CFSBK’s Art Show is Tomorrow!
In case you somehow missed the memo: CFSBK’s first Art Show (and maybe the first ever at a CrossFit gym?) is TOMORROW from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol.
Matthew Reid, a local Brooklyn artist, will be live painting a mural from 8-10pm. Follow him on Instagram to see more of his stuff, and look through his website to see some of his past collaborations. We are also featuring the work of Travis Poston and Joshua Peters.
Most importantly, come check out art from fellow talented CFSBKers. Below are all the artists whose work will be on display:
Elyse Barton
Camille Cruz
Asta Fivgas
Katie Harper
Jenna Jerman
Alona Katz
Tim Mauseth
Kevin McDonald
Laura McElherne
David Osorio
Bekka Palmer
Cait Vogt
Keith Walter
Brian “Baz” Zimbler
If you have any questions, email Kate at Katharine [at]
The Green Bay Packers’ New Workout Plan The Wall Street Journal
The Best Optical Illusions to Bend Your Eyes and Blow Your Mind—In Pictures The Guardian
Aurimas Didzbalis 185kg Snatch + Backflip at Almaty 2014 Worlds
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Cat The Atlantic
Saturday's Programming
Pause Squat: 3-3-3-3-3
Work up to a challenging set of three. Pause for 3 seconds at absolute rock bottom depth (if low bar, then simply get to acceptable depth).
Post loads to comments.
Row 2K or Run 1 Mile
Go at an easy, conversational pace.
Post details of your conversation to comments.
I think the links are messed up today???
Are other people having problems viewing the articles, or is it just me?
Yeah, the links are all "mailto" links. You can just right click, copy the link address and paste it into your browser bar, then delete the mailto: part at the beginning.
Worked up to 185 on the pause squat, although I'm sure my pause was more like a quick 3-count than a full 3 seconds. I like pause squats!
Then I rowed. Yeah, I wasn't going to volunteer for running when it's 28 degrees out!
6am with McDowell and D.O.
This was my first time taking a stab at Butterfly pull ups and, as Peter so politely observed, I look like a flopping fish. This is just going to take some dedication to get them down. Just another example of understanding exactly how something should be done but not being able to get your body to perform it.
My shoulders have been exhausted lately. Crush week combined with Olympic Lifting Class combined with heavy Turkish get ups etc… Only worked up to 95# on the complex because I wanted to go easy on them.
Looking forward to the Art Show tomorrow night.
Smolov Week 3 Day 2
5 sets of 7 at 377.5lbs
Moved well. Focused on getting deep and not falling forward. These still wind me.
Weighted Pull Ups – 45lbs
3×5, 1×4, 1×3 – still not feeling great. Not sure how to progress on these, I feel like I've been stuck.
Weighted Plank – 55lbs, 3x 1:00 holds
Feeling better! Might go up in weight soon.
Looking forward to more super squatz tonight.
8am with McD. Pause HBBSQ @ 125#, which is about 75% of my 1RM. Then a nice easy 2K in 10 minutes. The warm up was the hardest part of the day today!
Headed to the Berkshires till Monday. See you all next week!
6am. Pause squats: 135, 185, 205, 225. Felt good to hang out in the bottom of the squat, but heavy to stand the weight back up. Did the mile run with Elliot and Mike. We chatted and chattered. It was good.
Yesterday: worked up to 132# on the snatch complex. Then did a few sets of 2-3 reps of snatch balance. Overhead position isn't feeling so hot right now. Butterfly pull-ups were smooth and I did several sets of 10-15. Got some tips from Mr. and Mrs. Fox regarding the tightness in my right hip/low back. Sounds like a tight QL muscle. Didn't even know I had a QL muscle. Have now discovered wonderful new sources of trigger point pain.
Fixed all the links! Glad you guys are reading so closely. 🙂
I've seen almost all of the pieces that will be in the show tomorrow, and you guys, this stuff is insane. CFSBKers are so talented! Can't wait for tomorrow.
Big thanks to Michael C. who is helping two of our featured artists get their pieces to the gym tomorrow morning–and Lauren, who helped me get alcohol this week (obviously a very important part).
6am. Nice to be back in this morning since I've had to skip most days recently due to this unwieldy splint.
paused BSQ: 145×3 / 165×3 / 185×3 / 205×3. Felt good although the knees wobbled a bit at 205 at the end of each pause.
Ran the mile with Peter and Mike.
Thanks again to McDowell for giving me alternate movements for the warmup.
9am lifting session
Haven't done these in a while. Probably going to be a bit sore.
That backflip after that snatch is impressive. Explosive movements y'all
Make up from yesterday:
Got in a little early before the 6:30pm class.
3×3 Back Squat at 185. This felt harder than it should have, but it's been several weeks since I squatted heavy. Looking forward to the new cycle and getting back into it.
Then, 6:30pm w/ Whit and Ro:
3×5 strict pull ups: 15#-20#-20#-25#-25#. The 25s were moving slowly.
Worked up to 73# with Marie on the snatch complex. By the end, the hang snatches felt pretty solid. It was nice to stay light and focus on keeping it crisp.
Also–to those I saw in the evening classes–nice job on the butterfly pull-ups!
Hey Kate – am I helping two, or just one? I haven't heard back from Travis, so I kind of don't know what's going on there.
Last night at 7:30pm
Worked on butterfly pull-ups for a bit. I am somewhat passable at these during WODs, but it was nice to go through the progression and learn how it is really done. As such, mine felt really off yesterday since I was thinking very hard about every aspect of the movement. After class I went back and did a few sets of 5 or 6 just to get the rhythm down.
On the snatch complex, I did 40, 45, 50, and 52 (all kg). Probably should have just stuck with 45 or 50 instead of trying 52, as I failed on the hang snatch. Oh well.
After class I did a few wall kick-ups, too. I need to start working some handstand push-up work into my repertoire. Time to finally start getting these things.
12:00pm Class
Made up yesterday's programming
3 Rounds NFT
10 Push-Ups
20 OH Lunges 35#
20 Pulls on Erg
Weighted Chin-Ups
+60×2 (Didn't rest enough)
Snatch Complex
50k x2
65 (143lbs)
Did a couple power snatches OTM at 60k afterwards but then laid down and ended up not getting up for a few minutes… so I called it a day 🙂
8 weeks ago JB told me I should really get some lifting shoes. I dithered for a while but finally got a pair of beautiful lime green innov8 fastlifts. I wore them for the first time tonight & a funny thing happened…
Rack jerk (one of my goats) – previous PR maybe 165ish.
95, 125, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195 (squirrely), 195 (OKish), 205 (squirrely), 205F.
I ended up spending most of my time tonight doing rack jerks, which I wasn't really planning on but they just felt solid tonight so I kept going. The one at 205 was not so great, and I still need to practice getting low, but… definitely happy with that. Thanks JB!
Then some snatch-grip deadlifts, 135×5, 165×4, 195×3, 225×2, 235×1, and a quick 2 sets of situpts and pushups. Not sure why I felt like I had to rush out tonight, should have stayed longer!
OG Friday. The best time to be at the gym!
Snatch, Heavy Single, -15%x2x2
290**Felt great. This will probably be my opener at AO
CJ, Heavy Single, -15x2x2
@Kate R – Any time! I hope you all enjoy the multicultural beer selection and the many magnums! I wish I could be there
Keep over scheduling myself and having to cancel things at the last minute and reschedule (a further waste of time — not a good practice).
Cancelled a big chunk of my afternoon which enabled me to stay sane and get a 45 min gym session in, as follows:
Hamstring mash sitting on low-racked barbell with 25# plate for added pressure
500m row
(3) red band MU trans w strict dip
(20) sit ups
HBBS 3-3-3-3-3
No pause. Was having hip flexor issues so didn't want to push it. Felt fine today tho!
165×3 – fine. Ran out of time
@Dave, I was just checking out your shoes tonight, ha! They're pretty.
Same as last week, plus a few pounds.
Bench 105x3x5
Deadlift 185x3x5 Still heavy as shit.
Then a little WOD with K HarpZ, 3 Rounds for Time:
2 stair sprints
20 box jumps
25 ab-mat situps
So cool to see Steph P. there tonight, too.
Oly homework.
Snatch complex
53 x 3 x 5
Clean complex
68 x 3 x 5
Rack jerk
68 x 3 x 5- think I finally figured out how to drop under and push up. Hopefully I'll remember on Tuesday!
Snatch pull
83 x 3 x 3. These feel heavy and awkward.
135 x 5, 210 x 4, 240 x 2, 260 x 1, 270 x 3. Wiped out after this.