Fitness: 3-3-3-3-3
Controlled bail of each rep, then reset and pull with in a few seconds.
Performance: Touch And Go 5-5-5-5-5
Build up to a heavy but perfect 5. Work on resetting your hook grip on the recovery and catching at the hips, not the thighs. Example here.
Post loads to comments.
For time, 15-12-9-6-3:
Hang Power Snatch 95/65
Power “Amanda”
For time, 9-7-5:
Power Snatch 155/105
Muscle Up
Post Rx and time to comments.
Jason M. overhead squats 258 lbs last Saturday to hit leaderboard status!
Postcards from Pripyat, Chernobyl
The Importance of Play CrossFit Invictus
I forgot to set today's post to auto publish, eep! Sincere apologies. 🙁
Missed a couple of days, but I'll just make up from yesterday.
Comp team practice:
:30 L-Sit (alternating between extended and tucked for the duration)
1:00 Nose and Toes Handstand Hold (I can't HS Walk so I was relegated to this, plus practicing free standing)
10 Pistols
Didn't actually do much of this. I was eating. That was my warm up.
(Hoboken WOD 1)
12 Min to warm up then 3 attempts:
0:00 – 2:00
2:00 – 4:00
4:00 – 6:00
Must load bar at the start of the 2 min. Can not change weight in that time.
UGLY Power (almost muscle) snatches landing with wide-ass feet on all of these. 🙁 I don't think I'm going to fix this by next Saturday, but I'm hoping I can hit 98 again (it felt fine) at the comp.
Snatch Assistance Work
4×3 Snatch Balances, working up to a heavy complex
None of these were great, but they are still helpful. Having trouble reaching full depth.
AMRAP 4 Minutess
4 Hang Cleans 135
4 Muscle Ups
2 Rounds + 1 Hang Clean
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be able to hang clean 135 in a metcon, so I was pretty stoked about this (thanks to MeLo for the encouragement and coaching to stick with this weight). Did the first round 2 and 2, but had to do singles with a bit of rest in the second round (failed the first one). All muscle-ups unbroken—I pretty much spent this entire workout on the cleans.
Rest 4 MInutes
AMRAP 4 Minutes
8 Ground to OH 105
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
2 Rounds + 1 G2O
Same story as the first WOD. C2B's unbroken, G2O's slow (all clean and jerks/pp's), with lots of rest. Did the first round 4+2+2 (I think?), second round singles. I love/hate doing metcons at this weight–it's right where it starts to get super heavy for me, but not so heavy that I get as much rest as I want.
4x400m, moderate pace
1:1 rest
It's really freakin' hard to breathe when it's so cold out.
For shame Kate. Consider yourself chastised! (insert winky emoticon).
8am with the Foxes. Great cues from Mr. Fox that helped me end up with the bar in a better overhead position and remember to stay positive! Kept it light because I did not want to trash myself before class with Frank tomorrow.
WOD in 10:53 @65lbs. About 53 secs over the cap. I am not comfortable cycling movements like deadlifts/snatch etc. that require you to set your back. I prefer to take it a tad slower and make sure I am in a good start position. I recognize that this is going to hurt me in the Games this year but I would rather trade virtuosity for speed (because I am not yet capable of achieving both at the same time).
Also, this is Jay in case you didn't know. I just decided to award myself a star.
8AM with Coach Foxes.
Power Snatch 75#. Go great coaching points from both coaches. This is a area that needs alot of work, which is good (add it to the list). So, I have kept with weight light so that I can work on the form and timing.
WOD with 65# power snatch completed in 10:04. Looking back, I rested too long after the second and third round. And, I missed the whole point that the first rep was off the hang, not the floor … eventually the brain fog lifted after numerous corrections from coach.
9am with the Foxes
Worked up to a touch and go of 115# = 70% for 5 reps. These were cycling nicely and I could have gone heavier. But like Jay Starchild I did not want to be too smoked for Oly Class tomorrow.
Fitness WOD in 7:59 Rx'd.
Make-up post, as I forgot to post on both Wednesday AND Friday. Clearly I am not in the swing of this "posting to the blog" thing yet.
Wednesday 7 am:
Overhead squats: got up to 65 lbs. Issue was more that I was totally struggling with the balance than anything else. Got 60 reps on the WOD, assuming I counted properly. Used 45 lbs for the squats here.
Friday 8 am (Saturday workout):
Oh, back squats. I hate them so much. You'd think after spending my entire life overweight leg stuff would be easy…but no. My form is all wonky. Thankfully the class was small so Coach Mrs. Fox could watch me like a hawk and drill me on my issues….namely, I lean forward coming up from the bottom of the squat (coming up and forward rather than just straight up), and I don't do a good job of keeping a tight core/chest up. Those two things screw up everything else and I think cause the stress in my lower back I often feel when I do these, which in turn limits the weight I can lift way more than my actual legs do.
At any rate, going to be starting this cycle low and really focus on the form more than anything else. Really hoping that this + doing the next Strength Cycle will get me out of my lifelong squat rut.
Worked up to 135. Used 75 lbs for the WOD, majorly limited by the jerk. But it was kind of fun.
10am class with Fox and Ro.
So good to have some allotted time to practice kipping. I hope I get it soon. Great tactile cues from Arturo.
Power Snatch
43 x 3, 53 x 3, 63 x 2, 58 x 3 x 2, 63 x 3 x 2, 68 x 3 x 2, 73 x 3 x 2.
My best heavy singles from the knee last Thursday were at 78# so I guess this is good although 73# was not perfect. Again, I must remember to make small jumps so I have the confidence that I can, indeed, get under the bar.
CRASH-Bs 1 x 18' @16SPM
2.18.1/500M 17SPM 3909M
Not so good today.
9am. Touch and go power snatch: 95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 145×3. Was losing my grip on the set at 145. Felt good otherwise. DNF'd power Amanda at 155. Got through 4 snatches in the set of 5 before the 10min cap. Snatches were rough from the start. Muscled up a number of reps. Surprising how much heavier 155 felt than 145 did. MUs felt good today. Triples and doubles. Setting a goal for myself to learn the no-false grip variant.
Good lord. It's awesome to read about the comp team's work. I thought of JB actually in doing today's work out. Mainly how quickly and methodically she'd be moving and it kept me speeding up throughout. You guys are going to kill it in March! Thanks for posting your work-outs.
Power Snatch touch and go practice
53×5, 63×5, 68×5, 73×4,f and 73×3,f
Pulling early, hands slipping, not great
Hang power snatch @63
Pulled the first few from the floor, got my shit together and hit 3s from 12 on
This was hard but I like these movements
Great to partner with Marie on all of this.
DB press
20#x5, 25#x5x4
Last few days at the gym have been humbling. I dreamt last night that I failed my first squat rep at 150. Nightmares have reached a new level.
Came in today feeling good, but once I started moving I felt like I was trudging through mud.
Made up Saturday's workout
Crossover Symmetry
3 Rounds NFT
1:00 Assault Bike
10 Push-Ups
5 Pull-ups (+10lbs)
I felt like I was squatting on Jupiter today, if Jupiter had a ground to squat on.
EMOM 12'
6 DL
2 PJ
@135. Was planning on doing 155 but after I did a couple warm-up reps I didnt think it would be prudent. 135 was a good weight for me and the workout was still challenging
2 Rounds
8e Goblet Rev Lg 20k
:30 Piked HS
Wasn't sure I was going to come in to OG today b/c my legs are feeling it from the last few days, ended up glad I did.
Practiced jerks again and, oh dear, they were bad again. I'm afraid my PR from two weeks ago was probably just a push jerk in disguise. But @Abraham, please ignore my continuing struggles with this lift! By listening to the coaches and practicing diligently, I believe all the lifts will eventually be fluent. Even the jerk. I just have to punch myself in the face for a while on this one thing.
Anyway today ended up being good because I hopped on the erg and suddenly "got" something Nick had been trying to tell me. Maybe because my quads are fried and I couldn't use them. I didn't set any record paces or anything but I rowed a solid pace for 30 minutes and it felt totally fine and maintainable. I think I could have kept the pace for at least another 10 minutes, but I had a time cap today and had to jet.
Next OG: going to work the assault bike into my warmup.
Haven't been keeping up with posting. OG session today:
Clean > front squat > jerk
40 50 60 70 80 85 90 95 100xM,1
Clean pull
95×3 105×3 113x3x3
40×3 50×2 60×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 85×1 92xM,M,M
Second attempt at 92 was the best pull of the day, it was plenty high, I had just been getting dizzy and didn't even go under. It's there though.
Push press
95×5 135×4 155×3 175x3x4 175x2x2
Started out doing todays prescribed power snatch 5s at 135 with a minute rest, decided to just do Isabel and finished out somewhere between 7-8 minutes. Need to try an all out effort at this soon.
OG hosted by the illustrious, and very sexy male model Arturo Ruiz
Jerk Doubles
HBBS, Heavyx5 , Heavyx3, Heavyx2 , -15%x5
Clean pulls off blocks, Heavyx2x4
Push press, 3RM, -a littlex3x2
286×2, failed 3rd
OG tonight, after not much working out last week.
Warmed up with a tabata on the new bike and had spin class flashbacks. Arturo told me that since I wasn't creating a tsunami effect, I didn't really have the right to say it wasn't "that hard." Noted.
Press 75x3x5.
Yesterday's WOD, Rxed. Finished each set between 16-20 seconds. This might be one of my top five favorite WODs, so fun and hard.
Finished with eight :30 stair sprints, some plank holds, and handstands. Got a solid five step walk.
Really looking forward to this cycle, though I think I need to rest another week or so before squatting again, as my right hip flexor is still fairly tender when I squat.