Fitness and Performance: 5 – 5 – 5
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Every Minute on the Minute, for 12 minutes:
6 Deadlifts 155/105
2 Push Jerks
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Congrats to our former (but forever) CFSBKers Sara and Dave Elwell on the birth of their son: Henry Donald Seymour Elwell, 11/19/14, 8lbs. 2oz, 20.5 inches.
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whit is canceled today.
What You SHOULD Be Learning From the World Championship Catalyst Athletics
Are You Watching the Greatest Skier in History? The Atlantic
Yay, mini Elwell!
Now that is a fine British name. Congrats Elwells!
9am with Melissa and David
Worked up to 235# on the squats. Probably have another 10 or so pounds there but not without the risk of failing.
This was a good WOD for the weekend after Thanksgiving. Lots of rest built into it. Worked at 135# because I have battling some ongoing shoulder fatigue from Oly Class. Until class is over I want to go a little lighter on anything overhead.
Congrats, Elwells! Miss you guys.
Fine looking baby! 9 am with DO and Melo. Worked up to 205# HBBS. Great lifting with Hunter. WOD @ 115. Felt very comfortable. Should have tried 125 or 135. Rats. Love the new standardized warm-ups yo!
Dropped in yesterday at CrossFit Polaris near Columbus, Ohio. Overall it seemed like a pretty good spot. Really big space and programming relatively in line with ours as far as I could tell, but I got the impression the strength portion of each day is far less structured. Will write up with more detail in the travel recommendations soon. Anyhow…
Warmed up with agility drills. Quick feet, high knees, etc.
Strength/skill #1: 12min to work 5×5/5 of barbell reverse lunges. Did not get super clear coaching on how many warmup sets, whether it was supposed to be sets across vs progressive weight, etc, so I did one set with the bar and then started working up like so 95-135-155-175-185. I'm feeling it high in my glutes today.
Strength/skill #2: 8min to work 5×5/5 seated alternating dumbbell press and 3×10 false grip ring. Worked with 45# dumb bells. Nobody seemed to take this one too seriously. It seemed like just a way to fill time.
Wod: 10min ascending rep ladder (1,2,3,4…) of 95# push press, 24" box jump, and toes to bar. I got through 3 toes to bar in the round of 10. Fun little wod, but toes to bar are hard with a belly full of turkey and stuffing.
Congrats Elwells!
11am+AR – definitely felt the few weeks off from squatting. 255 – 265 – 275×5, but I'm skeptical I hit all of them at depth. The last set was definitely a struggle to get up. I think I've got one more LP in me before switching back to performance squat programming, so next week I'll go for 260.
Then had time for one 18' erg set before AR. Surprise! This is harder after squatting.
Dropped in at CF Rising Fire again, this time for group class (though there were only two athletes at 10 AM!). Sorry to say my experience this time wasn't nearly as good as it was when I went in October (and I wrote my review in travel gym recos).
3-part class:
Part 1: AMRAP 8 minutes
5 hang power clean (75#, no Rx given)
5 burpees
8 rounds + 1 clean. I didn't go super fast on these.
Part 2, for time:
100 single unders (this was the Rx, no doubles)
30 goblet squats (16 kg, no Rx given)
Then 75/20, 50/10, and 25/5 of each.
Part 3, 5 rounds for time:
5 ring dips (Rx 10)
15 Pendlay rows 65# (no Rx)
20 KB swings (2 rounds at 24 kg, 3 at 16 kg)
I thought Part 3 would have been better as NFT. I treated it as such anyway — this was billed as strength and I wanted it to be strength rather than conditioning. I think if I had really gone hard at this for time, I would have had to band the ring dips and/or reduce the weight on the rows.
I was also a little disappointed that even though there were only 2 athletes, there wasn't much coaching going on. It was just a coach starting the clock and "go!" It was a different coach than the first time I went, and I like the other guy's style better!
8am. Quiet today. Squats: 135×5, 205×5, 235×5, 255×5, 185×3 (paused). Thought I was going to go a little heavier, but 255 felt heavy enough for today. EMOM action at 155#. Got faster as the rounds progressed as I grooved the motions. Started the first round at 20sec. Last round was 12sec. Felt ok afterwards. Think I could have done a bit more weight on this.
There he is, Henry Elwell, the 2036 CF Games champion! I'm relieved to see that he resembles his mother. Congrats again Elwells.
11am class with Melissa, Arturo and JB.
190 x 5, 200 x 5, 210 x 5.
I think I could have added more as this felt great! Can't really believe it! This was where I ended Strength Cycle in July for 2 x 5. Maybe it was my new knee sleeves (which split and I need to send back)
WOD rx'd- really happy I could Rx this as there is no way I would have had the confidence to do so if I hadn't just tested my heavy jerks on Thursday in Oly Cycle….fun WOD!
I've been putting off CRASH-Bs training for various reasons (knee-pain, fatigue, WOD envy, oly cycle, lack of motivation) but I did manage to squeeze one 18 minute piece in today after a very small and much needed AR class.
2.14.9 16SPM 4002M.
No knee pain. Yay!!
Also- SUPER-EXCITED to finally start following performance programming for some of my lifts on Monday!!! Two years in the making…
Congrats on trying the performance side Charlie! Good luck!
1PM w/ JB, Mel, & Jeremy:
On the Low Bar Back Squat @ 5×225, 5×245, 5×265.
All moved well, straight up and down, and felt comfortable.
While squatting, Zachariah was practicing his Muscle Ups behind me. Congratulations on nailing 7/7. More motivation for me to keep focused on working on mine, and great experience to watch and see how he worked up to them.
WOD @ 155#:
Finished each EMOM around :20-:25. I tried rushing the deadlifts, and was informed I wasn't standing completely and opening the hips all the way. Once I slowed down and made sure to fully open the hips, my EMOMs were on the :25 side.
Matisse this morning! Visited some old favorites and then ate at Ma Peche
2 hour coma nap and missed all crossfit wnd yoga classes so…
4 Rounds with some increase in difficulty each round:
40 sit-ups, arms crossed
1:00 child-assisted deep stretches
15 push-ups unbroken; 5 w Elaina (37#); 1 w Siena (47#); 15 unbroken
5 HSPUs w abmat
15 air squats; 15 w Elaina on shoulders; 15 w Siena; 20 w Siena
This was not for time and was followed up by some AR and Matisse-inspired family collaging
2pm Comp Team Practice
:30 L-Sit (alternating between extended and tucked for the duration)
1:00 Nose and Toes Handstand Hold (I can't HS Walk so I was relegated to this, plus practicing free standing)
10 Pistols
(Hoboken WOD 1)
12 Min to warm up then 3 attempts:
0:00 – 2:00
2:00 – 4:00
4:00 – 6:00
Must load bar at the start of the 2 min. Can not change weight in that time.
190 M, M
205 M, M
Declaring my opener at at now reliable 175. Decided to go for a PR at 205 after the misses at 190 because fuck it.
Snatch Assistance Work
3 BTN Snatch Push Press + 1 OHS
I can catch and stand 205 up on the full lift.
AMRAP 4 Minutess
4 Hang Cleans 205
4 Muscle Ups
2 Rounds + 1 Hang Clean
Good practice at cycling heavy weight.
Rest 4 MInutes
AMRAP 4 Minutes
8 Ground to OH 155
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
2 Rounds
Snatched the first 5 in the first round, and the first 2 in the second. Probably should have listened to Arturo and clean and jerked 'em all.
4x400m, moderate pace
1:1 rest
This was like contrast therapy out in the cold after training.
Lots of fun to throw down with these guys and follow the programming of someone else…I do my best but am not sure quite sure though why they allow the old guy to hang.