We often do some general movement prep during class, but before or after is the time to really dig into your specific mobility needs. If you’re stiff, sore, and generally not a flexible person, come before class to work your range-of-motion and perhaps do some light foam rolling to loosen up. If you want to do some intense tissue mashing with the orb, foam roller, or similar implements, save if for after class.
- SCHEDULE CHANGES: Please note our updated schedule here. Pilates with KH is canceled tonight. Yoga for Athletes is canceled Thursday and Saturday of this week.
- Do you like playing basketball? Michael C. is interested in starting a co-ed basketball team this winter with a league around the city. He’s looking at a 4-on-4 Zog league in Park Slope on Mondays and Wednesdays. Shoot him an email (michael.crumsho [at] gmail.com) if you’re interested!
- Happy birthday, Alan L.!
Training Cycle Template
As we mentioned briefly last week, due to the timing of the end of the current cycle leading in to Thanksgiving and the fact that many of you travel for it, we’re delaying the start of the next cycle by a week. The week between, “limbo week,” as the coaches are calling it, will offer some exposure to the movements in the next cycle (outlined below) in addition to some novel lifting and WODs. We’ll be looking to put all that turkey and stuffing to good use starting Monday, December 1, so travel safe and enjoy time with your family and friends! Of course, if you’re staying in Brooklyn, be sure to attend one of the morning classes we’re holding on Thanksgiving. Full modified holiday schedule can be found here.
Training Cycle Dates: M 12/1 – Su 1/11
Crush Week: M 1/12 – Su 1/18
Back Off/Transition Week: M 1/19 – Su 1/25
Cycle Goals
- Prepare for the 2015 CrossFit Open
- Lactate threshold work
- Cycling Olympic lifts
- Cycling Kipping Pull Ups and Toes to Bar
- Time Capped Ladders
- SWU: One kipping pull-up/ one Kipping T2B for more practice
Monday: Bench Press + Deadlift + WOD/NFT
Fitness 3×5 Linear Progression Bench, Heavy 5 Deadlift
Performance Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90%) then Max Reps at 60% (capped at 20). Try and beat your previous week’s rep max. Heavy 5 Deadlift.
Wednesday: Front Squat + WOD/NFT
Fitness 3×3 Linear Progression
Performance Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90%) then Max Reps at 60% (capped at 20). Try and beat your previous week’s rep max.
Thursday: Power Clean + WOD/NFT
Fitness 5×3 Linear Progression (Start light. Bail each rep and reset within a few seconds)
Performance Touch and Go 5-5-5-3-3-3 (Start light and work on resetting hook grip on the descent)
Saturday: Squat + WOD/NFT
Fitness 3×5 Linear Progression
Performance Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90%) then Max Reps at 60% (capped at 20). Try and beat your previous week’s rep max.
Sunday: Power Snatch + WOD/NFT
Fitness 5×3 Linear Progression (Start light. Bail each rep and reset within a few seconds)
Performance Touch and Go 5-5-5-3-3-3 (Start light and work on resetting hook grip on the descent)
Most Heavy Drinkers Are Not Alcoholics New York Times
Under-Desk Pedals Help Students Learn Better Community Health
Scotland From Above The Atlantic
Wednesday's Programming
Overhead Squat
Fitness: 3 – 3 – 3
Performance: 1 – 1 – 1
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
3 Overhead Squats 115/75
6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
6 Overhead Squats 115/75
9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
9 Overhead Squats 115/75
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
12 Overhead Squats 115/75
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Moist 6am class with Jess and DO. I did Monday's work with Jess. I'm super glad we'll be deadlifting this cycle. I worked up to 205#. There's plenty of room to add weight throughout the cycle. Doing this with the hook grip was definitely challenging.
I did the metcon with 95# on the bar. This was a fun one. My reps per round were 58 (2 rounds + 4 lunges); 58; 59; 60 for a total of 235. I'm pleased with that consistency and it felt like I was working pretty well.
Tomorrow's work: 85x3x2 on OHS. I really have trouble getting to the bottom on these, so I decided to do Fitness programming.
WOD at 63#, regular kipping pullups, did only 6 pullups per round starting at the round of 6. Yeah, they weren't there today. One rep shy of finishing the round of 15. This one definitely didn't play to my strengths.
Make up Monday.
6AM with Coach DO & J Fox. DL 235# 2s 5r. Heavy. Nice to see DL again.
WOD with 95# PCN at 224 reps. (56, 56, 57, 55 reps) It was a fun WOD and PCN were unbroken.
6am doing Monday's work with Jess
Deadlift: Worked up to 335×5, which felt good but was probably a bit heavy to be adding 10lbs consistently over the next 6 weeks, but I'll start there and switch to adding 5lbs if needed. I abandoned the hook grip after one rep at 275.
Metcon: 295 reps Rx. I like all of those movements, including built-in rest. Pretty consistent all the way through at 74-75-75-71, but there was probably some time to be made up in the last set of lunges in each round which could have gotten me back to the barbell. Push ups started to slow down in the 4th round, but I was able to go unbroken the whole way.
6am. Overhead squats: 95×3, 115×3, 135×2, 155, 185, 205 (PR). Haven't tested a 1RM overhead squat in over 2 years. 185 was my old PR and felt good, though my left wrist was bothering me a bit. 205 was tough. Tough to stabilize after getting the bar overhead. Tough to stabilize on the way down (which I did in slow motion). And very tough on my wrists. Dropped the bar when I felt like I was about 95% of the way up, but D.O. said it was good.
Metcon Rx: 73 reps (13 pull-ups in to the round of 15). C2B pull-ups felt good up until the last round where the fell apart rapidly.
11pm – My garage – I'm down in Florida for the holiday week.
DL –
Did 3×10 on the deadlifts today as all I have at home is 225. Felt good, and glad DL's are back in this cycle as it's one of my weaker areas and I definitely wanna work on em.
Metcon –
Fox, really enjoyed this one…felt like it really was a full-body workout…could've been that it was the first work out coming off back-off week, but I really enjoyed it.
I modified it slightly and made sure I got 2 rounds of everything (2 lunges sets, 2 pushups, 2 cleans) and then took the 2 min rest…I wanted to get two sets of power cleans in…
Did everything unbroken and moved immediately from station to station. Each of my 4 sets was right at the 2:30 mark, and boy my shoulders are smoked today. I did walking lunges on these, which if I were to guess wasn't the case in the gym, but whatever the case, I did.
First day back in the gym since Friday…and lots of lasagna and red wine since the last visit. DL, 185#x5, which is a match on my best 5RM. Only used switch grip for the last 2 reps, which is good for me. Usually I switch much sooner. Then the WOD with kneeling push ups and 83# power cleans. If I were feeling more solid I would have rxed the weight but the old sacrum/pelvis was feeling wobbly today and my cleans weren't too organized. 48, 48, 49, 50 = 195 reps.
OHS – 95×3, 135×2, 165×1, 185×1, 195×1, 205×1
Failed the first attempt at 205 by missing the push press – oops. This is a PR though. I don't think I've tried a max OHS in a couple years.
Metcon – 100 reps even (10 C2B into the round of 18) Felt pretty good overall – C2B were the limiting factor
OHS – 95×3, 135×1, 155×1, 165×1, 175×1
These all felt pretty solid, although I had to work to stabilize the 175 after push jerking it up. I think I could get 185, but ran out of time. I've never tried OHS 1RM, so this is a PR.
Metcon – 62 reps, or 2 pullups into the round of 15. This was fun. The OHS were hard on my wrists at the end. Peter made me realize it's because I started widening my grip.
Fun day at the gym. I've worked out three days straight now for the first time in a long time. Feeling good, although my right shoulder feels slightly iritated. Expecting it to work itself out.
3 Rounds NFT of
Row 250m
15 DB Thrusters, 20#
Yesterday's Interval Triplet @ 135lbs
1R + 12,9
1R + 12,9,3
2R + 4
2R + 1
Went too slow in the beginning. was a little harder than it looked but nothing soul crushing
11am lifting session
Hollow Rock
Trying to make it in for yesterday's WOD at 5:30
Monday's 5:30 class with Ro and Noah (aka Pele)
Got a few good cues i.e. Noah harping on me for my switch grip off the start.
DL last 2 sets were 275 then 300 all with hook grip. I felt like my thumbs were going to explode but it's something I have to work on so I'm glad I was able to get through it. This is one of the times that chalk really helped my grip on the bar also. My old 1RM for the DL was 310-ish so I'm excited to see where I'll end this cycle.
I really liked this WOD. 1:1 work to rest ratio is my favs! I completely botched the counting but I got through 2 rounds +3-5 lunges for each round. I liked being able to cycle power cleans but I need to work on them looking better towards the end.
I ended with somewhere between 240 – 255. That was a fun one.
Oly Class.
Snatch complex.
63 x 3 x 5
68 x 1
73 x 1
There were a couple of failed attempts at 73# because I got scared, but then Amanda and Michele both did it, so I had to too.
Clean and jerk, light day.
73 x 2 x 1
83 x 2 x 5
185 x 5 x 3
Used my new knee sleeves and I may have imagined it but I think they really helped!
When I came in for Strength Cycle on Friday evening, I had a silver box chain bracelet on. I think I took it off before working out, but I haven't seen it since. If anybody came across it, I would be very appreciative if you could turn it into the front desk!
Since I'm on here posting anyway, I'll mention how much I'm enjoying Strength Cycle (evening session MWF).
Last night:
Squats 132.5 x 3 x 5 (starting to get heavy, but still moving)
Press 57.5 x 3 x 5 (felt much lighter than it did a couple of weeks ago when I tried it and couldn't get through one set)
Deadlift 160 x 5 (felt heavy, especially the last rep, but not impossible)
Sad to be missing class on Wednesday, but looking forward to Thanksgiving with my family. Happy Thanksgiving, all!
So, I've been working on my posture in a variety of ways over the last year, and especially since I'm a writer and could sit all day if I wanted to, I try to stand on the subway and sort of "surf" instead of leaning or holding onto anything. Around 1pm today, I was taking the R into midtown to catch a bus and was a few inches in front of a door. As we were speeding between stations, an MTA employee was working with the conductor on some switch on a panel and the door suddenly opened. I wasn't holding anything and if I'd been leaning against the door, I would have fallen right out. I guess you could say CrossFit saved my life today? Crazy, and kind of terrible.
nooner with jeremy and DO.
did yesterday's workout partnered with the lovely and amazing moms: courtney and bethany!
kinda goofed (and everyone at the gym noticed) that i forgot this wasnt a touch and go deadlift haha. my bad. did 155# today and somehow my brain wasn't working today and set myself up for an olympic lift rather than a powerlift/deadlift, YIKES. won't let that happen again (thanks for the cue jeremy!)
WOD: did 188 reps at 63# cleans. i really hate push ups and blame long arms for this. also forgot for a hot minute how to… clean?
in conclusion: my brain must have checked out for the holidays?
excited for deadlifts to come back and work on cleans for this cycle!
also kate!! glad you are ok!!
wait. the door on the subway opened while it was MOVING?
5:30pm class
Deadlifted earlier so instead I did:
TNG Power Clean
These felt heavy. Shocker, since I've done about 10 tons of pulling in the past few days.
Lunges were the thing that added up the most. Happy about the consistency.
Oly Class
25kg – pwr snatch, hang snatch x1x2
30kg – snatch x1x2
35kg – x1x2 : stand up more before shifting, shifting early
38kg (85%) – x1x3 : ok but still shifting early
35kg – 1 pause at knee, 1 from deck x1x3
38kg – snatch x1x3
35kg – x3x2 focusing on getting down fast : good
Clean & Jerk
50kg (80%) – x1x3 : stay balanced over mid-foot on clean & maintain back angle
50kg x1x3 : good
Back distraction
Lax ball on left hamstring, gluteal tuberosity, upper calf
Lots of running today as means of transportation
Feeling very foggy can't explain it — just "off" but given that, it was a surprisingly solid oly day
Also I'm very glad you're alive, Kate. Woa scary
And this cycle sounds great. We're going to get so strong!