a crush week debacle with the db bear complex, but they went OK in sets of 7-5-4-4.
6am. Power cleans: 95×5, 135×5, 155×5, 185×5, 205×5, 155×5, 155×5, 155×5. That was a lot of touch-and-go. The set at 205 felt good, though tough on the grip. Dropped down to 155 to work on cycling. Metcon in 9:17 with 45# DBs. First 30 DUs were great and then trip-trip-trippity-trip. Burpees in 4 sets of 10. Row was a nice rest period. And then the hang clean thrusters. That movement always kicks the crap out of me and today was no different.
6am. Worked on clean high pulls at 135 which felt fine but dammit I want to clean!
WOD in 7:51. Did burpees on parallettes and subbed the DB hang cleans with 30" box jumps. I probably should have done 30 of those to make a more comparable workout. The parallette burpees were surprisingly tough but I think it's because I would get more depth at the bottom of those than I would landing on the floor.
Make up post from last night:
Fitness FSQ: 245x3x3. Felt slow but not too heavy. Will go up 5 pounds next week if i'm not feeling great and 10 if i'm feeling good.
Fitness wod: 5 rounds plus two pushups total. man did those pushups go. happy with my pullups, which i did mostly unbroken after feeling really weak on them in warmups. kips felt dialed in if my strength did not. stayed tighter than usual and felt like i got more spring.
6am with Jess and David
Power cleans: 95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 135×5, 145×5, 155×5, 155×5, 135×5, 135×5
Glad to be taking a different approach to cleans. Need to focus on two specific things, 1) avoiding the early pull and 2) straightening out my arms when descending back the floor. Both are related.
WOD: 9:15 @ 35# (48% BW)
Double unders continue to be one of major goats. Making it a goal to fix this problem this month. The DB clean thrusters gassed me more than I expected.
Power cleans: 95×5, 135×5, 165×5, 175×5, 185×5
Was letting the bar get away from my body on the descent at 185 – so need to work on that next week.
WOD in 6:09 Rx'd – DB clean thrusters were a little more broken up than I had hoped. Other than that went through pretty quickly and unbroken
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Lady Fox
Power Cleans
90kgs x3x5
Metcon breakdown
Doubles: Unbroken
Burpees: Smooth steady pace, found it hard to count
Row: I stayed in the mid 900's cals/H mostly
DB HCl: Did all 20 without putting the dumbbells down. Did it at 35's
7:51 as Rxd
Oly Class.
Snatch complex- 73 x 2 x 5. Trying my best to catch it lower. Some day I will manage it but for now I am still positively in the power snatch only club. Good cues from Frank- must 'let go' (not really let go) of the bar to be able to catch it lower.
93 x 3 x 3, 88 x 3 x 1, 93 x 3 x 1. Again, need to drop under and catch lower and focus on pushing myself down rather than pressing up. Legs need to be 'softer'- too much tension.
Tried and failed to practice my DUs. Where, oh where have they gone?
Quick Oly class this morning as I had to duck out for a meeting:
Snatch w pause in the hole
40×3 50×2 60×2 70×2,1(M),1(M),2,2,2,2
Was catching the second reps with soft shoulders on the misses, got that worked out and started hitting them solidly. I'm going to try to add some weight to these doubles over the next few weeks.
Clean and x# Jerks
40×5 50×5 60×4 70×3 80×3 90×2 100×1 110xM,M
Clarked the first 110, got under the second easy but my legs didn't want to stand it up.
4:30 pm
Feeling groggy today, it's been a loooong week!
Power clean perf: 63×5, 73×5, 83×5, 93×5, 103×5, 113×4
Don't know what happened with that last rep, bounced it off my hip and never dropped under it. I should have done it again but given my grogginess I decided that was where I was going to stop.
WOD: 8:44 w/ 30# DB
Wowza. The dumbbells crushed my soul. Everything was so smooth until then. Got to the dumbbells around 5:44 and uhhh yeah. 20 reps in 3 minutes. Felt very uncoordinated and weak. In conclusion, that was hard!
5:30 class-ish
WOD @40#
Doubles were for shit in about 8 sets…
Burpes steady and unbroken
Row was like rest
Clusters in 9-5-6
This crushed me good.
5:30pm group class.
Snatch instead of power clean as final prep for Hoboken Saturday.
63×3, 83×3, 93x1x3, 98x1x2
-just wanted to confirm my opener for Saturday. Last couple felt like I actually got down. No more split snatching for me EVER.
8:59 with 30# db's
-this hurt. Tripped up on the doubles once. Burpees were slow but steady. Prob could have pushed a little harder on the row. Those clusters sucked though. Did them in 4 sets of 5 with prob too much rest in between. Shoulders were so fried by then that it got hard to lock out the last rep of each set.
Cashout: check
Glad tomorrow's a rest day. Though hope to get to a yoga class to loosen up my sore body!
7:00 am Group Class
Power Cleans 5×3: 95lbs. Getting the weight up was easy, but I need to work on the details, like getting my elbows to be faster/higher. Still my favorite lift.
WOD. Ugh. I literally groaned when I checked it this morning. I much prefer AMRAPs to ”for time” because it's harder to tell how far behind I am 😛
The one bright spot was that the row was not as painful as predicted, but everything else was a nightmare. Finished at 10:17, with flailing double under attempts for 90 seconds and 20 lb dumbbells,
Tues Oly "go for it day"
Snatch – 41kg over and over (couple misses)
C&J – 60kg over and over (no misses)
Felt like a solid day
Wed Rest Day
Thurs Oly "technique day"
– 37kg over and over (some misses)
Then Frank Wisdom:
Step 1: Close your eyes, Visualize (yourself making the lift)
Step 2: As soon as hand touches bar clear your head and trust your body
Step 3: Make the lift (or miss, doesn't matter)
Step 4: Close your eyes, Visualize (yourself making the lift)
Cue – when visualizing, stay over bar longer (shoulders tend to come up too soon, need to be same time as butt)
– 40kg x 1 x 3 clean and crisp like a celery stick
– 40 kg, 45kg, 50kgx1x2, 55kgx1x2 – fine. not great.
Clean Pulls
65kg x3x3
MU trans (red band) + strict dip
Minimal Mobility – traps, hips, quads
Later — A bit of sparring practice!