Bench Press
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 50% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Fitness and Performance: Heavy 5
Work up to a heavy, dead stop, set of 5 reps. No loss of spinal position. No touch and go. Start light enough to add 30-50 lbs over the cycle. These should feel easy today.
Post loads to comments.
Tabata Row for Calories or Fartlek Mile
Post what you worked on to comments.
Want to get see the long view of our programming? Check out the programming board between the two bathrooms to see what we’ve done each month. If you stare are it long enough you can see the past present and future simultaneously.
News and Notes
- Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate is back with a new spotlight, this time on STRONG Gym in Missouri. Learn more about how they do things in Middle America here!
- CFSBKer Christian A.’s friend Gary Chou runs Orbital Bootcamp, a 12-week program to help students launch their ideas into the world. He’s launching a winter session and is hoping to raise money to fund scholarships specifically for women and people underrepresented in tech. From the previous program Gary ran, Orbital had a gender balanced pipeline (exactly half of the 60 applications came from women), and 70% of admitted students were women or people underrepresented in technology. Check out the Crowdrise campaign here!
Want to Bring Your Kids to CFSBK?
Introducing: CFSBK Kids Club. This won’t be your ordinary kids’ watch program! This one hour drop-off program is designed for children ages 3 to 8, and will keep them engaged with hands-on activities. While you’re working out, your child(ren) will have the opportunity to explore arts and crafts, science experiments, games, and movement. You’ll get peace of mind and they get an hour jam packed with FUN!
But before we launch the program, we want to hear from you first. Fill out this survey by Friday (12/5) at 5pm so we know what you want and need!
Would You Live in a Treehouse? The Atlantic
The Science of Kissing It’s Okay To Be Smart
Stochasticity Radiolab
Would you be interested in a self defense class if we offered one at CFSBK? Post thoughts below.
Excellent !!
Woohoo, benching and deadlifting! Two of my favorite things. 😀 (in fact, I'm sad I probably won't get to next week's exposure because I'm going to SF for work, and I think my flight lands too late on Tuesday to make it to an evening class. Boo.)
Bench: 135 for the single, then 75×20.
Deadlift: 205×5. I wanted to start conservative but if I'd been thinking about the fact that I won't be here next week, I'd probably have gone with 215.
I chose the fartlek mile because how many more days are we going to have where it's actually pleasant to run outside?
Make-up post from the weekend:
OG Friday
Smolov Mid-Cycle 1RM Test on HBBS:
485 x 1 (PR!)
500 x 1 (PR!!!) – didn't feel too awful, really happy to make this mid-cycle as this was my goal for the whole thing.
505F – Really stupid fail on my part. I didn't get tight at the top and took my breath in as I was moving downwards, so I just collapsed at the bottom. Bad fail, bad bail.
335 x 1 (PR!)
345F x 2 – Happy for a 20 pound PR on my bench, I'll get this next time.
Saturday – Comp Class
Glad to come back for a bit of CrossFit:
3 rounds of 2 minutes to snatch:
225 x 1
235 x 1
240 x 1 – This was a 5 pound PR, but it was also a power snatch that I barely got underneath.
Snatch balances – 225
Did a bunch of these and they were awful. Once I'm done smolov, I'm really going to focus on snatch accessory work like this to push me down into the bottom when I lift.
4 min AMRAP
4 Hang Squat Cleans – 205
4 Muscle Ups
Got 2 rounds + 1 muscle-up. Squat cleans felt great, muscle-ups felt great at the start (went out the gate with 4 unbroken) but started to break down. Not bad for my first metcon in a month.
4 min rest then…
4 min AMRAP
8 Shoulder to Overhead – 155
8 Chest to Bars
Got 2 + 5 shoulder to overhead (I think). Tore my hand on the first C2B, but otherwise felt pretty good. Did all the s2o as snatches.
Looking forward to two lighter weeks, then I'm starting the intense smolov cycle, which involves lots of squats at 450-475lbs. Yay!
Oh also, is offering 40% off everything with free shipping today. If you need new shoes or whatever, could be a great deal.
6am. Bench: 135×5, 205×3, 245×1, 265×1, 155×20. The rep out at 50% of my 1RM was too easy. Probably could have done another 10 reps or so. Deadlift: 135×5, 225×5, 275×5, 325×5. Hook-gripped all of these. Pretty sure that is a PR for hook-gripping my deadlifts. Thumbs took a few minutes to regain their normal blood flow. Tabata row for calories: 10-10-10-9-8-8-7-7.
6AM with Coach Peterson. Bench Press 135#5r/3s. Higher than originally planned of 125# but it's been awhile and the weights were moving. Deadlift Heavy 5 at 205# (135, 185, 195, 205) Good place to start the cycle. Cashout with Tabata Row for calories. I like Tabatas because of the quick work and rest cycles. And, two-lift days are great, especially when they include bench press and deadlifts, my favorites.
6am class with Nick and McD
Partnered up with Peter for the Bench Press part of the workout. I've been going to AR regularly and my shoulder is feeling way better, so bench went well did. Did 245# for my single, which was 92% of my 1RM. I'm going to creep the weight up a bit next week. Repp'ed out with 20 at 145# and had some left in the tank (I think).
Deadlift went well too. My hamstrings were a little smoked from this weekend's workouts but the work felt good. Hit 335# for 5 reps.
Rowing was, well, rowing. Averaged about 8 calories per interval.
6:30 am strength cycle
LBBS: 215lbs x 5 x 3
New 5RM PR! I got more comfortable using the belt this week and this moved pretty well
Press: 72.5lbs x 4, F, 72.5 x3, 72.5 x5
I don't think I gave myself enough time in between the warmup and the first set. A bit annoyed with myself that I failed that fifth rep.
Deadlift: 255lbs x 5
This was really heavy, but glad I had the right weight on there this week. Also a PR!
I would love to take a self defense class!!
Matt Katz – congrats on those PRs! That's a crap ton of weight!
Big ol' 6am class today with McDowell and Nick. I hit 205 on the deadlifts and 115 (3×5) on the bench presses. I could have gone heavier on both, but I wanted to start the cycle conservatively and continue to make decent jumps up all the way through. I opted for the rowing because my throat is a little raw after a cold weekend in the mountains. I'm not sure the rowing was better, but running sounded especially awful today. I rowed 5 calories on all rounds, except for 1 in which I hit 6.
On an unrelated note, I'll be in LA at the end of this month and I'm interested in any recommendations anyone has for a gym to drop into while I'm there (I didn't see any in the travel gym reviews section). I know there are tons of boxes out there, but I'd appreciate any specific recommendations. Something near Altadena would be ideal (Pasadena, South Pas., Altadena, Sierra Madre, Eagle Rock…), but I don't mind driving a bit out of the way for a good place. Thanks!
Bench @145x5x3
DL @ 230×5 Kept it conservative and focused on neutral back.
Easy row day 20' @16spm 10-15" slower than LT, finished at 2:20 split.
I will be in portland for a few days starting friday, any recommendations for good boxes there? I saw one for CF Pearl District, would like to know if there are other good ones.
I am interested in a self-defense class. I think this would also be a good chance for Coaches MeLo and Jess Fox to get into the fight they've been talking about, and demo some tactics for us.
I am also interested in co-leading or assisting Coach JB with a Prancercise class on some Saturday afternoon that would culminate in creating a music video we can send to Joanna Rohrbuck, the Prancing Goddess herself. The video would surely go viral and in turn, generate substantial business for David when the new space opens.
Guys, I'm here all day.
I am interested in the self-defense class too – particularly in light of the CFSBK Kids Club news.
I think a battle royale or olde-style melee among the coaches would be a fitting end to the class. (On second thought, we should probably just skip it and hand the belt to Jeremy – its his to lose anyway).
Noon class.
Great to be back in the gym today after having the pins removed from my fingers this morning. It's going to take a while to get back to where I need to be but I'm excited to get started.
Bench: 185×5 / 175×5 / 175×5. Started a bit too heavy on the first set so I dropped back for the next 2.
Deadlift: Hard to hold a grip with 4 fingers so I had to keep it light. Worked up to 215.
Finished up with the fartlek mile.
7 am wakin up in the morning
-Bench Press: 95 for 3 sets of 5. I have never done these with any sort of consistency so they are even more hilariously weak than my other hilariously weak lifts. Could have maybe done 105 (did do one set at 105) but I figured I would take it easy and start at a more reliable 105.
-Deadlift: 205 lb. My form on the way up is apparently good, but on the return I bend my knees too early. So that's a thing to work on.
-Tabata row. Approx 41 calories. Was expecting the machine to give me a total at the end but it didn't, unless I missed it.
Bench + Deadlift + really short metcon. I think I'm going to love Mondays this cycle.
@MattKatz You just save me 50 bucks!
thank you,
Oh, and nice work on those PRs congratulations!
10am lifting session
Bench Press
Felt off today, but the final set felt the best.
Didn't do any conditioning that I planned on but man, did I feel swole after the accessory stuff.
4:30pm Group Class with NoRo Medicine Show
3 Rounds NFT
5 Pull-Ups +10lbs
20 Rev Lunges
20 Half Turn Swings 20kg
Bench Press
(45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×5)
Good light starting weight. I have shoulder stability issues with Bench Press so have a hard time organizing heavy on these. We'll see if I can't add some good volume this cycle.
(135×5, 185×5, 235×3, 275×1)
Felt easier than the last two weeks. The Hook Grip already feels better than mixed
Tabata Assault Bike
Didn't keep track of metrics on this.. it was horrible.
Dropped in at Crossfit Freedom in Libertyville, IL. This is where I drop in every time I'm in town with my wife visiting her family. If you ever find yourself in this northwest suburb of Chicago I recommend it. Great space and good people. Not much in the way of warm up or movement prep so I'm glad I got there early for some warm up of my own. There was some movement demo then it was on your own for setting up and working up to back squats at 4×5 of 90% of your 5rm. I wasn't sure of my 5rm so I just went to something kind of heavy for me which was 205. Felt ok but heavyish. Then the WOD was 5rds for time of 5 thrusters RX 155/105 10 box jumps at 30/24 and 10 toes to bar. I scaled the thruster to 115 which felt plenty heavy enough. Otherwise everything else RX. Finished in 12:04. This was the first time I jumped to a 30in box in a WOD which was a little freaky but I was slow and deliberate on each one. All in all a good workout. I may drop in again tomorrow or Wednesday. Looking forward to being back to CFSBK. Sad to miss bench press/ deadlift day.
5.30pm with Noah and Arturo.
Again some good kipping tips from Arturo and I actually managed to do two consecutive T2B. Excited to hopefully somewhat acquire this skill over the next few weeks.
235 x 5. I did use switch grip after my warm-up set of 205, as I knew I would not be able to do it otherwise. However, this is good as I usually switch at 185#.
Bench Press
90 x 5 x 3. Felt really easy. Really happy to get a chance to do a proper LP on this as I hit a wall during Strength Cycle because of shoulder issues. I'll be interested to see how much I can add when my shoulders feel good.
1 x 18' @16SPM
2.13.2/500M 16SPM 4052M
Much better today. Nineties hip-hop helps.
1 x 3 x pull-up grip, 1 x 3 and 3 x 5 x chin-up grip. Did these facing the gate and it made me realize how much I use my legs usually as I had no option but to keep them straight.
Definitely interested in self-defense class- brilliant idea!
Feeling good two weeks out!
65%x2: 198
75%x2: 220
80%x2: 242
85%x2: 253
88%: 264
90%: 275
95%: 286**
286 is feeling very good these days. I feel like 8/10 times i can hit this now.
Same percentages as above.
Snatch position pulls: 110%x2x3
Bench: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 195x5x3 – felt nice and light
Deadlift: 135×5, 225×3, 275×1, 295×5 – also felt good. No back troubles which is priority #1
Tabata row was somehow even worse than expected, which is saying something.
Afternoon class with Ro and Noah
Bench press: 175x5x3
I think I should have done 165 or 155. The last rep was a little slow here. I might have to make some 2.5lb jumps this cycle. Worked on keeping my shoulders back, thanks to a cue from Ro.
Dead lift: 255×5
This was heavy, but I felt like I could keep my back in position. I tried the last rep without the hook grip though, and the bar was slipping right out of my fingers, which may have messed up my focus a bit.
Tabata row for only 5 rounds: about 9 calories per round.
A self-defense class would be bada$$
Have been a little MIA over the past two weeks. Had a little hiccup with my old shoulder injury, feeling much better after some rest and a lot of active recovery. One more acupuncture sesh and i should hope to be almost good as new and back to the gym by wednesday. Did a bit of strict overhead pressing yesterday to test it out, A-OK.
Will be doing today's workout at my school gym in the morning because I am swamped with finals and unable to make it in for class. *sigh*
Big fan of Meathead Monday so far
Warm up 1 x 3
10 kipping t2b unbroken
10 push ups
15 air squats
Bench with J Bails and Eric
110 for 1rm – lots of warm up sets getting there
Forgot to do max reps at 50%.. But rain out of time anyway
Deadlift with J Bails, who inspired me to go heavier
175×5 – some loss of form on the last rep but certainly doable
Ended up 10# higher than expected. Would like to improve on this lift this cycle
Fartlek mile with Kristen
This was fun and felt great in the cool mist
Bummed to have to miss the cash out where you sprawl out on the floor with a PVC and 8 million other people, but otherwise great day at the gym
I would definitely be interested in a self defense class.