Fitness: Snatch or Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a 1RM snatch or power snatch in 5 attempts. Misses count as attempts.
Performance: Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
15 Deadlifts 185/125
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
5 Strict Handstand Push Ups or Dumbbell Press (@45% body weight)
Post time and Rx to comments.
- Check out Active Recovery with Coach Fox at 11am.
My Definition of Better Barbell Shrugged
Haunted Radiolab
I have been remiss in not posting about my experience in Rings Strength class. In brief, I am completely obsessed and am bummed that there are only two more sessions.
Every since I was a wee'un I've had an aversion to inversion. I always became really nauteous when I tried forward rolls/back rolls etc. so I have always half-assed it when we have done wall walks etc in class. Also, I was taking strength cycle when all of the handstand/gymnastic stuff was programmed so I successfully avoided it then.
Signing up for the class was my effort to confront this fear and see if I had the potential to do a kick-up to the wall, handstand push-up, levels etc. Also, I wanted to test my assumption that my shoulders would literally be ripped off if I tried to skin the cat. Left the first class pretty exhilarated that I did not die or get my pukey the clown on (probably shouldn't have eaten all of those hot dogs before class tho). I was pretty amazed that I was able to get inverted and do some highly assisted back levers. Shoulders remained intact. Second class was better, still moving kind of wonkily but felt pretty comfortable. Yesterday's class was considerably better – felt less disoriented when upside down and had a much better feel for how to move through the different exercises. Really happy and kinda proud that attempted some things I never thought I could do.
Ken is amazing and my fellow classmates are very inspiring. its amazing how much progress everyone has made after only three sessions. I am definitely taking this class again and may beg one of the coaches to do a private session with me to help me learn handstand kick-ups.
Man are my shoulders SORE today.
8am. Snatches: 110, 132, 143, 154, 165, 176, 187M, 187M, 187M. Three good attempts at a PR. First rep I shorted the second pull and couldn't get under the bar fast enough. Fixed that for the next two attempts, but left the bar a little in front. A bit surprised with these numbers today as my snatch has felt off recently. 176 is only 4# less than my PR and it didn't feel particularly heavy. Metcon: 4 rounds + 10 box jumps. Hips and low back did not like the deadlift plus HSPU combo today.
10:00 a.m. class
130 full snatch (PR). So much work to do on technique.
RX – 4 rds plus 19 reps. 2 rds strict HSPU unbroken – formerly the movement I hated more than life itself.
Posting my lifting numbers from yesterday since it's all I can think about and we snatched in group class today. Seriously, I thought about it within about 10 seconds of waking…
Hit a long time goal, and both the 195 and the 200 were PRs over my previous best of 193.
Clean and Jerk
Both the 245 and 250 were PRs over my previous best 242. Great day lifting with the Comp Team.
Huge congratulations to Coach Whitney on her muscle up yesterday…thrilling to see!
Go Whit on the muscle up and go Fox on the Oly lifts – woot woot!
1pm class with MeRo. P to the R on my snatch today – hit 103# not once, but twice, and the second attempt was even more solid than the first! Up from a previous PR of 101# – what what. Then the WOD with 25# DB (should have been 35#) for 4 rounds plus 10 box jumps. Now I'm enjoying an outdoor beer at Tobys with my friend Suki the pug. Sunday Funday!
1pm – MeRo
Mondo 1pm class…would've loved to have had another shot at 170…it was just 2min after 165 which felt really solid, so I don't think I gave myself a real shot. Ro said to really make sure I extend at the top…I was just a wee bit soft on my PR hit. But I'll get another shot at here in back off week.
Metcon – 4rounds + 2HSPU's
Only did 5 DL's in the last round and moved on to the box jumps…I haven't done that much DL volume in a while…so I knew the ceiling would come in this workout. HSPU's felt strong today, so that was encouraging.
Jay, good notes on the rings class…I'm in next time it's offered.
Intense double header today of CRASH-Beasts and Oly practice.
First, the rowing: 2K test, I came in at 2:33.1, which was significantly better than my last October's time (thanks, Crossfit), but not quite as good as my end-of-training best from the tail end of the program. The training works, is all I can say. So I'm excited to set a new goal for myself this time around.
Came home, did some work, ate a bunch of food, took a power nap and returned to the gym for some Oly homework during OG. Front squats at 95# (85%), 1×3, then 5X2, this is a part of progression Frank has told us to do for squats. So hard to squat after rowing that I thought I might drop weight a little bit but I'm glad I persevered here.
Luckily the snatch homework was really light, 50% (35#) 5×3. I'm supposed to pause at the knee but I think I'm making progress on getting the pull from the floor more organized. Then snatch pulls 65# 5×3. I liked being able to practice the snatch pulls, very useful for understanding the movement.
Nicely done Whit and Fox. Fox now I'm chasing you again!
Came in for OG after another hiking trip (and a nap):
40×5 50×4 60×3 70×3 80×3 90×2 100×1
40×5 50×4 60×3 70×3 80×3 90×2 100×1
135×5 185×4 225×3 275×3 305×3 305x2x6
Missed the last rep on the last set of squats, my legs said "enough!"
Whitney!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Did anyone catch it on video??!!
Coach Fox- big congrats too!
2K test today. Oh lord I had forgotten what I was In for.
8.03.6 2.00.9/500m 29SPM
1. 1.56.5 30SPM
2. 2.04.1 27SPM
3. 2.04.5 27SPM
4. 1.58.5 32SPM
I am OK with this time though I felt I could have done better if I had not paced myself quite so much in the middle. I had a lot left for the last 200m and I went all out then, but I think it was too late at that point. I had sone difficulty finding my race pace and I was jumping a lot from 2.00/500M- 2.08/500M in the second and third 500M. Anyway this is a good starting point-9 seconds faster than where I started last year, 5 seconds slower than my PR.
Afterwards I had to lie down and my lungs are still hurting now, hours later.
8am with Fox x2 b/c I had to work yet another Sunday womp womp!
Came in hearing a few congrats to Fox's awesome lifting day prior and it definitely carried over. I was doing performance snatching on the platforms next to Peter and Fox was throwing out is bits of wisdom here and there which are always helpful. He then asked me what my PR was (175) and continues to tell me to keep adding weight b/c it looks easy. I wound up PR'ing by 10 lbs (185) which felt awesome! Failed 190 but that's ok I was getting greedy. Still on that road to a 200lb snatch.
The deadlifts on the WOD killed my lower back. It's the one move when doing in volume I am worried about working through fatigue vs. pain. I'm never really sure which is which with that move. Got through 4 rounds and feel really good today.