Shaye L. having way too much fun at Fight Gone Bad 2014
Schedule Changes This Week
Friday (11/28):
Classes not listed or otherwise noted are canceled.
8am, 9am, 10am, 12pm
Open Gym 5:30-8pm
Saturday (11/29):
Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whit is canceled
News and Notes
- Attention Spartans! There’s a Black Friday discount code to sign up for future races. CFSBK is organizing a crew for the race on May 30th, learn more here, and use code Black20 for 20% off!
- Do you like playing basketball? Michael C. is interested in starting a co-ed basketball team this winter with a league around the city. He’s looking at a 4-on-4 Zog league in Park Slope on Mondays and Wednesdays. Shoot him an email (michael.crumsho [at] if you’re interested!
- Happy birthday, Liz R.!
We Should All Be Feminists | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie TED
An Astronaut Reveals What Life In Space Is Really Like WIRED
Gratitude Without God The Atlantic
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness and Performance: 5 – 5 – 5
Post loads to comments.
Every Minute on the Minute, for 12 minutes:
6 Deadlifts 155/105
2 Push Jerks
Post Rx to comments.
8AM class today with the Foxes. Fun, small class with lots of TLC. Did tomorrow's high bar back squat at 185, 195, 205#. WOD with 95# BB. I like the EMOM drills. The piked hand stand was harder than expected. I am looking forward to the next cycle.
Is the gym collecting coats this year?
Thanksgiving workout. 23:16 with 16# medicine ball. I was pretty tired after several days of fit-nice so downgraded from the 20#'er I usually use. Feel a little guilty about it (no, wait, I don't). Rest day today. Niko came down with a virus yesterday so we had to cancel the big family meal. I have a lot of eating to do later . . .
Thanksgiving WOD at 10am yesterday.
Big thanks to the Foxes for making this possible and for running such a fun and organized massive class!
Like Jay, I was pretty exhausted from several consecutive days of lifting and WODs, preceded by several days of drinking too much and sleeping too little. I was on the fence about actually going in at all but I knew I would regret it if I didn't.
Anyway, I got there and I did it and I felt so much better afterwards, as always! My time was 21.34 with 20kg KB, 14# ball, 9ft target. I jumped all of my box jumps for the very first time- I always resort to step-ups- and I did all of the DUs. I got a bit frustrated during the DUs as I could see people catching up with me and then flying past me and I was tempted to just do half of them because they were taking so long, but I stuck to my guns. I was also tempted to hit the 8ft target because my wall balls were just happening in sets of 3 after a while, but I could see my friends beside me hitting the 9ft target and that kept me going. The run at the end was a nice built-in cool-down.
The walk-balls were the worst part, with the burpees being a close second. But I guess that was predictable.
Great (horrible) workout. As Janelle said when I asked her how it was, there was nowhere to hide. Great buzz in the gym. Taking a rest day today.
Get well soon Niko!
Yes to Coat Drive, not organized yet though. Info forthcoming.
1pm lifting session
AbWheel rollouts
Thanks for the nice words about Jess and I running class over the holiday. The gym always seems to have a special kind of energy on days like yesterday and today.
12pm class today greeted by Janelle.
I must have asked her 8 million questions.
We have the best front desk staff.
Warm up x2
:30 assault
8 ring rows
12 DB thrusters w pause 20#
Less strong than I'd planned to be today
155×5, 155×3,f
165×3 last week felt good, but felt a little jittery today — maybe antibiotics? Too much caffeine? Not sure
12 min EMOTM
6 DL
2 PJ
First round 105, then dropped to 95
Really liked this
2 RNDs
:20-:30 piked handstand hold — shoulders pretty tired
16 pistols
Went to CrossFit Rising Fire for open gym and did tomorrow's workout.
Squat 165, 185, 205×4 F5. This was rough. I've done 205×5 before but that was in the context of a rep out. Not sure why it was so much worse today.
WOD Rx. Each round took me 15-20 seconds. I was worried the clean might limit me but it wasn't so bad. It got plenty hard by the end though!
Leisurely 12pm with Fox. Did tomorrow's work with Borducci. 145#x5 on the HBBSQ, which is my previous 5RM. They were heavy as hell but I stood 'em up. I'll take it. Then the WOD with 93#. Finished each round in about :18. Was gonna RX but 93# felt like plenty. Then a fun cash out and lunch at Bogota. Great day!
A much needed OG after not such a great week.
Snatch, Max
301F, Also close
CJ, Max, then -15%x2x2
352F, Weak pull…
Dips and chinups.